XOOPS  2.6.0
XoopsLocaleEn_US Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for XoopsLocaleEn_US:
Inheritance graph

Public Attributes

const A_ADD = "Add"
const A_ALIGN = "Align"
const A_ANALYZE = "Analyze"
const A_APPEND = "Append"
const A_BACK = "Back"
const A_CANCEL = "Cancel"
const A_CHANGE = "Change"
const A_CHECK = "Check"
const A_CLEAR = "Clear"
const A_CLONE = "Clone"
const A_CLOSE = "Close"
const A_COLLAPSE = "Collapse"
const A_DELETE = "Delete"
const A_DETAIL = "Detail"
const A_DISABLE = "Disable"
const A_DISPLAY = "Display"
const A_EDIT = "Edit"
const A_ENABLE = "Enable"
const A_EXPAND = "Expand"
const A_EXPORT = "Export"
const A_FINISH = "Finish"
const A_GO = "Go"
const A_HIDE = "Hide"
const A_IMPORT = "Import"
const A_INSTALL = "Install"
const A_LOGIN = "Login"
const A_LOGOUT = "Logout"
const A_MANAGE = "Manage"
const A_MODIFY = "Modify"
const A_OPTIMIZE = "Optimize"
const A_POST = "Post"
const A_PREPEND = "Prepend"
const A_PREVIEW = "Preview"
const A_PRINT = "Print"
const A_PRUNE = "Prune"
const A_PUBLISH = "Publish"
const A_PURGE = "Purge"
const A_QUOTE = "Quote"
const A_REFRESH = "Refresh"
const A_REGISTER = "Register"
const A_REMOVE = "Remove"
const A_REPAIR = "Repair"
const A_REPLY = "Reply"
const A_REPORT = "Report"
const A_RESET = "Reset"
const A_RESTORE = "Restore"
const A_SAVE = "Save"
const A_SEARCH = "Search"
const A_SELECT = "Select"
const A_SEND = "Send"
const A_SHOW = "Show"
const A_SUBMIT = "Submit"
const A_SYNCHRONIZE = "Synchronize"
const A_TAG = "Tag"
const A_UNINSTALL = "Uninstall"
const A_UPDATE = "Update"
const A_UPLOAD = "Upload"
const ABOUT = "About"
const ACTION = "Action"
const ACTIONS = "Actions"
const ACTIVE = "Active"
const ADD_SELECTED_USERS = "Add selected users"
const ADMIN = "Admin"
const ADMINISTRATION = "Administration"
const ADVANCED = "Advanced"
const ADVANCED_MODE = "Advanced mode"
const ADVANCED_SEARCH = "Advanced search"
const AFTER = "After"
const AIM = "AIM"
const ALIGNMENT = "Alignment"
const ALL = "All"
const ALL_AND = "All (AND)"
const ALL_GROUPS = "All groups"
const ALL_MODULES = "All modules"
const ALL_PAGES = "All pages"
const ALL_TYPES = "All types"
const ALL_USERS = "All users"
const ALLOW_OTHER_USERS_TO_VIEW_EMAIL = "Allow other users to view my email address"
const ALLOWED_MAX_CHARS_LENGTH = "Allowed max chars length"
const ALWAYS_ATTACH_MY_SIGNATURE = "Always attach my signature"
const ANONYMOUS = "Anonymous"
const ANY_OR = "Any (OR)"
const ANY_STATUS = "Any status"
const APPROVED = "Approved"
const ARCHIVE = "Archive"
const ASCENDING = "Ascending"
const ASCENDING_ORDER = "Ascending order"
const AUTHOR = "Author"
const AVATAR = "Avatar"
const BACK_TO_TOP = "Back to top"
const BASIC = "Basic"
const BASIC_INFORMATION = "Basic information"
const BEFORE = "Before"
const BLOCKS = "Blocks"
const BODY = "Body"
const BOLD = "Bold"
const BOOKMARK = "Bookmark"
const BOTH = "Both"
const BOTTOM = "Bottom"
const BREADCRUMB = "Breadcrumb"
const C_AUTHOR = "Author:"
const C_DESCRIPTION = "Description:"
const C_ERRORS = "Error(s):"
const C_FRIEND_EMAIL = "Friend email:"
const C_FRIEND_NAME = "Friend name:"
const C_FROM = "From:"
const C_LAST_UPDATE = "Last update:"
const C_LICENSE = "License:"
const C_MODULES = "Modules:"
const C_NAME = "Name:"
const C_PASSWORD = "Password:"
const C_QUOTE = "Quote:"
const C_RE = "Re:"
const C_SENT = "Sent:"
const C_TO = "To:"
const C_UPDATE_DATE = "Update date:"
const C_USERNAME = "Username:"
const C_VALUE = "Value:"
const C_VERSION = "Version:"
const C_WEBSITE = "Website:"
const C_YOUR_EMAIL = "Your email:"
const C_YOUR_NAME = "Your name:"
const CACHED = "Cached"
const CANCEL_SEND = "Cancel send"
const CAPTION = "Caption"
const CATEGORIES = "Categories"
const CATEGORY = "Category"
const CENTER = "Center"
const CF_FOLLOWING_WORDS_SHORTER_THAN_NOT_INCLUDED = "The following words are shorter than allowed minimum length (%u chars) and were not included in your search:"
const CF_WROTE = "%s wrote:"
const CHANGE_LOG = "Change log"
const CHANGE_STATUS = "Change status"
const CHARSET = "Charset"
const CHARSETS = "Charsets"
const CHECK_ALL = "Check all"
const CHECK_TEXT_LENGTH = "Check text length"
const CLICK_A_SMILIE_TO_INSERT_INTO_MESSAGE = "Click a smilie to insert it into your message."
const CLICK_HERE_TO_REGISTER = "Click <a href='register.php'>here</a>."
const CLICK_HERE_TO_VIEW_YOU_PRIVATE_MESSAGES = "You can click here to view your private messages"
const CLICK_PREVIEW_TO_SEE_CONTENT = "Click the <strong>Preview</strong> to see the content in action."
const CLICK_TO_REFRESH_IMAGE_IF_NOT_CLEAR = "Click to refresh the image if it is not clear enough."
const CLICK_TO_SEE_ORIGINAL_IMAGE_IN_NEW_WINDOW = "Click to see original image in a new window"
const CLOSE_WINDOW = "Close window"
const CODE = "Code"
const CODE_IS_CASE_INSENSITIVE = "The code is case-insensitive"
const CODE_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE = "The code is case-sensitive"
const COLOR = "Color"
const COMMENTS = "Comments"
const COMMENTS_COUNT = "Comments count"
const COMMENTS_POSTS = "Comments/Posts"
const CONFIGURATION_CHECK = "Configuration check"
const CONFIRMATION_CODE = "Confirmation code"
const CONTAINS = "Contains"
const CONTENT = "Content"
const CREDITS = "Credits"
const DATE = "Date"
const DATE_FORMAT = "Date format"
const DEBUG = "Debug"
const DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Delete account"
const DELETE_ALL = "Delete all"
const DESCENDING = "Descending"
const DESCENDING_ORDER = "Descending order"
const DESCRIPTION = "Description"
const DETAILS = "Details"
const DISABLE_HTML = "Disable html"
const DISABLE_SMILIE = "Disable smilie"
const DISABLED = "Disabled"
const DISCLAIMER = "Disclaimer"
const DISPLAY_ALL_ITEMS = "Display all items"
const DISPLAY_IN_FORM = "Display in form"
const DISPLAY_MONDAY_FIRST = "Display monday first"
const DISPLAY_OPTIONS = "Display options"
const DISPLAY_ORDER = "Display order"
const DISPLAY_RANDOM_ITEMS = "Display random items"
const DISPLAY_RECENT_ITEMS = "Display recent items"
const DISPLAY_SUNDAY_FIRST = "Display sunday first"
const DISPLAY_THIS_ITEM = "Display this item"
const DISPLAY_TOP_ITEMS = "Display top items"
const DISPLAY_TOP_RATED_ITEMS = "Display top rated items"
const DO_NOT_DISPLAY_IN_FORM = "Don't display in form"
const DRAG_TO_MOVE = "Drag to move"
const E_ACTIVATION_FAILED = "Activation failed!"
const E_ACTIVATION_KEY_INCORRECT = "Activation key not correct!"
const E_ALL_PARENT_ITEMS_MUST_BE_SELECTED = "All parent items must be selected."
const E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER = "Can't connect to the server!"
const E_CHANGE_FILE_PERMISSIONS = "Please change the permission of this file for security reasons. In Unix (444), in Win32 (read-only)"
const E_CHANGE_FOLDER_PERMISSIONS = "Please change the permission of this folder. In Unix (777), in Win32 (writable)"
const E_CHECK_EMAIL_AND_TRY_AGAIN = "Please check the email address and try again!"
const E_CHECK_NAME_AND_TRY_AGAIN = "Please check the name and try again!"
const E_COMPLETE_SUBJECT_AND_MESSAGE = "Please complete the subject and message fields!"
const E_CONTACT_THE_ADMINISTRATORS_FOR_DETAILS = "Please contact the administrator for details!"
const E_DATABASE_NOT_UPDATED = "Database was not updated!"
const E_EMAIL_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN_SPACES = "Email address should not contain spaces!"
const E_EMAIL_TAKEN = "Email address is already registered!"
const E_ENTER_ALL_REQUIRED_DATA = "Please enter all required data!"
const E_ENTER_IMAGE_POSITION = "Enter the position of the image!"
const E_EXTENSION_PHP_LDAP_NOT_LOADED = "PHP LDAP extension not loaded (verify your PHP configuration file php.ini)"
const E_FILE_NAME_MISSING = "Filename is missing!"
const E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "File not found!"
const E_FILE_TYPE_REJECTED = "The file you're trying to upload is not supported by this site/server!"
const E_FROM_EMAIL_NOT_SET = "From email is not set!"
const E_FROM_NAME_NOT_SET = "From name is not set!"
const E_GO_BACK_AND_TRY_AGAIN = "Please go back and try again!"
const E_INCORRECT_LOGIN = "Incorrect login!"
const E_INVALID_CONFIRMATION_CODE = "Invalid confirmation code!"
const E_INVALID_EMAIL = "Invalid email!"
const E_INVALID_FILE_NAME = "Invalid file name!"
const E_INVALID_FILE_SIZE = "Invalid file size!"
const E_INVALID_IMAGE_FILE = "Invalid image file!"
const E_INVALID_USERNAME = "Invalid username!"
const E_LOADING_MIME_TYPES_DEFINITION = "Error loading mime types definition!"
const E_LOGGER_ERROR = "Error"
const E_LOGGER_NOTICE = "Notice"
const E_LOGGER_STRICT = "Strict"
const E_LOGGER_UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
const E_LOGGER_WARNING = "Warning"
const E_MESSAGE_BODY_NOT_SET = "Message body is not set!"
const E_MESSAGE_TO_LONG = "Your message is too long!"
const E_MOVE_OUT_OF_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "For security considerations it is highly suggested to move it out of DocumentRoot!"
const E_MUST_PROVIDE_PASSWORD = "You must provide a password!"
const E_NAME_IS_RESERVED = "Name is reserved!"
const E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION = "Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area!"
const E_NO_ACTION_PERMISSION = "Sorry, you do not have the permission to perform this action!"
const E_NO_MODULE = "Selected module does not exist!"
const E_NO_PAGE = "This page does not exist in our database"
const E_NO_RESULT_FOUND = "No result found!"
const E_NO_USER_FOUND = "Sorry, the user was not found!"
const E_NO_USER_SELECTED = "No user selected!"
const E_NO_VALID_ID_DETECTED = "No valid ID detected"
const E_NOT_DONE = "Not done!"
const E_PASSWORDS_MUST_MATCH = "Both passwords are different. They must be identical."
const E_REGISTER_FIRST_TO_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGES = "Please register first to send private messages!"
const E_REMOVE_DIRECTORY = "Please remove this directory for security reasons"
const E_SECTION_NOT_ACTIVE = "This section is not active!"
const E_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVATED = "Selected account is already activated!"
const E_SELECTED_USER_DEACTIVATED_OR_NOT_ACTIVE = "The selected user has been deactivated or has not been activated yet."
const E_SELECTED_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "The selected user doesn't exist in the database."
const E_SOME_ERROR_OCCURRED = "Some error occurred!"
const E_SUSPICIOUS_IMAGE_UPLOAD_REFUSED = "Suspicious image upload refused!"
const E_TAKING_YOU_BACK = "Taking you back to where you were..."
const E_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_OPENED = "Template file was not opened!"
const E_TLS_CONNECTION_NOT_OPENED = "TLS connection was not opened!"
const E_TO_MANY_ATTEMPTS = "Too many attempts!"
const E_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_SET = "Upload directory not set!"
const E_USER_ID_NOT_FETCHED = "User ID was not fetched!"
const E_USER_IN_WEBMASTER_GROUP_CANNOT_BE_REMOVED = "User in the webmasters group cannot be removed"
const E_USER_NOT_REGISTERED = "User was not registered!"
const E_USER_NOT_UPDATED = "User was not updated!"
const E_USERNAME_TAKEN = "Username already taken!"
const E_USERS_NOT_FOUND = "No users found!"
const E_VERIFY_USER_DATA_OR_SET_AUTOMATIC_PROVISIONING = "Please verify your user data or set on the automatic provisioning"
const E_WE_ARE_CLOSED_FOR_REGISTRATION = "Sorry, we are currently closed for new user registrations!"
const E_YOU_ARE_NOT_REGISTERED = "Sorry, you are not a registered user!"
const E_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_ANY_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = "You don't have any private messages!"
const E_YOU_HAVE_TO_AGREE_TO_DISCLAIMER = "Sorry, you have to agree to our disclaimer to get registered!"
const E_YOU_MUST_COMPLETE_ALL_REQUIRED_FIELDS = "You must complete all required fields"
const E_YOU_NEED_A_POSITIVE_INTEGER = "You need a positive integer!"
const E_YOU_NEED_TO_ENTER_REQUIRED_INFO = "You need to enter required info!"
const EDIT_ACCOUNT = "Edit account"
const EDIT_PROFILE = "Edit profile"
const EDITOR = "Editor"
const EF_CLASS_NOT_FOUND = "Class '%s' was not found!"
const EF_CORRESPONDING_USER_NOT_FOUND_IN_DATABASE = "No corresponding user information has been found in the XOOPS database for connection: %s!"
const EF_DATABASE_ERROR = "Database error: %s"
const EF_DIRECTORY_EXISTS = "Directory '%s' exists on your server!"
const EF_DIRECTORY_NOT_OPENED = "Directory '%s' was not opened!"
const EF_DIRECTORY_WITH_WRITE_PERMISSION_NOT_OPENED = "Directory with write permission '%s' was not opened!"
const EF_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS = "User email '%s' already exists!"
const EF_EMAIL_NOT_SENT_TO = "Email was not sent to '%s'!"
const EF_ENTRIES_NOT_INSERTED_TO_TABLE = "Failed inserting %d entries to table '%s'!"
const EF_ENTRY_NOT_READ = "Entry '%s' was not read!"
const EF_ERRORS_RETURNED_WHILE_UPLOADING_FILE = "Errors returned while uploading file: %s"
const EF_EXTENSION_IS_NOT_INSTALLED = "The extension '%s' isn't installed!"
const EF_FILE_HEIGHT_TO_LARGE = "File height too large (Maximum %u px): %u px!"
const EF_FILE_IS_WRITABLE = "File '%s' is writable by the server!"
const EF_FILE_MIME_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED = "File of mime type '%s' is not allowed!"
const EF_FILE_MUST_BE_WRITABLE = "File '%s' must be writable by the server!"
const EF_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "File '%s' was not found!"
const EF_FILE_NOT_SAVED_TO = "File not saved to '%s'!"
const EF_FILE_NOT_UPLOADED = "File '%s' was not uploaded!"
const EF_FILE_SIZE_TO_LARGE = "File size too large (Maximum %u bytes): %u bytes!"
const EF_FILE_WIDTH_TO_LARGE = "File width too large (Maximum %u px): %u px!"
const EF_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "Folder '%s' does not exist!"
const EF_FOLDER_IS_INSIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "Folder '%s' is inside DocumentRoot!"
const EF_FOLDER_MUST_BE_WITH_CHMOD = "Folder '%s' must be with a chmod '%s' (it's now set on %s)!"
const EF_FOLDER_NOT_WRITABLE = "Folder '%s' is not writable by the server!"
const EF_IMAGE_SIZE_NOT_FETCHED = "'%s' image size was not fetched, skipping max dimension check..."
const EF_INVALID_SQL = "SQL '%s' is invalid!"
const EF_KEYWORDS_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN = "Keywords must be at least <strong>%s</strong> characters long!"
const EF_LOGGER_FILELINE = "%s in file %s line %s"
const EF_NOT_CREATED = "'%s' was not created!"
const EF_NOT_DELETED = "'%s' was not deleted!"
const EF_NOT_EXECUTED = "'%s' was not executed!"
const EF_NOT_INSERTED_TO_DATABASE = "'%s' was not inserted to database!"
const EF_NOT_INSTALLED = "'%s' was not installed!"
const EF_NOT_UNINSTALLED = "'%s' was not uninstalled!"
const EF_NOT_UPDATED = "'%s' was not updated!"
const EF_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_NOT_SENT_TO = "Notification email was not sent to '%s'!"
const EF_PASSWORD_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN = "Your password must be at least '%s' characters long!"
const EF_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_NOT_SENT_TO = "Private message was not sent to '%s'!"
const EF_SERVICE_IS_NOT_INSTALLED = "No '%s' service provider is installed!"
const EF_TABLE_DROP_NOT_ALLOWED = "Table '%s' is not allowed to be dropped!"
const EF_TABLE_NOT_CREATED = "Table '%s' was not created!"
const EF_TABLE_NOT_DELETED = "Table '%s' was not deleted!"
const EF_TABLE_NOT_DROPPED = "Table '%s' was not dropped!"
const EF_TABLE_NOT_UPDATED = "Table '%s' was not updated!"
const EF_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "Unexpected error: %s"
const EF_USER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = "User name '%s' already exists!"
const EF_USER_NOT_FOUND_IN_DIRECTORY_SERVER = "User '%s' not found in the directory server (%s) in %s!"
const EF_USERNAME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN = "Username is too long, it must be less than '%s' characters!"
const EF_USERNAME_MUST_BE_MORE_THAN = "Username is too short, it must be more than '%s' characters!"
const EMAIL = "Email"
const EMAIL_HAS_BEEN_SENT_WITH_ACTIVATION_KEY = "An email containing an user activation key has been sent to the email account you provided. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account. "
const EMAIL_HAS_NOT_BEEN_SENT_WITH_ACTIVATION_KEY = "However, we were unable to send the activation email to your email account due to an internal error that had occurred on our server. We are sorry for the inconvenience, please send the webmaster an email notifying him/her of the situation."
const EMAIL_PROVIDED_IS_INVALID = "The email address you provided is not a valid address."
const EMOTION = "Emotion"
const ENABLE_DISABLE = "Enable/Disable"
const ENABLE_HTML_TAGS = "Enable HTML tags"
const ENABLE_SMILIES_ICONS = "Enable smilies icons"
const ENABLE_XOOPS_CODES = "Enable XOOPS codes"
const ENDS_WITH = "Ends with"
const ENTER_CODE = "Enter the codes that you want to add."
const ENTER_EMAIL = "Enter the email address you want to add."
const ENTER_IMAGE_POSITION = "Now, enter the position of the image."
const ENTER_IMAGE_URL = "Enter the URL of the image you want to add"
const ENTER_LINK_URL = "Enter the URL of the link you want to add"
const ENTER_QUOTE = "Enter the text that you want to be quoted."
const ENTER_TEXT_BOX = "Please input text into the text box."
const ENTER_VALID_EMAIL = "Enter a valid email address"
const ENTER_WEBSITE_TITLE = "Enter the web site title"
const ENTER_YOUR_FRIEND_EMAIL = "Please enter your friend's email address"
const ENTER_YOUR_FRIEND_NAME = "Please enter your friend's name"
const ENTER_YOUR_NAME = "Please enter your name"
const ERROR = "Error"
const ERRORS = "Errors"
const EVENT = "Event"
const EVENTS = "Events"
const EXACT_MATCH = "Exact Match"
const EXAMPLE = "Example"
const EXTENSIONS = "Extensions"
const EXTRA = "Extra"
const EXTRA_INFO = "Extra info"
const F_ACTIVE_USERS = "Active users: %s"
const F_ALL_ABOUT = "All about %s"
const F_AUTHORIZED_MIME_TYPES = "Authorized mime types: %s"
const F_CLICK_HERE = "Click <a href='%s'>here</a>."
const F_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL_SENT = "Confirmation email for %s mailed."
const F_CURRENT_TEXT_LENGTH = "Current text length: %s"
const F_DAYS = "%s days"
const F_DELETED = "%s deleted"
const F_DISABLE = "Disable %s"
const F_ENTER = "Please enter %s"
const F_ERROR = "Error:<br /><br /> %s"
const F_EXTENSION_PHP_NOT_LOADED = "PHP %s extension not loaded (verify your PHP configuration file php.ini)"
const F_FILE_EXISTS_IN = "File exists in: %s"
const F_FILES = "%s files"
const F_HAS_JUST_REGISTERED = "%s has just registered!"
const F_HOURS = "%s hours"
const F_IF_PAGE_NOT_RELOAD_CLICK_HERE = "If the page does not automatically reload, please click <a href='%s'>here</a>"
const F_IN_FILE_LINE = "%s in file %s line %s"
const F_INACTIVE_USERS = "Inactive users: %s"
const F_INTERESTING_SITE = "Interesting site: %s"
const F_IS_REQUIRED = "%s is required"
const F_KEYWORDS_SHORTER_THAN_WILL_BE_IGNORED = "Keywords shorter than <strong>%s</strong> characters will be ignored"
const F_MAX_PIXELS_WIDTH_HEIGHT = "Max Pixels: %s x %s (width x height)"
const F_MAX_UPLOAD_FILES_SIZE_ALLOWED_KB = "Max uploaded files size: %s [KB]"
const F_MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS = "Maximum attempts you can try: %d"
const F_MINIMUM_DATABASE_VERSION_REQUIRED = "Minimum version required: %s (your version is %s)"
const F_MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED = "Minimum PHP required: %s (your version is %s)"
const F_MINIMUM_XOOPS_VERSION_REQUIRED = "Minimum XOOPS required: %s (your version is %s)"
const F_MINUTES = "%s minutes"
const F_MODULE_IS_INSTALLED = "The module '%s' is installed"
const F_MODULE_IS_NOT_INSTALLED = "The module '%s' isn't installed"
const F_MUST_BE_SHORTER_THAN = "%s must be shorter than %d characters."
const F_NEW_PASSWORD_REQUEST_AT = "New password request at %s"
const F_NEW_USER_REGISTRATION_AT = "New user registration at %s"
const F_NO_DELETE_ONLY_THIS = "No, delete only this %s"
const F_OPTIONS = "%s options"
const F_POSTED_BY = "Posted by %s"
const F_READS = "(%s reads)"
const F_RULES = "%s rules"
const F_SECONDS = "%s seconds"
const F_SEND_EMAIL_TO = "Send email to %s"
const F_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TO = "Send private message to %s"
const F_SHOWING_RESULTS = "(Showing %d - %d)"
const F_TIME_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION = "Valid formats: 's' - %s; 'm' - %s; 'l' - %s;<br />'c' or 'custom' - format determined according to interval to present; 'e' - Elapsed; 'mysql' - Y-m-d H:i:s;<br />specified object - Refer to <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php' rel='external'>PHP manual</a>."
const F_TOOK_SECONDS_TO_LOAD = "%s took %s seconds to load."
const F_USER_ACTIVATION_KEY_FOR = "User activation key for %s"
const F_USERS_BROWSING = "<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are browsing <strong>%s</strong>"
const F_USERS_FOUND = "%s user(s) found"
const F_USERS_ONLINE = "<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are online"
const F_USING_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = "Using %s authentication method"
const F_WELCOME_TO = "Welcome to %s"
const F_YES_DELETE_ALL = "Yes, delete all %s"
const F_YOUR_ACCOUNT_AT = "Your account at %s"
const FIELD = "Field"
const FIELDS = "Fields"
const FILE = "File"
const FILES = "Files"
const FIND_USERS = "Find users"
const FLASH = "Flash"
const FLASH_URL = "Flash URL"
const FLAT = "Flat"
const FOLDER = "Folder"
const FOLDERS = "Folders"
const FONT = "Font"
const FROM = "From"
const GO_BACK = "Go back"
const GO_TO = "Go to"
const GO_TODAY = "Go today"
const GROUP = "Group"
const GROUPS = "Groups"
const GUESTS = "Guests"
const HAS_AVATAR = "Has avatar"
const HEIGHT = "Height"
const HELP = "Help"
const HIDDEN = "Hidden"
const HITS = "Hits"
const HOME = "Home"
const HOME_PAGE = "Home page"
const HORIZONTAL = "Horizontal"
const HTML = "HTML"
const I_AGREE_TO_THE_ABOVE = "I agree to the above"
const ICONS = "Icons"
const ICQ = "ICQ"
const ID = "ID"
const IMAGE = "Image"
const IMAGE_FILE = "Image file"
const IMAGE_POSITION_DESCRIPTION = "'R' or 'r' for right, 'L' or 'l' for left, or leave it blank."
const IMAGE_URL = "Image url"
const IMAGES = "Images"
const INACTIVE = "Inactive"
const INBOX = "Inbox"
const INDEX = "Index"
const INFO = "Info"
const INFORMATION = "Information"
const INFORMATION_FOR_UPLOADS = "Information for uploads"
const INPUT_LETTERS_IN_THE_IMAGE = "Input letters in the image"
const INPUT_RESULT_FROM_EXPRESSION = "Input the result from the expression"
const INSIDE_IMAGE = "Inside images"
const INTEREST = "Interest"
const INTEREST_CONTAINS = "Interest contains"
const IP = "IP"
const ITALIC = "Italic"
const ITEM_ID = "Item ID"
const ITEM_NAME = "Item name"
const ITEMS = "Items"
const ITEMS_TO_DISPLAY = "Items to display"
const KEYWORD = "Keyword"
const KEYWORDS = "Keywords"
const L_COUNTRY_AD = "Andorra"
const L_COUNTRY_AE = "United Arab Emirates"
const L_COUNTRY_AF = "Afghanistan"
const L_COUNTRY_AG = "Antigua and Barbuda"
const L_COUNTRY_AI = "Anguilla"
const L_COUNTRY_AL = "Albania"
const L_COUNTRY_AM = "Armenia"
const L_COUNTRY_AN = "Netherlands Antilles"
const L_COUNTRY_AO = "Angola"
const L_COUNTRY_AQ = "Antarctica"
const L_COUNTRY_AR = "Argentina"
const L_COUNTRY_AS = "American Samoa"
const L_COUNTRY_AT = "Austria"
const L_COUNTRY_AU = "Australia"
const L_COUNTRY_AW = "Aruba"
const L_COUNTRY_AX = "Ã…land Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_AZ = "Azerbaijan"
const L_COUNTRY_BA = "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
const L_COUNTRY_BB = "Barbados"
const L_COUNTRY_BD = "Bangladesh"
const L_COUNTRY_BE = "Belgium"
const L_COUNTRY_BF = "Burkina Faso"
const L_COUNTRY_BG = "Bulgaria"
const L_COUNTRY_BH = "Bahrain"
const L_COUNTRY_BI = "Burundi"
const L_COUNTRY_BJ = "Benin"
const L_COUNTRY_BL = "Saint Barthélemy"
const L_COUNTRY_BM = "Bermuda"
const L_COUNTRY_BN = "Brunei Darussalam"
const L_COUNTRY_BO = "Bolivia"
const L_COUNTRY_BR = "Brazil"
const L_COUNTRY_BS = "Bahamas"
const L_COUNTRY_BT = "Bhutan"
const L_COUNTRY_BV = "Bouvet Island"
const L_COUNTRY_BW = "Botswana"
const L_COUNTRY_BY = "Belarus"
const L_COUNTRY_BZ = "Belize"
const L_COUNTRY_CA = "Canada"
const L_COUNTRY_CC = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_CD = "Congo (Dem. Rep.)"
const L_COUNTRY_CF = "Central African Republic"
const L_COUNTRY_CG = "Congo"
const L_COUNTRY_CH = "Switzerland"
const L_COUNTRY_CI = "Côte d'Ivoire"
const L_COUNTRY_CK = "Cook Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_CL = "Chile"
const L_COUNTRY_CM = "Cameroon"
const L_COUNTRY_CN = "China"
const L_COUNTRY_CO = "Colombia"
const L_COUNTRY_CR = "Costa Rica"
const L_COUNTRY_CS = "Serbia & Montenegro (former)"
const L_COUNTRY_CU = "Cuba"
const L_COUNTRY_CV = "Cape Verde"
const L_COUNTRY_CX = "Christmas Island"
const L_COUNTRY_CY = "Cyprus"
const L_COUNTRY_CZ = "Czech Republic"
const L_COUNTRY_DE = "Germany"
const L_COUNTRY_DJ = "Djibouti"
const L_COUNTRY_DK = "Denmark"
const L_COUNTRY_DM = "Dominica"
const L_COUNTRY_DO = "Dominican Republic"
const L_COUNTRY_DZ = "Algeria"
const L_COUNTRY_EC = "Ecuador"
const L_COUNTRY_EE = "Estonia"
const L_COUNTRY_EG = "Egypt"
const L_COUNTRY_EH = "Western Sahara"
const L_COUNTRY_ER = "Eritrea"
const L_COUNTRY_ES = "Spain"
const L_COUNTRY_ET = "Ethiopia"
const L_COUNTRY_FI = "Finland"
const L_COUNTRY_FJ = "Fiji"
const L_COUNTRY_FK = "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
const L_COUNTRY_FM = "Micronesia"
const L_COUNTRY_FO = "Faroe Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_FR = "France"
const L_COUNTRY_FX = "France, Metropolitan"
const L_COUNTRY_GA = "Gabon"
const L_COUNTRY_GB = "Great Britain (UK)"
const L_COUNTRY_GD = "Grenada"
const L_COUNTRY_GE = "Georgia"
const L_COUNTRY_GF = "French Guiana"
const L_COUNTRY_GG = "Guernsey"
const L_COUNTRY_GH = "Ghana"
const L_COUNTRY_GI = "Gibraltar"
const L_COUNTRY_GL = "Greenland"
const L_COUNTRY_GM = "Gambia"
const L_COUNTRY_GN = "Guinea"
const L_COUNTRY_GP = "Guadeloupe"
const L_COUNTRY_GQ = "Equatorial Guinea"
const L_COUNTRY_GR = "Greece"
const L_COUNTRY_GS = "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls."
const L_COUNTRY_GT = "Guatemala"
const L_COUNTRY_GU = "Guam"
const L_COUNTRY_GW = "Guinea-Bissau"
const L_COUNTRY_GY = "Guyana"
const L_COUNTRY_HK = "Hong Kong"
const L_COUNTRY_HM = "Heard and McDonald Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_HN = "Honduras"
const L_COUNTRY_HR = "Croatia"
const L_COUNTRY_HT = "Haiti"
const L_COUNTRY_HU = "Hungary"
const L_COUNTRY_ID = "Indonesia"
const L_COUNTRY_IE = "Ireland"
const L_COUNTRY_IL = "Israel"
const L_COUNTRY_IM = "Isle of Man"
const L_COUNTRY_IN = "India"
const L_COUNTRY_IO = "British Indian Ocean Territory"
const L_COUNTRY_IQ = "Iraq"
const L_COUNTRY_IR = "Iran"
const L_COUNTRY_IS = "Iceland"
const L_COUNTRY_IT = "Italy"
const L_COUNTRY_JM = "Jamaica"
const L_COUNTRY_JO = "Jordan"
const L_COUNTRY_JP = "Japan"
const L_COUNTRY_KE = "Kenya"
const L_COUNTRY_KG = "Kyrgyzstan"
const L_COUNTRY_KH = "Cambodia"
const L_COUNTRY_KI = "Kiribati"
const L_COUNTRY_KM = "Comoros"
const L_COUNTRY_KN = "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
const L_COUNTRY_KP = "Korea (North)"
const L_COUNTRY_KR = "Korea (South)"
const L_COUNTRY_KW = "Kuwait"
const L_COUNTRY_KY = "Cayman Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_KZ = "Kazakhstan"
const L_COUNTRY_LA = "Laos"
const L_COUNTRY_LB = "Lebanon"
const L_COUNTRY_LC = "Saint Lucia"
const L_COUNTRY_LI = "Liechtenstein"
const L_COUNTRY_LK = "Sri Lanka"
const L_COUNTRY_LR = "Liberia"
const L_COUNTRY_LS = "Lesotho"
const L_COUNTRY_LT = "Lithuania"
const L_COUNTRY_LU = "Luxembourg"
const L_COUNTRY_LV = "Latvia"
const L_COUNTRY_LY = "Libya"
const L_COUNTRY_MA = "Morocco"
const L_COUNTRY_MC = "Monaco"
const L_COUNTRY_MD = "Moldova"
const L_COUNTRY_ME = "Montenegro"
const L_COUNTRY_MF = "Saint Martin"
const L_COUNTRY_MG = "Madagascar"
const L_COUNTRY_MH = "Marshall Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_MK = "Macedonia"
const L_COUNTRY_ML = "Mali"
const L_COUNTRY_MM = "Myanmar"
const L_COUNTRY_MN = "Mongolia"
const L_COUNTRY_MO = "Macao"
const L_COUNTRY_MP = "Northern Mariana Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_MQ = "Martinique"
const L_COUNTRY_MR = "Mauritania"
const L_COUNTRY_MS = "Montserrat"
const L_COUNTRY_MT = "Malta"
const L_COUNTRY_MU = "Mauritius"
const L_COUNTRY_MV = "Maldives"
const L_COUNTRY_MW = "Malawi"
const L_COUNTRY_MX = "Mexico"
const L_COUNTRY_MY = "Malaysia"
const L_COUNTRY_MZ = "Mozambique"
const L_COUNTRY_NA = "Namibia"
const L_COUNTRY_NC = "New Caledonia"
const L_COUNTRY_NE = "Niger"
const L_COUNTRY_NF = "Norfolk Island"
const L_COUNTRY_NG = "Nigeria"
const L_COUNTRY_NI = "Nicaragua"
const L_COUNTRY_NL = "Netherlands"
const L_COUNTRY_NO = "Norway"
const L_COUNTRY_NP = "Nepal"
const L_COUNTRY_NR = "Nauru"
const L_COUNTRY_NT = "Neutral Zone"
const L_COUNTRY_NU = "Niue"
const L_COUNTRY_NZ = "New Zealand"
const L_COUNTRY_OM = "Oman"
const L_COUNTRY_PA = "Panama"
const L_COUNTRY_PE = "Peru"
const L_COUNTRY_PF = "French Polynesia"
const L_COUNTRY_PG = "Papua New Guinea"
const L_COUNTRY_PH = "Philippines"
const L_COUNTRY_PK = "Pakistan"
const L_COUNTRY_PL = "Poland"
const L_COUNTRY_PM = "St. Pierre and Miquelon"
const L_COUNTRY_PN = "Pitcairn"
const L_COUNTRY_PR = "Puerto Rico"
const L_COUNTRY_PS = "Palestine Territory (Occupied)"
const L_COUNTRY_PT = "Portugal"
const L_COUNTRY_PW = "Palau"
const L_COUNTRY_PY = "Paraguay"
const L_COUNTRY_QA = "Qatar"
const L_COUNTRY_RE = "Reunion"
const L_COUNTRY_RO = "Romania"
const L_COUNTRY_RS = "Serbia"
const L_COUNTRY_RU = "Russian Federation"
const L_COUNTRY_RW = "Rwanda"
const L_COUNTRY_SA = "Saudi Arabia"
const L_COUNTRY_SB = "Solomon Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_SC = "Seychelles"
const L_COUNTRY_SD = "Sudan"
const L_COUNTRY_SE = "Sweden"
const L_COUNTRY_SG = "Singapore"
const L_COUNTRY_SH = "St. Helena"
const L_COUNTRY_SI = "Slovenia"
const L_COUNTRY_SJ = "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_SK = "Slovakia"
const L_COUNTRY_SL = "Sierra Leone"
const L_COUNTRY_SM = "San Marino"
const L_COUNTRY_SN = "Senegal"
const L_COUNTRY_SO = "Somalia"
const L_COUNTRY_SR = "Suriname"
const L_COUNTRY_ST = "Sao Tome and Principe"
const L_COUNTRY_SU = "USSR (former)"
const L_COUNTRY_SV = "El Salvador"
const L_COUNTRY_SY = "Syria"
const L_COUNTRY_SZ = "Swaziland"
const L_COUNTRY_TC = "Turks and Caicos Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_TD = "Chad"
const L_COUNTRY_TF = "French Southern Territories"
const L_COUNTRY_TG = "Togo"
const L_COUNTRY_TH = "Thailand"
const L_COUNTRY_TJ = "Tajikistan"
const L_COUNTRY_TK = "Tokelau"
const L_COUNTRY_TL = "Timor-Leste"
const L_COUNTRY_TM = "Turkmenistan"
const L_COUNTRY_TN = "Tunisia"
const L_COUNTRY_TO = "Tonga"
const L_COUNTRY_TP = "East Timor"
const L_COUNTRY_TR = "Turkey"
const L_COUNTRY_TT = "Trinidad and Tobago"
const L_COUNTRY_TV = "Tuvalu"
const L_COUNTRY_TW = "Taiwan"
const L_COUNTRY_TZ = "Tanzania"
const L_COUNTRY_UA = "Ukraine"
const L_COUNTRY_UG = "Uganda"
const L_COUNTRY_UK = "United Kingdom"
const L_COUNTRY_UM = "US Minor Outlying Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_US = "United States"
const L_COUNTRY_UY = "Uruguay"
const L_COUNTRY_UZ = "Uzbekistan"
const L_COUNTRY_VA = "Vatican City State (Holy See)"
const L_COUNTRY_VC = "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
const L_COUNTRY_VE = "Venezuela"
const L_COUNTRY_VG = "Virgin Islands (British)"
const L_COUNTRY_VI = "Virgin Islands (US)"
const L_COUNTRY_VN = "Viet Nam"
const L_COUNTRY_VU = "Vanuatu"
const L_COUNTRY_WF = "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
const L_COUNTRY_WS = "Samoa"
const L_COUNTRY_YE = "Yemen"
const L_COUNTRY_YT = "Mayotte"
const L_COUNTRY_YU = "Yugoslavia (former)"
const L_COUNTRY_ZA = "South Africa"
const L_COUNTRY_ZM = "Zambia"
const L_COUNTRY_ZR = "Zaire"
const L_COUNTRY_ZW = "Zimbabwe"
const L_DAY_FRIDAY = "Friday"
const L_DAY_MONDAY = "Monday"
const L_DAY_SATURDAY = "Saturday"
const L_DAY_SUNDAY = "Sunday"
const L_DAY_THURSDAY = "Thursday"
const L_DAY_TUESDAY = "Tuesday"
const L_DAY_WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"
const L_MONTH_APRIL = "April"
const L_MONTH_AUGUST = "August"
const L_MONTH_DECEMBER = "December"
const L_MONTH_FEBRUARY = "February"
const L_MONTH_JANUARY = "January"
const L_MONTH_JULY = "July"
const L_MONTH_JUNE = "June"
const L_MONTH_MARCH = "March"
const L_MONTH_MAY = "May"
const L_MONTH_NOVEMBER = "November"
const L_MONTH_OCTOBER = "October"
const L_MONTH_SEPTEMBER = "September"
const L_TZ_GMT0 = "(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time, London, Dublin, Lisbon, Casablanca, Monrovia"
const L_TZ_GMTM1 = "(GMT-1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands"
const L_TZ_GMTM10 = "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii"
const L_TZ_GMTM11 = "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa"
const L_TZ_GMTM12 = "(GMT-12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein"
const L_TZ_GMTM2 = "(GMT-2:00) Mid-Atlantic"
const L_TZ_GMTM3 = "(GMT-3:00) Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown"
const L_TZ_GMTM35 = "(GMT-3:30) Newfoundland"
const L_TZ_GMTM4 = "(GMT-4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz"
const L_TZ_GMTM5 = "(GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito"
const L_TZ_GMTM6 = "(GMT-6:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada), Mexico City"
const L_TZ_GMTM7 = "(GMT-7:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)"
const L_TZ_GMTM8 = "(GMT-8:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)"
const L_TZ_GMTM9 = "(GMT-9:00) Alaska"
const L_TZ_GMTP1 = "(GMT+1:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Copenhagen, Brussels, Madrid, Paris"
const L_TZ_GMTP10 = "(GMT+10:00) Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam,Vlasdiostok"
const L_TZ_GMTP11 = "(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia"
const L_TZ_GMTP12 = "(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Island"
const L_TZ_GMTP2 = "(GMT+2:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk, Helsinki, Jerusalem, South Africa"
const L_TZ_GMTP3 = "(GMT+3:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg"
const L_TZ_GMTP35 = "(GMT+3:30) Tehran"
const L_TZ_GMTP4 = "(GMT+4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi"
const L_TZ_GMTP45 = "(GMT+4:30) Kabul"
const L_TZ_GMTP5 = "(GMT+5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent"
const L_TZ_GMTP55 = "(GMT+5:30) Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi"
const L_TZ_GMTP6 = "(GMT+6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo"
const L_TZ_GMTP7 = "(GMT+7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"
const L_TZ_GMTP8 = "(GMT+8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Taipei"
const L_TZ_GMTP9 = "(GMT+9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk"
const L_TZ_GMTP95 = "(GMT+9:30) Adelaide, Darwin"
const LANGUAGE = "Language"
const LANGUAGES = "Languages"
const LAST_LOGIN = "Last login"
const LEFT = "Left"
const LEVEL = "Level"
const LF_AGO_DAYS = "%s days ago"
const LF_AGO_HOURS = "%s hours ago"
const LF_AGO_MINUTES = "%s minutes ago"
const LF_AGO_ONE_DAY = "1 day ago"
const LF_AGO_ONE_HOUR = "1 hour ago"
const LF_AGO_ONE_MINUTE = "1 minute ago"
const LF_AGO_ONE_MONTH = "1 month ago"
const LF_AGO_ONE_SECOND = "1 second ago"
const LF_AGO_ONE_WEEK = "1 week ago"
const LF_AGO_SECONDS = "%s seconds ago"
const LICENCE = "Licence"
const LINE_THROUGH = "Line through"
const LINKS = "Links"
const LIST_ = "List"
const LOADING = "Loading..."
const LOCATION = "Location"
const LOCATION_CONTAINS = "Location contains"
const LOGGED_IN_PAST_X_DAYS = "Logged in past <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>days"
const LOGIN_WITH_REGISTERED_PASSWORD = "Please login with the registered password."
const MAIN = "Main"
const MAKE_PDF_FROM_THIS_PAGE = "Make a PDF from this page"
const MANAGE_EXTENSIONS = "Manage extensions"
const MANAGE_MODULES = "Manage modules"
const MANUAL = "Manual"
const MATCHES = "Matches"
const MAX_HEIGHT = "Max height"
const MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_BYTES = "Max Image Size (Bytes)"
const MAX_PIXELS = "Max Pixels"
const MAX_SIZE = "Max size"
const MAX_WIDTH = "Max width"
const MAXIMUM_LENGTH = "Maximum length"
const MEMBER_SINCE = "Member since"
const MEMBERS = "Members"
const MESSAGE = "Message"
const MESSAGE_ICON = "Message icon"
const METHOD = "Method"
const MMS = "MMS"
const MODULE = "Module"
const MODULE_INFORMATION = "Module information"
const MODULES = "Modules"
const MORE = "More..."
const MORE_ABOUT_ME = "More about me"
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const MY_INFORMATION = "My information"
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const NAME_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Name not available"
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const NEXT = "Next"
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const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE_IN_USER_SIDE = "Number of items to display per page in user side"
const NUMBER_OF_POSTS = "Number of posts"
const NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "Number of results per page"
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const OCCUPATION_CONTAINS = "Occupation contains"
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const ONE_DAY = "1 day"
const ONE_HOUR = "1 hour"
const ONE_MINUTE = "1 minute"
const ONE_MONTH = "1 month"
const ONE_SECOND = "1 second"
const ONE_WEEK = "1 week"
const ONLINE = "Online"
const ONLY_USERS_THAT_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that accept email"
const ONLY_USERS_THAT_DO_NOT_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that don't accept email"
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const PASTE_THE_QUOTE_YOU_WANT_TO_INSERT = "Paste the QUOTE you want to insert"
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const PM = "PM"
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const POSITION_CONTAINS = "Position contains"
const POST = "Post"
const POST_ANONYMOUSLY = "Post anonymously"
const POSTED_BY = "Posted by"
const POSTS = "Posts"
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const PRESS_BUTTON_BELLOW_TO_LOGIN = "Press the button below to login"
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const QUOTE = "Quote"
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const RANDOM_ITEMS = "Random items"
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const RATING = "Rating"
const RATING_AND_VOTE_COUNT = "Rating and vote count"
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const REGISTER_NOW = "Register now"
const REGISTERED = "Registered"
const REGISTERED_IN_PAST_X_DAYS = "Registered in past <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>days"
const REGISTRATION_DATE = "Registration date"
const REJECTED = "Rejected"
const RELATED_ITEMS = "Related items"
const REMEMBER_ME = "Remember me"
const REMOVE_UNSELECTED_USERS = "Remove unselected users"
const REPLIES = "Replies"
const REPLY = "Reply"
const REQUIRED = "Required"
const RESIZED_IMAGE = "Resized image"
const RESULT = "Result"
const RETYPE_PASSWORD = "Retype password"
const RIGHT = "Right"
const S_ACTION_EXECUTED = "Action executed successfully!"
const S_DATA_INSERTED = "Data inserted successfully!"
const S_DATA_UPDATED = "Data updated!"
const S_DATABASE_UPDATED = "Database updated successfully!"
const S_DONE = "Done!"
const S_ITEM_SAVED = "Item saved successfully!"
const S_MESSAGED_HAS_BEEN_POSTED = "Your message has been posted!"
const S_REFERENCE_TO_SITE_SENT = "The reference to our site has been sent to your friend. Thanks!"
const S_THANK_YOU_FOR_POSTING = "Thanks for your posting!"
const S_THANK_YOU_FOR_VISITING_OUR_SITE = "Thank you for visiting our site!"
const S_USERS_ADDED = "Users have been added!"
const S_YOU_ARE_NOW_LOGGED_OUT = "You are now logged out"
const S_YOU_ARE_NOW_REGISTERED = "You are now registered."
const S_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATED = "Your account has been activated!"
const S_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DELETED = "Your account has been deleted!"
const S_YOUR_MESSAGES_DELETED = "Your message(s) has been deleted!"
const S_YOUR_PROFILE_UPDATED = "Your profile has been updated!"
const SAVE_CHANGES = "Save changes"
const SEARCH = "Search"
const SEARCH_AGAIN = "Search again"
const SEARCH_IN = "Search in"
const SEARCH_RESULTS = "Search results"
const SEARCH_RULE = "Search rule"
const SEARCH_USERS = "Search users"
const SECTION = "Section"
const SELECT = "Select"
const SELECT_CATEGORY = "Select category"
const SELECT_DATE = "Select date"
const SELECT_FILE = "Select file"
const SELECT_MODULE = "Select module"
const SELECT_TEMPLATES = "Select templates"
const SELECT_THEME = "Select theme"
const SEND_EMAIL = "Send email"
const SEND_PASSWORD = "Send password"
const SENT = "Sent"
const SERVICES = "Services"
const SETTINGS = "Settings"
const SF_DATA_INSERTED_TO_TABLE = "Data inserted to table '%s'!"
const SF_EMAIL_SENT_TO = "Email sent to %s!"
const SF_ENTRIES_INSERTED_TO_TABLE = "%d entries inserted to table '%s'!"
const SF_EXECUTED = "%s executed successfully."
const SF_EXTENSION_IS_INSTALLED = "The extension '%s' is installed"
const SF_FOLDER_EXISTS = "The folder '%s' exists!"
const SF_FOUND_MATCHES = "Found <strong>%s</strong> match(es)"
const SF_INSTALLED = "'%s' was installed successfully."
const SF_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT_TO = "Notification email sent to %s!"
const SF_PASSWORD_SENT_TO = "Password sent to %s!"
const SF_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_SENT_TO = "Private message sent to %s!"
const SF_SAVED = "%s saved"
const SF_SERVICE_IS_INSTALLED = "A '%s' service provider is available."
const SF_TABLE_CREATED = "Table '%s' created!"
const SF_TABLE_DROPPED = "Table '%s' dropped!"
const SF_TABLE_UPDATED = "Table '%s' updated!"
const SF_THANK_YOU_FOR_LOGGING_IN = "Thank you for logging in, %s!"
const SF_UNINSTALLED = "'%s' was uninstalled successfully."
const SF_UPDATED = "'%s' was updated successfully."
const SHORT_TEXT = "Short text"
const SHOW_ALL = "Show all"
const SHOW_ALL_RESULTS = "Show all results"
const SIDE = "Side"
const SIGNATURE = "Signature"
const SIMPLE_MODE = "Simple mode"
const SIZE = "Size"
const SMILIE_CODE = "Smilie code"
const SMILIE_DESCRIPTION = "Smilie description"
const SMILIES = "Smilies"
const SORT_BY = "Sort by"
const SOUNDCLOUD = "SoundCloud"
const SOUNDCLOUD_URL = "Enter SoundCloud Profile URL"
const SOURCE_CODE = "Source code"
const STARTING_WITH_HTTP_OR_HTTPS = "Starting with http or https"
const STARTS_WITH = "Starts with"
const STATISTICS = "Statistics"
const STATUS = "Status"
const SUBJECT = "Subject"
const SUBMITTED = "Submitted"
const SUCCESS = "Success"
const SUMMARY = "Summary"
const TABLE = "Table"
const TABLES = "Tables"
const TAG = "Tag"
const TAGS = "Tags"
const TEMPLATES = "Templates"
const TEXT = "Text"
const THEMES = "Themes"
const THIS_WILL_REMOVE_ALL_YOUR_INFO = "This will remove all your info from our database!"
const THREAD = "Thread"
const THREADED = "Threaded"
const TIME_FORMAT = "Time format"
const TIME_ZONE = "Time zone"
const TIMERS = "Timers"
const TIPS = "Tips"
const TITLE = "Title"
const TITLE_LENGTH = "Title length"
const TO = "To"
const TODAY = "Today"
const TOGGLE_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = "Toggle first day of week"
const TOP = "Top"
const TOP_ITEMS = "Top items"
const TOP_PAGE = "Top page"
const TOP_RATED_ITEMS = "Top rated items"
const TOTAL = "Total"
const TOTALS = "Totals"
const TYPE = "Type"
const TYPE_NEW_PASSWORD_TWICE_TO_CHANGE_IT = "(type a new password twice to change it)"
const TYPE_OF_USERS_TO_SHOW = "Type of users to show"
const TYPES = "Types"
const UNASSIGNED = "Unassigned"
const UNDERLINE = "Underline"
const UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
const UPDATE_DATE = "Update the date"
const UPDATE_NOW = "Update now"
const UPDATE_OPTIONS = "Update options"
const UPDATED = "Updated"
const URL = "URL"
const URL_CONTAINS = "URL contains"
const USER = "User"
const USER_GROUPS = "User's groups"
const USER_LOGIN = "User login"
const USER_NAME = "User name"
const USER_REGISTRATION = "User registration"
const USERNAME = "Username"
const USERS = "Users"
const VERIFY_PASSWORD = "Verify password"
const VERSION = "Version"
const VERTICAL = "Vertical"
const VIEW_ACCOUNT = "View account"
const VISIBLE = "Visible"
const VISIBLE_IN = "Visible in"
const VISIT_WEBSITE = "Visit website"
const VOTE = "Vote"
const VOTES = "Votes"
const WARNING = "Warning"
const WEB_URL = "Web URL"
const WEBSITE = "Website"
const WEIGHT = "Weight"
const WELCOME = "Welcome"
const WHO_IS_ONLINE = "Who's online"
const WIDTH = "Width"
const WIKI = "WIKI link"
const WIKI_WORD_TO_LINK = "The word to be linked to Wiki"
const WMP = "WMP"
const WMP_URL = "WMP URL"
const YES = "Yes"
const YIM = "YIM"
const YOUTUBE = "Youtube"
const YOUTUBE_URL = "Youtube URL"

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Xoops_Locale_Abstract
static convert_encoding ($text, $to= 'utf-8', $from= '')
static formatTimestamp ($time, $format= 'l', $timeoffset=null)
static getAdminRssUrls ()
static getCharset ()
static getFonts ()
static getFontSizes ()
static getFormatLongDate ()
static getFormatMediumDate ()
static getFormatMonthDay ()
static getFormatShortDate ()
static getFormatToday ()
static getFormatYearMonthDay ()
static getFormatYesterday ()
static getLangCode ()
static getLegacyLanguage ()
static getLocale ()
static getTimezone ()
static isMultiByte ()
static isRtl ()
static money_format ($format, $number)
static number_format ($number)
static setLocale ()
static substr ($str, $start, $length, $trimmarker= '...')
static trim ($text)
static utf8_encode ($text)

Detailed Description

trabis lusop.nosp@m.oema.nosp@m.s@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om
$Id$ Naming conventions
  • All translations must be enclosed with ""
  • All translations must be Uppercase first, do not use CamelCase Good ex: "User groups" Bad ex: "user groups" or "User Groups"
  • All keys must be as descriptive as possible.
  • All keys must use complete words between each '_',
  • Keys should be prepended with identifiers in following cases: F_ Formatted, use this when strings are parsed with sprintf() A_ Action, use this when using a single word which is a verb S_ Success, use this for success messages and exclamations E_ Error, use this for error messages C_ Colon, use this when string ends with a colon ":" Q_ Question, use this when string is a question L_ List, use this for lists of strings, ex: months, countries, languages, etc Use L_NAME_ to group list items by name, ex: L_COUNTRY_
  • Chain keys alphabetically with the exception of F, F always comes in last ex: SF_ (formatted success message), EF_ (formatted error message)
  • Special cases: CONF_ Configs, prepend this for your module configs. Config keys are stored in database, try to make them as short as possible! _DESC Description, append this for configs description

Definition at line 43 of file en_US.php.

Member Data Documentation

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_ADD = "Add"

Definition at line 77 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_ALIGN = "Align"

Definition at line 78 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_ANALYZE = "Analyze"

Definition at line 79 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_APPEND = "Append"

Definition at line 80 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_BACK = "Back"

Definition at line 81 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_CHANGE = "Change"

Definition at line 83 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_CHECK = "Check"

Definition at line 84 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_CLEAR = "Clear"

Definition at line 85 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_CLONE = "Clone"

Definition at line 86 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_CLOSE = "Close"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_COLLAPSE = "Collapse"

Definition at line 88 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_DELETE = "Delete"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_DETAIL = "Detail"

Definition at line 90 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_DISABLE = "Disable"

Definition at line 91 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_DISPLAY = "Display"

Definition at line 92 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_EDIT = "Edit"

Definition at line 93 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct(), and Comments\renderView().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_ENABLE = "Enable"

Definition at line 94 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_EXPAND = "Expand"

Definition at line 95 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_EXPORT = "Export"

Definition at line 96 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_FINISH = "Finish"

Definition at line 97 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_GO = "Go"

Definition at line 98 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_themes_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_HIDE = "Hide"

Definition at line 99 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_IMPORT = "Import"

Definition at line 100 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_INSTALL = "Install"

Definition at line 101 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_LOGIN = "Login"

Definition at line 102 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_login_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_LOGOUT = "Logout"

Definition at line 103 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_user_show(), and XoopsGuiDefault\header().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_MANAGE = "Manage"

Definition at line 104 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_MODIFY = "Modify"

Definition at line 105 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_OPTIMIZE = "Optimize"

Definition at line 106 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_POST = "Post"

Definition at line 107 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_PREPEND = "Prepend"

Definition at line 108 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_PREVIEW = "Preview"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_PRINT = "Print"

Definition at line 110 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_PRUNE = "Prune"

Definition at line 111 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_PUBLISH = "Publish"

Definition at line 112 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_PURGE = "Purge"

Definition at line 113 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_QUOTE = "Quote"

Definition at line 114 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_REFRESH = "Refresh"

Definition at line 115 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_REGISTER = "Register"

Definition at line 116 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_REMOVE = "Remove"

Definition at line 117 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_REPAIR = "Repair"

Definition at line 118 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_REPLY = "Reply"

Definition at line 119 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Comments\renderView().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_REPORT = "Report"

Definition at line 120 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_RESTORE = "Restore"

Definition at line 122 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_SAVE = "Save"

Definition at line 123 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_SEARCH = "Search"

Definition at line 124 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_SELECT = "Select"

Definition at line 125 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\SelectEditor\__construct(), and Xoops\Form\DateSelect\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_SEND = "Send"

Definition at line 126 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_SHOW = "Show"

Definition at line 127 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_SYNCHRONIZE = "Synchronize"

Definition at line 129 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_TAG = "Tag"

Definition at line 130 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_UNINSTALL = "Uninstall"

Definition at line 131 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_UPDATE = "Update"

Definition at line 132 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::A_UPLOAD = "Upload"

Definition at line 133 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatar_userForm\__construct(), and AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ABOUT = "About"

Definition at line 45 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ACTION = "Action"

Definition at line 46 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ACTIONS = "Actions"

Definition at line 47 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ACTIVE = "Active"

Definition at line 48 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ADD_SELECTED_USERS = "Add selected users"

Definition at line 49 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ADMIN = "Admin"

Definition at line 50 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ADMINISTRATION = "Administration"

Definition at line 51 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ADVANCED = "Advanced"

Definition at line 52 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ADVANCED_MODE = "Advanced mode"

Definition at line 53 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ADVANCED_SEARCH = "Advanced search"

Definition at line 54 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::AFTER = "After"

Definition at line 55 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::AIM = "AIM"

Definition at line 56 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALIGNMENT = "Alignment"

Definition at line 57 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL = "All"

Definition at line 58 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct(), and Xoops\Form\GroupFormCheckbox\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL_AND = "All (AND)"

Definition at line 61 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL_GROUPS = "All groups"

Definition at line 62 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL_MODULES = "All modules"

Definition at line 63 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL_PAGES = "All pages"

Definition at line 64 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL_TYPES = "All types"

Definition at line 65 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALL_USERS = "All users"

Definition at line 66 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALLOW_OTHER_USERS_TO_VIEW_EMAIL = "Allow other users to view my email address"

Definition at line 60 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALLOWED_MAX_CHARS_LENGTH = "Allowed max chars length"

Definition at line 59 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ALWAYS_ATTACH_MY_SIGNATURE = "Always attach my signature"

Definition at line 67 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ANONYMOUS = "Anonymous"

Definition at line 68 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ANY_OR = "Any (OR)"

Definition at line 69 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ANY_STATUS = "Any status"

Definition at line 70 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::APPROVED = "Approved"

Definition at line 71 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ARCHIVE = "Archive"

Definition at line 72 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ASCENDING = "Ascending"

Definition at line 73 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ASCENDING_ORDER = "Ascending order"

Definition at line 74 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::AUTHOR = "Author"

Definition at line 75 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::AVATAR = "Avatar"

Definition at line 76 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BACK_TO_TOP = "Back to top"

Definition at line 134 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BASIC = "Basic"

Definition at line 135 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BASIC_INFORMATION = "Basic information"

Definition at line 136 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BEFORE = "Before"

Definition at line 137 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BLOCKS = "Blocks"

Definition at line 138 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BODY = "Body"

Definition at line 139 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BOLD = "Bold"

Definition at line 140 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BOOKMARK = "Bookmark"

Definition at line 141 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BOTH = "Both"

Definition at line 142 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BOTTOM = "Bottom"

Definition at line 143 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::BREADCRUMB = "Breadcrumb"

Definition at line 144 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_AUTHOR = "Author:"

Definition at line 178 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_DESCRIPTION = "Description:"

Definition at line 179 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderAbout().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_ERRORS = "Error(s):"

Definition at line 180 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install(), and SystemModule\uninstall().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_FRIEND_EMAIL = "Friend email:"

Definition at line 181 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_FRIEND_NAME = "Friend name:"

Definition at line 182 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_FROM = "From:"

Definition at line 183 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_LAST_UPDATE = "Last update:"

Definition at line 184 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_LICENSE = "License:"

Definition at line 185 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_MODULES = "Modules:"

Definition at line 186 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_NAME = "Name:"

Definition at line 187 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installconfigs().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_PASSWORD = "Password:"

Definition at line 188 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_login_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_QUOTE = "Quote:"

Definition at line 189 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MyTextSanitizer\quoteConv().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_RE = "Re:"

Definition at line 190 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Comments\displayNew(), and Comments\displayReply().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_SENT = "Sent:"

Definition at line 191 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_TO = "To:"

Definition at line 192 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_UPDATE_DATE = "Update date:"

Definition at line 193 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderAbout().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_USERNAME = "Username:"

Definition at line 194 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_login_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_VALUE = "Value:"

Definition at line 195 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installconfigs().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_VERSION = "Version:"

Definition at line 196 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_WEBSITE = "Website:"

Definition at line 197 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderAbout().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_YOUR_EMAIL = "Your email:"

Definition at line 198 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::C_YOUR_NAME = "Your name:"

Definition at line 199 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CACHED = "Cached"

Definition at line 145 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CANCEL_SEND = "Cancel send"

Definition at line 146 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CAPTION = "Caption"

Definition at line 147 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CATEGORIES = "Categories"

Definition at line 148 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CATEGORY = "Category"

Definition at line 149 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CENTER = "Center"

Definition at line 150 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CF_FOLLOWING_WORDS_SHORTER_THAN_NOT_INCLUDED = "The following words are shorter than allowed minimum length (%u chars) and were not included in your search:"

Definition at line 151 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CF_WROTE = "%s wrote:"

Definition at line 152 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CHANGE_LOG = "Change log"

Definition at line 153 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CHANGE_STATUS = "Change status"

Definition at line 154 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CHARSET = "Charset"

Definition at line 155 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CHARSETS = "Charsets"

Definition at line 156 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CHECK_ALL = "Check all"

Definition at line 157 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CHECK_TEXT_LENGTH = "Check text length"

Definition at line 158 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLICK_A_SMILIE_TO_INSERT_INTO_MESSAGE = "Click a smilie to insert it into your message."

Definition at line 159 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLICK_HERE_TO_REGISTER = "Click <a href='register.php'>here</a>."

Definition at line 160 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLICK_HERE_TO_VIEW_YOU_PRIVATE_MESSAGES = "You can click here to view your private messages"

Definition at line 161 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLICK_PREVIEW_TO_SEE_CONTENT = "Click the <strong>Preview</strong> to see the content in action."

Definition at line 162 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLICK_TO_REFRESH_IMAGE_IF_NOT_CLEAR = "Click to refresh the image if it is not clear enough."

Definition at line 163 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptchaImage\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLICK_TO_SEE_ORIGINAL_IMAGE_IN_NEW_WINDOW = "Click to see original image in a new window"

Definition at line 164 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsImage\load().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CLOSE_WINDOW = "Close window"

Definition at line 165 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CODE = "Code"

Definition at line 166 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CODE_IS_CASE_INSENSITIVE = "The code is case-insensitive"

Definition at line 167 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptchaImage\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CODE_IS_CASE_SENSITIVE = "The code is case-sensitive"

Definition at line 168 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptchaImage\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::COLOR = "Color"

Definition at line 169 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::COMMENTS = "Comments"

Definition at line 170 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::COMMENTS_COUNT = "Comments count"

Definition at line 171 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::COMMENTS_POSTS = "Comments/Posts"

Definition at line 172 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CONFIGURATION_CHECK = "Configuration check"

Definition at line 173 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CONFIRMATION_CODE = "Confirmation code"

Definition at line 174 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptcha\getCaption().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CONTAINS = "Contains"

Definition at line 175 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\SelectMatchOption\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CONTENT = "Content"

Definition at line 176 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::CREDITS = "Credits"

Definition at line 177 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DATE = "Date"

Definition at line 200 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DATE_FORMAT = "Date format"

Definition at line 201 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DEBUG = "Debug"

Definition at line 202 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Delete account"

Definition at line 203 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DELETE_ALL = "Delete all"

Definition at line 204 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DESCENDING = "Descending"

Definition at line 205 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DESCENDING_ORDER = "Descending order"

Definition at line 206 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DESCRIPTION = "Description"

Definition at line 207 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DETAILS = "Details"

Definition at line 208 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISABLE_HTML = "Disable html"

Definition at line 210 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISABLE_SMILIE = "Disable smilie"

Definition at line 211 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISABLED = "Disabled"

Definition at line 209 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISCLAIMER = "Disclaimer"

Definition at line 212 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_ALL_ITEMS = "Display all items"

Definition at line 213 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_IN_FORM = "Display in form"

Definition at line 214 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_MONDAY_FIRST = "Display monday first"

Definition at line 215 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_OPTIONS = "Display options"

Definition at line 216 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_ORDER = "Display order"

Definition at line 217 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_RANDOM_ITEMS = "Display random items"

Definition at line 218 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_RECENT_ITEMS = "Display recent items"

Definition at line 219 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_SUNDAY_FIRST = "Display sunday first"

Definition at line 220 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_THIS_ITEM = "Display this item"

Definition at line 221 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_TOP_ITEMS = "Display top items"

Definition at line 222 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_TOP_RATED_ITEMS = "Display top rated items"

Definition at line 223 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DO_NOT_DISPLAY_IN_FORM = "Don't display in form"

Definition at line 224 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::DRAG_TO_MOVE = "Drag to move"

Definition at line 225 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_ACTIVATION_FAILED = "Activation failed!"

Definition at line 310 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_ACTIVATION_KEY_INCORRECT = "Activation key not correct!"

Definition at line 311 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_ALL_PARENT_ITEMS_MUST_BE_SELECTED = "All parent items must be selected."

Definition at line 312 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER = "Can't connect to the server!"

Definition at line 313 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Ads\authenticate(), and Xoops\Auth\Ldap\authenticate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_CHANGE_FILE_PERMISSIONS = "Please change the permission of this file for security reasons. In Unix (444), in Win32 (read-only)"

Definition at line 314 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_CHANGE_FOLDER_PERMISSIONS = "Please change the permission of this folder. In Unix (777), in Win32 (writable)"

Definition at line 315 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_CHECK_EMAIL_AND_TRY_AGAIN = "Please check the email address and try again!"

Definition at line 316 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_CHECK_NAME_AND_TRY_AGAIN = "Please check the name and try again!"

Definition at line 317 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_COMPLETE_SUBJECT_AND_MESSAGE = "Please complete the subject and message fields!"

Definition at line 318 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_CONTACT_THE_ADMINISTRATORS_FOR_DETAILS = "Please contact the administrator for details!"

Definition at line 319 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_DATABASE_NOT_UPDATED = "Database was not updated!"

Definition at line 320 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_EMAIL_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN_SPACES = "Email address should not contain spaces!"

Definition at line 321 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_EMAIL_TAKEN = "Email address is already registered!"

Definition at line 322 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_ENTER_ALL_REQUIRED_DATA = "Please enter all required data!"

Definition at line 323 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_ENTER_IMAGE_POSITION = "Enter the position of the image!"

Definition at line 324 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_EXTENSION_PHP_LDAP_NOT_LOADED = "PHP LDAP extension not loaded (verify your PHP configuration file php.ini)"

Definition at line 325 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Ads\authenticate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_FILE_NAME_MISSING = "Filename is missing!"

Definition at line 326 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\fetchMedia().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "File not found!"

Definition at line 327 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\fetchMedia(), and Xoops\pathExists().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_FILE_TYPE_REJECTED = "The file you're trying to upload is not supported by this site/server!"

Definition at line 328 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\checkMimeType().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_FROM_EMAIL_NOT_SET = "From email is not set!"

Definition at line 329 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_FROM_NAME_NOT_SET = "From name is not set!"

Definition at line 330 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_GO_BACK_AND_TRY_AGAIN = "Please go back and try again!"

Definition at line 331 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INCORRECT_LOGIN = "Incorrect login!"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INVALID_CONFIRMATION_CODE = "Invalid confirmation code!"

Definition at line 333 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptcha\verify().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INVALID_EMAIL = "Invalid email!"

Definition at line 334 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INVALID_FILE_NAME = "Invalid file name!"

Definition at line 335 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\copyFile().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INVALID_FILE_SIZE = "Invalid file size!"

Definition at line 336 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\fetchMedia().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INVALID_IMAGE_FILE = "Invalid image file!"

Definition at line 337 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\checkImageType().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_INVALID_USERNAME = "Invalid username!"

Definition at line 338 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_LOADING_MIME_TYPES_DEFINITION = "Error loading mime types definition!"

Definition at line 339 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_LOGGER_ERROR = "Error"

Definition at line 340 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Logger\handleError().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_LOGGER_NOTICE = "Notice"

Definition at line 341 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Logger\handleError().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_LOGGER_STRICT = "Strict"

Definition at line 342 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Logger\handleError().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_LOGGER_UNKNOWN = "Unknown"

Definition at line 343 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Logger\handleError().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_LOGGER_WARNING = "Warning"

Definition at line 344 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Logger\handleError().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_MESSAGE_BODY_NOT_SET = "Message body is not set!"

Definition at line 345 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsMailer\send().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_MESSAGE_TO_LONG = "Your message is too long!"

Definition at line 346 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_MOVE_OUT_OF_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "For security considerations it is highly suggested to move it out of DocumentRoot!"

Definition at line 347 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_MUST_PROVIDE_PASSWORD = "You must provide a password!"

Definition at line 348 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NAME_IS_RESERVED = "Name is reserved!"

Definition at line 349 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION = "Sorry, you don't have the permission to access this area!"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_ACTION_PERMISSION = "Sorry, you do not have the permission to perform this action!"

Definition at line 352 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_MODULE = "Selected module does not exist!"

Definition at line 353 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_PAGE = "This page does not exist in our database"

Definition at line 354 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_RESULT_FOUND = "No result found!"

Definition at line 355 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_USER_FOUND = "Sorry, the user was not found!"

Definition at line 356 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_USER_SELECTED = "No user selected!"

Definition at line 357 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NO_VALID_ID_DETECTED = "No valid ID detected"

Definition at line 358 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_NOT_DONE = "Not done!"

Definition at line 350 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_PASSWORDS_MUST_MATCH = "Both passwords are different. They must be identical."

Definition at line 359 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_REGISTER_FIRST_TO_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGES = "Please register first to send private messages!"

Definition at line 360 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_REMOVE_DIRECTORY = "Please remove this directory for security reasons"

Definition at line 361 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_SECTION_NOT_ACTIVE = "This section is not active!"

Definition at line 362 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVATED = "Selected account is already activated!"

Definition at line 363 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_SELECTED_USER_DEACTIVATED_OR_NOT_ACTIVE = "The selected user has been deactivated or has not been activated yet."

Definition at line 364 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_SELECTED_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "The selected user doesn't exist in the database."

Definition at line 365 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_SOME_ERROR_OCCURRED = "Some error occurred!"

Definition at line 366 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_SUSPICIOUS_IMAGE_UPLOAD_REFUSED = "Suspicious image upload refused!"

Definition at line 367 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\copyFile().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_TAKING_YOU_BACK = "Taking you back to where you were..."

Definition at line 368 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\redirect().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_OPENED = "Template file was not opened!"

Definition at line 369 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsMailer\send().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_TLS_CONNECTION_NOT_OPENED = "TLS connection was not opened!"

Definition at line 370 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Ads\authenticate(), and Xoops\Auth\Ldap\authenticate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_TO_MANY_ATTEMPTS = "Too many attempts!"

Definition at line 371 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptcha\render(), and XoopsCaptcha\verify().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_SET = "Upload directory not set!"

Definition at line 372 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\upload().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_USER_ID_NOT_FETCHED = "User ID was not fetched!"

Definition at line 375 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by synchronize().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_USER_IN_WEBMASTER_GROUP_CANNOT_BE_REMOVED = "User in the webmasters group cannot be removed"

Definition at line 376 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_USER_NOT_REGISTERED = "User was not registered!"

Definition at line 377 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_USER_NOT_UPDATED = "User was not updated!"

Definition at line 378 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_USERNAME_TAKEN = "Username already taken!"

Definition at line 373 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_USERS_NOT_FOUND = "No users found!"

Definition at line 374 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_VERIFY_USER_DATA_OR_SET_AUTOMATIC_PROVISIONING = "Please verify your user data or set on the automatic provisioning"

Definition at line 379 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_WE_ARE_CLOSED_FOR_REGISTRATION = "Sorry, we are currently closed for new user registrations!"

Definition at line 380 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_ARE_NOT_REGISTERED = "Sorry, you are not a registered user!"

Definition at line 381 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_ANY_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = "You don't have any private messages!"

Definition at line 382 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_HAVE_TO_AGREE_TO_DISCLAIMER = "Sorry, you have to agree to our disclaimer to get registered!"

Definition at line 383 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_MUST_COMPLETE_ALL_REQUIRED_FIELDS = "You must complete all required fields"

Definition at line 384 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_NEED_A_POSITIVE_INTEGER = "You need a positive integer!"

Definition at line 385 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct(), and SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_NEED_TO_ENTER_REQUIRED_INFO = "You need to enter required info!"

Definition at line 386 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EDIT_ACCOUNT = "Edit account"

Definition at line 227 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_user_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EDIT_PROFILE = "Edit profile"

Definition at line 228 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EDITOR = "Editor"

Definition at line 226 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_CLASS_NOT_FOUND = "Class '%s' was not found!"

Definition at line 229 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Factory\getAuthConnection().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_CORRESPONDING_USER_NOT_FOUND_IN_DATABASE = "No corresponding user information has been found in the XOOPS database for connection: %s!"

Definition at line 230 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Provisioning\sync().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_DATABASE_ERROR = "Database error: %s"

Definition at line 231 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_DIRECTORY_EXISTS = "Directory '%s' exists on your server!"

Definition at line 232 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_DIRECTORY_NOT_OPENED = "Directory '%s' was not opened!"

Definition at line 233 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\upload().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_DIRECTORY_WITH_WRITE_PERMISSION_NOT_OPENED = "Directory with write permission '%s' was not opened!"

Definition at line 234 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\upload().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS = "User email '%s' already exists!"

Definition at line 235 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_EMAIL_NOT_SENT_TO = "Email was not sent to '%s'!"

Definition at line 236 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsMailer\send().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_ENTRIES_NOT_INSERTED_TO_TABLE = "Failed inserting %d entries to table '%s'!"

Definition at line 237 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsDatabaseManager\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_ENTRY_NOT_READ = "Entry '%s' was not read!"

Definition at line 238 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Ldap\loadXoopsUser().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_ERRORS_RETURNED_WHILE_UPLOADING_FILE = "Errors returned while uploading file: %s"

Definition at line 239 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\getErrors().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_EXTENSION_IS_NOT_INSTALLED = "The extension '%s' isn't installed!"

Definition at line 240 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\addConfigBoxLine().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_HEIGHT_TO_LARGE = "File height too large (Maximum %u px): %u px!"

Definition at line 241 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\checkMaxHeight().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_IS_WRITABLE = "File '%s' is writable by the server!"

Definition at line 242 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_MIME_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED = "File of mime type '%s' is not allowed!"

Definition at line 243 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\checkMimeType().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_MUST_BE_WRITABLE = "File '%s' must be writable by the server!"

Definition at line 244 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "File '%s' was not found!"

Definition at line 245 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_NOT_SAVED_TO = "File not saved to '%s'!"

Definition at line 246 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\copyFile().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_NOT_UPLOADED = "File '%s' was not uploaded!"

Definition at line 247 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_SIZE_TO_LARGE = "File size too large (Maximum %u bytes): %u bytes!"

Definition at line 248 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\checkMaxFileSize().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FILE_WIDTH_TO_LARGE = "File width too large (Maximum %u px): %u px!"

Definition at line 249 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\checkMaxWidth().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "Folder '%s' does not exist!"

Definition at line 250 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\addConfigBoxLine().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FOLDER_IS_INSIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "Folder '%s' is inside DocumentRoot!"

Definition at line 251 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FOLDER_MUST_BE_WITH_CHMOD = "Folder '%s' must be with a chmod '%s' (it's now set on %s)!"

Definition at line 252 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\addConfigBoxLine().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_FOLDER_NOT_WRITABLE = "Folder '%s' is not writable by the server!"

Definition at line 253 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_IMAGE_SIZE_NOT_FETCHED = "'%s' image size was not fetched, skipping max dimension check..."
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_INVALID_SQL = "SQL '%s' is invalid!"

Definition at line 255 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_KEYWORDS_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN = "Keywords must be at least <strong>%s</strong> characters long!"

Definition at line 256 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_LOGGER_FILELINE = "%s in file %s line %s"

Definition at line 257 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Logger\handleError().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_CREATED = "'%s' was not created!"

Definition at line 259 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_DELETED = "'%s' was not deleted!"

Definition at line 260 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_EXECUTED = "'%s' was not executed!"

Definition at line 261 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install(), SystemModule\uninstall(), and SystemModule\update().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_INSERTED_TO_DATABASE = "'%s' was not inserted to database!"

Definition at line 262 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_INSTALLED = "'%s' was not installed!"

Definition at line 263 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_UNINSTALLED = "'%s' was not uninstalled!"

Definition at line 264 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOT_UPDATED = "'%s' was not updated!"

Definition at line 265 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks(), and SystemModule\update().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_NOT_SENT_TO = "Notification email was not sent to '%s'!"

Definition at line 258 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_PASSWORD_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN = "Your password must be at least '%s' characters long!"

Definition at line 266 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_NOT_SENT_TO = "Private message was not sent to '%s'!"

Definition at line 267 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsMailer\send().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_SERVICE_IS_NOT_INSTALLED = "No '%s' service provider is installed!"

Definition at line 268 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\addConfigBoxLine().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_TABLE_DROP_NOT_ALLOWED = "Table '%s' is not allowed to be dropped!"

Definition at line 269 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_TABLE_NOT_CREATED = "Table '%s' was not created!"

Definition at line 270 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsDatabaseManager\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_TABLE_NOT_DELETED = "Table '%s' was not deleted!"

Definition at line 271 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_TABLE_NOT_DROPPED = "Table '%s' was not dropped!"

Definition at line 272 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsDatabaseManager\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_TABLE_NOT_UPDATED = "Table '%s' was not updated!"

Definition at line 273 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsDatabaseManager\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "Unexpected error: %s"

Definition at line 274 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\fetchMedia().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_USER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = "User name '%s' already exists!"

Definition at line 277 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_USER_NOT_FOUND_IN_DIRECTORY_SERVER = "User '%s' not found in the directory server (%s) in %s!"

Definition at line 278 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Ldap\getUserDN().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_USERNAME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN = "Username is too long, it must be less than '%s' characters!"

Definition at line 275 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EF_USERNAME_MUST_BE_MORE_THAN = "Username is too short, it must be more than '%s' characters!"

Definition at line 276 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\validate().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EMAIL = "Email"

Definition at line 279 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct(), and Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EMAIL_HAS_BEEN_SENT_WITH_ACTIVATION_KEY = "An email containing an user activation key has been sent to the email account you provided. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account. "

Definition at line 280 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EMAIL_HAS_NOT_BEEN_SENT_WITH_ACTIVATION_KEY = "However, we were unable to send the activation email to your email account due to an internal error that had occurred on our server. We are sorry for the inconvenience, please send the webmaster an email notifying him/her of the situation."

Definition at line 281 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EMAIL_PROVIDED_IS_INVALID = "The email address you provided is not a valid address."

Definition at line 282 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EMOTION = "Emotion"

Definition at line 283 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENABLE_DISABLE = "Enable/Disable"

Definition at line 284 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENABLE_HTML_TAGS = "Enable HTML tags"

Definition at line 285 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENABLE_SMILIES_ICONS = "Enable smilies icons"

Definition at line 286 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENABLE_XOOPS_CODES = "Enable XOOPS codes"

Definition at line 287 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENDS_WITH = "Ends with"

Definition at line 288 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\SelectMatchOption\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_CODE = "Enter the codes that you want to add."

Definition at line 289 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_EMAIL = "Enter the email address you want to add."

Definition at line 290 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_IMAGE_POSITION = "Now, enter the position of the image."

Definition at line 291 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_IMAGE_URL = "Enter the URL of the image you want to add"

Definition at line 292 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_LINK_URL = "Enter the URL of the link you want to add"

Definition at line 293 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_QUOTE = "Enter the text that you want to be quoted."

Definition at line 294 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_TEXT_BOX = "Please input text into the text box."

Definition at line 295 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_VALID_EMAIL = "Enter a valid email address"

Definition at line 296 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\Mail\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_WEBSITE_TITLE = "Enter the web site title"

Definition at line 297 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_YOUR_FRIEND_EMAIL = "Please enter your friend's email address"

Definition at line 298 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_YOUR_FRIEND_NAME = "Please enter your friend's name"

Definition at line 299 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ENTER_YOUR_NAME = "Please enter your name"

Definition at line 300 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ERROR = "Error"

Definition at line 301 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\alert().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ERRORS = "Errors"

Definition at line 302 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsMailer\getErrors().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EVENT = "Event"

Definition at line 303 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EVENTS = "Events"

Definition at line 304 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EXACT_MATCH = "Exact Match"

Definition at line 305 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EXAMPLE = "Example"

Definition at line 306 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EXTENSIONS = "Extensions"

Definition at line 307 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EXTRA = "Extra"

Definition at line 308 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::EXTRA_INFO = "Extra info"

Definition at line 309 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_ACTIVE_USERS = "Active users: %s"

Definition at line 399 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_ALL_ABOUT = "All about %s"

Definition at line 400 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_AUTHORIZED_MIME_TYPES = "Authorized mime types: %s"

Definition at line 401 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_CLICK_HERE = "Click <a href='%s'>here</a>."

Definition at line 402 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL_SENT = "Confirmation email for %s mailed."

Definition at line 403 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_CURRENT_TEXT_LENGTH = "Current text length: %s"

Definition at line 404 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_DAYS = "%s days"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_DELETED = "%s deleted"

Definition at line 406 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_DISABLE = "Disable %s"

Definition at line 407 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_ERROR = "Error:<br /><br /> %s"

Definition at line 409 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_EXTENSION_PHP_NOT_LOADED = "PHP %s extension not loaded (verify your PHP configuration file php.ini)"

Definition at line 451 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\Ldap\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_FILE_EXISTS_IN = "File exists in: %s"

Definition at line 411 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_FILES = "%s files"

Definition at line 410 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_HAS_JUST_REGISTERED = "%s has just registered!"

Definition at line 412 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_HOURS = "%s hours"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_IF_PAGE_NOT_RELOAD_CLICK_HERE = "If the page does not automatically reload, please click <a href='%s'>here</a>"

Definition at line 414 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\redirect().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_IN_FILE_LINE = "%s in file %s line %s"

Definition at line 417 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_INACTIVE_USERS = "Inactive users: %s"

Definition at line 415 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_INTERESTING_SITE = "Interesting site: %s"

Definition at line 416 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_KEYWORDS_SHORTER_THAN_WILL_BE_IGNORED = "Keywords shorter than <strong>%s</strong> characters will be ignored"

Definition at line 419 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MAX_PIXELS_WIDTH_HEIGHT = "Max Pixels: %s x %s (width x height)"

Definition at line 421 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MAX_UPLOAD_FILES_SIZE_ALLOWED_KB = "Max uploaded files size: %s [KB]"

Definition at line 422 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS = "Maximum attempts you can try: %d"

Definition at line 420 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptchaText\render(), and XoopsCaptchaImage\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MINIMUM_DATABASE_VERSION_REQUIRED = "Minimum version required: %s (your version is %s)"

Definition at line 423 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderIndex().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED = "Minimum PHP required: %s (your version is %s)"

Definition at line 424 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderIndex().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MINIMUM_XOOPS_VERSION_REQUIRED = "Minimum XOOPS required: %s (your version is %s)"

Definition at line 425 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderIndex().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MINUTES = "%s minutes"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MODULE_IS_INSTALLED = "The module '%s' is installed"

Definition at line 427 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\addConfigBoxLine().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MODULE_IS_NOT_INSTALLED = "The module '%s' isn't installed"

Definition at line 428 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\addConfigBoxLine().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_MUST_BE_SHORTER_THAN = "%s must be shorter than %d characters."

Definition at line 429 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\Kernel\Dtype\DtypeTextbox\cleanVar().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_NEW_PASSWORD_REQUEST_AT = "New password request at %s"

Definition at line 430 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_NEW_USER_REGISTRATION_AT = "New user registration at %s"

Definition at line 431 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_NO_DELETE_ONLY_THIS = "No, delete only this %s"

Definition at line 432 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_OPTIONS = "%s options"

Definition at line 433 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_POSTED_BY = "Posted by %s"

Definition at line 434 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_READS = "(%s reads)"

Definition at line 435 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_RULES = "%s rules"

Definition at line 436 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_SECONDS = "%s seconds"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_SEND_EMAIL_TO = "Send email to %s"

Definition at line 438 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TO = "Send private message to %s"

Definition at line 439 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_SHOWING_RESULTS = "(Showing %d - %d)"

Definition at line 440 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_TIME_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION = "Valid formats: 's' - %s; 'm' - %s; 'l' - %s;<br />'c' or 'custom' - format determined according to interval to present; 'e' - Elapsed; 'mysql' - Y-m-d H:i:s;<br />specified object - Refer to <a href='http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php' rel='external'>PHP manual</a>."

Definition at line 441 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_TOOK_SECONDS_TO_LOAD = "%s took %s seconds to load."

Definition at line 442 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_USER_ACTIVATION_KEY_FOR = "User activation key for %s"

Definition at line 446 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_USERS_BROWSING = "<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are browsing <strong>%s</strong>"

Definition at line 443 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_online_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_USERS_FOUND = "%s user(s) found"

Definition at line 444 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_USERS_ONLINE = "<strong>%s</strong> user(s) are online"

Definition at line 445 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_online_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_USING_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = "Using %s authentication method"

Definition at line 447 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Auth\AuthAbstract\getHtmlErrors().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_WELCOME_TO = "Welcome to %s"

Definition at line 448 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsUserUtility\sendWelcome().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_YES_DELETE_ALL = "Yes, delete all %s"

Definition at line 449 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::F_YOUR_ACCOUNT_AT = "Your account at %s"

Definition at line 450 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FIELD = "Field"

Definition at line 387 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FIELDS = "Fields"

Definition at line 388 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FILE = "File"

Definition at line 389 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatar_userForm\__construct(), and AvatarsAvatarForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FILES = "Files"

Definition at line 390 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FIND_USERS = "Find users"

Definition at line 391 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FLASH = "Flash"

Definition at line 392 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsFlash\encode().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FLASH_URL = "Flash URL"

Definition at line 393 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsFlash\encode().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FLAT = "Flat"

Definition at line 394 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FOLDER = "Folder"

Definition at line 395 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FOLDERS = "Folders"

Definition at line 396 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FONT = "Font"

Definition at line 397 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::FROM = "From"

Definition at line 398 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::GO_BACK = "Go back"

Definition at line 452 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Comments\displayDelete().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::GO_TO = "Go to"

Definition at line 453 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::GO_TODAY = "Go today"

Definition at line 454 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::GROUP = "Group"

Definition at line 455 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::GROUPS = "Groups"

Definition at line 456 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct(), and SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::GUESTS = "Guests"

Definition at line 457 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_online_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HAS_AVATAR = "Has avatar"

Definition at line 458 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HEIGHT = "Height"

Definition at line 459 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsFlash\encode(), MytsYoutube\encode(), MytsWmp\encode(), and MytsRtsp\encode().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HELP = "Help"

Definition at line 460 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header(), and Xoops\Module\Admin\renderIndex().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HIDDEN = "Hidden"

Definition at line 461 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HITS = "Hits"

Definition at line 462 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HOME = "Home"

Definition at line 463 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_main_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HOME_PAGE = "Home page"

Definition at line 464 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HORIZONTAL = "Horizontal"

Definition at line 465 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::HTML = "HTML"

Definition at line 466 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::I_AGREE_TO_THE_ABOVE = "I agree to the above"

Definition at line 492 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ICONS = "Icons"

Definition at line 467 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ICQ = "ICQ"

Definition at line 468 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ID = "ID"

Definition at line 469 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::IMAGE = "Image"

Definition at line 470 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::IMAGE_FILE = "Image file"

Definition at line 472 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::IMAGE_POSITION_DESCRIPTION = "'R' or 'r' for right, 'L' or 'l' for left, or leave it blank."

Definition at line 473 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::IMAGE_URL = "Image url"

Definition at line 474 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::IMAGES = "Images"

Definition at line 471 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\codeIcon().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INACTIVE = "Inactive"

Definition at line 475 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INBOX = "Inbox"

Definition at line 476 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_user_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INDEX = "Index"

Definition at line 477 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INFO = "Info"

Definition at line 478 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INFORMATION = "Information"

Definition at line 479 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\alert().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INFORMATION_FOR_UPLOADS = "Information for uploads"

Definition at line 480 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INPUT_LETTERS_IN_THE_IMAGE = "Input letters in the image"

Definition at line 481 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptchaImage\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INPUT_RESULT_FROM_EXPRESSION = "Input the result from the expression"

Definition at line 482 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsCaptchaText\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INSIDE_IMAGE = "Inside images"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INTEREST = "Interest"

Definition at line 484 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::INTEREST_CONTAINS = "Interest contains"

Definition at line 485 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::IP = "IP"

Definition at line 486 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ITALIC = "Italic"

Definition at line 487 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ITEM_ID = "Item ID"

Definition at line 490 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ITEM_NAME = "Item name"

Definition at line 491 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ITEMS = "Items"

Definition at line 488 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ITEMS_TO_DISPLAY = "Items to display"

Definition at line 489 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::KEYWORD = "Keyword"

Definition at line 493 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::KEYWORDS = "Keywords"

Definition at line 494 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AD = "Andorra"

Definition at line 519 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AE = "United Arab Emirates"

Definition at line 520 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AF = "Afghanistan"

Definition at line 521 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AG = "Antigua and Barbuda"

Definition at line 522 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AI = "Anguilla"

Definition at line 523 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AL = "Albania"

Definition at line 524 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AM = "Armenia"

Definition at line 525 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AN = "Netherlands Antilles"

Definition at line 526 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AO = "Angola"

Definition at line 527 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AQ = "Antarctica"

Definition at line 528 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AR = "Argentina"

Definition at line 529 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AS = "American Samoa"

Definition at line 530 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AT = "Austria"

Definition at line 531 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AU = "Australia"

Definition at line 532 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AW = "Aruba"

Definition at line 533 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AX = "Ã…land Islands"

Definition at line 534 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_AZ = "Azerbaijan"

Definition at line 535 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BA = "Bosnia and Herzegovina"

Definition at line 536 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BB = "Barbados"

Definition at line 537 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BD = "Bangladesh"

Definition at line 538 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BE = "Belgium"

Definition at line 539 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BF = "Burkina Faso"

Definition at line 540 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BG = "Bulgaria"

Definition at line 541 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BH = "Bahrain"

Definition at line 542 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BI = "Burundi"

Definition at line 543 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BJ = "Benin"

Definition at line 544 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BL = "Saint Barthélemy"

Definition at line 545 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BM = "Bermuda"

Definition at line 546 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BN = "Brunei Darussalam"

Definition at line 547 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BO = "Bolivia"

Definition at line 548 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BR = "Brazil"

Definition at line 549 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BS = "Bahamas"

Definition at line 550 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BT = "Bhutan"

Definition at line 551 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BV = "Bouvet Island"

Definition at line 552 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BW = "Botswana"

Definition at line 553 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BY = "Belarus"

Definition at line 554 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_BZ = "Belize"

Definition at line 555 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CA = "Canada"

Definition at line 556 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CC = "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"

Definition at line 557 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CD = "Congo (Dem. Rep.)"

Definition at line 558 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CF = "Central African Republic"

Definition at line 559 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CG = "Congo"

Definition at line 560 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CH = "Switzerland"

Definition at line 561 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CI = "Côte d'Ivoire"

Definition at line 562 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CK = "Cook Islands"

Definition at line 563 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CL = "Chile"

Definition at line 564 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CM = "Cameroon"

Definition at line 565 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CN = "China"

Definition at line 566 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CO = "Colombia"

Definition at line 567 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CR = "Costa Rica"

Definition at line 568 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CS = "Serbia & Montenegro (former)"

Definition at line 569 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CU = "Cuba"

Definition at line 570 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CV = "Cape Verde"

Definition at line 571 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CX = "Christmas Island"

Definition at line 572 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CY = "Cyprus"

Definition at line 573 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_CZ = "Czech Republic"

Definition at line 574 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_DE = "Germany"

Definition at line 575 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_DJ = "Djibouti"

Definition at line 576 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_DK = "Denmark"

Definition at line 577 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_DM = "Dominica"

Definition at line 578 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_DO = "Dominican Republic"

Definition at line 579 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_DZ = "Algeria"

Definition at line 580 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_EC = "Ecuador"

Definition at line 581 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_EE = "Estonia"

Definition at line 582 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_EG = "Egypt"

Definition at line 583 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_EH = "Western Sahara"

Definition at line 584 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ER = "Eritrea"

Definition at line 585 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ES = "Spain"

Definition at line 586 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ET = "Ethiopia"

Definition at line 587 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FI = "Finland"

Definition at line 588 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FJ = "Fiji"

Definition at line 589 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FK = "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"

Definition at line 590 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FM = "Micronesia"

Definition at line 591 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FO = "Faroe Islands"

Definition at line 592 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FR = "France"

Definition at line 593 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_FX = "France, Metropolitan"

Definition at line 594 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GA = "Gabon"

Definition at line 595 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GB = "Great Britain (UK)"

Definition at line 596 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GD = "Grenada"

Definition at line 597 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GE = "Georgia"

Definition at line 598 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GF = "French Guiana"

Definition at line 599 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GG = "Guernsey"

Definition at line 600 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GH = "Ghana"

Definition at line 601 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GI = "Gibraltar"

Definition at line 602 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GL = "Greenland"

Definition at line 603 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GM = "Gambia"

Definition at line 604 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GN = "Guinea"

Definition at line 605 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GP = "Guadeloupe"

Definition at line 606 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GQ = "Equatorial Guinea"

Definition at line 607 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GR = "Greece"

Definition at line 608 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GS = "S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls."

Definition at line 609 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GT = "Guatemala"

Definition at line 610 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GU = "Guam"

Definition at line 611 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GW = "Guinea-Bissau"

Definition at line 612 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_GY = "Guyana"

Definition at line 613 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_HK = "Hong Kong"

Definition at line 614 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_HM = "Heard and McDonald Islands"

Definition at line 615 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_HN = "Honduras"

Definition at line 616 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_HR = "Croatia"

Definition at line 617 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_HT = "Haiti"

Definition at line 618 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_HU = "Hungary"

Definition at line 619 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ID = "Indonesia"

Definition at line 620 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IE = "Ireland"

Definition at line 621 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IL = "Israel"

Definition at line 622 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IM = "Isle of Man"

Definition at line 623 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IN = "India"

Definition at line 624 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IO = "British Indian Ocean Territory"

Definition at line 625 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IQ = "Iraq"

Definition at line 626 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IR = "Iran"

Definition at line 627 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IS = "Iceland"

Definition at line 628 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_IT = "Italy"

Definition at line 629 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_JM = "Jamaica"

Definition at line 630 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_JO = "Jordan"

Definition at line 631 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_JP = "Japan"

Definition at line 632 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KE = "Kenya"

Definition at line 633 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KG = "Kyrgyzstan"

Definition at line 634 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KH = "Cambodia"

Definition at line 635 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KI = "Kiribati"

Definition at line 636 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KM = "Comoros"

Definition at line 637 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KN = "Saint Kitts and Nevis"

Definition at line 638 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KP = "Korea (North)"

Definition at line 639 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KR = "Korea (South)"

Definition at line 640 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KW = "Kuwait"

Definition at line 641 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KY = "Cayman Islands"

Definition at line 642 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_KZ = "Kazakhstan"

Definition at line 643 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LA = "Laos"

Definition at line 644 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LB = "Lebanon"

Definition at line 645 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LC = "Saint Lucia"

Definition at line 646 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LI = "Liechtenstein"

Definition at line 647 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LK = "Sri Lanka"

Definition at line 648 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LR = "Liberia"

Definition at line 649 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LS = "Lesotho"

Definition at line 650 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LT = "Lithuania"

Definition at line 651 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LU = "Luxembourg"

Definition at line 652 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LV = "Latvia"

Definition at line 653 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_LY = "Libya"

Definition at line 654 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MA = "Morocco"

Definition at line 655 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MC = "Monaco"

Definition at line 656 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MD = "Moldova"

Definition at line 657 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ME = "Montenegro"

Definition at line 658 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MF = "Saint Martin"

Definition at line 659 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MG = "Madagascar"

Definition at line 660 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MH = "Marshall Islands"

Definition at line 661 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MK = "Macedonia"

Definition at line 662 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ML = "Mali"

Definition at line 663 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MM = "Myanmar"

Definition at line 664 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MN = "Mongolia"

Definition at line 665 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MO = "Macao"

Definition at line 666 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MP = "Northern Mariana Islands"

Definition at line 667 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MQ = "Martinique"

Definition at line 668 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MR = "Mauritania"

Definition at line 669 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MS = "Montserrat"

Definition at line 670 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MT = "Malta"

Definition at line 671 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MU = "Mauritius"

Definition at line 672 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MV = "Maldives"

Definition at line 673 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MW = "Malawi"

Definition at line 674 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MX = "Mexico"

Definition at line 675 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MY = "Malaysia"

Definition at line 676 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_MZ = "Mozambique"

Definition at line 677 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NA = "Namibia"

Definition at line 678 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NC = "New Caledonia"

Definition at line 679 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NE = "Niger"

Definition at line 680 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NF = "Norfolk Island"

Definition at line 681 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NG = "Nigeria"

Definition at line 682 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NI = "Nicaragua"

Definition at line 683 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NL = "Netherlands"

Definition at line 684 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NO = "Norway"

Definition at line 685 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NP = "Nepal"

Definition at line 686 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NR = "Nauru"

Definition at line 687 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NT = "Neutral Zone"

Definition at line 688 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NU = "Niue"

Definition at line 689 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_NZ = "New Zealand"

Definition at line 690 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_OM = "Oman"

Definition at line 691 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PA = "Panama"

Definition at line 692 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PE = "Peru"

Definition at line 693 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PF = "French Polynesia"

Definition at line 694 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PG = "Papua New Guinea"

Definition at line 695 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PH = "Philippines"

Definition at line 696 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PK = "Pakistan"

Definition at line 697 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PL = "Poland"

Definition at line 698 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PM = "St. Pierre and Miquelon"

Definition at line 699 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PN = "Pitcairn"

Definition at line 700 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PR = "Puerto Rico"

Definition at line 701 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PS = "Palestine Territory (Occupied)"

Definition at line 702 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PT = "Portugal"

Definition at line 703 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PW = "Palau"

Definition at line 704 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_PY = "Paraguay"

Definition at line 705 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_QA = "Qatar"

Definition at line 706 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_RE = "Reunion"

Definition at line 707 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_RO = "Romania"

Definition at line 708 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_RS = "Serbia"

Definition at line 709 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_RU = "Russian Federation"

Definition at line 710 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_RW = "Rwanda"

Definition at line 711 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SA = "Saudi Arabia"

Definition at line 712 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SB = "Solomon Islands"

Definition at line 713 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SC = "Seychelles"

Definition at line 714 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SD = "Sudan"

Definition at line 715 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SE = "Sweden"

Definition at line 716 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SG = "Singapore"

Definition at line 717 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SH = "St. Helena"

Definition at line 718 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SI = "Slovenia"

Definition at line 719 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SJ = "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"

Definition at line 720 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SK = "Slovakia"

Definition at line 721 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SL = "Sierra Leone"

Definition at line 722 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SM = "San Marino"

Definition at line 723 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SN = "Senegal"

Definition at line 724 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SO = "Somalia"

Definition at line 725 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SR = "Suriname"

Definition at line 726 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ST = "Sao Tome and Principe"

Definition at line 727 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SU = "USSR (former)"

Definition at line 728 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SV = "El Salvador"

Definition at line 729 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SY = "Syria"

Definition at line 730 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_SZ = "Swaziland"

Definition at line 731 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TC = "Turks and Caicos Islands"

Definition at line 732 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TD = "Chad"

Definition at line 733 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TF = "French Southern Territories"

Definition at line 734 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TG = "Togo"

Definition at line 735 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TH = "Thailand"

Definition at line 736 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TJ = "Tajikistan"

Definition at line 737 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TK = "Tokelau"

Definition at line 738 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TL = "Timor-Leste"

Definition at line 739 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TM = "Turkmenistan"

Definition at line 740 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TN = "Tunisia"

Definition at line 741 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TO = "Tonga"

Definition at line 742 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TP = "East Timor"

Definition at line 743 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TR = "Turkey"

Definition at line 744 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TT = "Trinidad and Tobago"

Definition at line 745 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TV = "Tuvalu"

Definition at line 746 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TW = "Taiwan"

Definition at line 747 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_TZ = "Tanzania"

Definition at line 748 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_UA = "Ukraine"

Definition at line 749 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_UG = "Uganda"

Definition at line 750 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_UK = "United Kingdom"

Definition at line 751 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_UM = "US Minor Outlying Islands"

Definition at line 752 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_US = "United States"

Definition at line 753 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_UY = "Uruguay"

Definition at line 754 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_UZ = "Uzbekistan"

Definition at line 755 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VA = "Vatican City State (Holy See)"

Definition at line 756 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VC = "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"

Definition at line 757 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VE = "Venezuela"

Definition at line 758 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VG = "Virgin Islands (British)"

Definition at line 759 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VI = "Virgin Islands (US)"

Definition at line 760 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VN = "Viet Nam"

Definition at line 761 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_VU = "Vanuatu"

Definition at line 762 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_WF = "Wallis and Futuna Islands"

Definition at line 763 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_WS = "Samoa"

Definition at line 764 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_YE = "Yemen"

Definition at line 765 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_YT = "Mayotte"

Definition at line 766 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_YU = "Yugoslavia (former)"

Definition at line 767 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ZA = "South Africa"

Definition at line 768 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ZM = "Zambia"

Definition at line 769 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ZR = "Zaire"

Definition at line 770 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_COUNTRY_ZW = "Zimbabwe"

Definition at line 771 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getCountryList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_FRIDAY = "Friday"

Definition at line 772 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_MONDAY = "Monday"

Definition at line 773 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_SATURDAY = "Saturday"

Definition at line 774 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_SUNDAY = "Sunday"

Definition at line 775 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_THURSDAY = "Thursday"

Definition at line 776 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_TUESDAY = "Tuesday"

Definition at line 777 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_DAY_WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"

Definition at line 778 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_APRIL = "April"

Definition at line 779 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_AUGUST = "August"

Definition at line 780 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_DECEMBER = "December"

Definition at line 781 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_FEBRUARY = "February"

Definition at line 782 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_JANUARY = "January"

Definition at line 783 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_JULY = "July"

Definition at line 784 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_JUNE = "June"

Definition at line 785 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_MARCH = "March"

Definition at line 786 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_MAY = "May"

Definition at line 787 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_NOVEMBER = "November"

Definition at line 788 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_OCTOBER = "October"

Definition at line 789 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_MONTH_SEPTEMBER = "September"

Definition at line 790 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMT0 = "(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time, London, Dublin, Lisbon, Casablanca, Monrovia"

Definition at line 791 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM1 = "(GMT-1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands"

Definition at line 792 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM10 = "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii"

Definition at line 793 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM11 = "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa"

Definition at line 794 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM12 = "(GMT-12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein"

Definition at line 795 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM2 = "(GMT-2:00) Mid-Atlantic"

Definition at line 796 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM3 = "(GMT-3:00) Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown"

Definition at line 797 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM35 = "(GMT-3:30) Newfoundland"

Definition at line 798 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM4 = "(GMT-4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz"

Definition at line 799 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM5 = "(GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito"

Definition at line 800 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM6 = "(GMT-6:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada), Mexico City"

Definition at line 801 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM7 = "(GMT-7:00) Mountain Time (US &amp; Canada)"

Definition at line 802 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM8 = "(GMT-8:00) Pacific Time (US &amp; Canada)"

Definition at line 803 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTM9 = "(GMT-9:00) Alaska"

Definition at line 804 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP1 = "(GMT+1:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Copenhagen, Brussels, Madrid, Paris"

Definition at line 805 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP10 = "(GMT+10:00) Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam,Vlasdiostok"

Definition at line 806 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP11 = "(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia"

Definition at line 807 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP12 = "(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Island"

Definition at line 808 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP2 = "(GMT+2:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk, Helsinki, Jerusalem, South Africa"

Definition at line 809 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP3 = "(GMT+3:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg"

Definition at line 810 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP35 = "(GMT+3:30) Tehran"

Definition at line 811 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP4 = "(GMT+4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi"

Definition at line 812 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP45 = "(GMT+4:30) Kabul"

Definition at line 813 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP5 = "(GMT+5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent"

Definition at line 814 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP55 = "(GMT+5:30) Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi"

Definition at line 815 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP6 = "(GMT+6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo"

Definition at line 816 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP7 = "(GMT+7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"

Definition at line 817 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP8 = "(GMT+8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Taipei"

Definition at line 818 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP9 = "(GMT+9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk"

Definition at line 819 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::L_TZ_GMTP95 = "(GMT+9:30) Adelaide, Darwin"

Definition at line 820 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoopslists\getTimeZoneList().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LANGUAGE = "Language"

Definition at line 495 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LANGUAGES = "Languages"

Definition at line 496 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LAST_LOGIN = "Last login"

Definition at line 497 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LEFT = "Left"

Definition at line 498 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray(), and SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LEVEL = "Level"

Definition at line 499 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_DAYS = "%s days ago"

Definition at line 500 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_HOURS = "%s hours ago"

Definition at line 501 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_MINUTES = "%s minutes ago"

Definition at line 502 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_ONE_DAY = "1 day ago"

Definition at line 503 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_ONE_HOUR = "1 hour ago"

Definition at line 504 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_ONE_MINUTE = "1 minute ago"

Definition at line 505 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_ONE_MONTH = "1 month ago"

Definition at line 506 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_ONE_SECOND = "1 second ago"

Definition at line 507 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_ONE_WEEK = "1 week ago"

Definition at line 508 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LF_AGO_SECONDS = "%s seconds ago"

Definition at line 509 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops_Locale_Abstract\formatTimestamp().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LICENCE = "Licence"

Definition at line 510 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LINE_THROUGH = "Line through"

Definition at line 511 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\fontArray().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LINKS = "Links"

Definition at line 512 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LIST_ = "List"

Definition at line 513 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by AvatarsAvatar_userForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LOADING = "Loading..."

Definition at line 514 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LOCATION = "Location"

Definition at line 515 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LOCATION_CONTAINS = "Location contains"

Definition at line 516 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LOGGED_IN_PAST_X_DAYS = "Logged in past <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>days"

Definition at line 517 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::LOGIN_WITH_REGISTERED_PASSWORD = "Please login with the registered password."

Definition at line 518 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAIN = "Main"

Definition at line 821 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAKE_PDF_FROM_THIS_PAGE = "Make a PDF from this page"

Definition at line 822 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MANAGE_EXTENSIONS = "Manage extensions"

Definition at line 823 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MANAGE_MODULES = "Manage modules"

Definition at line 824 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MANUAL = "Manual"

Definition at line 825 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MATCHES = "Matches"

Definition at line 826 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\SelectMatchOption\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAX_HEIGHT = "Max height"

Definition at line 828 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_BYTES = "Max Image Size (Bytes)"

Definition at line 829 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAX_PIXELS = "Max Pixels"

Definition at line 830 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAX_SIZE = "Max size"

Definition at line 831 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAX_WIDTH = "Max width"

Definition at line 832 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MAXIMUM_LENGTH = "Maximum length"

Definition at line 827 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Form\DhtmlTextArea\render().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MEMBER_SINCE = "Member since"

Definition at line 834 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MEMBERS = "Members"

Definition at line 833 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_online_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MESSAGE = "Message"

Definition at line 835 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MESSAGE_ICON = "Message icon"

Definition at line 836 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by CommentsCommentForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::METHOD = "Method"

Definition at line 837 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MMS = "MMS"

Definition at line 838 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsMms\encode().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MODULE = "Module"

Definition at line 839 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MODULE_INFORMATION = "Module information"

Definition at line 841 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Module\Admin\renderAbout().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MODULES = "Modules"

Definition at line 840 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MORE = "More..."

Definition at line 842 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_online_show().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MORE_ABOUT_ME = "More about me"

Definition at line 843 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MORE_DETAILS = "More details"

Definition at line 844 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MP3 = "MP3"

Definition at line 845 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsMp3\encode().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MP3_URL = "MP3 URL"

Definition at line 846 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsMp3\encode().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MSNM = "MSNM"

Definition at line 847 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::MY_INFORMATION = "My information"

Definition at line 848 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NAME = "Name"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NAME_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Name not available"

Definition at line 850 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NESTED = "Nested"

Definition at line 851 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NEWEST_FIRST = "Newest first"

Definition at line 852 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NEXT = "Next"

Definition at line 853 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NEXT_MESSAGE = "Next message"

Definition at line 854 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NEXT_MONTH = "Next month"

Definition at line 855 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NEXT_YEAR = "Next year"

Definition at line 856 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO = "No"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO_CACHE = "No cache"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO_COMMENTS = "No comments"

Definition at line 863 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO_FILE_UPLOADED = "No file uploaded"

Definition at line 864 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Xoops\Core\MediaUploader\fetchMedia().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO_MATCH_FOUND_FOR_QUERY = "No match found for your query"

Definition at line 865 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO_PROBLEM_ENTER_EMAIL_WE_HAVE_ON_FILE = "No problem. Simply enter the e-mail address we have on file for your account."

Definition at line 866 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NO_TITLE = "No title"

Definition at line 867 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by Comments\displayPost().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NOT_CACHED = "Not cached"

Definition at line 860 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NOT_READ = "Not read"

Definition at line 861 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NOTIFICATIONS = "Notifications"

Definition at line 859 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE_IN_ADMIN_SIDE = "Number of items to display per page in admin side"

Definition at line 868 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE_IN_USER_SIDE = "Number of items to display per page in user side"

Definition at line 869 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NUMBER_OF_POSTS = "Number of posts"

Definition at line 870 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "Number of results per page"

Definition at line 871 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OCCUPATION = "Occupation"

Definition at line 872 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OCCUPATION_CONTAINS = "Occupation contains"

Definition at line 873 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OFF = "Off"

Definition at line 874 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OFFLINE = "Offline"

Definition at line 875 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OLDEST_FIRST = "Oldest first"

Definition at line 876 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ON = "On"

Definition at line 877 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONE_DAY = "1 day"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONE_HOUR = "1 hour"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONE_MINUTE = "1 minute"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONE_MONTH = "1 month"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONE_SECOND = "1 second"

Definition at line 882 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONE_WEEK = "1 week"
const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONLINE = "Online"

Definition at line 884 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONLY_USERS_THAT_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that accept email"

Definition at line 885 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ONLY_USERS_THAT_DO_NOT_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that don't accept email"

Definition at line 886 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OPTIONAL = "Optional"

Definition at line 887 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OPTIONS = "Options"

Definition at line 888 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by CommentsCommentForm\__construct(), and SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::OR_CLICK_HERE_TO_CLOSE_WINDOW = "Or click here to close this window."

Definition at line 892 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ORDER = "Order"

Definition at line 889 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ORDER_BY = "Order by"

Definition at line 890 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::ORIGINAL_IMAGE = "Original image"

Definition at line 891 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by MytsImage\load().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PAGE = "Page"

Definition at line 893 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PARENT = "Parent"

Definition at line 894 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PASSWORD = "Password"

Definition at line 895 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PASSWORD_STRENGTH = "Password strength"

Definition at line 896 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PASTE_THE_CODE_YOU_WANT_TO_INSERT = "Paste the CODE you want to insert"

Definition at line 897 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PASTE_THE_QUOTE_YOU_WANT_TO_INSERT = "Paste the QUOTE you want to insert"

Definition at line 898 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PENDING = "Pending"

Definition at line 899 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PERMISSIONS = "Permissions"

Definition at line 900 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PLEASE_WAIT_FOR_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION = "Please wait for your account to be activated by the administrators. You will receive an email once you are activated. This could take a while so please be patient."

Definition at line 901 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PM = "PM"

Definition at line 902 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::POSITION = "Position"

Definition at line 903 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::POSITION_CONTAINS = "Position contains"

Definition at line 904 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::POST = "Post"

Definition at line 905 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::POST_ANONYMOUSLY = "Post anonymously"

Definition at line 908 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by CommentsCommentForm\__construct().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::POSTED_BY = "Posted by"

Definition at line 906 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::POSTS = "Posts"

Definition at line 907 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PREFERENCES = "Preferences"

Definition at line 909 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header(), and loadModuleAdminMenu().

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PRESS_BUTTON_BELLOW_TO_LOGIN = "Press the button below to login"

Definition at line 910 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PREVIEW = "Preview"

Definition at line 911 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PREVIOUS = "Previous"

Definition at line 912 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PREVIOUS_MESSAGE = "Previous message"

Definition at line 913 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PREVIOUS_MONTH = "Previous month"

Definition at line 914 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PREVIOUS_YEAR = "Previous year"

Definition at line 915 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PRINT_ICON = "Print icon"

Definition at line 916 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PRINT_THIS_PAGE = "Print this page"

Definition at line 917 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PRIVATE_MESSAGE = "Private message"

Definition at line 918 of file en_US.php.

const XoopsLocaleEn_US::PRIVATE_MESSAGES = "Private messages"

Definition at line 919 of file