69define("_MD_AM_UNAMELVL", "Select the level of strictness for username filtering");
70define("_MD_AM_UNAMELVLDSC", "");
71define("_MD_AM_STRICT", "Strict (only alphabets and numbers)");
72define("_MD_AM_MEDIUM", "Medium");
73define("_MD_AM_LIGHT", "Light (recommended for multi-byte chars)");
74define("_MD_AM_USERCOOKIE", "Name for user cookies.");
75define("_MD_AM_USERCOOKIEDSC", "If the cookie name is set, 'Remember me' will be enabled for user login. If a user has chosen 'Remember me', he will be logged in automatically. The expiration for the cookie is one year.");
109define("_MD_AM_ADMINACTV", "Activation by administrators");
110define("_MD_AM_ACTVTYPE", "Select activation type of newly registered users");
111define("_MD_AM_ACTVTYPEDSC", "");
112define("_MD_AM_ACTVGROUP", "Select group to which activation email will be sent");
113define("_MD_AM_ACTVGROUPDSC", "Valid only when 'Activation by administrators' is selected");
114define("_MD_AM_USESSL", "Use SSL for login?");
115define("_MD_AM_USESSLDSC", ", SSL is used for secure login and requires a certificate. Contact your Host about how to obtain certificate for your site.");
116define("_MD_AM_SSLPOST", "SSL Post variable name");
117define("_MD_AM_SSLPOSTDSC", "The name of variable used to transfer session value via POST. If you are unsure, set any name that is hard to guess.");
122define("_MD_AM_MINUNAME", "Minimum length of username required");
123define("_MD_AM_MINUNAMEDSC", "");
124define("_MD_AM_MAXUNAME", "Maximum length of username");
125define("_MD_AM_MAXUNAMEDSC", "");
126define("_MD_AM_ALLWCHGMAIL", "Allow users to change email address?");
127define("_MD_AM_ALLWCHGMAILDSC", "");
128//define("_MD_AM_IPBAN", "IP Banning");
129define("_MD_AM_BADEMAILS", "Enter emails that should not be used in user profile");
130define("_MD_AM_BADEMAILSDSC", "Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled.");
131define("_MD_AM_BADUNAMES", "Enter names that should not be selected as username");
132//define("_MD_AM_BADUNAMESDSC", "Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled.");
133define("_MD_AM_DOBADIPS", "Enable IP bans?");
134define("_MD_AM_DOBADIPSDSC", "Users from specified IP addresses will not be able to view your site");
135define("_MD_AM_BADIPS", "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site.<br />Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled (so dot - '.' means 'any char' and '\.' means '.').");
136define("_MD_AM_BADIPSDSC", "^aaa\.bbb\.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that starts with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa\.bbb\.ccc$ will disallow visitors with an IP that ends with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa\.bbb\.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that contains aaa.bbb.ccc");
139define("_MD_AM_METAKEYDSC", "The keywords meta tag is a series of keywords that represents the content of your site. Type in keywords with each separated by a comma or a space in between. (Ex. XOOPS, PHP, mySQL, portal system)");
140define("_MD_AM_METARATING", "Meta Rating");
141define("_MD_AM_METARATINGDSC", "The rating meta tag defines your site age and content rating");
142define("_MD_AM_METAOGEN", "General");
143define("_MD_AM_METAO14YRS", "14 years");
144define("_MD_AM_METAOREST", "Restricted");
145define("_MD_AM_METAOMAT", "Mature");
146define("_MD_AM_METAROBOTS", "Meta Robots");
147define("_MD_AM_METAROBOTSDSC", "The Robots Tag declares to search engines what content to index and spider");
148define("_MD_AM_INDEXFOLLOW", "Index, Follow");
149define("_MD_AM_NOINDEXFOLLOW", "No Index, Follow");
150define("_MD_AM_INDEXNOFOLLOW", "Index, No Follow");
151define("_MD_AM_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW", "No Index, No Follow");
152define("_MD_AM_METAAUTHOR", "Meta Author");
153define("_MD_AM_METAAUTHORDSC", "The author meta tag defines the name of the author of the document being read. Supported data formats include the name, email address of the webmaster, company name or URL.");
154define("_MD_AM_METACOPYR", "Meta Copyright");
155define("_MD_AM_METACOPYRDSC", "The copyright meta tag defines any copyright statements you wish to disclose about your web page documents.");
156define("_MD_AM_METADESC", "Meta Description");
157define("_MD_AM_METADESCDSC", "The description meta tag is a general description of what is contained in your web page");
158define("_MD_AM_FOOTER", "Footer");
159define("_MD_AM_FOOTERDSC", "Be sure to type links in full path starting from http://, otherwise the links will not work correctly in modules pages.");
160define("_MD_AM_DOCENSOR", "Enable censoring of unwanted words?");
161define("_MD_AM_DOCENSORDSC", "Words will be censored if this option is enabled. This option may be turned off for enhanced site speed.");
162define("_MD_AM_CENSORWRD", "Words to censor");
163define("_MD_AM_CENSORWRDDSC", "Enter words that should be censored in user posts.<br />Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive.");
164define("_MD_AM_CENSORRPLC", "Censored words will be replaced with:");
165define("_MD_AM_CENSORRPLCDSC", "Censored words will be replaced with the characters entered in this textbox");
170define("_MD_AM_REGDSCLMRDSC", "Enter text to be displayed as registration disclaimer");
171define("_MD_AM_ALLOWREG", "Allow new user registration?");
172define("_MD_AM_ALLOWREGDSC", "Select yes to accept new user registration");
173define("_MD_AM_THEMEFILE", "Check templates for modifications ?");
174define("_MD_AM_THEMEFILEDSC", "If this option is enabled, modified templates will be automatically recompiled when they are displayed. You must turn this option off on a production site.");
175define("_MD_AM_CLOSESITE", "Turn your site off?");
176define("_MD_AM_CLOSESITEDSC", "Select yes to turn your site off so that only users in selected groups have access to the site. ");
177define("_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOK", "Select groups that are allowed to access while the site is turned off.");
178define("_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOKDSC", "Users in the default webmasters group are always granted access.");
179define("_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXT", "Reason for turning off the site");
180define("_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXTDSC", "The text that is presented when the site is closed.");
182//define("_MD_AM_SITECACHEDSC", "Caches whole contents of the site for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting site-wide cache will override module-level cache, block-level cache, and module item level cache if any.");
185define("_MD_AM_MODCACHEDSC", "Caches module contents for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting module-wide cache will override module item level cache if any.");
186define("_MD_AM_NOMODULE", "There is no module that can be cached.");
262define("_MD_AM_AUTHMETHODDESC", "Which authentication method would you like to use for signing on users.");
263define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR", "LDAP - Email Field Name");
264define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR_DESC", "The name of the E-Mail attribute in your LDAP directory tree.");
265//define("_MD_AM_LDAP_NAME_ATTR", "LDAP - Common Name Field Name");
266//define("_MD_AM_LDAP_NAME_ATTR_DESC", "The name of the Common Name attribute in your LDAP directory.");
267define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR", "LDAP - Surname Field Name");
268define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR_DESC", "The name of the Surname attribute in your LDAP directory.");
269define("_MD_AM_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR", "LDAP - Given Name Field Name");
270define("_MD_AM_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR_DSC", "The name of the Given Name attribute in your LDAP directory.");
271define("_MD_AM_LDAP_BASE_DN", "LDAP - Base DN");
272define("_MD_AM_LDAP_BASE_DN_DESC", "The base DN (Distinguished Name) of your LDAP directory tree.");
273define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PORT", "LDAP - Port Number");
274//define("_MD_AM_LDAP_PORT_DESC", "The port number needed to access your LDAP directory server.");
275define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SERVER", "LDAP - Server Name");
276define("_MD_AM_LDAP_SERVER_DESC", "The name of your LDAP directory server.");
278define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_DN", "DN of the LDAP manager");
279define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_DN_DESC", "The DN of the user allow to make search (eg manager)");
280define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS", "Password of the LDAP manager");
281define("_MD_AM_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS_DESC", "The password of the user allow to make search");
282define("_MD_AM_LDAP_VERSION", "LDAP Version protocol");
283define("_MD_AM_LDAP_VERSION_DESC", "The LDAP Version protocol : 2 or 3");
284define("_MD_AM_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS", "Users allowed to bypass LDAP authentication");
285define("_MD_AM_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS_DESC", "Users to be authenticated with native XOOPS method");
287define("_MD_AM_LDAP_USETLS", " Use TLS connection");
288define("_MD_AM_LDAP_USETLS_DESC", "Use a TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection. TLS use standard 389 port number<BR>" .
289 " and the LDAP version must be set to 3.");
291define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR", "LDAP Attribute use to search the user");
292define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR_D", "When Login name use in the DN option is set to yes, must correspond to the login name XOOPS");
293define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN", "Login name use in the DN");
294define("_MD_AM_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN_D", "The XOOPS login name is used in the LDAP DN (eg : uid=<loginname>,dc=xoops,dc=org)<br>The entry is directly read in the LDAP Server without search");
296define("_MD_AM_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON", "The search filter LDAP query to find user");
297define("_MD_AM_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON_DESC", "Special LDAP Filter to find user. @@loginname@@ is replace by the users's login name<br> MUST BE BLANK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DO' !" .
298 "<br />Ex : (&(objectclass=person)(samaccountname=@@loginname@@)) for AD" .
299 "<br />Ex : (&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=@@loginname@@)) for LDAP");
301define("_MD_AM_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME", "The domain name");
302define("_MD_AM_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME_DESC", "Windows domain name. for ADS and NT Server only");