XOOPS RMCommon Utilities
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1 <h1 class="rmc_titles"><?php echo sprintf(__('Install %s','rmcommon'), $module->getInfo('name')); ?></h1>
3 <div class="descriptions"><?php _e('This module will make next changes in Xoops system. Please review in a detailed way all them in order to decide if you really wish to install this module','rmcommon'); ?></div>
5 <div class="mod_preinstall_container">
7  <div class="left">
8  <div class="outer">
9  <?php if($module->getInfo('templates')): ?>
10  <div class="th"><a href="javascript:;" id="down-tpls">&nbsp;</a><?php _e('Module Templates','rmcommon'); ?> (<?php echo count($module->getInfo('templates')); ?>)</div>
11  <div id="tpls-container" class="container_hidden">
12  <ol>
13  <?php foreach($module->getInfo('templates') as $tpl): ?>
14  <div class="<?php echo tpl_cycle("even,odd"); ?>">
15  <li><?php echo $tpl['file']; ?></li>
16  </div>
17  <?php endforeach; ?>
18  </ol>
19  </div>
20  <?php endif; ?>
22  <?php if($module->getInfo('tables')): ?>
23  <div class="th"><a href="javascript:;" id="down-tables">&nbsp;</a><?php _e('Database Tables','rmcommon'); ?> (<?php echo count($module->getInfo('tables')); ?>)</div>
24  <div id="tables-container" class="container_hidden">
25  <ol>
26  <?php foreach($module->getInfo('tables') as $table): ?>
27  <div class="<?php echo tpl_cycle("even,odd"); ?>">
28  <li><?php echo $table; ?></li>
29  </div>
30  <?php endforeach; ?>
31  </ol>
32  </div>
33  <?php endif; ?>
35  <?php if($module->getInfo('config')): ?>
36  <div class="th"><a href="javascript:;" id="down-configs">&nbsp;</a><?php _e('Option settings to insert','rmcommon'); ?> (<?php echo count($module->getInfo('config')); ?>)</div>
37  <div id="configs-container" class="container_hidden">
38  <ol>
39  <?php foreach($module->getInfo('config') as $item): ?>
40  <div class="<?php echo tpl_cycle("even,odd"); ?>">
41  <li><strong><?php echo defined($item['title']) ? constant($item['title']) : $item['title']; ?></strong><br />
42  <?php if($item['description']!=''): ?><span class="descriptions"><?php echo defined($item['description']) ? constant($item['description']) : $item['description']; ?></span><?php endif; ?></li>
43  </div>
44  <?php endforeach; ?>
45  </ol>
46  </div>
47  <?php endif; ?>
49  <?php if($module->getInfo('blocks')): ?>
50  <div class="th"><a href="javascript:;" id="down-bloks">&nbsp;</a><?php _e('Bloks to insert','rmcommon'); ?> (<?php echo count($module->getInfo('blocks')); ?>)</div>
51  <div id="bloks-container" class="container_hidden">
52  <ol>
53  <?php foreach($module->getInfo('blocks') as $item): ?>
54  <div class="<?php echo tpl_cycle("even,odd"); ?>">
55  <li><strong><?php echo defined($item['name']) ? constant($item['name']) : $item['name']; ?></strong><br />
56  <?php if($item['description']!=''): ?><span class="descriptions"><?php echo defined($item['description']) ? constant($item['description']) : $item['description']; ?></span><?php endif; ?></li>
57  </div>
58  <?php endforeach; ?>
59  </ol>
60  </div>
61  <?php endif; ?>
63  </div>
64  </div>
66  <div class="left">
67  <h2><?php echo sprintf(__('%s Details','rmcommon'), $module->getInfo('name')); ?></h2>
68  <form method="post" id="install-form" action="modules.php">
69  <input name="module" value="<?php echo $module->getInfo('dirname'); ?>" type="hidden">
70  <input name="action" value="install_now" type="hidden">
71  <?php echo $xoopsSecurity->getTokenHTML(); ?>
72  </form>
73  <div class="mod_data_container">
74  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
75  <tr class="even">
76  <td rowspan="3" class="head"><img src="<?php echo XOOPS_URL; ?>/modules/<?php echo $module->getInfo('dirname'); ?>/<?php echo $module->getInfo('image'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $module->getInfo('name'); ?>" /></td>
77  <td><strong><?php _e('Name:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
78  <td><?php echo $module->getInfo('name'); ?></td>
79  </tr>
80  <tr class="odd">
81  <td><strong><?php _e('Version:','rmcommon'); ?></strong>
82  <td><?php echo $module->getInfo('rmnative') ? RMUtilities::format_version($module->getInfo('rmversion')) : $module->getInfo('version'); ?></td>
83  </tr>
84  <tr class="even">
85  <td><strong><?php _e('Author:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
86  <td>
87  <?php if($module->getInfo('rmnative')): ?>
88  <a href="mailto:<?php echo $module->getInfo('authormail'); ?>"><?php echo $module->getInfo('author'); ?></a>
89  <?php else: ?>
90  <?php echo $module->getInfo('author'); ?>
91  <?php endif; ?>
92  </td>
93  </tr>
94  <?php if($module->getInfo('rmnative')): ?>
95  <tr class="odd">
96  <td><strong><?php _e('Author Web:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
97  <td colspan="2"><a href="<?php echo $module->getInfo('authorurl'); ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $module->getInfo('authorweb'); ?></a></td>
98  </tr>
99  <?php endif; ?>
100  <tr class="even">
101  <td><strong><?php _e('Description:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
102  <td colspan="2"><?php echo $module->getInfo('description'); ?></td>
103  </tr>
104  <tr class="odd">
105  <td><strong><?php _e('Credits:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
106  <td colspan="2"><?php echo $module->getInfo('credits'); ?></td>
107  </tr>
108  <tr class="even">
109  <td><strong><?php _e('License:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
110  <td colspan="2"><?php echo $module->getInfo('license'); ?></td>
111  </tr>
112  <tr class="odd">
113  <td><strong><?php _e('Help:','rmcommon'); ?></strong></td>
114  <td colspan="2">
115  <?php if($module->getInfo('help')!=''): ?><a href="<?php echo $module->getInfo('help'); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('Click here','rmcommon'); ?></a><?php endif; ?></td>
116  </tr>
117  <tr class="even">
118  <td colspan="3" align="right">
119  <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Install Now','rmcommon'); ?>" id="install-ok" />
120  <input type="button" value="<?php _e('Cancel','rmcommon'); ?>" onclick="window.location = 'modules.php';" />
121  </td>
122  </tr>
123  </table>
124  </div>
125  </div>
127 </div>