XOOPS 2.5.6  Final
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1 <?php
2 // $Id: global.php 11355 2013-04-07 03:14:28Z beckmi $
3 // _LANGCODE: en
4 // _CHARSET : UTF-8
5 // Translator: XOOPS Translation Team
6 define('_PLEASEWAIT','Please Wait');
7 define('_FETCHING','Loading...');
8 define('_TAKINGBACK','Taking you back to where you were....');
9 define('_LOGOUT','Logout');
10 define('_SUBJECT','Subject');
11 define('_MESSAGEICON','Message Icon');
12 define('_COMMENTS','Comments');
13 define('_POSTANON','Post Anonymously');
14 define('_DISABLESMILEY','Disable smiley');
15 define('_DISABLEHTML','Disable html');
16 define('_PREVIEW','Preview');
17 define('_GO','Go!');
18 define('_NESTED','Nested');
19 define('_NOCOMMENTS','No Comments');
20 define('_FLAT','Flat');
21 define('_THREADED','Threaded');
22 define('_OLDESTFIRST','Oldest First');
23 define('_NEWESTFIRST','Newest First');
24 define('_MORE','more...');
25 define('_MULTIPAGE','To have your article span multiple pages, insert the word <font color=red>[pagebreak]</font> (with brackets) in the article.');
26 define('_IFNOTRELOAD','If the page does not automatically reload, please click <a href=\'%s\'>here</a>');
27 // Error messages issued by XoopsObject::cleanVars()
28 define('_XOBJ_ERR_REQUIRED','%s is required');
29 define('_XOBJ_ERR_SHORTERTHAN','%s must be shorter than %d characters.');
30 // %%%%%% File Name themeuserpost.php %%%%%
31 define('_PROFILE','Profile');
32 define('_POSTEDBY','Posted by');
33 define('_VISITWEBSITE','Visit Website');
34 define('_SENDPMTO','Send Private Message to %s');
35 define('_SENDEMAILTO','Send Email to %s');
36 define('_ADD','Add');
37 define('_REPLY','Reply');
38 define('_DATE','Date'); // Posted date
39 // %%%%%% File Name admin_functions.php %%%%%
40 define('_MAIN','Main');
41 define('_MANUAL','Manual');
42 define('_INFO','Info');
43 define('_CPHOME','Control Panel Home');
44 define('_YOURHOME','Home Page');
45 // %%%%%% File Name misc.php (who's-online popup) %%%%%
46 define('_WHOSONLINE','Who\'s Online');
47 define('_GUESTS','Guests');
48 define('_MEMBERS','Members');
49 define('_ONLINEPHRASE','<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are online');
50 define('_ONLINEPHRASEX','<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are browsing <strong>%s</strong>');
51 define('_CLOSE','Close'); // Close window
52 // %%%%%% File Name module.textsanitizer.php %%%%%
53 define('_QUOTEC','Quote:');
54 // %%%%%% File Name admin.php %%%%%
55 define('_NOPERM','Sorry, you don\'t have the permission to access this area.');
56 // %%%%% Common Phrases %%%%%
57 define('_NO','No');
58 define('_YES','Yes');
59 define('_EDIT','Edit');
60 define('_DELETE','Delete');
61 define('_SUBMIT','Submit');
62 define('_MODULENOEXIST','Selected module does not exist!');
63 define('_ALIGN','Align');
64 define('_LEFT','Left');
65 define('_CENTER','Center');
66 define('_RIGHT','Right');
67 define('_FORM_ENTER','Please enter %s');
68 define('_MUSTWABLE','File %s must be writable by the server!'); // %s represents file name
69 // Module info
70 define('_PREFERENCES','Preferences');
71 define('_VERSION','Version');
72 define('_DESCRIPTION','Description');
73 define('_AUTHOR','Author');
74 define('_CREDITS','Credits');
75 define('_LICENCE','Licence');
76 define('_ERRORS','Errors');
77 define('_NONE','None');
78 define('_ON','on');
79 define('_READS','reads');
80 define('_WELCOMETO','Welcome to %s');
81 define('_SEARCH','Search');
82 define('_ALL','All');
83 define('_TITLE','Title');
84 define('_OPTIONS','Options');
85 define('_QUOTE','Quote');
86 define('_LIST','List');
87 define('_LOGIN','User Login');
88 define('_USERNAME','Username: ');
89 define('_PASSWORD','Password: ');
90 define('_SELECT','Select');
91 define('_IMAGE','Image');
92 define('_SEND','Send');
93 define('_CANCEL','Cancel');
94 define('_ASCENDING','Ascending order');
95 define('_DESCENDING','Descending order');
96 define('_BACK','Back');
97 define('_NOTITLE','No title');
101 define("_MD_ADDIMGCAT","Add Category");
102 define("_MD_IMGCATNAME","Category name");
103 define("_MD_IMGCATRGRP","Select groups for image manager use");
104 define("_MD_IMGCATWGRP","Select groups allowed to upload images");
105 define("_MD_IMGCATWEIGHT","Display order in image manager");
106 define("_MD_IMGCATDISPLAY","Display");
107 define("_MD_IMGCATSTRTYPE","Images are uploaded to:");
108 define("_MD_STRTYOPENG","This can not be changed afterwards!");
109 define("_MD_ASFILE","Store as files (in uploads directory)");
110 define("_MD_INDB","Store in the database (as binary \"blob\" data)");
111 define("_MD_IMGMAIN","Category");
112 define("_MD_EDITIMGCAT","Images Settings");
113 define('_IMGMANAGER','Image Manager');
114 define('_NUMIMAGES','%s images');
115 define('_ADDIMAGE','Add Image File');
116 define('_IMAGENAME','Name:');
117 define('_IMGMAXSIZE','Max size allowed (bytes):');
118 define('_IMGMAXWIDTH','Max width allowed (pixels):');
119 define('_IMGMAXHEIGHT','Max height allowed (pixels):');
120 define('_IMAGECAT','Category:');
121 define('_IMAGEFILE','Image file:');
122 define('_IMGWEIGHT','Display order in image manager:');
123 define('_IMGDISPLAY','Display this image?');
124 define('_IMAGEMIME','MIME type:');
125 define('_FAILFETCHIMG','Could not get uploaded file %s');
126 define('_FAILSAVEIMG','Failed storing image %s into the database');
127 define('_NOCACHE','No Cache');
128 define('_CLONE','Clone');
129 // %%%%% For xoopsform files %%%%%
130 define('_STARTSWITH','Starts with');
131 define('_ENDSWITH','Ends with');
132 define('_MATCHES','Matches');
133 define('_CONTAINS','Contains');
134 define('_REQUIRED','Required');
135 // %%%%%% File Name commentform.php %%%%%
136 define('_REGISTER','Register');
137 // %%%%%% File Name xoopscodes.php %%%%%
138 define('_SIZE','SIZE'); // font size
139 define('_FONT','FONT'); // font family
140 define('_COLOR','COLOR'); // font color
141 define('_EXAMPLE','SAMPLE');
142 define('_ENTERURL','Enter the URL of the link you want to add:');
143 define('_ENTERWEBTITLE','Enter the web site title:');
144 define('_ENTERIMGURL','Enter the URL of the image you want to add.');
145 define('_ENTERIMGPOS','Now, enter the position of the image.');
146 define('_IMGPOSRORL','\'R\' or \'r\' for right, \'L\' or \'l\' for left, or leave it blank.');
147 define('_ERRORIMGPOS','ERROR! Enter the position of the image.');
148 define('_ENTEREMAIL','Enter the email address you want to add.');
149 define('_ENTERCODE','Enter the codes that you want to add.');
150 define('_ENTERQUOTE','Enter the text that you want to be quoted.');
151 define('_ENTERTEXTBOX','Please input text into the textbox.');
152 define('_ALLOWEDCHAR','Allowed max chars length: ');
153 define('_CURRCHAR','Current chars length: ');
154 define('_PLZCOMPLETE','Please complete the subject and message fields.');
155 define('_MESSAGETOOLONG','Your message is too long.');
159 define('_AM_ADDSMILE',' Add a new smilie');
160 define('_AM_SMILECODE','Code');
161 define('_AM_SMILEEMOTION','Description');
162 define('_AM_DISPLAYF','Display in the form');
163 // %%%%% TIME FORMAT SETTINGS %%%%%
164 define('_SECOND','1 second');
165 define('_SECONDS','%s seconds');
166 define('_MINUTE','1 minute');
167 define('_MINUTES','%s minutes');
168 define('_HOUR','1 hour');
169 define('_HOURS','%s hours');
170 define('_DAY','1 day');
171 define('_DAYS','%s days');
172 define('_WEEK','1 week');
173 define('_MONTH','1 month');
174 define('_DATESTRING','Y/n/j G:i:s');
175 define('_MEDIUMDATESTRING','Y/n/j G:i');
176 define('_SHORTDATESTRING','Y/n/j');
207 define('_CHARSET','UTF-8');
208 define('_LANGCODE','en');
209 // change 0 to 1 if this language is a multi-bytes language
210 define('XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES','0');
214 define('_RESET','Reset');
215 define('_RE','Re:');
219 define('_DBDATESTRING','Y-m-d');
220 define('_DBTIMESTRING','H:i:s');
221 define('_DBTIMESTAMPSTRING','Y-m-d H:i:s');