XOOPS  2.6.0
sl.php File Reference

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const lang_Actions 'Akcije'
const lang_All 'Vse'
const lang_Archives 'Arhiv'
const lang_Aviary_No_Save 'Could not save image'
const lang_Back 'Nazaj'
const lang_Cancel 'Prekliči'
const lang_CB 'CB'
const lang_Clear_Clipboard 'Clear clipboard'
const lang_Clear_Clipboard_Confirm 'Are you sure you want to clear the clipboard?'
const lang_Confirm_del 'Ali res želite izbrisati to datoteko?'
const lang_Confirm_Folder_del 'Ali res želite izbrisati mapo in vso vsebino, ki je v mapi?'
const lang_Copy 'Copy'
const lang_Copy_Cut_Count_Limit 'You selected too many files/folders to %s. Limit: %d files/operation'
const lang_Copy_Cut_Not_Allowed 'You are not allowed to %s files.'
const lang_Copy_Cut_Size_Limit 'The selected files/folders are too big to %s. Limit: %d MB/operation'
const lang_Cut 'Cut'
const lang_Date 'Datum'
const lang_Date_type 'd.m.y'
const lang_Dimension 'Dimenzija'
const lang_Dir_No_Write 'The directory you selected is not writable.'
const lang_Download 'Prenesi'
const lang_Duplicate 'Podvoji'
const lang_Edit_image 'Uredi sliko'
const lang_Empty_name 'Ime je prazno'
const lang_Erase 'Izbriši'
const lang_Error_extension 'Izbrana vrsta datoteke ni dovoljena.'
const lang_Error_Upload 'Velikost datoteke presega maksimalno dovoljeno velikost.'
const lang_Existing_Folder 'Obstoječa mapa'
const lang_Extract 'Razširi sem'
const lang_File_info 'Podatki o datoteki'
const lang_Filename 'Ime'
const lang_Files 'Datoteke'
const lang_Files_ON_Clipboard 'There are files on the clipboard.'
const lang_Filters 'Filtri'
const lang_Folder_Created 'Mapa je bila ustvarjena'
const lang_Folders 'Folders'
const lang_Function_Disabled 'The %s function has been disabled by the server.'
const lang_Images 'Slike'
const lang_Insert_Folder_Name 'Vpište ime mape:'
const lang_Music 'Glasba'
const lang_New_Folder 'Nova mapa'
const lang_OK 'Potrdi'
const lang_Open 'Odpri'
const lang_Operations 'Ukazi'
const lang_Paste 'Paste'
const lang_Paste_Confirm 'Are you sure you want to paste to this directory? This will overwrite existing files/folders if encountered any.'
const lang_Paste_Failed 'Failed to paste file(s)'
const lang_Paste_Here 'Paste to this directory'
const lang_Preview 'Predogled'
const lang_Rename 'Preimenuj'
const lang_Rename_existing_file 'Datoteka že obstaja'
const lang_Rename_existing_folder 'Mapa že obstaja'
const lang_Return_Files_List 'Nazaj na seznam datotek'
const lang_Root 'Domov'
const lang_Select 'Označi'
const lang_Show_url 'Prikaži povezavo'
const lang_Size 'Velikost'
const lang_Sorting 'Razvrsti po:'
const lang_Swipe_help 'Izmakni ime datoteke/mape za prikaz možnosti'
const lang_Text_filter 'išči'
const lang_Toolbar 'Orodna vrstica'
const lang_Type 'Vrsta'
const lang_Type_dir 'Mapa'
const lang_Upload_base 'Osnovni način'
const lang_Upload_base_help 'Povlecite in spustite datoteke ali kliknite v okvir (pri sodobnih brskalnikih) in izberite datoteke. Ko bo nalaganje končano, kliknite gumb "Nazaj na seznam datotek".'
const lang_Upload_file 'Naloži datoteke na strežnik'
const lang_Upload_java 'JAVA prenos (za velike datoteke)'
const lang_Upload_java_help "Če se Java ne zažene, preverite če imate Javo naloženo (če je nimate jo <a href='http://java.com/en/download/'>[naložite]</a>) in preverite da je ne blokira vaš požarni zid."
const lang_Videos 'Video'
const lang_View 'Prikaz'
const lang_View_boxes 'Okvirji'
const lang_View_columns_list 'Stolpci'
const lang_View_list 'Seznam'
const lang_Zip_Invalid 'This extension is not supported. Valid: zip, gz, tar.'
const lang_Zip_No_Extract 'Could not extract. File might be corrupt.'

Variable Documentation

const lang_Actions 'Akcije'

Definition at line 32 of file sl.php.

const lang_All 'Vse'

Definition at line 6 of file sl.php.

const lang_Archives 'Arhiv'

Definition at line 9 of file sl.php.

const lang_Aviary_No_Save 'Could not save image'

Definition at line 72 of file sl.php.

const lang_Back 'Nazaj'

Definition at line 26 of file sl.php.

const lang_Cancel 'Prekliči'

Definition at line 51 of file sl.php.

const lang_CB 'CB'

Definition at line 62 of file sl.php.

const lang_Clear_Clipboard 'Clear clipboard'

Definition at line 66 of file sl.php.

const lang_Clear_Clipboard_Confirm 'Are you sure you want to clear the clipboard?'

Definition at line 67 of file sl.php.

const lang_Confirm_del 'Ali res želite izbrisati to datoteko?'

Definition at line 5 of file sl.php.

const lang_Confirm_Folder_del 'Ali res želite izbrisati mapo in vso vsebino, ki je v mapi?'

Definition at line 19 of file sl.php.

const lang_Copy 'Copy'

Definition at line 59 of file sl.php.

const lang_Copy_Cut_Count_Limit 'You selected too many files/folders to %s. Limit: %d files/operation'

Definition at line 70 of file sl.php.

const lang_Copy_Cut_Not_Allowed 'You are not allowed to %s files.'

Definition at line 71 of file sl.php.

const lang_Copy_Cut_Size_Limit 'The selected files/folders are too big to %s. Limit: %d MB/operation'

Definition at line 69 of file sl.php.

const lang_Cut 'Cut'

Definition at line 60 of file sl.php.

const lang_Date 'Datum'

Definition at line 46 of file sl.php.

const lang_Date_type 'd.m.y'

Definition at line 49 of file sl.php.

const lang_Dimension 'Dimenzija'

Definition at line 44 of file sl.php.

const lang_Dir_No_Write 'The directory you selected is not writable.'

Definition at line 75 of file sl.php.

const lang_Download 'Prenesi'

Definition at line 22 of file sl.php.

const lang_Duplicate 'Podvoji'

Definition at line 57 of file sl.php.

const lang_Edit_image 'Uredi sliko'

Definition at line 56 of file sl.php.

const lang_Empty_name 'Ime je prazno'

Definition at line 35 of file sl.php.

const lang_Erase 'Izbriši'

Definition at line 3 of file sl.php.

const lang_Error_extension 'Izbrana vrsta datoteke ni dovoljena.'

Definition at line 11 of file sl.php.

const lang_Error_Upload 'Velikost datoteke presega maksimalno dovoljeno velikost.'

Definition at line 10 of file sl.php.

const lang_Existing_Folder 'Obstoječa mapa'

Definition at line 18 of file sl.php.

const lang_Extract 'Razširi sem'

Definition at line 54 of file sl.php.

const lang_File_info 'Podatki o datoteki'

Definition at line 55 of file sl.php.

const lang_Filename 'Ime'

Definition at line 47 of file sl.php.

const lang_Files 'Datoteke'

Definition at line 7 of file sl.php.

const lang_Files_ON_Clipboard 'There are files on the clipboard.'

Definition at line 68 of file sl.php.

const lang_Filters 'Filtri'

Definition at line 13 of file sl.php.

const lang_Folder_Created 'Mapa je bila ustvarjena'

Definition at line 17 of file sl.php.

const lang_Folders 'Folders'

Definition at line 58 of file sl.php.

const lang_Function_Disabled 'The %s function has been disabled by the server.'

Definition at line 76 of file sl.php.

const lang_Images 'Slike'

Definition at line 8 of file sl.php.

const lang_Insert_Folder_Name 'Vpište ime mape:'

Definition at line 23 of file sl.php.

const lang_Music 'Glasba'

Definition at line 15 of file sl.php.

const lang_New_Folder 'Nova mapa'

Definition at line 16 of file sl.php.

const lang_OK 'Potrdi'

Definition at line 50 of file sl.php.

const lang_Open 'Odpri'

Definition at line 4 of file sl.php.

const lang_Operations 'Ukazi'

Definition at line 48 of file sl.php.

const lang_Paste 'Paste'

Definition at line 61 of file sl.php.

const lang_Paste_Confirm 'Are you sure you want to paste to this directory? This will overwrite existing files/folders if encountered any.'

Definition at line 64 of file sl.php.

const lang_Paste_Failed 'Failed to paste file(s)'

Definition at line 65 of file sl.php.

const lang_Paste_Here 'Paste to this directory'

Definition at line 63 of file sl.php.

const lang_Preview 'Predogled'

Definition at line 21 of file sl.php.

const lang_Rename 'Preimenuj'

Definition at line 25 of file sl.php.

const lang_Rename_existing_file 'Datoteka že obstaja'

Definition at line 33 of file sl.php.

const lang_Rename_existing_folder 'Mapa že obstaja'

Definition at line 34 of file sl.php.

const lang_Return_Files_List 'Nazaj na seznam datotek'

Definition at line 20 of file sl.php.

const lang_Root 'Domov'

Definition at line 24 of file sl.php.

const lang_Select 'Označi'

Definition at line 2 of file sl.php.

const lang_Show_url 'Prikaži povezavo'

Definition at line 53 of file sl.php.

const lang_Size 'Velikost'

Definition at line 45 of file sl.php.

const lang_Sorting 'Razvrsti po:'

Definition at line 52 of file sl.php.

const lang_Swipe_help 'Izmakni ime datoteke/mape za prikaz možnosti'

Definition at line 37 of file sl.php.

const lang_Text_filter 'išči'

Definition at line 36 of file sl.php.

const lang_Toolbar 'Orodna vrstica'

Definition at line 31 of file sl.php.

const lang_Type 'Vrsta'

Definition at line 43 of file sl.php.

const lang_Type_dir 'Mapa'

Definition at line 42 of file sl.php.

const lang_Upload_base 'Osnovni način'

Definition at line 38 of file sl.php.

const lang_Upload_base_help 'Povlecite in spustite datoteke ali kliknite v okvir (pri sodobnih brskalnikih) in izberite datoteke. Ko bo nalaganje končano, kliknite gumb "Nazaj na seznam datotek".'

Definition at line 41 of file sl.php.

const lang_Upload_file 'Naloži datoteke na strežnik'

Definition at line 12 of file sl.php.

const lang_Upload_java 'JAVA prenos (za velike datoteke)'

Definition at line 39 of file sl.php.

const lang_Upload_java_help "Če se Java ne zažene, preverite če imate Javo naloženo (če je nimate jo <a href='http://java.com/en/download/'>[naložite]</a>) in preverite da je ne blokira vaš požarni zid."

Definition at line 40 of file sl.php.

const lang_Videos 'Video'

Definition at line 14 of file sl.php.

const lang_View 'Prikaz'

Definition at line 27 of file sl.php.

const lang_View_boxes 'Okvirji'

Definition at line 30 of file sl.php.

const lang_View_columns_list 'Stolpci'

Definition at line 29 of file sl.php.

const lang_View_list 'Seznam'

Definition at line 28 of file sl.php.

const lang_Zip_Invalid 'This extension is not supported. Valid: zip, gz, tar.'

Definition at line 74 of file sl.php.

const lang_Zip_No_Extract 'Could not extract. File might be corrupt.'

Definition at line 73 of file sl.php.