XOOPS 2.5.6  Final
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install.php File Reference

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namespace  installer


const _PHP_VERSION "PHP version"
const ADMIN_CONFIRMPASS_LABEL "Confirm password"
const ADMIN_EMAIL_LABEL "Admin e-mail"
const ADMIN_EXIST "The administrator account already exists.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."
const ADMIN_LOGIN_LABEL "Admin login"
const ADMIN_PASS_LABEL "Admin password"
const BUTTON_NEXT "Next"
const BUTTON_PREVIOUS "Previous"
const CHAR_ENCODING "Character encoding"
const CHECKING_PERMISSIONS "Checking file and directory permissions..."
const CONFIG_SAVE "Save Configuration"
const CONFIG_SAVE_TITLE "Saving your system configuration"
const CONFIG_SITE "Site configuration"
const CONFIG_SITE_TITLE "Site configuration"
const CONFIGURATION_CHECK "Configuration check"
const CONFIGURATION_CHECK_TITLE "Checking your server configuration"
const CURRENT "Current"
const DATA_ALREADY_INSERTED "XOOPS data found in database.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."
const DATA_INSERTED "Initial data has been inserted into database.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."
const DATA_INSERTION "Data insertion"
const DATA_INSERTION_TITLE "Saving your settings to the database"
const DATABASE_CONFIG "Database configuration"
const DATABASE_CONFIG_TITLE "Database configuration"
const DATABASE_CONNECTION "Database connection"
const DATABASE_CONNECTION_TITLE "Database connection"
const DATABASE_CREATED "Database %s created!"
const DB_CHARSET_HELP "MySQL includes character set support that enables you to store data using a variety of character sets and perform comparisons according to a variety of collations."
const DB_CHARSET_LABEL "Database character set"
const DB_COLLATION_HELP "A collation is a set of rules for comparing characters in a character set."
const DB_COLLATION_LABEL "Database collation"
const DB_DATABASE_LABEL "Database"
const DB_HOST_HELP "Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, <em>localhost</em> works in most cases"
const DB_HOST_LABEL "Server hostname"
const DB_NAME_HELP "The name of database on the host. The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist"
const DB_NAME_LABEL "Database name"
const DB_PASS_HELP "Password of your database user account"
const DB_PASS_LABEL "Password"
const DB_PCONNECT_HELP "Default is 'No'. Leave it blank if you are unsure"
const DB_PCONNECT_LABEL "Use persistent connection"
const DB_PREFIX_HELP "This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid name conflicts in the database. If you are unsure, just keep the default"
const DB_PREFIX_LABEL "Table prefix"
const DB_USER_HELP "Name of the user account that will be used to connect to the database server"
const DB_USER_LABEL "User name"
const ERR_CHARSET_NOT_SET "Default character set is not set for XOOPS database."
const ERR_COPY_MAINFILE "Could not copy the distribution file to mainfile.php"
const ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCESS "Could not access the specified folder. Please verify that it exists and is readable by the server."
const ERR_INVALID_DBCHARSET "The charset '%s' is not supported."
const ERR_INVALID_DBCOLLATION "The collation '%s' is not supported."
const ERR_INVALID_EMAIL "Invalid Email"
const ERR_NEED_WRITE_ACCESS "The server must be given write access to the following files and folders<br />(i.e. <em>chmod 777 directory_name</em> on a UNIX/LINUX server)<br />If they are not available or not created correctly, please create manually and set proper permissions."
const ERR_NO_DATABASE "Could not create database. Contact the server administrator for details."
const ERR_NO_DBCONNECTION "Could not connect to the database server."
const ERR_NO_XOOPS_FOUND "No XOOPS installation could be found in the specified folder."
const ERR_PASSWORD_MATCH "The two passwords do not match"
const ERR_READ_MAINFILE "Could not open mainfile.php for reading"
const ERR_REQUIRED "Information is required."
const ERR_WRITE_MAINFILE "Could not write into mainfile.php. Please check the file permission and try again."
const ERR_WRITING_CONSTANT "Failed writing constant %s."
const FAILED "Failed"
const FILTER_FUNCTIONS "Filter functions"
const ICONV_CONVERSION "Character set conversion"
const IMAGE_FUNCTIONS "Image functions"
const IMAGE_METAS "Image meta data (exif)"
const INITIAL_SETTINGS "Initial settings"
const INITIAL_SETTINGS_TITLE "Please enter your initial settings"
const INSTALLED_MODULES "The following modules have been installed.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."
const INTRODUCTION "Introduction"
const INTRODUCTION_TITLE "Welcome to the XOOPS Installation Wizard"
const IS_NOT_WRITABLE "%s is NOT writable."
const IS_VALOR " => "
const IS_WRITABLE "%s is writable."
const LANGUAGE_SELECTION "Language selection"
const LANGUAGE_SELECTION_TITLE "Select your language"
const LEGEND_ADMIN_ACCOUNT "Administrator account"
const LEGEND_CONNECTION "Server connection"
const LEGEND_DATABASE "Database"
const LICENSE_IS_WRITEABLE 'License is %s'
const LICENSE_NOT_WRITEABLE 'License is %s . <br/><font style="colour:#ff0000">Make ../include/license.php Writable</font>'
const LOGIN "Authentication"
const LOGIN_TITLE "Authentication"
const MODULES "Modules installation"
const MODULES_TITLE "Modules installation"
const NO_INSTALLED_MODULES "No module installed.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."
const NO_MODULES_FOUND "No modules found.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."
const NONE "None"
const PASSWORD "Password :"
const PASSWORD_BETTER "Better"
const PASSWORD_COPY "Copy"
const PASSWORD_DESC "Password not entered"
const PASSWORD_GENERATE "Generate"
const PASSWORD_GENERATOR "Password generator"
const PASSWORD_LABEL "Password strength : "
const PASSWORD_MEDIUM "Medium"
const PASSWORD_STRONG "Strong"
const PASSWORD_STRONGEST "Strongest"
const PASSWORD_VERY_WEAK "Very Weak"
const PASSWORD_WEAK "Weak"
const PATHS_SETTINGS "Paths settings"
const PATHS_SETTINGS_TITLE "Paths settings"
const PHP_EXTENSION "%s extension"
const READY_CREATE_TABLES "No XOOPS tables were detected.<br />The installer is now ready to create the XOOPS system tables.<br />Press <em>next</em> to proceed."
const READY_INSERT_DATA "The installer is now ready to insert initial data into your database."
const READY_SAVE_MAINFILE "The installer is now ready to save the specified settings to <em>mainfile.php</em>.<br />Press <em>next</em> to proceed."
const RECOMMENDED "Recommended"
const RECOMMENDED_EXTENSIONS "Recommended extensions"
const RECOMMENDED_EXTENSIONS_MSG "These extensions are not required for normal use, but may be necessary to explore some specific features (like the multi-language or RSS support). Thus, it is recommended to have them installed."
const RECOMMENDED_SETTINGS "Recommended settings"
const REQUIREMENTS "Requirements"
const ROWS_FAILED "Failed inserting %d entries to table %s."
const ROWS_INSERTED "%d entries inserted to table %s."
const SAVED_MAINFILE "Settings saved in mainfile.php"
const SAVED_MAINFILE_MSG "The installer has saved the specified settings to <em>mainfile.php</em> and <em>secure.php</em>. Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."
const SERVER_API "Server API"
const SETTING_NAME "Setting name"
const SHOW_HIDE_HELP "Show/hide help text"
const SUCCESS "Success"
const SUPPORT "Supports"
const TABLE_ALTERED "Table %s updated."
const TABLE_CREATED "Table %s created."
const TABLE_DROPPED "Table %s dropped."
const TABLE_NOT_ALTERED "Failed updating table %s."
const TABLE_NOT_CREATED "Unable to create table %s"
const TABLE_NOT_DROPPED "Failed deleting table %s."
const TABLES_CREATION "Tables creation"
const TABLES_CREATION_TITLE "Database tables creation"
const THEME "Select theme"
const THEME_NO_SCREENSHOT "No screenshot found"
const THEME_TITLE "Select the default theme"
const USER_LOGIN "Administrator Login"
const USERNAME "Username :"
const WARNING "Warning"
const WELCOME "Welcome"
const WELCOME_TITLE "Welcome to your XOOPS site"
const XML_PARSING "XML parsing"
const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_HELP "Physical path to the XOOPS data files (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of " . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_LABEL . " to make it secure."
const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_LABEL "XOOPS data files directory"
const XOOPS_FOUND "%s found"
const XOOPS_INSTALL_WIZARD "XOOPS Installation Wizard"
const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_HELP "Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of " . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_LABEL . " to make it secure."
const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_LABEL "XOOPS library directory"
const XOOPS_PATH_FOUND "Path found."
const XOOPS_PATHS "XOOPS Physical paths"
const XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_HELP "Physical path to the XOOPS documents (served) directory WITHOUT trailing slash"
const XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_LABEL "XOOPS documents root physical path"
const XOOPS_TABLES_CREATED "XOOPS system tables have been created.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."
const XOOPS_TABLES_FOUND "The XOOPS system tables already exists in your database.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."
const XOOPS_URL_HELP "Main URL that will be used to access your XOOPS installation"
const XOOPS_URL_LABEL "Website location (URL)"
const XOOPS_URLS "Web locations"
const ZLIB_COMPRESSION "Zlib Compression"

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 170 of file install.php.

Referenced by xoFormField(), xoFormFieldCharset(), xoFormFieldCollation(), and xoPassField().

const _PHP_VERSION "PHP version"

Definition at line 33 of file install.php.

const ADMIN_CONFIRMPASS_LABEL "Confirm password"

Definition at line 113 of file install.php.

const ADMIN_EMAIL_LABEL "Admin e-mail"

Definition at line 111 of file install.php.

const ADMIN_EXIST "The administrator account already exists.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 186 of file install.php.

const ADMIN_LOGIN_LABEL "Admin login"

Definition at line 110 of file install.php.

const ADMIN_PASS_LABEL "Admin password"

Definition at line 112 of file install.php.

const BUTTON_NEXT "Next"

Definition at line 117 of file install.php.

const BUTTON_PREVIOUS "Previous"

Definition at line 116 of file install.php.

const CHAR_ENCODING "Character encoding"

Definition at line 30 of file install.php.

const CHECKING_PERMISSIONS "Checking file and directory permissions..."

Definition at line 121 of file install.php.

const CONFIG_SAVE "Save Configuration"

Definition at line 61 of file install.php.

const CONFIG_SAVE_TITLE "Saving your system configuration"

Definition at line 62 of file install.php.

const CONFIG_SITE "Site configuration"

Definition at line 188 of file install.php.

const CONFIG_SITE_TITLE "Site configuration"

Definition at line 189 of file install.php.

const CONFIGURATION_CHECK "Configuration check"

Definition at line 53 of file install.php.

const CONFIGURATION_CHECK_TITLE "Checking your server configuration"

Definition at line 54 of file install.php.

const CURRENT "Current"

Definition at line 38 of file install.php.

const DATA_ALREADY_INSERTED "XOOPS data found in database.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 134 of file install.php.

const DATA_INSERTED "Initial data has been inserted into database.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 135 of file install.php.

const DATA_INSERTION "Data insertion"

Definition at line 67 of file install.php.

const DATA_INSERTION_TITLE "Saving your settings to the database"

Definition at line 68 of file install.php.

const DATABASE_CONFIG "Database configuration"

Definition at line 59 of file install.php.

const DATABASE_CONFIG_TITLE "Database configuration"

Definition at line 60 of file install.php.

const DATABASE_CONNECTION "Database connection"

Definition at line 57 of file install.php.

const DATABASE_CONNECTION_TITLE "Database connection"

Definition at line 58 of file install.php.

const DATABASE_CREATED "Database %s created!"

Definition at line 139 of file install.php.

const DB_CHARSET_HELP "MySQL includes character set support that enables you to store data using a variety of character sets and perform comparisons according to a variety of collations."

Definition at line 100 of file install.php.

const DB_CHARSET_LABEL "Database character set"

Definition at line 99 of file install.php.

const DB_COLLATION_HELP "A collation is a set of rules for comparing characters in a character set."

Definition at line 102 of file install.php.

const DB_COLLATION_LABEL "Database collation"

Definition at line 101 of file install.php.

const DB_DATABASE_LABEL "Database"

Definition at line 107 of file install.php.

const DB_HOST_HELP "Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, <em>localhost</em> works in most cases"

Definition at line 92 of file install.php.

const DB_HOST_LABEL "Server hostname"

Definition at line 91 of file install.php.

const DB_NAME_HELP "The name of database on the host. The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist"

Definition at line 98 of file install.php.

const DB_NAME_LABEL "Database name"

Definition at line 97 of file install.php.

const DB_PASS_HELP "Password of your database user account"

Definition at line 96 of file install.php.

const DB_PASS_LABEL "Password"

Definition at line 95 of file install.php.

const DB_PCONNECT_HELP "Default is 'No'. Leave it blank if you are unsure"

Definition at line 106 of file install.php.

const DB_PCONNECT_LABEL "Use persistent connection"

Definition at line 105 of file install.php.

const DB_PREFIX_HELP "This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid name conflicts in the database. If you are unsure, just keep the default"

Definition at line 104 of file install.php.

const DB_PREFIX_LABEL "Table prefix"

Definition at line 103 of file install.php.

const DB_USER_HELP "Name of the user account that will be used to connect to the database server"

Definition at line 94 of file install.php.

const DB_USER_LABEL "User name"

Definition at line 93 of file install.php.

const ERR_CHARSET_NOT_SET "Default character set is not set for XOOPS database."

Definition at line 167 of file install.php.

const ERR_COPY_MAINFILE "Could not copy the distribution file to mainfile.php"

Definition at line 161 of file install.php.

const ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCESS "Could not access the specified folder. Please verify that it exists and is readable by the server."

Definition at line 151 of file install.php.

Referenced by genPathCheckHtml().

const ERR_INVALID_DBCHARSET "The charset '%s' is not supported."

Definition at line 165 of file install.php.

Referenced by validateDbCharset().

const ERR_INVALID_DBCOLLATION "The collation '%s' is not supported."

Definition at line 166 of file install.php.

Referenced by validateDbCharset().

const ERR_INVALID_EMAIL "Invalid Email"

Definition at line 153 of file install.php.

const ERR_NEED_WRITE_ACCESS "The server must be given write access to the following files and folders<br />(i.e. <em>chmod 777 directory_name</em> on a UNIX/LINUX server)<br />If they are not available or not created correctly, please create manually and set proper permissions."

Definition at line 156 of file install.php.

const ERR_NO_DATABASE "Could not create database. Contact the server administrator for details."

Definition at line 157 of file install.php.

const ERR_NO_DBCONNECTION "Could not connect to the database server."

Definition at line 158 of file install.php.

const ERR_NO_XOOPS_FOUND "No XOOPS installation could be found in the specified folder."

Definition at line 152 of file install.php.

Referenced by genPathCheckHtml().

const ERR_PASSWORD_MATCH "The two passwords do not match"

Definition at line 155 of file install.php.

const ERR_READ_MAINFILE "Could not open mainfile.php for reading"

Definition at line 163 of file install.php.

const ERR_REQUIRED "Information is required."

Definition at line 154 of file install.php.

const ERR_WRITE_MAINFILE "Could not write into mainfile.php. Please check the file permission and try again."

Definition at line 162 of file install.php.

const ERR_WRITING_CONSTANT "Failed writing constant %s."

Definition at line 159 of file install.php.

const FAILED "Failed"

Definition at line 44 of file install.php.

Referenced by xoDiag().

const FILTER_FUNCTIONS "Filter functions"

Definition at line 184 of file install.php.

const ICONV_CONVERSION "Character set conversion"

Definition at line 180 of file install.php.

const IMAGE_FUNCTIONS "Image functions"

Definition at line 182 of file install.php.

const IMAGE_METAS "Image meta data (exif)"

Definition at line 183 of file install.php.

const INITIAL_SETTINGS "Initial settings"

Definition at line 65 of file install.php.

const INITIAL_SETTINGS_TITLE "Please enter your initial settings"

Definition at line 66 of file install.php.

const INSTALLED_MODULES "The following modules have been installed.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 195 of file install.php.

const INTRODUCTION "Introduction"

Definition at line 51 of file install.php.

const INTRODUCTION_TITLE "Welcome to the XOOPS Installation Wizard"

Definition at line 52 of file install.php.

const IS_NOT_WRITABLE "%s is NOT writable."

Definition at line 122 of file install.php.

const IS_VALOR " => "

Definition at line 201 of file install.php.

const IS_WRITABLE "%s is writable."

Definition at line 123 of file install.php.

const LANGUAGE_SELECTION "Language selection"

Definition at line 49 of file install.php.

const LANGUAGE_SELECTION_TITLE "Select your language"

Definition at line 50 of file install.php.

const LEGEND_ADMIN_ACCOUNT "Administrator account"

Definition at line 109 of file install.php.

const LEGEND_CONNECTION "Server connection"

Definition at line 88 of file install.php.

const LEGEND_DATABASE "Database"

Definition at line 89 of file install.php.

const LICENSE_IS_WRITEABLE 'License is %s'

Definition at line 25 of file install.php.

const LICENSE_NOT_WRITEABLE 'License is %s . <br/><font style="colour:#ff0000">Make ../include/license.php Writable</font>'

Definition at line 24 of file install.php.

const LOGIN "Authentication"

Definition at line 174 of file install.php.

const LOGIN_TITLE "Authentication"

Definition at line 175 of file install.php.

const MODULES "Modules installation"

Definition at line 190 of file install.php.

const MODULES_TITLE "Modules installation"

Definition at line 191 of file install.php.

const NO_INSTALLED_MODULES "No module installed.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 197 of file install.php.

const NO_MODULES_FOUND "No modules found.<br />Press <strong>next</strong> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 196 of file install.php.

const NONE "None"

Definition at line 41 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD "Password :"

Definition at line 178 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_BETTER "Better"

Definition at line 212 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_COPY "Copy"

Definition at line 208 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_DESC "Password not entered"

Definition at line 205 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_GENERATE "Generate"

Definition at line 207 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_GENERATOR "Password generator"

Definition at line 206 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_LABEL "Password strength : "

Definition at line 204 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_MEDIUM "Medium"

Definition at line 213 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_STRONG "Strong"

Definition at line 214 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_STRONGEST "Strongest"

Definition at line 215 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_VERY_WEAK "Very Weak"

Definition at line 210 of file install.php.

const PASSWORD_WEAK "Weak"

Definition at line 211 of file install.php.

const PATHS_SETTINGS "Paths settings"

Definition at line 55 of file install.php.

const PATHS_SETTINGS_TITLE "Paths settings"

Definition at line 56 of file install.php.

const PHP_EXTENSION "%s extension"

Definition at line 29 of file install.php.

const READY_CREATE_TABLES "No XOOPS tables were detected.<br />The installer is now ready to create the XOOPS system tables.<br />Press <em>next</em> to proceed."

Definition at line 127 of file install.php.

const READY_INSERT_DATA "The installer is now ready to insert initial data into your database."

Definition at line 130 of file install.php.

const READY_SAVE_MAINFILE "The installer is now ready to save the specified settings to <em>mainfile.php</em>.<br />Press <em>next</em> to proceed."

Definition at line 131 of file install.php.

const RECOMMENDED "Recommended"

Definition at line 37 of file install.php.

const RECOMMENDED_EXTENSIONS "Recommended extensions"

Definition at line 35 of file install.php.

const RECOMMENDED_EXTENSIONS_MSG "These extensions are not required for normal use, but may be necessary to explore some specific features (like the multi-language or RSS support). Thus, it is recommended to have them installed."

Definition at line 39 of file install.php.

const RECOMMENDED_SETTINGS "Recommended settings"

Definition at line 34 of file install.php.

const REQUIREMENTS "Requirements"

Definition at line 32 of file install.php.

const ROWS_FAILED "Failed inserting %d entries to table %s."

Definition at line 144 of file install.php.

const ROWS_INSERTED "%d entries inserted to table %s."

Definition at line 143 of file install.php.

const SAVED_MAINFILE "Settings saved in mainfile.php"

Definition at line 132 of file install.php.

const SAVED_MAINFILE_MSG "The installer has saved the specified settings to <em>mainfile.php</em> and <em>secure.php</em>. Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 133 of file install.php.

const SERVER_API "Server API"

Definition at line 28 of file install.php.

const SETTING_NAME "Setting name"

Definition at line 36 of file install.php.

const SHOW_HIDE_HELP "Show/hide help text"

Definition at line 21 of file install.php.

const SUCCESS "Success"

Definition at line 42 of file install.php.

Referenced by xoDiag().

const SUPPORT "Supports"

Definition at line 172 of file install.php.

const TABLE_ALTERED "Table %s updated."

Definition at line 145 of file install.php.

const TABLE_CREATED "Table %s created."

Definition at line 142 of file install.php.

const TABLE_DROPPED "Table %s dropped."

Definition at line 147 of file install.php.

const TABLE_NOT_ALTERED "Failed updating table %s."

Definition at line 146 of file install.php.

const TABLE_NOT_CREATED "Unable to create table %s"

Definition at line 141 of file install.php.

const TABLE_NOT_DROPPED "Failed deleting table %s."

Definition at line 148 of file install.php.

const TABLES_CREATION "Tables creation"

Definition at line 63 of file install.php.

const TABLES_CREATION_TITLE "Database tables creation"

Definition at line 64 of file install.php.

const THEME "Select theme"

Definition at line 192 of file install.php.

const THEME_NO_SCREENSHOT "No screenshot found"

Definition at line 199 of file install.php.

Referenced by createThemeform().

const THEME_TITLE "Select the default theme"

Definition at line 193 of file install.php.

const USER_LOGIN "Administrator Login"

Definition at line 176 of file install.php.

const USERNAME "Username :"

Definition at line 177 of file install.php.

const WARNING "Warning"

Definition at line 43 of file install.php.

Referenced by xoDiag().

const WELCOME "Welcome"

Definition at line 69 of file install.php.

const WELCOME_TITLE "Welcome to your XOOPS site"

Definition at line 70 of file install.php.

const XML_PARSING "XML parsing"

Definition at line 31 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_HELP "Physical path to the XOOPS data files (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of " . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_LABEL . " to make it secure."

Definition at line 83 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_DATA_PATH_LABEL "XOOPS data files directory"

Definition at line 82 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_FOUND "%s found"

Definition at line 120 of file install.php.

Referenced by genPathCheckHtml().

const XOOPS_INSTALL_WIZARD "XOOPS Installation Wizard"

Definition at line 47 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_HELP "Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash, for forward compatibility. Locate the folder out of " . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_LABEL . " to make it secure."

Definition at line 81 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_LIB_PATH_LABEL "XOOPS library directory"

Definition at line 80 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_PATH_FOUND "Path found."

Definition at line 125 of file install.php.

Referenced by genPathCheckHtml().

const XOOPS_PATHS "XOOPS Physical paths"

Definition at line 74 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_HELP "Physical path to the XOOPS documents (served) directory WITHOUT trailing slash"

Definition at line 78 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_ROOT_PATH_LABEL "XOOPS documents root physical path"

Definition at line 77 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_TABLES_CREATED "XOOPS system tables have been created.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 129 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_TABLES_FOUND "The XOOPS system tables already exists in your database.<br />Press <em>next</em> to go to the next step."

Definition at line 128 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_URL_HELP "Main URL that will be used to access your XOOPS installation"

Definition at line 86 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_URL_LABEL "Website location (URL)"

Definition at line 85 of file install.php.

const XOOPS_URLS "Web locations"

Definition at line 75 of file install.php.

const ZLIB_COMPRESSION "Zlib Compression"

Definition at line 181 of file install.php.