XOOPS 2.5.6  Final
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1 <?php
3 // mymenu
4 define('_MD_A_MYMENU_MYTPLSADMIN','');
5 define('_MD_A_MYMENU_MYBLOCKSADMIN','Permissions');
6 define('_MD_A_MYMENU_MYPREFERENCES','Preferences');
8 // index.php
9 define("_AM_TH_DATETIME","Time");
10 define("_AM_TH_USER","User");
11 define("_AM_TH_IP","IP");
12 define("_AM_TH_AGENT","AGENT");
13 define("_AM_TH_TYPE","Type");
14 define("_AM_TH_DESCRIPTION","Description");
16 define("_AM_TH_BADIPS" , 'Bad IPs<br /><br /><span style="font-weight:normal;">Write each IP a line<br />blank means all IPs are allowed</span>');
18 define("_AM_TH_GROUP1IPS" , 'Allowed IPs for Group=1<br /><br /><span style="font-weight:normal;">Write each IP a line.<br />192.168. means 192.168.*<br />blank means all IPs are allowed</span>');
20 define("_AM_LABEL_COMPACTLOG" , "Compact log");
21 define("_AM_BUTTON_COMPACTLOG" , "Compact it!");
22 define("_AM_JS_COMPACTLOGCONFIRM" , "Duplicated (IP,Type) records will be removed");
23 define("_AM_LABEL_REMOVEALL" , "Remove all records");
24 define("_AM_BUTTON_REMOVEALL" , "Remove all!");
25 define("_AM_JS_REMOVEALLCONFIRM" , "All logs are removed absolutely. Are you really OK?");
26 define("_AM_LABEL_REMOVE" , "Remove the records checked:");
27 define("_AM_BUTTON_REMOVE" , "Remove!");
28 define("_AM_JS_REMOVECONFIRM" , "Remove OK?");
29 define("_AM_MSG_IPFILESUPDATED" , "Files for IPs have been updated");
30 define("_AM_MSG_BADIPSCANTOPEN" , "The file for bad IP cannot be opened");
31 define("_AM_MSG_GROUP1IPSCANTOPEN" , "The file for allowing group=1 cannot be opened");
32 define("_AM_MSG_REMOVED" , "Records are removed");
33 define("_AM_FMT_CONFIGSNOTWRITABLE" , "Turn the configs directory writable: %s");
36 // prefix_manager.php
37 define("_AM_H3_PREFIXMAN" , "Prefix Manager");
38 define("_AM_MSG_DBUPDATED" , "Database Updated Successfully!");
39 define("_AM_CONFIRM_DELETE" , "All data will be dropped. OK?");
40 define("_AM_TXT_HOWTOCHANGEDB" , "If you want to change prefix,<br /> edit %s/mainfile.php manually.<br /><br />define('XOOPS_DB_PREFIX', '<b>%s</b>');");
43 // advisory.php
44 define("_AM_ADV_NOTSECURE","Not secure");
46 define("_AM_ADV_TRUSTPATHPUBLIC","If you can see an image -NG- or the link returns normal page, your XOOPS_TRUST_PATH is not placed properly. The best place for XOOPS_TRUST_PATH is outside of DocumentRoot. If you cannot do that, you have to put .htaccess (DENY FROM ALL) just under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH as the second best way.");
47 define("_AM_ADV_TRUSTPATHPUBLICLINK","Check that PHP files inside TRUST_PATH are set to read-only (it must be 404,403 or 500 error)");
48 define("_AM_ADV_REGISTERGLOBALS","If 'ON', this setting invites a variety of injecting attacks. If you can, set 'register_globals off' in php.ini, or if not possible, create or edit .htaccess in your XOOPS directory:");
49 define("_AM_ADV_ALLOWURLFOPEN","If 'ON', this setting allows attackers to execute arbitrary scripts on remote servers.<br />Only administrator can change this option.<br />If you are an admin, edit php.ini or httpd.conf.<br /><b>Sample of httpd.conf:<br /> &nbsp; php_admin_flag &nbsp; allow_url_fopen &nbsp; off</b><br />Else, claim it to your administrators.");
50 define("_AM_ADV_USETRANSSID","If 'ON', your Session ID will be displayed in anchor tags etc.<br />To prevent session hi-jacking, add a line into .htaccess in XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.<br /><b>php_flag session.use_trans_sid off</b>");
51 define("_AM_ADV_DBPREFIX","This setting invites 'SQL Injections'.<br />Don't forget turning 'Force sanitizing *' ON in this module's preferences.");
52 define("_AM_ADV_LINK_TO_PREFIXMAN","Go to prefix manager");
53 define("_AM_ADV_MAINUNPATCHED","You should edit your mainfile.php like written in README.");
54 define("_AM_ADV_DBFACTORYPATCHED","Your databasefactory is ready for DBLayer Trapping anti-SQL-Injection");
55 define("_AM_ADV_DBFACTORYUNPATCHED","Your databasefactory is not ready for DBLayer Trapping anti-SQL-Injection. Some patches are required.");
57 define("_AM_ADV_SUBTITLECHECK","Check if Protector works well");
58 define("_AM_ADV_CHECKCONTAMI","Contamination");
59 define("_AM_ADV_CHECKISOCOM","Isolated Comments");
61 //XOOPS 2.5.4
62 define("_AM_ADV_REGISTERGLOBALS2","and place in it the line below:");