27 define('_MI_RMC_ADDJQUERY', __('Enable JQuery for front end','rmcommon'));
28 define('_MI_RMC_ADDJQUERYD', __('When this option is enabled, Common Utilities will include JQuery automatically. Please, disable this option only when your theme include jquery by default.','rmcommon'));
30 define('_MI_RMC_DOHTML',__('Allow HTMl in text','rmcommon'));
31 define('_MI_RMC_DOSMILE',__('Allow smilies in text','rmcommon'));
58 define('_MI_RMC_ENCRYPTD', __('For SSL or TLS encryption to work, your PHP installation must have appropriate OpenSSL transports wrappers.','rmcommon'));
67 define('_MI_RMC_SENDMAILPATHD', __('Input the command for sendmail, including the correct command line flags. The default to use is "/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs" if this is not specified.','rmcommon'));
76 define('_MI_RMC_UPDATESD', __('When this option is enabled, Common Utilities will search automatically updates for modules and other components.','rmcommon'));
77 define('_MI_RMC_UPDATESINTERVAL', __('Days between updates search','rmcommon'));