XOOPS  2.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 define('_XMF_ALL', "All"); // deprecated
4 define('_XMF_FILTER', "Filter");
5 define('_XMF_NONE', "None");
6 define('_XMF_SHOW_ONLY', 'Show only');
7 define('_XMF_SORT_BY', "Sort by");
8 define('_XMF_ACTIONS', 'Actions');
9 define('_XMF_ADMIN_PAGE', ':: Admin page ::');
10 define('_XMF_APPROVE', 'Approve');
11 define('_XMF_AUTHOR_WORD', "The Author's Word");
12 define('_XMF_BODY_DEFAULT', "Here is an interesting link I found on %s : %s");
13 define('_XMF_CANCEL', 'Cancel');
14 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_ISO4217', 'ISO 4217 Code');
15 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_ISO4217_DSC', 'Official currency code. More info: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217" target="_blank">ISO 4217 on Wikipedia</a>');
16 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_NAME', 'Name');
17 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_NAME_DSC', '');
18 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_SYMBOL', 'Symbol');
19 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_SYMBOL_DSC', '');
20 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_RATE', 'Conversion rate');
21 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_RATE_DSC', '');
22 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_DEFAULT', 'Default currency');
23 define('_XMF_CURRENCY_DEFAULT_DSC', '');
24 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_CREATE', 'Create a category');
25 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_CREATE_SUCCESS', 'The category was successfully created.');
26 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION', 'Description');
27 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_DSC', 'Description of this category');
28 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_EDIT', 'Category information');
29 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_EDIT_INFO', 'Complete this form in order to edit this category.');
30 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_IMAGE', 'Image');
31 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_IMAGE_DSC', 'Category Image');
32 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_MODIFY_SUCCESS', 'The category was successfully modified.');
33 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_NAME', 'Category name');
34 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_NAME_DSC', 'Name of this category');
35 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_PARENTID', 'Parent category');
36 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_PARENTID_DSC', 'Category to which belongs this category.');
37 define('_XMF_CLOSE_WINDOW', "Click here to close this window.");
38 define('_XMF_COUNTER_FORM_CAPTION', 'Hit counter');
39 define('_XMF_CREATE', 'Create');
40 define('_XMF_CREATINGNEW', 'Creating');
41 define('_XMF_CUSTOM_CSS', 'Custom CSS');
42 define('_XMF_CUSTOM_CSS_DSC', 'You can specify custom CSS information here. This CSS shall be outputed when this object is displayed on the user side.');
43 define('_XMF_DELETE', 'Delete');
44 define('_XMF_DELETE_CONFIRM', "Do you really want to delete '<em>%s</em>' ?");
45 define('_XMF_DELETE_ERROR', 'An error occured while deleting the object.');
46 define('_XMF_DELETE_SUCCESS', 'The object was successfully deleted.');
47 define('_XMF_DEVELOPER_CONTRIBUTOR', 'Contributor(s)');
48 define('_XMF_DEVELOPER_CREDITS', 'Credits');
49 define('_XMF_DEVELOPER_EMAIL', 'Email');
50 define('_XMF_DEVELOPER_WEBSITE', 'Website');
51 define('_XMF_DISPLAY_OPTIONS', "Display options ");
52 define('_XMF_DOBR_FORM_CAPTION', ' Enable linebreak');
53 define('_XMF_DOHTML_FORM_CAPTION', ' Enable HTML tags');
54 define('_XMF_DOHTML_FORM_DSC', "");
55 define('_XMF_DOIMAGE_FORM_CAPTION', ' Enable images');
56 define('_XMF_DOIMAGE_FORM_DCS', "");
57 define('_XMF_DOSMILEY_FORM_CAPTION', ' Enable smiley icons');
58 define('_XMF_DOSMILEY_FORM_DSC', "");
59 define('_XMF_DOXCODE_FORM_CAPTION', ' Enable XOOPS codes');
60 define('_XMF_DOXCODE_FORM_DSC', "");
61 define('_XMF_EDITING', 'Editing');
62 define('_XMF_EMAIL', 'Send this link');
63 define('_XMF_EMAIL_BODY', 'Here is something interesting I found at %s');
64 define('_XMF_EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Have a look at this page at %s');
65 define('_XMF_GOTOMODULE', 'Go to module');
66 define('_XMF_LANGUAGE_CAPTION', "Language");
67 define('_XMF_LANGUAGE_DSC', "Language related to this object");
68 define('_XMF_LIMIT', "Display ");
69 define('_XMF_LIMIT_ALL', 'All ');
70 define('_XMF_LINK_BODY', "Body");
71 define('_XMF_LINK_BODY_DSC', "");
72 define('_XMF_LINK_DATE', "Date");
73 define('_XMF_LINK_FROM_EMAIL', "From email");
74 define('_XMF_LINK_FROM_EMAIL_DSC', "");
75 define('_XMF_LINK_FROM_NAME', "From name");
76 define('_XMF_LINK_FROM_NAME_DSC', "");
77 define('_XMF_LINK_FROM_UID', "From user");
78 define('_XMF_LINK_FROM_UID_DSC', "");
79 define('_XMF_LINK_LINK', "Link");
80 define('_XMF_LINK_LINK_DSC', "");
81 define('_XMF_LINK_MID', "Module ID");
82 define('_XMF_LINK_MID_DSC', "");
83 define('_XMF_LINK_MID_NAME', "Module name");
84 define('_XMF_LINK_MID_NAME_DSC', "Name of the module from where the request orignated");
85 define('_XMF_LINK_SUBJECT', "Subject");
86 define('_XMF_LINK_SUBJECT_DSC', "");
87 define('_XMF_LINK_TO_EMAIL', "To email");
88 define('_XMF_LINK_TO_EMAIL_DSC', "");
89 define('_XMF_LINK_TO_NAME', "To name");
90 define('_XMF_LINK_TO_NAME_DSC', "");
91 define('_XMF_LINK_TO_UID', "To user");
92 define('_XMF_LINK_TO_UID_DSC', "");
93 define('_XMF_MAKE_SELECTION', 'Make a selection...');
94 define('_XMF_META_DESCRIPTION', 'Meta Description');
95 define('_XMF_META_DESCRIPTION_DSC', 'In order to help Search Engines, you can customize the meta description you would like to use for this article. If you leave this field empty when creating a category, it will automatically be populated with the Summary field of this article.');
96 define('_XMF_META_KEYWORDS', 'Meta Keywords');
97 define('_XMF_META_KEYWORDS_DSC', 'In order to help Search Engines, you can customize the keywords you would like to use for this article. If you leave this field empty when creating an article, it will automatically be populated with words from the Summary field of this article.');
98 define('_XMF_MODIFY', 'Edit');
99 define('_XMF_MODULE_BUG', 'Report a bug for this module');
100 define('_XMF_MODULE_DEMO', 'Demo Site');
101 define('_XMF_MODULE_DISCLAIMER', 'Disclaimer');
102 define('_XMF_MODULE_FEATURE', 'Suggest a new feature for this module');
103 define('_XMF_MODULE_INFO', 'Module Developpment Informations');
104 define('_XMF_MODULE_RELEASE_DATE', 'Release date');
105 define('_XMF_MODULE_STATUS', 'Status');
106 define('_XMF_MODULE_SUBMIT_BUG', 'Submit a bug');
107 define('_XMF_MODULE_SUBMIT_FEATURE', 'Request a feature');
108 define('_XMF_MODULE_SUPPORT', 'Official support site');
109 define('_XMF_NO_OBJECT', 'No items to display.');
110 define('_XMF_NOT_SELECTED', 'No object selected.');
111 define('_XMF_PRINT', 'Print');
112 define('_XMF_QUICK_SEARCH', 'Quick search');
113 define('_XMF_RATING_DATE', 'Date');
114 define('_XMF_RATING_DIRNAME', 'Module');
115 define('_XMF_RATING_ITEM', 'Item');
116 define('_XMF_RATING_ITEMID', 'Item ID');
117 define('_XMF_RATING_NAME', 'User name');
118 define('_XMF_RATING_RATE', 'Rate');
119 define('_XMF_RATING_UID', 'User');
120 define('_XMF_SAVE_ERROR', 'An error occured while storing the information.');
121 define('_XMF_SAVE_SUCCESS', 'The information was successfully saved.');
122 define('_XMF_SEND_EMAIL', 'Send an email');
123 define('_XMF_SEND_ERROR', "A problem occured when sending the message. We apologize for this. Please contact our webmaster at %s.");
124 define('_XMF_SEND_LINK_FORM', "Send this link to a friend");
125 define('_XMF_SEND_LINK_FORM_DSC', "Simply fill the following form in order to share this link with a friend.");
126 define('_XMF_SEND_PM', 'Send a private message');
127 define('_XMF_SEND_SUCCESS', "The message has been sent successfully.");
128 define('_XMF_SEND_SUCCESS_INFO', "Thank you for sharing your interest for our site with your contacts.");
129 define('_XMF_SHORT_URL', 'Short URL');
130 define('_XMF_SHORT_URL_DSC', 'When using the SEO features of this module, you can specify a Short URL for this category. This field is optional.');
131 define('_XMF_SORT', "Sort by :");
132 define('_XMF_SORT_ASC', 'Ascending ');
133 define('_XMF_SORT_DESC', 'Descending ');
134 define('_XMF_SUBJECT_DEFAULT', "A link from %s");
135 define('_XMF_SUBMIT', 'Submit');
136 define('_XMF_TAG_DESCRIPTION_CAPTION', "Description");
137 define('_XMF_TAG_DESCRIPTION_DSC', "Description of this tag (where will it be used, etc...)");
138 define('_XMF_TAG_TAGID_CAPTION', "Tag name");
139 define('_XMF_TAG_TAGID_DSC', "Name that uniquely identifies this tag ");
140 define('_XMF_TAG_VALUE_CAPTION', "Value");
141 define('_XMF_TAG_VALUE_DSC', "Value of this tag, ie what will be displayed to the user");
142 define('_XMF_UPDATE_MODULE', 'Update module');
143 define('_XMF_UPLOAD_IMAGE', 'Upload a new image :');
144 define('_XMF_VERSION_HISTORY', 'Version History');
145 define('_XMF_WARNING_BETA', "This module comes as is, without any guarantees whatsoever. This module is BETA, meaning it is still under active development. This release is meant for <b>testing purposes only</b> and we <b>strongly</b> recommend that you do not use it on a live website or in a production environment.");
146 define('_XMF_WARNING_FINAL', "This module comes as is, without any guarantees whatsoever. Although this module is not beta, it is still under active development. This release can be used in a live website or a production environment, but its use is under your own responsibility, which means the author is not responsible.");
147 define('_XMF_WARNING_RC', "This module comes as is, without any guarantees whatsoever. This module is a Release Candidate and should not be used on a production web site. The module is still under active development and its use is under your own responsibility, which means the author is not responsible.");
148 define('_XMF_WEIGHT_FORM_CAPTION', 'Weight');
149 define('_XMF_WEIGHT_FORM_DSC', "");
151 define('_XMF_ADMIN_VIEW', "View");
152 define('_XMF_EXPORT', "Export");
153 define('_XMF_UPDATE_ALL', "Update all");
154 define('_XMF_NO_RECORDS_TO_UPDATE', "No records to update");
155 define('_XMF_NO_RECORDS_UPDATED', "Objects successfully updated !");
157 define('_XMF_CLONE', "Clone this object");
159 define('_XMF_CATEGORY_VIEW', "Category view");
161 define('_XMF_BLOCKS_ADDTO_LAYOUT', "Layout: ");
162 define('_XMF_BLOCKS_ADDTO_LAYOUT_OPTION0', "Horizontal 1 row");
163 define('_XMF_BLOCKS_ADDTO_LAYOUT_OPTION1', "Horizontal 2 rows");
164 define('_XMF_BLOCKS_ADDTO_LAYOUT_OPTION2', "Vertical with icons");
165 define('_XMF_BLOCKS_ADDTO_LAYOUT_OPTION3', "Vertical no icon");
166 define('_XMF_CURRENT_FILE', "Current file: ");
167 define('_XMF_URL_FILE_DSC', "Alternatively, you can use an URL. If you select a file via 'Browse' button, URL will be ignored. You can use the tag {XOOPS_URL} to print ".\XoopsBaseConfig::get('root-path'));
168 define('_XMF_URL_FILE', "URL: ");
169 define('_XMF_UPLOAD', "Select a file to upload: ");
171 define('_XMF_CHANGE_FILE', "<hr/><b>Change File</b><br/>");
172 define('_XMF_CAPTION', "Caption: ");
173 define('_XMF_URLLINK_URL', "URL: ");
174 define('_XMF_DESC', "Description");
175 define('_XMF_URLLINK_TARGET', "Open link in:");
176 define('_XMF_URLLINK_SELF', "Same window");
177 define('_XMF_URLLINK_BLANK', "new window");
179 define('_XMF_ANY', "Any");
180 define('_XMF_EDITOR', "Prefered text editor");
181 define('_XMF_WITH_SELECTED', "With selected: ");
static get($name)