XOOPS  2.6.0
SystemLocaleEn_US Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SystemLocaleEn_US:
Inheritance graph

Public Attributes

const ADD_BLOCK = "Add block"
const ADD_GROUP = "Add group"
const ADD_NEW_GROUP = "Add a new group"
const ADD_USER = "Add user"
const ADMINISTRATION_MENU = "Administration menu"
const ALLOW_OTHER_USERS_TO_VIEW_THIS_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "Allow other users to view this email address"
const ANONYMOUS_USERS = "Anonymous users"
const ANONYMOUS_USERS_GROUP = "Anonymous users group"
const AUTHENTICATION = "Authentication"
const AUTO_FORMAT_SMILIES_DISABLED = "Auto format (smilies disabled)"
const AUTO_FORMAT_SMILIES_ENABLED = "Auto format (smilies enabled)"
const AVAILABLE_MODULES = "Available modules"
const BLOCK_ACCESS_RIGHTS = "Block access rights"
const BLOCK_LOGIN = "Login"
const BLOCK_LOGIN_DESC = "Shows login form"
const BLOCK_MAIN_MENU = "Main menu"
const BLOCK_MAIN_MENU_DESC = "Shows the main navigation menu of the site"
const BLOCK_NEW_MEMBERS = "New members"
const BLOCK_NEW_MEMBERS_DESC = "Shows most recent users"
const BLOCK_SITE_INFORMATION = "Site information"
const BLOCK_SITE_INFORMATION_DESC = "Shows basic information about the site and a link to 'Recommend Us' pop up window"
const BLOCK_THEMES = "Themes"
const BLOCK_THEMES_DESC = "Shows theme selection box"
const BLOCK_TOP_POSTERS = "Top posters"
const BLOCK_TOP_POSTERS_DESC = "Displays your site top posters"
const BLOCK_TYPE = "Block type"
const BLOCK_USER_MENU = "User menu"
const BLOCK_USER_MENU_DESC = "Shows user block"
const BLOCK_WAITING_CONTENTS = "Waiting contents"
const BLOCK_WAITING_CONTENTS_DESC = "Shows contents waiting for approval"
const BLOCK_WHO_IS_ONLINE = "Who is online"
const BLOCK_WHO_IS_ONLINE_DESC = "Displays users/guests currently online"
const BLOCKS_ADMINISTRATION = "Blocks administration"
const BLOCKS_DESC = "With blocks you can <br /> add many thing for <br /> your users"
const BLOCKS_TIPS = "<ul><li>You can easily change side or order position with the drag'n drop, click on <img class='xo-tooltip' src='%1\$s' alt='%4\$s' title='%4\$s' /> this image and set your site just the way you want it</li><li>Add a new custom block</li><li>Set block online or offline by clicking on <img class='xo-tooltip' width='16' src='%2\$s' alt='%5\$s' title='%5\$s'/> or <img class='xo-tooltip' width='16' src='%3\$s' alt= '%6\$s' title='%6\$s' /></li></ul>"
const BOTTOM_CENTER = "Bottom center"
const BOTTOM_LEFT = "Bottom left"
const BOTTOM_RIGHT = "Bottom right"
const C_DO_NOT_DISPLAY_USERS_WHOSE_RANK_IS = "Do not display users whose rank is:"
const C_SEARCH_USER = "Search user:"
const C_SEE_SEARCH_REQUEST = "See search request:"
const C_YOUR_THEMES = "Your themes:"
const CACHE_LIFETIME = "Cache lifetime"
const CHOOSE_TEMPLATE = "Choose template"
const CLICK_TO_EDIT_MODULE_NAME = "Click to edit module name..."
const CLONE_BLOCK = "Clone block"
const CONF_ACTIVATION_GROUP = "Select group to which activation email will be sent"
const CONF_ACTIVATION_GROUP_DESC = "Valid only when 'Activation by administrators' is selected"
const CONF_ACTIVATION_TYPE = "Select activation type of newly registered users"
const CONF_ADMIN_ACTIVATION = "Activation by administrators"
const CONF_ADMIN_EMAIL = "Admin email address"
const CONF_ALLOW_CHANGE_EMAIL = "Allow users to change email address?"
const CONF_ALLOW_REGISTRATION = "Allow new user registration?"
const CONF_ALLOW_REGISTRATION_DESC = "Select yes to accept new user registration"
const CONF_ANONYMOUS = "Username for anonymous users"
const CONF_AUTH_CONFOPTION_AD = "Microsoft Active Directory &copy"
const CONF_AUTH_CONFOPTION_LDAP = "Standard LDAP Directory"
const CONF_AUTHMETHOD = "Authentication Method"
const CONF_AUTHMETHOD_DESC = "Which authentication method would you like to use for signing on users."
const CONF_AUTO_ACTIVATION = "Activate automatically"
const CONF_BAD_EMAILS = "Enter emails that should not be used in user profile"
const CONF_BAD_EMAILS_DESC = "Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled."
const CONF_BAD_IPS = "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site.<br />Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled (so dot - '.' means 'any char' and '\.' means '.')."
const CONF_BAD_IPS_DESC = "^aaa\.bbb\.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that starts with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa\.bbb\.ccc$ will disallow visitors with an IP that ends with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa\.bbb\.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that contains aaa.bbb.ccc"
const CONF_BAD_USERNAMES = "Enter names that should not be selected as username"
const CONF_BLOCKS_EDITOR = "Editor for blocks:"
const CONF_BREADCRUMB ="Breadcrumb"
const CONF_CENSORRPLC = "Censored words will be replaced with:"
const CONF_CENSORRPLC_DESC = "Censored words will be replaced with the characters entered in this textbox"
const CONF_CENSORWRD = "Words to censor"
const CONF_CENSORWRD_DESC = "Enter words that should be censored in user posts.<br />Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive."
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE = "Turn your site off?"
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE_DEFAULT = "The site is currently closed for maintenance. Please come back later."
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE_DESC = "Select yes to turn your site off so that only users in selected groups have access to the site. "
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE_GROUP = "Select groups that are allowed to access while the site is turned off."
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE_GROUP_DESC = "Users in the default webmasters group are always granted access."
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE_TEXT = "Reason for turning off the site"
const CONF_CLOSE_SITE_TEXT_DESC = "The text that is presented when the site is closed."
const CONF_CONTROL_PANEL = "Control panel GUI"
const CONF_CONTROL_PANEL_DESC = "For backend"
const CONF_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = "Default timezone"
const CONF_DOCENSOR = "Enable censoring of unwanted words?"
const CONF_DOCENSOR_DESC = "Words will be censored if this option is enabled. This option may be turned off for enhanced site speed."
const CONF_DSPDSCLMR = "Display disclaimer?"
const CONF_DSPDSCLMR_DESC = "Select yes to display disclaimer in registration page"
const CONF_ENABLE_BAD_IPS = "Enable IP bans?"
const CONF_ENABLE_BAD_IPS_DESC = "Users from specified IP addresses will not be able to view your site"
const CONF_FOOTER = "Footer"
const CONF_FOOTER_DEFAULT = "Powered by XOOPS @ 2001-%s <a href='https://github.com/XOOPS' rel='external' title='The XOOPS Project'>The XOOPS Project</a>"
const CONF_FOOTER_DESC = "Be sure to type links in full path starting from http://, otherwise the links will not work correctly in modules pages."
const CONF_GENERAL_EDITOR = "Editor for modules:"
const CONF_GROUPS_PER_PAGE = "Number of groups to display per page"
const CONF_GZIP_COMPRESSION = "Use gzip compression?"
const CONF_HELP_ONLINE = "Help online?"
const CONF_HELP_ONLINE_DESC = "This gives you tips and online help"
const CONF_ICONS = "Icons"
const CONF_INDEXFOLLOW = "Index, follow"
const CONF_INDEXNOFOLLOW = "Index, no follow"
const CONF_JQUERY_THEME = "jQuery theme"
const CONF_LDAP_BASE_DN = "LDAP - Base DN"
const CONF_LDAP_BASE_DN_DESC = "The base DN (Distinguished Name) of your LDAP directory tree."
const CONF_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME = "The domain name"
const CONF_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME_DESC = "Windows domain name. for ADS and NT Server only"
const CONF_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_ATTR = "Xoops-Auth server fields mapping"
const CONF_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_DESC = "Describe here the mapping between the XOOPS database field and the LDAP Authentication system field.<br /><br />Format [Xoops Database field]=[Auth system LDAP attribute]<br />for example : email=mail<br />Separate each with a |<br /><br />!! For advanced users !!"
const CONF_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON = "The search filter LDAP query to find user"
const CONF_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON_DESC = "Special LDAP Filter to find user. @@loginname@@ is replace by the users's login name<br> MUST BE BLANK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DO' !<br />Ex : (&(objectclass=person)(samaccountname=@@loginname@@)) for AD <br />Ex : (&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=@@loginname@@)) for LDAP"
const CONF_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR = "LDAP - Given Name Field Name"
const CONF_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR_DESC = "The name of the Given Name attribute in your LDAP directory."
const CONF_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR = "LDAP Attribute use to search the user"
const CONF_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR_DESC = "When Login name use in the DN option is set to yes, must correspond to the login name XOOPS"
const CONF_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN = "Login name use in the DN"
const CONF_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN_DESC = "The XOOPS login name is used in the LDAP DN (eg : uid=<loginname>,dc=xoops,dc=org)<br>The entry is directly read in the LDAP Server without search"
const CONF_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR = "LDAP - Email Field Name"
const CONF_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR_DESC = "The name of the E-Mail attribute in your LDAP directory tree."
const CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_DN = "DN of the LDAP manager"
const CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_DN_DESC = "The DN of the user allow to make search (eg manager)"
const CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS = "Password of the LDAP manager"
const CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS_DESC = "The password of the user allow to make search"
const CONF_LDAP_PORT = "LDAP - Port Number"
const CONF_LDAP_PROVIS = "Automatic XOOPS account provisioning"
const CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_DESC = "Create XOOPS user database if it doesn't exists"
const CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP = "Default affect group"
const CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP_DESC = "The new user is assign to these groups"
const CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD = "Maintain XOOPS account provisioning"
const CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD_DESC = "The XOOPS User account is always synchronized with the Authentication Server"
const CONF_LDAP_SERVER = "LDAP - Server Name"
const CONF_LDAP_SERVER_DESC = "The name of your LDAP directory server."
const CONF_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR = "LDAP - Surname Field Name"
const CONF_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR_DESC = "The name of the Surname attribute in your LDAP directory."
const CONF_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS = "Users allowed to bypass LDAP authentication"
const CONF_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS_DESC = "Users to be authenticated with native XOOPS method"
const CONF_LDAP_USETLS = " Use TLS connection"
const CONF_LDAP_USETLS_DESC = "Use a TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection. TLS use standard 389 port number<BR> and the LDAP version must be set to 3."
const CONF_LDAP_VERSION = "LDAP Version protocol"
const CONF_LDAP_VERSION_DESC = "The LDAP Version protocol : 2 or 3"
const CONF_LEVEL_LIGHT = "Light (recommended for multi-byte chars)"
const CONF_LEVEL_MEDIUM = "Medium"
const CONF_LEVEL_STRICT = "Strict (only alphabets and numbers)"
const CONF_LOCALE = "Default locale"
const CONF_MAILER = "Email Setup"
const CONF_MAILERMETHOD = "Email delivery method"
const CONF_MAILERMETHOD_DESC = "Method used to deliver email. Default is \"mail\", use others only if that makes trouble."
const CONF_MAILFROM = "FROM address"
const CONF_MAILFROMUID_DESC = "When the system sends a private message, which user should appear to have sent it?"
const CONF_MAX_USERNAME = "Maximum length of username"
const CONF_METAAUTHOR = "Meta Author"
const CONF_METAAUTHOR_DESC = "The author meta tag defines the name of the author of the document being read. Supported data formats include the name, email address of the webmaster, company name or URL."
const CONF_METACOPYR = "Meta Copyright"
const CONF_METACOPYR_DEFAULT = "Copyright @ 2001-%s"
const CONF_METACOPYR_DESC = "The copyright meta tag defines any copyright statements you wish to disclose about your web page documents."
const CONF_METADESC = "Meta Description"
const CONF_METADESC_DEFAULT = "XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP."
const CONF_METADESC_DESC = "The description meta tag is a general description of what is contained in your web page"
const CONF_METAKEY = "Meta Keywords"
const CONF_METAKEY_DEFAULT = "xoops, web applications, web 2.0, sns, news, technology, headlines, linux, software, download, downloads, free, community, forum, bulletin board, bbs, php, survey, polls, kernel, comment, comments, portal, odp, open source, opensource, FreeSoftware, gnu, gpl, license, Unix, *nix, mysql, sql, database, databases, web site, blog, wiki, module, modules, theme, themes, cms, content management"
const CONF_METAKEY_DESC = "The keywords meta tag is a series of keywords that represents the content of your site. Type in keywords with each separated by a comma or a space in between. (Ex. XOOPS, PHP, mySQL, portal system)"
const CONF_METAO14YRS = "14 years"
const CONF_METAOGEN = "General"
const CONF_METAOMAT = "Mature"
const CONF_METAOREST = "Restricted"
const CONF_METARATING = "Meta Rating"
const CONF_METARATING_DESC = "The rating meta tag defines your site age and content rating"
const CONF_METAROBOTS = "Meta Robots"
const CONF_METAROBOTS_DESC = "The Robots Tag declares to search engines what content to index and spider"
const CONF_MIN_PASS = "Minimum required length of the password"
const CONF_MIN_USERNAME = "Minimum length of username required"
const CONF_MODULE_CACHE = "Module-wide Cache"
const CONF_MODULE_CACHE_DESC = "Caches module contents for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting module-wide cache will override module item level cache if any."
const CONF_NEW_USER_NOTIFY = "Notify by email when a new user is registered?"
const CONF_NOINDEXFOLLOW = "No Index, Follow"
const CONF_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW = "No Index, No Follow"
const CONF_NOTIFY_TO = "Select group to which new user notification email will be sent"
const CONF_REDIRECT = "Use jGrowl redirect"
const CONF_REDIRECT_DESC = "replace old redirection by a jGrowl redirection"
const CONF_REGDSCLMR = "Registration disclaimer"
const CONF_REGDSCLMR_DESC = "Enter text to be displayed as registration disclaimer"
const CONF_SELF_DELETE = "Allow users to delete own account?"
const CONF_SENDMAILPATH = "Path to sendmail"
const CONF_SENDMAILPATH_DESC = "Path to the sendmail program (or substitute) on the webserver."
const CONF_SERVER_TIMEZONE = "Server timezone"
const CONF_SESSION_EXPIRE = "Session expiration"
const CONF_SESSION_EXPIRE_DESC = "Maximum duration of session idle time in minutes (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled.)"
const CONF_SESSION_NAME = "Session name"
const CONF_SESSION_NAME_DESC = "The name of session (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled)"
const CONF_SITE_NAME = "Site name"
const CONF_SLOGAN = "Slogan for your site"
const CONF_SLOGAN_DEFAULT = "Just use it!"
const CONF_SMTPHOST = "SMTP host(s)"
const CONF_SMTPHOST_DESC = "List of SMTP servers to try to connect to."
const CONF_SMTPPASS = "SMTPAuth password"
const CONF_SMTPPASS_DESC = "Password to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth."
const CONF_SMTPUSER = "SMTPAuth username"
const CONF_SMTPUSER_DESC = "Username to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth."
const CONF_SSL_LINK = "URL where SSL login page is located"
const CONF_SSL_POST_NAME = "SSL Post variable name"
const CONF_SSL_POST_NAME_DESC = "The name of variable used to transfer session value via POST. If you are unsure, set any name that is hard to guess."
const CONF_START_PAGE = "Module for your start page"
const CONF_TEMPLATE_SET = "Default template set"
const CONF_THEME_FILE = "Check templates for modifications ?"
const CONF_THEME_FILE_DESC = "If this option is enabled, modified templates will be automatically recompiled when they are displayed. You must turn this option off on a production site."
const CONF_THEME_SET = "Default theme"
const CONF_THEME_SET_ALLOWED = "Selectable themes"
const CONF_THEME_SET_ALLOWED_DESC = "Choose themes that users can select as the default theme"
const CONF_USE_SSL = "Use SSL for login?"
const CONF_USE_SSL_DESC = "SSL is used for secure login and requires a certificate. Contact your Host about how to obtain certificate for your site."
const CONF_USER_ACTIVATION = "Requires activation by user (recommended)"
const CONF_USER_COOKIE = "Name for user cookies."
const CONF_USER_COOKIE_DESC = "If the cookie name is set, 'Remember me' will be enabled for user login. If a user has chosen 'Remember me', he will be logged in automatically."
const CONF_USERNAME_LEVEL = "Select the level of strictness for username filtering"
const CONF_USERS_PER_PAGE = "Number of users to display per page"
const CONF_WELCOME_TYPE = "Sending welcoming message"
const CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_BOTH = "Email and message"
const CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_DESC = "The way of sending out a welcoming message to a user upon his successful registration."
const CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_PM = "Message"
const CONTENT_TYPE = "Content type"
const CONTROL_PANEL = "Control panel"
const CUSTOM_BLOCK = "Custom block"
const CUSTOM_BLOCK_AUTO_FORMAT = "Custom Block (Auto Format)"
const CUSTOM_BLOCK_AUTO_FORMAT_SMILIES = "Custom Block (Auto Format + smilies)"
const CUSTOM_BLOCK_HTML = "Custom Block (HTML)"
const CUSTOM_BLOCK_PHP = "Custom Block (PHP)"
const DELETE_BLOCK = "Delete a block"
const DELETE_GROUP = "Delete group"
const DELETE_USER = "Delete user"
const DISPLAY_BLOCK = "Display block"
const DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_IMAGE = "Display screenshot image"
const DISPLAY_USERS_AVATARS = "Display users avatars"
const DRAG_OR_SORT_BLOCK = "Drag or sort the block"
const E_BLOCK_ACCESS_NOT_ADDED = "Block access right was not added!"
const E_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DEPRECATED_NOT_REMOVED = "Deprecated block template was not removed!"
const E_CONFIG_DATA_NOT_DELETED = "Config data was not deleted!"
const E_GROUP_PERMISSIONS_NOT_DELETED = "Group permissions were not deleted!"
const E_NEW_PASSWORDS_NOT_MATCH_TRY_AGAIN = "Sorry, the new passwords do not match! Click back and try again."
const E_NOT_RESTORED = "Not restored!"
const E_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_CANNOT_BE_DELETED = "System blocks cannot be deleted!"
const E_SYSTEM_MODULE_CANNOT_BE_DEACTIVATED = "System module cannot be deactivated!"
const E_THIS_BLOCK_CANNOT_BE_DELETED = "This block cannot be deleted directly! If you wish to disable this block, deactivate the module."
const E_THIS_MODULE_IS_SET_AS_DEFAULT_START_PAGE = "This module is set as your default start page. Please change the start module to whatever suits your preferences."
const E_YOU_CANNOT_REMOVE_THIS_GROUP = "You can not remove this group!"
const EDIT_BLOCK = "Edit block"
const EDIT_GROUP = "Edit group"
const EDIT_GROUPS = "Edit groups"
const EDIT_TEMPLATE = "Edit template"
const EDIT_USER = "Edit user"
const EF_BLOCK_NOT_DELETED = "Block '%s' was not deleted!"
const EF_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_NOT_DELETED = "Block template '%s' was not deleted!"
const EF_CAN_NOT_DELETE_ADMIN_USER = "Admin user cannot be deleted: %s!"
const EF_CONFIG_NOT_ADDED = "Config '%s' was not added!"
const EF_COULD_NOT_ADD_PERMISSION_FOR_GROUP = "Could not add %s permission to %s for group %s!"
const EF_COULD_NOT_ADD_USER_TO_GROUPS = "The new user could not be added to groups: %s!"
const EF_COULD_NOT_DELETE_USER = "User cannot be deleted: %s!"
const EF_COULD_NOT_RESET_GROUP_PERMISSION_FOR_MODULE = "Could not reset group permission for module %s!"
const EF_GROUP_ID_ADMIN_ACCESS_RIGHT_NOT_ADDED = "Could not add admin access right for Group ID %s!"
const EF_GROUP_ID_USER_ACCESS_RIGHT_NOT_ADDED = "Could not add user access right for Group ID: %s!"
const EF_SQL_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "SQL file not found at %s!"
const EF_TABLE_IS_RESERVED = "%s is a reserved table!"
const EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_ADDED_TO_DATABASE = "Template %s was not added to the database!"
const EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_DELETED = "Old template '%s' was not deleted! Aborting update of this file. "
const EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_RECOMPILED = "ERROR: Template %s recompile failed"
const EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_UPDATED = "ERROR: Could not update %s template."
const EMPTY_FILE = "Empty file"
const EXTENSION_TIPS = "<ul><li>If you install a new extension, remember to setup module preferences and users permissions!</li><li>Delete unused extension files from your server to avoid security issues and keep your website safe.</li></ul>"
const EXTENSIONS_ADMINISTRATION = "Extensions administration"
const EXTENSIONS_DESC = "Here you can install <br /> and uninstall your XOOPS <br /> extensions."
const F_BLOCK_ID = " Block ID: %s"
const F_CONFIG_ID = "Config ID: %s"
const F_DELETE_USER = "Delete user: %s"
const F_GROUP_ID = " Group ID: %s"
const F_GROUPS_SPAN = "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> groups.</li></ul>"
const F_LOGO_IMAGE_FILE_IS_LOCATED_UNDER = "Logo image file is located under %s directory"
const F_MODULE_ID = " Module ID: %s"
const F_TEMPLATE_ID = "Template ID: %s"
const F_THEMES = "%s themes"
const F_UPDATE_USER = "Update user: %s"
const F_USERS = "%s user(s)"
const F_USERS_SPAN = "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> users.</li></ul>"
const FILES_GENERATED = "Files generated"
const FORCED_FILE_GENERATION = "Forced file generation"
const GENERAL_SETTINGS = "General settings"
const GO_TO_MODULE = "Go to module"
const GROUP_DESCRIPTION = "Group description"
const GROUP_NAME = "Group name"
const GROUPS_DESC = "You can add some groups <br /> and manage permission for <br /> each group"
const GROUPS_MANAGER = "Groups manager"
const GROUPS_TIPS_1 = "<ul><li>Create a new group with their own permissions.</li><li>Edit group for change permissions.</li></ul>"
const GROUPS_TIPS_2 = "<ul><li>Change or create permission for this group, all modification will affect users of this group.</li></ul>"
const HIDE_BLOCK = "Hide block"
const INSTALLED_MODULES = "Installed modules"
const LARGE_VIEW = "Large view"
const LAST_LOGIN_GREATER_THAN_X = "Last login is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"
const LAST_LOGIN_LESS_THAN_X = "Last login is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"
const LINE_VIEW = "Line view"
const MANAGE_BLOCKS = "Manage blocks"
const MANAGE_MENU = "Manage menu"
const MANAGE_MODULE = "Manage module"
const MANAGE_PREFERENCES = "Manage preferences"
const MANAGING_BLOCKS = "Managing blocks..."
const MANAGING_PERMISSIONS = "Managing permissions..."
const MANAGING_PREFERENCES = "Managing preferences..."
const MANAGING_TABLES = "Managing tables..."
const MANAGING_TEMPLATES = "Managing templates..."
const MENU_BLOCK = "Menu block"
const MENU_TIPS = "<ul><li>To change order of modules (which will be reflected in the Menu), you just need to drag and drop the modules to the desired placement.</li></ul>"
const META_TAGS_AND_FOOTER = "Meta tags and footer"
const MODULE_ACCESS_RIGHTS = "Module access rights"
const MODULE_ADMIN_RIGHTS = "Module admin rights"
const MODULE_DESCRIPTION = "For administration of core settings of the site."
const MODULE_NAME = "System"
const MODULES_ADMINISTRATION = "Modules administration"
const MODULES_DESC = "Here you can install <br /> and unistall your XOOPS <br /> modules. Do you know <br /> which module?"
const MODULES_TIPS = "<ul><li>If you install a new module, remember to setup module preferences, blocks and users permissions!</li><li>For hide module into Main Menu block, set order to 0</li><li>Delete unused module files from your server to avoid security issues and keep your website safe.</li></ul>"
const NEVER_CONNECTED = "Never connected"
const NO_FILES_CREATED = "No files created"
const NO_MODULE_TO_CACHE = "There is no module that can be cached."
const NUMBER_OF_USERS_BY_GROUP = "Number of users by group"
const NUMBER_OF_USERS_TO_DISPLAY = "Number of users to display"
const ONLY_ACTIVE_USERS = "Only active users"
const ONLY_INACTIVE_USERS = "Only inactive users"
const ONLY_USERS_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that accept email"
const ONLY_USERS_DO_NOT_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that don't accept email"
const OTHER_SETTINGS = "Other settings"
const PHP_SCRIPT = "PHP Script"
const POPUP_WINDOW_HEIGHT = "Pop-up window height"
const POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH = "Pop-up window width"
const POSTS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_X = "Number of posts is greater than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>"
const POSTS_NUMBER_LESS_THAN_X = "Number of posts is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>"
const PREFERENCES_DESC = "XOOPS and all of your <br /> modules have a preferences <br /> for manage module options"
const Q_ARE_YOU_SURE_DELETE_THIS_GROUP = "Are you sure you want to delete this group?"
const QF_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_THIS_BLOCK = "Are you sure to delete this block ? <div class='bold'>%s</div>"
const RECOMMEND_US = "Recommend us"
const REGISTERED_USERS = "Registered users"
const REGISTERED_USERS_GROUP = "Registered users group"
const REGISTRATION_DATE_GREATER_THAN_X = "Joined date is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"
const REGISTRATION_DATE_LESS_THAN_X = "Joined date is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"
const S_BLOCK_ACCESS_ADDED = "Block access right added!"
const S_CONFIG_DATA_DELETED = "Config data deleted!"
const S_CONFIG_OPTION_ADDED = "Config option added!"
const S_GROUP_PERMISSIONS_DELETED = "Group permissions deleted!"
const S_RESTORED = "Successfully restored!"
const SCREENSHOT_IMAGE_WIDTH = "Screenshot image width"
const SECURE_LOGIN = "Secure login"
const SERVICES_DESC = "From here you can manage service<br />providers and priorities."
const SERVICES_MANAGER = "Service Management"
const SERVICES_TIPS = "<ul><li>Services allow you to customize your system</li><li>Set service provider preferences by selecting the service, and then putting the providers in the desired order.</li></ul>"
const SF_ADDED_PERMISSION_FOR_GROUP = "Added %s permission to %s for group %s!"
const SF_BLOCK_DELETED = "Block %s deleted!"
const SF_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DELETED = "Block template %s deleted!"
const SF_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DEPRECATED = "Block template %s deprecated!"
const SF_BLOCK_UPDATED = "Block %s updated!"
const SF_CONFIG_ADDED = "Config %s added!"
const SF_GROUP_ID_ADMIN_ACCESS_RIGHT_ADDED = "Added admin access right for Group ID %s!"
const SF_GROUP_ID_USER_ACCESS_RIGHT_ADDED = "Added user access right for Group ID: %s!"
const SF_SQL_FILE_FOUND = "SQL file found at %s!"
const SF_TEMPLATE_ADDED = "Template %s added!"
const SF_TEMPLATE_RECOMPILED = "Template %s recompiled!"
const SF_TEMPLATE_UPDATED = "Template %s updated!"
const SHOW_ADMIN_GROUPS = "Show admin groups"
const SITE_PREFERENCES = "Site preferences"
const SYSTEM_ADMIN_RIGHTS = "System admin rights"
const SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION = "System configuration"
const SYSTEM_PREFERENCES = "System module settings"
const TEMPLATE_OVERLOADED = "Template overloaded"
const TEMPLATES_DESC = "If you need add some changes <br /> in core or modules template use <br /> this options for create theme override"
const TEMPLATES_MANAGER = "Templates Manager"
const TEMPLATES_TIPS = "<ul><li>Edit theme and modules templates, stylsheet online.</li><li>Generate all overide modules templates.</li><li>If you force generate, this will erase all previous modification.</li></ul>"
const TIPS_MAIN = "<ul><li>Enable or disable sections of system module or just access to it.</li></ul>"
const TOP_CENTER = "Top center"
const TOP_LEFT = "Top left"
const TOP_RIGHT = "Top right"
const USERS_DESC = "With this options you <br /> can add new user or <br /> edit old user and userinfo, <br /> change groups and many <br /> other things"
const USERS_MANAGEMENT = "Users management"
const USERS_TIPS = "<ul><li>Manage Xoops users</li></ul>"
const VIEW_USER_INFO = "View user info"
const WEBMASTERS = "Webmasters"
const WEBMASTERS_OF_THIS_SITE = "Webmasters of this site"
const WELCOME_TO_XOOPS_HELP_CENTER = "Welcome to XOOPS Help Center"
const WORD_CENSORING = "Word censoring"

Detailed Description

trabis lusop.nosp@m.oema.nosp@m.s@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om

Definition at line 19 of file en_US.php.

Member Data Documentation

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ADD_BLOCK = "Add block"

Definition at line 29 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ADD_GROUP = "Add group"

Definition at line 30 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ADD_NEW_GROUP = "Add a new group"

Definition at line 31 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ADD_USER = "Add user"

Definition at line 32 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ADMINISTRATION_MENU = "Administration menu"

Definition at line 33 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_user_show().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ALLOW_OTHER_USERS_TO_VIEW_THIS_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "Allow other users to view this email address"

Definition at line 34 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ANONYMOUS_USERS = "Anonymous users"

Definition at line 35 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoops_module_install_system().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ANONYMOUS_USERS_GROUP = "Anonymous users group"

Definition at line 36 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoops_module_install_system().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::AUTHENTICATION = "Authentication"

Definition at line 37 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::AUTO_FORMAT_SMILIES_DISABLED = "Auto format (smilies disabled)"

Definition at line 38 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::AUTO_FORMAT_SMILIES_ENABLED = "Auto format (smilies enabled)"

Definition at line 39 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::AVAILABLE_MODULES = "Available modules"

Definition at line 40 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_ACCESS_RIGHTS = "Block access rights"

Definition at line 44 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_LOGIN = "Login"

Definition at line 45 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_LOGIN_DESC = "Shows login form"

Definition at line 46 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_MAIN_MENU = "Main menu"

Definition at line 47 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_MAIN_MENU_DESC = "Shows the main navigation menu of the site"

Definition at line 48 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_NEW_MEMBERS = "New members"

Definition at line 49 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_NEW_MEMBERS_DESC = "Shows most recent users"

Definition at line 50 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_SITE_INFORMATION = "Site information"

Definition at line 51 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_SITE_INFORMATION_DESC = "Shows basic information about the site and a link to 'Recommend Us' pop up window"

Definition at line 52 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_THEMES = "Themes"

Definition at line 53 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_THEMES_DESC = "Shows theme selection box"

Definition at line 54 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_TOP_POSTERS = "Top posters"

Definition at line 55 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_TOP_POSTERS_DESC = "Displays your site top posters"

Definition at line 56 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_TYPE = "Block type"

Definition at line 57 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_USER_MENU = "User menu"

Definition at line 58 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_USER_MENU_DESC = "Shows user block"

Definition at line 59 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_WAITING_CONTENTS = "Waiting contents"

Definition at line 60 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_WAITING_CONTENTS_DESC = "Shows contents waiting for approval"

Definition at line 61 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_WHO_IS_ONLINE = "Who is online"

Definition at line 62 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCK_WHO_IS_ONLINE_DESC = "Displays users/guests currently online"

Definition at line 63 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCKS_ADMINISTRATION = "Blocks administration"

Definition at line 41 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCKS_DESC = "With blocks you can <br /> add many thing for <br /> your users"

Definition at line 42 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BLOCKS_TIPS = "<ul><li>You can easily change side or order position with the drag'n drop, click on <img class='xo-tooltip' src='%1\$s' alt='%4\$s' title='%4\$s' /> this image and set your site just the way you want it</li><li>Add a new custom block</li><li>Set block online or offline by clicking on <img class='xo-tooltip' width='16' src='%2\$s' alt='%5\$s' title='%5\$s'/> or <img class='xo-tooltip' width='16' src='%3\$s' alt= '%6\$s' title='%6\$s' /></li></ul>"

Definition at line 43 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BOTTOM_CENTER = "Bottom center"

Definition at line 64 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BOTTOM_LEFT = "Bottom left"

Definition at line 65 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::BOTTOM_RIGHT = "Bottom right"

Definition at line 66 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::C_DO_NOT_DISPLAY_USERS_WHOSE_RANK_IS = "Do not display users whose rank is:"

Definition at line 253 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_topposters_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::C_SEARCH_USER = "Search user:"

Definition at line 254 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::C_SEE_SEARCH_REQUEST = "See search request:"

Definition at line 255 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::C_YOUR_THEMES = "Your themes:"

Definition at line 256 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CACHE_LIFETIME = "Cache lifetime"

Definition at line 67 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CHOOSE_TEMPLATE = "Choose template"

Definition at line 68 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CLICK_TO_EDIT_MODULE_NAME = "Click to edit module name..."

Definition at line 69 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CLONE_BLOCK = "Clone block"

Definition at line 70 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ACTIVATION_GROUP = "Select group to which activation email will be sent"

Definition at line 71 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ACTIVATION_GROUP_DESC = "Valid only when 'Activation by administrators' is selected"

Definition at line 72 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ACTIVATION_TYPE = "Select activation type of newly registered users"

Definition at line 73 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ADMIN_ACTIVATION = "Activation by administrators"

Definition at line 74 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ADMIN_EMAIL = "Admin email address"

Definition at line 75 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ALLOW_CHANGE_EMAIL = "Allow users to change email address?"

Definition at line 76 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ALLOW_REGISTRATION = "Allow new user registration?"

Definition at line 77 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ALLOW_REGISTRATION_DESC = "Select yes to accept new user registration"

Definition at line 78 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ANONYMOUS = "Username for anonymous users"

Definition at line 79 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_AUTH_CONFOPTION_AD = "Microsoft Active Directory &copy"

Definition at line 82 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_AUTH_CONFOPTION_LDAP = "Standard LDAP Directory"

Definition at line 83 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_AUTH_CONFOPTION_XOOPS = "XOOPS Database"

Definition at line 84 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_AUTHMETHOD = "Authentication Method"

Definition at line 80 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_AUTHMETHOD_DESC = "Which authentication method would you like to use for signing on users."

Definition at line 81 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_AUTO_ACTIVATION = "Activate automatically"

Definition at line 85 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BAD_EMAILS = "Enter emails that should not be used in user profile"

Definition at line 86 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BAD_EMAILS_DESC = "Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled."

Definition at line 87 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BAD_IPS = "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site.<br />Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive, regex enabled (so dot - '.' means 'any char' and '\.' means '.')."

Definition at line 88 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BAD_IPS_DESC = "^aaa\.bbb\.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that starts with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa\.bbb\.ccc$ will disallow visitors with an IP that ends with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa\.bbb\.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that contains aaa.bbb.ccc"

Definition at line 89 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BAD_USERNAMES = "Enter names that should not be selected as username"

Definition at line 90 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BLOCKS_EDITOR = "Editor for blocks:"

Definition at line 91 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_BREADCRUMB ="Breadcrumb"

Definition at line 92 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CENSORRPLC = "Censored words will be replaced with:"

Definition at line 93 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CENSORRPLC_DESC = "Censored words will be replaced with the characters entered in this textbox"

Definition at line 94 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CENSORWRD = "Words to censor"

Definition at line 95 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CENSORWRD_DESC = "Enter words that should be censored in user posts.<br />Separate each with a <strong>|</strong>, case insensitive."

Definition at line 96 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE = "Turn your site off?"

Definition at line 97 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE_DEFAULT = "The site is currently closed for maintenance. Please come back later."

Definition at line 98 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE_DESC = "Select yes to turn your site off so that only users in selected groups have access to the site. "

Definition at line 99 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE_GROUP = "Select groups that are allowed to access while the site is turned off."

Definition at line 100 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE_GROUP_DESC = "Users in the default webmasters group are always granted access."

Definition at line 101 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE_TEXT = "Reason for turning off the site"

Definition at line 102 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CLOSE_SITE_TEXT_DESC = "The text that is presented when the site is closed."

Definition at line 103 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CONTROL_PANEL = "Control panel GUI"

Definition at line 104 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_CONTROL_PANEL_DESC = "For backend"

Definition at line 105 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = "Default timezone"

Definition at line 106 of file en_US.php.

Initial value:
= "While the administrators and moderators of this site will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to this site express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. Creating multiple accounts for a single user is not allowed. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this site have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
This site system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The email address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one).
By clicking Register below you agree to be bound by these conditions."

Definition at line 21 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_DOCENSOR = "Enable censoring of unwanted words?"

Definition at line 107 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_DOCENSOR_DESC = "Words will be censored if this option is enabled. This option may be turned off for enhanced site speed."

Definition at line 108 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_DSPDSCLMR = "Display disclaimer?"

Definition at line 109 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_DSPDSCLMR_DESC = "Select yes to display disclaimer in registration page"

Definition at line 110 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ENABLE_BAD_IPS = "Enable IP bans?"

Definition at line 111 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ENABLE_BAD_IPS_DESC = "Users from specified IP addresses will not be able to view your site"

Definition at line 112 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_FOOTER = "Footer"

Definition at line 113 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_FOOTER_DEFAULT = "Powered by XOOPS @ 2001-%s <a href='https://github.com/XOOPS' rel='external' title='The XOOPS Project'>The XOOPS Project</a>"

Definition at line 114 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_FOOTER_DESC = "Be sure to type links in full path starting from http://, otherwise the links will not work correctly in modules pages."

Definition at line 115 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_GENERAL_EDITOR = "Editor for modules:"

Definition at line 116 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_GROUPS_PER_PAGE = "Number of groups to display per page"

Definition at line 117 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_GZIP_COMPRESSION = "Use gzip compression?"

Definition at line 118 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_HELP_ONLINE = "Help online?"

Definition at line 119 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_HELP_ONLINE_DESC = "This gives you tips and online help"

Definition at line 120 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_ICONS = "Icons"

Definition at line 121 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_INDEXFOLLOW = "Index, follow"

Definition at line 122 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_INDEXNOFOLLOW = "Index, no follow"

Definition at line 123 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_JQUERY_THEME = "jQuery theme"

Definition at line 124 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_BASE_DN = "LDAP - Base DN"

Definition at line 126 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_BASE_DN_DESC = "The base DN (Distinguished Name) of your LDAP directory tree."

Definition at line 127 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME = "The domain name"

Definition at line 128 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME_DESC = "Windows domain name. for ADS and NT Server only"

Definition at line 129 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_ATTR = "Xoops-Auth server fields mapping"

Definition at line 130 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_FIELD_MAPPING_DESC = "Describe here the mapping between the XOOPS database field and the LDAP Authentication system field.<br /><br />Format [Xoops Database field]=[Auth system LDAP attribute]<br />for example : email=mail<br />Separate each with a |<br /><br />!! For advanced users !!"

Definition at line 131 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON = "The search filter LDAP query to find user"

Definition at line 132 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_FILTER_PERSON_DESC = "Special LDAP Filter to find user. @@loginname@@ is replace by the users's login name<br> MUST BE BLANK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DO' !<br />Ex : (&(objectclass=person)(samaccountname=@@loginname@@)) for AD <br />Ex : (&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=@@loginname@@)) for LDAP"

Definition at line 133 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR = "LDAP - Given Name Field Name"

Definition at line 134 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_GIVENNAME_ATTR_DESC = "The name of the Given Name attribute in your LDAP directory."

Definition at line 135 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR = "LDAP Attribute use to search the user"

Definition at line 136 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_LOGINLDAP_ATTR_DESC = "When Login name use in the DN option is set to yes, must correspond to the login name XOOPS"

Definition at line 137 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN = "Login name use in the DN"

Definition at line 138 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_LOGINNAME_ASDN_DESC = "The XOOPS login name is used in the LDAP DN (eg : uid=<loginname>,dc=xoops,dc=org)<br>The entry is directly read in the LDAP Server without search"

Definition at line 139 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR = "LDAP - Email Field Name"

Definition at line 140 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR_DESC = "The name of the E-Mail attribute in your LDAP directory tree."

Definition at line 141 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_DN = "DN of the LDAP manager"

Definition at line 142 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_DN_DESC = "The DN of the user allow to make search (eg manager)"

Definition at line 143 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS = "Password of the LDAP manager"

Definition at line 144 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_MANAGER_PASS_DESC = "The password of the user allow to make search"

Definition at line 145 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PORT = "LDAP - Port Number"

Definition at line 146 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PROVIS = "Automatic XOOPS account provisioning"

Definition at line 147 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_DESC = "Create XOOPS user database if it doesn't exists"

Definition at line 148 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP = "Default affect group"

Definition at line 149 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_GROUP_DESC = "The new user is assign to these groups"

Definition at line 150 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD = "Maintain XOOPS account provisioning"

Definition at line 151 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_PROVIS_UPD_DESC = "The XOOPS User account is always synchronized with the Authentication Server"

Definition at line 152 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_SERVER = "LDAP - Server Name"

Definition at line 153 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_SERVER_DESC = "The name of your LDAP directory server."

Definition at line 154 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR = "LDAP - Surname Field Name"

Definition at line 155 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_SURNAME_ATTR_DESC = "The name of the Surname attribute in your LDAP directory."

Definition at line 156 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS = "Users allowed to bypass LDAP authentication"

Definition at line 157 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_USERS_BYPASS_DESC = "Users to be authenticated with native XOOPS method"

Definition at line 158 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_USETLS = " Use TLS connection"

Definition at line 159 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_USETLS_DESC = "Use a TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection. TLS use standard 389 port number<BR> and the LDAP version must be set to 3."

Definition at line 160 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_VERSION = "LDAP Version protocol"

Definition at line 161 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LDAP_VERSION_DESC = "The LDAP Version protocol : 2 or 3"

Definition at line 162 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LEVEL_LIGHT = "Light (recommended for multi-byte chars)"

Definition at line 163 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LEVEL_MEDIUM = "Medium"

Definition at line 164 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LEVEL_STRICT = "Strict (only alphabets and numbers)"

Definition at line 165 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_LOCALE = "Default locale"

Definition at line 125 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILER = "Email Setup"

Definition at line 166 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILERMETHOD = "Email delivery method"

Definition at line 167 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILERMETHOD_DESC = "Method used to deliver email. Default is \"mail\", use others only if that makes trouble."

Definition at line 168 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILFROM = "FROM address"

Definition at line 169 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILFROMNAME = "FROM name"

Definition at line 170 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILFROMUID = "FROM user"

Definition at line 171 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAILFROMUID_DESC = "When the system sends a private message, which user should appear to have sent it?"

Definition at line 172 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MAX_USERNAME = "Maximum length of username"

Definition at line 173 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAAUTHOR = "Meta Author"

Definition at line 174 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAAUTHOR_DESC = "The author meta tag defines the name of the author of the document being read. Supported data formats include the name, email address of the webmaster, company name or URL."

Definition at line 175 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METACOPYR = "Meta Copyright"

Definition at line 176 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METACOPYR_DEFAULT = "Copyright @ 2001-%s"

Definition at line 177 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METACOPYR_DESC = "The copyright meta tag defines any copyright statements you wish to disclose about your web page documents."

Definition at line 178 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METADESC = "Meta Description"

Definition at line 179 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METADESC_DEFAULT = "XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP."

Definition at line 180 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METADESC_DESC = "The description meta tag is a general description of what is contained in your web page"

Definition at line 181 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAKEY = "Meta Keywords"

Definition at line 182 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAKEY_DEFAULT = "xoops, web applications, web 2.0, sns, news, technology, headlines, linux, software, download, downloads, free, community, forum, bulletin board, bbs, php, survey, polls, kernel, comment, comments, portal, odp, open source, opensource, FreeSoftware, gnu, gpl, license, Unix, *nix, mysql, sql, database, databases, web site, blog, wiki, module, modules, theme, themes, cms, content management"

Definition at line 183 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAKEY_DESC = "The keywords meta tag is a series of keywords that represents the content of your site. Type in keywords with each separated by a comma or a space in between. (Ex. XOOPS, PHP, mySQL, portal system)"

Definition at line 184 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAO14YRS = "14 years"

Definition at line 185 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAOGEN = "General"

Definition at line 186 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAOMAT = "Mature"

Definition at line 187 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAOREST = "Restricted"

Definition at line 188 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METARATING = "Meta Rating"

Definition at line 189 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METARATING_DESC = "The rating meta tag defines your site age and content rating"

Definition at line 190 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAROBOTS = "Meta Robots"

Definition at line 191 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_METAROBOTS_DESC = "The Robots Tag declares to search engines what content to index and spider"

Definition at line 192 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MIN_PASS = "Minimum required length of the password"

Definition at line 193 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MIN_USERNAME = "Minimum length of username required"

Definition at line 194 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MODULE_CACHE = "Module-wide Cache"

Definition at line 195 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_MODULE_CACHE_DESC = "Caches module contents for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting module-wide cache will override module item level cache if any."

Definition at line 196 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_NEW_USER_NOTIFY = "Notify by email when a new user is registered?"

Definition at line 197 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_NOINDEXFOLLOW = "No Index, Follow"

Definition at line 198 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_NOINDEXNOFOLLOW = "No Index, No Follow"

Definition at line 199 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_NOTIFY_TO = "Select group to which new user notification email will be sent"

Definition at line 200 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_REDIRECT = "Use jGrowl redirect"

Definition at line 201 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_REDIRECT_DESC = "replace old redirection by a jGrowl redirection"

Definition at line 202 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_REGDSCLMR = "Registration disclaimer"

Definition at line 203 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_REGDSCLMR_DESC = "Enter text to be displayed as registration disclaimer"

Definition at line 204 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SELF_DELETE = "Allow users to delete own account?"

Definition at line 205 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SENDMAILPATH = "Path to sendmail"

Definition at line 206 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SENDMAILPATH_DESC = "Path to the sendmail program (or substitute) on the webserver."

Definition at line 207 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SERVER_TIMEZONE = "Server timezone"

Definition at line 208 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SESSION_EXPIRE = "Session expiration"

Definition at line 209 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SESSION_EXPIRE_DESC = "Maximum duration of session idle time in minutes (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled.)"

Definition at line 210 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SESSION_NAME = "Session name"

Definition at line 211 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SESSION_NAME_DESC = "The name of session (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled)"

Definition at line 212 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SITE_NAME = "Site name"

Definition at line 213 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SITE_NAME_DEFAULT = "XOOPS Site"

Definition at line 214 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SLOGAN = "Slogan for your site"

Definition at line 215 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SLOGAN_DEFAULT = "Just use it!"

Definition at line 216 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SMTPHOST = "SMTP host(s)"

Definition at line 217 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SMTPHOST_DESC = "List of SMTP servers to try to connect to."

Definition at line 218 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SMTPPASS = "SMTPAuth password"

Definition at line 219 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SMTPPASS_DESC = "Password to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth."

Definition at line 220 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SMTPUSER = "SMTPAuth username"

Definition at line 221 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SMTPUSER_DESC = "Username to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth."

Definition at line 222 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SSL_LINK = "URL where SSL login page is located"

Definition at line 223 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SSL_POST_NAME = "SSL Post variable name"

Definition at line 224 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_SSL_POST_NAME_DESC = "The name of variable used to transfer session value via POST. If you are unsure, set any name that is hard to guess."

Definition at line 225 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_START_PAGE = "Module for your start page"

Definition at line 226 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_TEMPLATE_SET = "Default template set"

Definition at line 227 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_THEME_FILE = "Check templates for modifications ?"

Definition at line 228 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_THEME_FILE_DESC = "If this option is enabled, modified templates will be automatically recompiled when they are displayed. You must turn this option off on a production site."

Definition at line 229 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_THEME_SET = "Default theme"

Definition at line 230 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_THEME_SET_ALLOWED = "Selectable themes"

Definition at line 231 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_THEME_SET_ALLOWED_DESC = "Choose themes that users can select as the default theme"

Definition at line 232 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USE_SSL = "Use SSL for login?"

Definition at line 238 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USE_SSL_DESC = "SSL is used for secure login and requires a certificate. Contact your Host about how to obtain certificate for your site."

Definition at line 239 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USER_ACTIVATION = "Requires activation by user (recommended)"

Definition at line 235 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USER_COOKIE = "Name for user cookies."

Definition at line 236 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USER_COOKIE_DESC = "If the cookie name is set, 'Remember me' will be enabled for user login. If a user has chosen 'Remember me', he will be logged in automatically."

Definition at line 237 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USERNAME_LEVEL = "Select the level of strictness for username filtering"

Definition at line 233 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_USERS_PER_PAGE = "Number of users to display per page"

Definition at line 234 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_WELCOME_TYPE = "Sending welcoming message"

Definition at line 240 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_BOTH = "Email and message"

Definition at line 241 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_DESC = "The way of sending out a welcoming message to a user upon his successful registration."

Definition at line 242 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_EMAIL = "Email"

Definition at line 243 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_NONE = "None"

Definition at line 244 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONF_WELCOME_TYPE_PM = "Message"

Definition at line 245 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONTENT_TYPE = "Content type"

Definition at line 246 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CONTROL_PANEL = "Control panel"

Definition at line 247 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CUSTOM_BLOCK = "Custom block"

Definition at line 248 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CUSTOM_BLOCK_AUTO_FORMAT = "Custom Block (Auto Format)"

Definition at line 249 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CUSTOM_BLOCK_AUTO_FORMAT_SMILIES = "Custom Block (Auto Format + smilies)"

Definition at line 250 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CUSTOM_BLOCK_HTML = "Custom Block (HTML)"

Definition at line 251 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::CUSTOM_BLOCK_PHP = "Custom Block (PHP)"

Definition at line 252 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DELETE_BLOCK = "Delete a block"

Definition at line 257 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DELETE_GROUP = "Delete group"

Definition at line 258 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DELETE_USER = "Delete user"

Definition at line 259 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_BLOCK = "Display block"

Definition at line 260 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_IMAGE = "Display screenshot image"

Definition at line 261 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_themes_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DISPLAY_USERS_AVATARS = "Display users avatars"

Definition at line 262 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_newmembers_edit(), and b_system_topposters_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::DRAG_OR_SORT_BLOCK = "Drag or sort the block"

Definition at line 263 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_BLOCK_ACCESS_NOT_ADDED = "Block access right was not added!"

Definition at line 289 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DEPRECATED_NOT_REMOVED = "Deprecated block template was not removed!"

Definition at line 290 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_CONFIG_DATA_NOT_DELETED = "Config data was not deleted!"

Definition at line 291 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteConfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_GROUP_PERMISSIONS_NOT_DELETED = "Group permissions were not deleted!"

Definition at line 292 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_NEW_PASSWORDS_NOT_MATCH_TRY_AGAIN = "Sorry, the new passwords do not match! Click back and try again."

Definition at line 293 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_NOT_RESTORED = "Not restored!"

Definition at line 294 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_CANNOT_BE_DELETED = "System blocks cannot be deleted!"

Definition at line 295 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_SYSTEM_MODULE_CANNOT_BE_DEACTIVATED = "System module cannot be deactivated!"

Definition at line 296 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_THIS_BLOCK_CANNOT_BE_DELETED = "This block cannot be deleted directly! If you wish to disable this block, deactivate the module."

Definition at line 297 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_THIS_MODULE_IS_SET_AS_DEFAULT_START_PAGE = "This module is set as your default start page. Please change the start module to whatever suits your preferences."

Definition at line 298 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::E_YOU_CANNOT_REMOVE_THIS_GROUP = "You can not remove this group!"

Definition at line 299 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EDIT_BLOCK = "Edit block"

Definition at line 264 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EDIT_GROUP = "Edit group"

Definition at line 265 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EDIT_GROUPS = "Edit groups"

Definition at line 266 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EDIT_TEMPLATE = "Edit template"

Definition at line 267 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EDIT_USER = "Edit user"

Definition at line 268 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_BLOCK_NOT_DELETED = "Block '%s' was not deleted!"

Definition at line 269 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteBlocks(), and SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_NOT_DELETED = "Block template '%s' was not deleted!"

Definition at line 270 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_CAN_NOT_DELETE_ADMIN_USER = "Admin user cannot be deleted: %s!"

Definition at line 271 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_CONFIG_NOT_ADDED = "Config '%s' was not added!"

Definition at line 272 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installconfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_COULD_NOT_ADD_PERMISSION_FOR_GROUP = "Could not add %s permission to %s for group %s!"

Definition at line 273 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_COULD_NOT_ADD_USER_TO_GROUPS = "The new user could not be added to groups: %s!"

Definition at line 274 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_COULD_NOT_DELETE_USER = "User cannot be deleted: %s!"

Definition at line 275 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_COULD_NOT_RESET_GROUP_PERMISSION_FOR_MODULE = "Could not reset group permission for module %s!"

Definition at line 276 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_GROUP_ID_ADMIN_ACCESS_RIGHT_NOT_ADDED = "Could not add admin access right for Group ID %s!"

Definition at line 277 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_GROUP_ID_USER_ACCESS_RIGHT_NOT_ADDED = "Could not add user access right for Group ID: %s!"

Definition at line 278 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_SQL_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "SQL file not found at %s!"

Definition at line 279 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install(), and SystemModule\update().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_TABLE_IS_RESERVED = "%s is a reserved table!"

Definition at line 280 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_ADDED_TO_DATABASE = "Template %s was not added to the database!"

Definition at line 281 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installTemplates().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_DELETED = "Old template '%s' was not deleted! Aborting update of this file. "

Definition at line 282 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installTemplates().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_RECOMPILED = "ERROR: Template %s recompile failed"

Definition at line 283 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks(), and SystemModule\installTemplates().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EF_TEMPLATE_NOT_UPDATED = "ERROR: Could not update %s template."

Definition at line 284 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EMPTY_FILE = "Empty file"

Definition at line 285 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EXTENSION_TIPS = "<ul><li>If you install a new extension, remember to setup module preferences and users permissions!</li><li>Delete unused extension files from your server to avoid security issues and keep your website safe.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 288 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EXTENSIONS_ADMINISTRATION = "Extensions administration"

Definition at line 286 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::EXTENSIONS_DESC = "Here you can install <br /> and uninstall your XOOPS <br /> extensions."

Definition at line 287 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_BLOCK_ID = " Block ID: %s"
const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_CONFIG_ID = "Config ID: %s"

Definition at line 303 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteConfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_DELETE_USER = "Delete user: %s"

Definition at line 304 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_GROUP_ID = " Group ID: %s"

Definition at line 306 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_GROUPS_SPAN = "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> groups.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 305 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_LOGO_IMAGE_FILE_IS_LOCATED_UNDER = "Logo image file is located under %s directory"

Definition at line 307 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_info_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_MODULE_ID = " Module ID: %s"

Definition at line 308 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_TEMPLATE_ID = "Template ID: %s"

Definition at line 309 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_THEMES = "%s themes"

Definition at line 310 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_themes_show().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_UPDATE_USER = "Update user: %s"

Definition at line 311 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemUserForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_USERS = "%s user(s)"

Definition at line 312 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::F_USERS_SPAN = "<ul><li><span class='bold red'>%s</span> users.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 313 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::FILES_GENERATED = "Files generated"

Definition at line 300 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::FORCED_FILE_GENERATION = "Forced file generation"

Definition at line 301 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GENERAL_SETTINGS = "General settings"

Definition at line 314 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GO_TO_MODULE = "Go to module"

Definition at line 316 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by XoopsGuiDefault\header().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GROUP_DESCRIPTION = "Group description"

Definition at line 321 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GROUP_NAME = "Group name"

Definition at line 322 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GROUPS_DESC = "You can add some groups <br /> and manage permission for <br /> each group"

Definition at line 317 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GROUPS_MANAGER = "Groups manager"

Definition at line 318 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GROUPS_TIPS_1 = "<ul><li>Create a new group with their own permissions.</li><li>Edit group for change permissions.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 319 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::GROUPS_TIPS_2 = "<ul><li>Change or create permission for this group, all modification will affect users of this group.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 320 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::HIDE_BLOCK = "Hide block"

Definition at line 323 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::INSTALLED_MODULES = "Installed modules"

Definition at line 324 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::LARGE_VIEW = "Large view"

Definition at line 325 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::LAST_LOGIN_GREATER_THAN_X = "Last login is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"

Definition at line 326 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::LAST_LOGIN_LESS_THAN_X = "Last login is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"

Definition at line 327 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::LINE_VIEW = "Line view"

Definition at line 328 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGE_BLOCKS = "Manage blocks"

Definition at line 329 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGE_MENU = "Manage menu"

Definition at line 330 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGE_MODULE = "Manage module"

Definition at line 331 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGE_PREFERENCES = "Manage preferences"

Definition at line 332 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGING_BLOCKS = "Managing blocks..."

Definition at line 333 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteBlocks(), and SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGING_PERMISSIONS = "Managing permissions..."

Definition at line 334 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGING_PREFERENCES = "Managing preferences..."

Definition at line 335 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteConfigs(), and SystemModule\installconfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGING_TABLES = "Managing tables..."

Definition at line 336 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install(), and SystemModule\uninstall().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MANAGING_TEMPLATES = "Managing templates..."

Definition at line 337 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteTemplates(), and SystemModule\installTemplates().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MENU_BLOCK = "Menu block"

Definition at line 338 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MENU_TIPS = "<ul><li>To change order of modules (which will be reflected in the Menu), you just need to drag and drop the modules to the desired placement.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 339 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_main_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::META_TAGS_AND_FOOTER = "Meta tags and footer"

Definition at line 340 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULE_ACCESS_RIGHTS = "Module access rights"

Definition at line 344 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULE_ADMIN_RIGHTS = "Module admin rights"

Definition at line 345 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULE_DESCRIPTION = "For administration of core settings of the site."

Definition at line 346 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULE_NAME = "System"

Definition at line 347 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULES_ADMINISTRATION = "Modules administration"

Definition at line 341 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULES_DESC = "Here you can install <br /> and unistall your XOOPS <br /> modules. Do you know <br /> which module?"

Definition at line 342 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::MODULES_TIPS = "<ul><li>If you install a new module, remember to setup module preferences, blocks and users permissions!</li><li>For hide module into Main Menu block, set order to 0</li><li>Delete unused module files from your server to avoid security issues and keep your website safe.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 343 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::NEVER_CONNECTED = "Never connected"

Definition at line 348 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::NO_FILES_CREATED = "No files created"

Definition at line 349 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::NO_MODULE_TO_CACHE = "There is no module that can be cached."
const SystemLocaleEn_US::NUMBER_OF_USERS_BY_GROUP = "Number of users by group"

Definition at line 351 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::NUMBER_OF_USERS_TO_DISPLAY = "Number of users to display"

Definition at line 352 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_newmembers_edit(), and b_system_topposters_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ONLY_ACTIVE_USERS = "Only active users"

Definition at line 353 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ONLY_INACTIVE_USERS = "Only inactive users"

Definition at line 354 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ONLY_USERS_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that accept email"

Definition at line 355 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::ONLY_USERS_DO_NOT_ACCEPT_EMAIL = "Only users that don't accept email"

Definition at line 356 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::OTHER_SETTINGS = "Other settings"

Definition at line 357 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemPreferencesForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::PHP_SCRIPT = "PHP Script"

Definition at line 358 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::POPUP_WINDOW_HEIGHT = "Pop-up window height"

Definition at line 359 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_info_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH = "Pop-up window width"

Definition at line 360 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_info_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::POSTS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_X = "Number of posts is greater than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>"

Definition at line 361 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::POSTS_NUMBER_LESS_THAN_X = "Number of posts is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span>"

Definition at line 362 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::PREFERENCES_DESC = "XOOPS and all of your <br /> modules have a preferences <br /> for manage module options"

Definition at line 363 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::Q_ARE_YOU_SURE_DELETE_THIS_GROUP = "Are you sure you want to delete this group?"

Definition at line 365 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::QF_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_THIS_BLOCK = "Are you sure to delete this block ? <div class='bold'>%s</div>"

Definition at line 364 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::RECOMMEND_US = "Recommend us"

Definition at line 366 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_info_show().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::REGISTERED_USERS = "Registered users"

Definition at line 367 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoops_module_install_system().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::REGISTERED_USERS_GROUP = "Registered users group"

Definition at line 368 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoops_module_install_system().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::REGISTRATION_DATE_GREATER_THAN_X = "Joined date is more than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"

Definition at line 369 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::REGISTRATION_DATE_LESS_THAN_X = "Joined date is less than <span style='color:#ff0000;'>X</span> days ago"

Definition at line 370 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::S_BLOCK_ACCESS_ADDED = "Block access right added!"

Definition at line 393 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::S_CONFIG_DATA_DELETED = "Config data deleted!"

Definition at line 394 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteConfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::S_CONFIG_OPTION_ADDED = "Config option added!"

Definition at line 395 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installconfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::S_GROUP_PERMISSIONS_DELETED = "Group permissions deleted!"

Definition at line 396 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\uninstall().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::S_RESTORED = "Successfully restored!"

Definition at line 397 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SCREENSHOT_IMAGE_WIDTH = "Screenshot image width"

Definition at line 371 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_themes_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SECURE_LOGIN = "Secure login"

Definition at line 372 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_login_show().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SERVICES_DESC = "From here you can manage service<br />providers and priorities."

Definition at line 373 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SERVICES_MANAGER = "Service Management"

Definition at line 374 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SERVICES_TIPS = "<ul><li>Services allow you to customize your system</li><li>Set service provider preferences by selecting the service, and then putting the providers in the desired order.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 375 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_ADDED_PERMISSION_FOR_GROUP = "Added %s permission to %s for group %s!"

Definition at line 376 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_BLOCK_DELETED = "Block %s deleted!"

Definition at line 377 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteBlocks(), and SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DELETED = "Block template %s deleted!"

Definition at line 378 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\deleteBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DEPRECATED = "Block template %s deprecated!"

Definition at line 379 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_BLOCK_UPDATED = "Block %s updated!"

Definition at line 380 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_CONFIG_ADDED = "Config %s added!"

Definition at line 381 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installconfigs().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_GROUP_ID_ADMIN_ACCESS_RIGHT_ADDED = "Added admin access right for Group ID %s!"

Definition at line 382 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_GROUP_ID_USER_ACCESS_RIGHT_ADDED = "Added user access right for Group ID: %s!"

Definition at line 383 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_SQL_FILE_FOUND = "SQL file found at %s!"

Definition at line 384 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\install().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_TEMPLATE_ADDED = "Template %s added!"

Definition at line 385 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installTemplates().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_TEMPLATE_RECOMPILED = "Template %s recompiled!"

Definition at line 386 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks(), and SystemModule\installTemplates().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SF_TEMPLATE_UPDATED = "Template %s updated!"

Definition at line 387 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemModule\installBlocks().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SHOW_ADMIN_GROUPS = "Show admin groups"

Definition at line 388 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by b_system_info_edit().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SITE_PREFERENCES = "Site preferences"

Definition at line 389 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SYSTEM_ADMIN_RIGHTS = "System admin rights"

Definition at line 390 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemGroupForm\__construct().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION = "System configuration"

Definition at line 391 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES = "System module settings"

Definition at line 392 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TEMPLATE_OVERLOADED = "Template overloaded"

Definition at line 315 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TEMPLATES_DESC = "If you need add some changes <br /> in core or modules template use <br /> this options for create theme override"

Definition at line 398 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TEMPLATES_MANAGER = "Templates Manager"

Definition at line 399 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TEMPLATES_TIPS = "<ul><li>Edit theme and modules templates, stylsheet online.</li><li>Generate all overide modules templates.</li><li>If you force generate, this will erase all previous modification.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 400 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TIPS_MAIN = "<ul><li>Enable or disable sections of system module or just access to it.</li></ul>"

Definition at line 401 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TOP_CENTER = "Top center"

Definition at line 402 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TOP_LEFT = "Top left"

Definition at line 403 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::TOP_RIGHT = "Top right"

Definition at line 404 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by SystemBlockForm\getForm().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::USERS_DESC = "With this options you <br /> can add new user or <br /> edit old user and userinfo, <br /> change groups and many <br /> other things"

Definition at line 405 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::USERS_MANAGEMENT = "Users management"

Definition at line 406 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::USERS_TIPS = "<ul><li>Manage Xoops users</li></ul>"

Definition at line 407 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::VIEW_USER_INFO = "View user info"

Definition at line 408 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::WEBMASTERS = "Webmasters"

Definition at line 409 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoops_module_install_system().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::WEBMASTERS_OF_THIS_SITE = "Webmasters of this site"

Definition at line 410 of file en_US.php.

Referenced by xoops_module_install_system().

const SystemLocaleEn_US::WELCOME_TO_XOOPS_HELP_CENTER = "Welcome to XOOPS Help Center"

Definition at line 411 of file en_US.php.

const SystemLocaleEn_US::WORD_CENSORING = "Word censoring"

Definition at line 412 of file en_US.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: