XOOPS  2.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
55 class JUpload {
59  var $files;
61  public function JUpload($appletparams = array(), $classparams = array()) {
62  if (gettype($classparams) != 'array')
63  $this->abort('Invalid type of parameter classparams: Expecting an array');
64  if (gettype($appletparams) != 'array')
65  $this->abort('Invalid type of parameter appletparams: Expecting an array');
67  // set some defaults for the applet params
68  if (!isset($appletparams['afterUploadURL']))
69  $appletparams['afterUploadURL'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?afterupload=1';
70  if (!isset($appletparams['name']))
71  $appletparams['name'] = 'JUpload';
72  if (!isset($appletparams['archive']))
73  $appletparams['archive'] = 'wjhk.jupload.jar';
74  if (!isset($appletparams['code']))
75  $appletparams['code'] = 'wjhk.jupload2.JUploadApplet';
76  if (!isset($appletparams['debugLevel']))
77  $appletparams['debugLevel'] = 0;
78  if (!isset($appletparams['httpUploadParameterType']))
79  $appletparams['httpUploadParameterType'] = 'array';
80  if (!isset($appletparams['showLogWindow']))
81  $appletparams['showLogWindow'] = ($appletparams['debugLevel'] > 0) ? 'true' : 'false';
82  if (!isset($appletparams['width']))
83  $appletparams['width'] = 640;
84  if (!isset($appletparams['height']))
85  $appletparams['height'] = ($appletparams['showLogWindow'] == 'true') ? 500 : 300;
86  if (!isset($appletparams['mayscript']))
87  $appletparams['mayscript'] = 'true';
88  if (!isset($appletparams['scriptable']))
89  $appletparams['scriptable'] = 'false';
90  //if (!isset($appletparams['stringUploadSuccess']))
91  $appletparams['stringUploadSuccess'] = 'SUCCESS';
92  //if (!isset($appletparams['stringUploadError']))
93  $appletparams['stringUploadError'] = 'ERROR: (.*)';
94  $maxpost = $this->tobytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
95  $maxmem = $this->tobytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
96  $maxfs = $this->tobytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
97  $obd = ini_get('open_basedir');
98  if (!isset($appletparams['maxChunkSize'])) {
99  $maxchunk = ($maxpost < $maxmem) ? $maxpost : $maxmem;
100  $maxchunk = ($maxchunk < $maxfs) ? $maxchunk : $maxfs;
101  $maxchunk /= 4;
102  $optchunk = (500000 > $maxchunk) ? $maxchunk : 500000;
103  $appletparams['maxChunkSize'] = $optchunk;
104  }
105  $appletparams['maxChunkSize'] = $this->tobytes($appletparams['maxChunkSize']);
106  if (!isset($appletparams['maxFileSize']))
107  $appletparams['maxFileSize'] = $maxfs;
108  $appletparams['maxFileSize'] = $this->tobytes($appletparams['maxFileSize']);
109  if (isset($classparams['errormail'])) {
110  $appletparams['urlToSendErrorTo'] = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?errormail';
111  }
113  // Same for class parameters
114  if (!isset($classparams['demo_mode']))
115  $classparams['demo_mode'] = false;
116  if ($classparams['demo_mode']) {
117  $classparams['create_destdir'] = false;
118  $classparams['allow_subdirs'] = true;
119  $classparams['allow_zerosized'] = true;
120  $classparams['duplicate'] = 'overwrite';
121  }
122  if (!isset($classparams['debug_php'])) // set true to log some messages in PHP log
123  $classparams['debug_php'] = false;
124  if (!isset($this->classparams['allowed_mime_types'])) // array of allowed MIME type
125  $classparams['allowed_mime_types'] = 'all';
126  if (!isset($this->classparams['allowed_file_extensions'])) // array of allowed file extensions
127  $classparams['allowed_file_extensions'] = 'all';
128  if (!isset($classparams['verbose_errors'])) // shouldn't display server info on a production site!
129  $classparams['verbose_errors'] = true;
130  if (!isset($classparams['session_regenerate']))
131  $classparams['session_regenerate'] = false;
132  if (!isset($classparams['create_destdir']))
133  $classparams['create_destdir'] = true;
134  if (!isset($classparams['allow_subdirs']))
135  $classparams['allow_subdirs'] = false;
136  if (!isset($classparams['spaces_in_subdirs']))
137  $classparams['spaces_in_subdirs'] = false;
138  if (!isset($classparams['allow_zerosized']))
139  $classparams['allow_zerosized'] = false;
140  if (!isset($classparams['duplicate']))
141  $classparams['duplicate'] = 'rename';
142  if (!isset($classparams['dirperm']))
143  $classparams['dirperm'] = 0755;
144  if (!isset($classparams['fileperm']))
145  $classparams['fileperm'] = 0644;
146  if (!isset($classparams['destdir'])) {
147  if ($obd != '')
148  $classparams['destdir'] = $obd;
149  else
150  $classparams['destdir'] = '/var/tmp/jupload_test';
151  }else{
152  $classparams['destdir']=str_replace('~',' ',$classparams['destdir']);
153  }
154  if ($classparams['create_destdir']) {
155  $_umask = umask(0); // override the system mask
156  @mkdir($classparams['destdir'], $classparams['dirperm']);
157  umask($_umask);
158  }
159  if (!is_dir($classparams['destdir']) && is_writable($classparams['destdir']))
160  $this->abort('Destination dir not accessible');
161  if (!isset($classparams['tmp_prefix']))
162  $classparams['tmp_prefix'] = 'jutmp.';
163  if (!isset($classparams['var_prefix']))
164  $classparams['var_prefix'] = 'juvar.';
165  if (!isset($classparams['jscript_wrapper']))
166  $classparams['jscript_wrapper'] = 'JUploadSetProperty';
167  if (!isset($classparams['tag_jscript']))
168  $classparams['tag_jscript'] = '<!--JUPLOAD_JSCRIPT-->';
169  if (!isset($classparams['tag_applet']))
170  $classparams['tag_applet'] = '<!--JUPLOAD_APPLET-->';
171  if (!isset($classparams['tag_flist']))
172  $classparams['tag_flist'] = '<!--JUPLOAD_FILES-->';
173  if (!isset($classparams['http_flist_start']))
174  $classparams['http_flist_start'] =
175  "<table border='1'><TR><TH>Filename</TH><TH>file size</TH><TH>Relative path</TH><TH>Full name</TH><TH>md5sum</TH><TH>Specific parameters</TH></TR>";
176  if (!isset($classparams['http_flist_end']))
177  $classparams['http_flist_end'] = "</table>\n";
178  if (!isset($classparams['http_flist_file_before']))
179  $classparams['http_flist_file_before'] = "<tr><td>";
180  if (!isset($classparams['http_flist_file_between']))
181  $classparams['http_flist_file_between'] = "</td><td>";
182  if (!isset($classparams['http_flist_file_after']))
183  $classparams['http_flist_file_after'] = "</td></tr>\n";
185  $this->appletparams = $appletparams;
186  $this->classparams = $classparams;
187  $this->page_start();
188  }
194  public function uploadedfiles() {
195  return $this->files;
196  }
201  protected function logDebug($function, $msg, $htmlComment=true) {
202  $output = "[DEBUG] [$function] $msg";
203  if ($htmlComment) {
204  echo("<!-- $output -->\r\n");
205  } else {
206  echo("$output\r\n");
207  }
208  }
214  protected function logPHPDebug($function, $msg) {
215  if ($this->classparams['debug_php'] === true) {
216  $output = "[DEBUG] [$function] ".$this->arrayexpand($msg);
217  error_log($output);
218  }
219  }
221  private function arrayexpand($array) {
222  $output = '';
223  if (is_array($array)) {
224  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
225  $output .= "\n ".$key.' => '.$this->arrayexpand($value);
226  }
227  } else {
228  $output .= $array;
229  }
230  return $output;
231  }
238  private function tobytes($val) {
239  $val = trim($val);
240  $last = fix_strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1});
241  switch($last) {
242  case 'g':
243  $val *= 1024;
244  case 'm':
245  $val *= 1024;
246  case 'k':
247  $val *= 1024;
248  }
249  return $val;
250  }
263  private function str_jsinit() {
264  $N = "\n";
265  $name = $this->appletparams['name'];
266  $ret = '<script type="text/javascript">'.$N;
267  $ret .= '<!--'.$N;
268  $ret .= 'function '.$this->classparams['jscript_wrapper'].'(name, value) {'.$N;
269  $ret .= ' document.applets["'.$name.'"] == null || document.applets["'.$name.'"].setProperty(name,value);'.$N;
270  $ret .= ' document.embeds["'.$name.'"] == null || document.embeds["'.$name.'"].setProperty(name,value);'.$N;
271  $ret .= '}'.$N;
272  $ret .= '//-->'.$N;
273  $ret .= '</script>';
274  return $ret;
275  }
282  private function str_applet() {
283  $N = "\n";
284  $params = $this->appletparams;
285  // return the actual applet tag
286  $ret = '<object classid = "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"'.$N;
287  $ret .= ' codebase = "http://java.sun.com/update/1.5.0/jinstall-1_5-windows-i586.cab#Version=5,0,0,3"'.$N;
288  $ret .= ' width = "'.$params['width'].'"'.$N;
289  $ret .= ' height = "'.$params['height'].'"'.$N;
290  $ret .= ' name = "'.$params['name'].'">'.$N;
291  foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
292  if ($key != 'width' && $key != 'height')
293  $ret .= ' <param name = "'.$key.'" value = "'.$val.'" />'.$N;
294  }
295  $ret .= ' <comment>'.$N;
296  $ret .= ' <embed'.$N;
297  $ret .= ' type = "application/x-java-applet;version=1.5"'.$N;
298  foreach ($params as $key => $val)
299  $ret .= ' '.$key.' = "'.$val.'"'.$N;
300  $ret .= ' pluginspage = "http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/index.html#download">'.$N;
301  $ret .= ' <noembed>'.$N;
302  $ret .= ' Java 1.5 or higher plugin required.'.$N;
303  $ret .= ' </noembed>'.$N;
304  $ret .= ' </embed>'.$N;
305  $ret .= ' </comment>'.$N;
306  $ret .= '</object>';
307  return $ret;
308  }
310  private function abort($msg = '') {
311  $this->cleanup();
312  if ($msg != '')
313  die(str_replace('(.*)',$msg,$this->appletparams['stringUploadError'])."\n");
314  exit;
315  }
317  private function warning($msg = '') {
318  $this->cleanup();
319  if ($msg != '')
320  echo('WARNING: '.$msg."\n");
321  echo $this->appletparams['stringUploadSuccess']."\n";
322  exit;
323  }
325  private function cleanup() {
326  // remove all uploaded files of *this* request
327  if (isset($_FILES)) {
328  foreach ($_FILES as $key => $val)
329  @unlink($val['tmp_name']);
330  }
331  // remove accumulated file, if any.
332  @unlink($this->classparams['destdir'].'/'.$this->classparams['tmp_prefix'].session_id());
333  @unlink($this->classparams['destdir'].'/'.$this->classparams['tmp_prefix'].'tmp'.session_id());
334  // reset session var
335  $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'size'] = 0;
336  return;
337  }
339  private function mkdirp($path) {
340  // create subdir (hierary) below destdir;
341  $dirs = explode('/', $path);
342  $path = $this->classparams['destdir'];
343  foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
344  $path .= '/'.$dir;
345  if (!file_exists($path)) { // @ does NOT always supress the error!
346  $_umask = umask(0); // override the system mask
347  @mkdir($path, $this->classparams['dirperm']);
348  umask($_umask);
349  }
350  }
351  if (!is_dir($path) && is_writable($path))
352  $this->abort('Destination dir not accessible');
353  }
364  private function dstfinal(&$name, &$subdir) {
365  $name = preg_replace('![`$\\\\/|]!', '_', $name);
366  if ($this->classparams['allow_subdirs'] && ($subdir != '')) {
367  $subdir = trim(preg_replace('!\\\\!','/',$subdir),'/');
368  $subdir = preg_replace('![`$|]!', '_', $subdir);
369  if (!$this->classparams['spaces_in_subdirs']) {
370  $subdir = str_replace(' ','_',$subdir);
371  }
372  // recursively create subdir
373  if (!$this->classparams['demo_mode'])
374  $this->mkdirp($subdir);
375  // append a slash
376  $subdir .= '/';
377  } else {
378  $subdir = '';
379  }
380  $ret = $this->classparams['destdir'].'/'.$subdir.$name;
381  if (file_exists($ret)) {
382  if ($this->classparams['duplicate'] == 'overwrite') {
383  return $ret;
384  }
385  if ($this->classparams['duplicate'] == 'reject') {
386  $this->abort('A file with the same name already exists');
387  }
388  if ($this->classparams['duplicate'] == 'warning') {
389  $this->warning("File $name already exists - rejected");
390  }
391  if ($this->classparams['duplicate'] == 'rename') {
392  $cnt = 1;
393  $dir = $this->classparams['destdir'].'/'.$subdir;
394  $ext = strrchr($name, '.');
395  if ($ext) {
396  $nameWithoutExtension = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - strlen($ext));
397  } else {
398  $ext = '';
399  $nameWithoutExtension = $name;
400  }
402  $rtry = $dir.$nameWithoutExtension.'_'.$cnt.$ext;
403  while (file_exists($rtry)) {
404  $cnt++;
405  $rtry = $dir.$nameWithoutExtension.'._'.$cnt.$ext;
406  }
407  //We store the result name in the byReference name parameter.
408  $name = $nameWithoutExtension.'_'.$cnt.$ext;
409  $ret = $rtry;
410  }
411  }
412  return $ret;
413  }
419  public function defaultAfterUploadManagement() {
420  $flist = '[defaultAfterUploadManagement] Nb uploaded files is: ' . sizeof($this->files);
421  $flist = $this->classparams['http_flist_start'];
422  foreach ($this->files as $f) {
423  //$f is an array, that contains all info about the uploaded file.
424  $this->logDebug('defaultAfterUploadManagement', " Reading file ${f['name']}");
425  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_before'];
426  $flist .= $f['name'];
427  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_between'];
428  $flist .= $f['size'];
429  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_between'];
430  $flist .= $f['relativePath'];
431  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_between'];
432  $flist .= $f['fullName'];
433  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_between'];
434  $flist .= $f['md5sum'];
435  $addBR = false;
436  foreach ($f as $key=>$value) {
437  //If it's a specific key, let's display it:
438  if ($key != 'name' && $key != 'size' && $key != 'relativePath' && $key != 'fullName' && $key != 'md5sum') {
439  if ($addBR) {
440  $flist .= "<br>";
441  } else {
442  // First line. We must add a new 'official' list separator.
443  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_between'];
444  $addBR = true;
445  }
446  $flist .= "$key => $value";
447  }
448  }
449  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_file_after'];
450  }
451  $flist .= $this->classparams['http_flist_end'];
453  return $flist;
454 }
461 private function generateAppletTag($str) {
462  $this->logDebug('generateAppletTag', 'Entering function');
463  $str = preg_replace('/'.$this->classparams['tag_jscript'].'/', $this->str_jsinit(), $str);
464  return preg_replace('/'.$this->classparams['tag_applet'].'/', $this->str_applet(), $str);
465 }
473 public function interceptBeforeUpload($str) {
474  $this->logDebug('interceptBeforeUpload', 'Entering function');
475  return $this->generateAppletTag($str);
476 }
483 public function interceptAfterUpload($str) {
484  $this->logDebug('interceptAfterUpload', 'Entering function');
485  $this->logPHPDebug('interceptAfterUpload', $this->files);
487  if (count($this->files) > 0) {
488  if (isset($this->classparams['callbackAfterUploadManagement'])) {
489  $this->logDebug('interceptAfterUpload', 'Before call of ' .$this->classparams['callbackAfterUploadManagement']);
490  $strForFListContent = call_user_func($this->classparams['callbackAfterUploadManagement'], $this, $this->files);
491  } else {
492  $strForFListContent = $this->defaultAfterUploadManagement();
493  }
494  $str = preg_replace('/'.$this->classparams['tag_flist'].'/', $strForFListContent, $str);
495  }
496  return $this->generateAppletTag($str);
497 }
502 private function receive_debug_log() {
503  // handle error report
504  if (isset($_POST['description']) && isset($_POST['log'])) {
505  $msg = $_POST['log'];
506  mail($this->classparams['errormail'], $_POST['description'], $msg);
507  } else {
508  if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']))
509  mail($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'], 'Empty jupload error log',
510  'An empty log has just been posted.');
511  $this->logPHPDebug('receive_debug_log', 'Empty error log received');
512  }
513  exit;
514 }
524 private function receive_uploaded_files() {
525  $this->logDebug('receive_uploaded_files', 'Entering POST management');
527  if (session_id() == '') {
528  session_start();
529  }
530  // we check for the session *after* handling possible error log
531  // because an error could have happened because the session-id is missing.
532  if (!isset($_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'size'])) {
533  $this->abort('Invalid session (in afterupload, POST, check of size)');
534  }
535  if (!isset($_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'])) {
536  $this->abort('Invalid session (in afterupload, POST, check of files)');
537  }
538  $this->files = $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'];
539  if (!is_array($this->files)) {
540  $this->abort('Invalid session (in afterupload, POST, is_array(files))');
541  }
542  if ($this->appletparams['sendMD5Sum'] == 'true' && !isset($_POST['md5sum'])) {
543  $this->abort('Required POST variable md5sum is missing');
544  }
545  $cnt = 0;
546  foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {
547  //Let's read the $_FILES data
548  if (isset($files_data)) {
549  unset($files_data);
550  }
551  $jupart = (isset($_POST['jupart'])) ? (int)$_POST['jupart'] : 0;
552  $jufinal = (isset($_POST['jufinal'])) ? (int)$_POST['jufinal'] : 1;
553  $relpaths = (isset($_POST['relpathinfo'])) ? $_POST['relpathinfo'] : null;
554  $md5sums = (isset($_POST['md5sum'])) ? $_POST['md5sum'] : null;
555  $mimetypes = (isset($_POST['mimetype'])) ? $_POST['mimetype'] : null;
556  //$relpaths = (isset($_POST["relpathinfo$cnt"])) ? $_POST["relpathinfo$cnt"] : null;
557  //$md5sums = (isset($_POST["md5sum$cnt"])) ? $_POST["md5sum$cnt"] : null;
559  if (gettype($relpaths) == 'string') {
560  $relpaths = array($relpaths);
561  }
562  if (gettype($md5sums) == 'string') {
563  $md5sums = array($md5sums);
564  }
565  if ($this->appletparams['sendMD5Sum'] == 'true' && !is_array($md5sums)) {
566  $this->abort('Expecting an array of MD5 checksums');
567  }
568  if (!is_array($relpaths)) {
569  $this->abort('Expecting an array of relative paths');
570  }
571  if (!is_array($mimetypes)) {
572  $this->abort('Expecting an array of MIME types');
573  }
574  // Check the MIME type (note: this is easily forged!)
575  if (isset($this->classparams['allowed_mime_types']) && is_array($this->classparams['allowed_mime_types'])) {
576  if (!in_array($mimetypes[$cnt], $this->classparams['allowed_mime_types'])) {
577  $this->abort('MIME type '.$mimetypes[$cnt].' not allowed');
578  }
579  }
580  if (isset($this->classparams['allowed_file_extensions']) && is_array($this->classparams['allowed_file_extensions'])) {
581  $fileExtension = substr(strrchr($value['name'][$cnt], "."), 1);
582  if (!in_array($fileExtension, $this->classparams['allowed_file_extensions'])) {
583  $this->abort('File extension '.$fileExtension.' not allowed');
584  }
585  }
587  $dstdir = $this->classparams['destdir'];
588  $dstname = $dstdir.'/'.$this->classparams['tmp_prefix'].session_id();
589  $tmpname = $dstdir.'/'.$this->classparams['tmp_prefix'].'tmp'.session_id();
591  // Controls are now done. Let's store the current uploaded files properties in an array, for future use.
592  $files_data['name'] = $value['name'][$cnt];
593  $files_data['size'] = 'not calculated yet';
594  $files_data['tmp_name'] = $value['tmp_name'][$cnt];
595  $files_data['error'] = $value['error'][$cnt];
596  $files_data['relativePath'] = $relpaths[$cnt];
597  $files_data['md5sum'] = $md5sums[$cnt];
598  $files_data['mimetype'] = $mimetypes[$cnt];
600  if (!move_uploaded_file($files_data['tmp_name'], $tmpname)) {
601  if ($classparams['verbose_errors']) {
602  $this->abort("Unable to move uploaded file (from ${files_data['tmp_name']} to $tmpname)");
603  } else {
604  trigger_error("Unable to move uploaded file (from ${files_data['tmp_name']} to $tmpname)",E_USER_WARNING);
605  $this->abort("Unable to move uploaded file");
606  }
607 }
609 // In demo mode, no file storing is done. We just delete the newly uploaded file.
610 if ($this->classparams['demo_mode']) {
611  if ($jufinal || (!$jupart)) {
612  if ($jupart) {
613  $files_data['size'] = ($jupart-1) * $this->appletparams['maxChunkSize'] + filesize($tmpname);
614  } else {
615  $files_data['size'] = filesize($tmpname);
616  }
617  $files_data['fullName'] = 'Demo mode<BR>No file storing';
618  array_push($this->files, $files_data);
619  }
620  unlink($tmpname);
621  $cnt++;
622  continue;
623 }
624 //If we get here, the upload is a real one (no demo)
625 if ($jupart) {
626  // got a chunk of a multi-part upload
627  $len = filesize($tmpname);
628  $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'size'] += $len;
629  if ($len > 0) {
630  $src = fopen($tmpname, 'rb');
631  $dst = fopen($dstname, ($jupart == 1) ? 'wb' : 'ab');
632  while ($len > 0) {
633  $rlen = ($len > 8192) ? 8192 : $len;
634  $buf = fread($src, $rlen);
635  if (!$buf) {
636  fclose($src);
637  fclose($dst);
638  unlink($dstname);
639  $this->abort('read IO error');
640  }
641  if (!fwrite($dst, $buf, $rlen)) {
642  fclose($src);
643  fclose($dst);
644  unlink($dstname);
645  $this->abort('write IO error');
646  }
647  $len -= $rlen;
648  }
649  fclose($src);
650  fclose($dst);
651  unlink($tmpname);
652  }
653  if ($jufinal) {
654  // This is the last chunk. Check total lenght and
655  // rename it to it's final name.
656  $dlen = filesize($dstname);
657  if ($dlen != $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'size'])
658  $this->abort('file size mismatch');
659  if ($this->appletparams['sendMD5Sum'] == 'true' ) {
660  if ($md5sums[$cnt] != md5_file($dstname))
661  $this->abort('MD5 checksum mismatch');
662  }
663  // remove zero sized files
664  if (($dlen > 0) || $this->classparams['allow_zerosized']) {
665  $dstfinal = $this->dstfinal($files_data['name'],$files_data['relativePath']);
666  if (!rename($dstname, $dstfinal))
667  $this->abort('rename IO error');
668  $_umask = umask(0); // override the system mask
669  if (!chmod($dstfinal, $this->classparams['fileperm']))
670  $this->abort('chmod IO error');
671  umask($_umask);
672  $files_data['size'] = filesize($dstfinal);
673  $files_data['fullName'] = $dstfinal;
674  $files_data['path'] = fix_dirname($dstfinal);
675  array_push($this->files, $files_data);
676  } else {
677  unlink($dstname);
678  }
679  // reset session var
680  $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'size'] = 0;
681  }
682 } else {
683  // Got a single file upload. Trivial.
684  if ($this->appletparams['sendMD5Sum'] == 'true' ) {
685  if ($md5sums[$cnt] != md5_file($tmpname))
686  $this->abort('MD5 checksum mismatch');
687  }
688  $dstfinal = $this->dstfinal($files_data['name'],$files_data['relativePath']);
689  if (!rename($tmpname, $dstfinal))
690  $this->abort('rename IO error');
691  $_umask = umask(0); // override the system mask
692  if (!chmod($dstfinal, $this->classparams['fileperm']))
693  $this->abort('chmod IO error');
694  umask($_umask);
695  $files_data['size'] = filesize($dstfinal);
696  $files_data['fullName'] = $dstfinal;
697  $files_data['path'] = fix_dirname($dstfinal);
698  array_push($this->files, $files_data);
699 }
700 $cnt++;
701 }
703 echo $this->appletparams['stringUploadSuccess']."\n";
704 $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'] = $this->files;
705 session_write_close();
706 exit;
707 }
713 private function page_start() {
714  $this->logDebug('page_start', 'Entering function');
716  // If the applet checks for the serverProtocol, it issues a HEAD request
717  // -> Simply return an empty doc.
718  if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') {
719  // Nothing to do
721  } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
722  // A GET request means: return upload page
723  $this->logDebug('page_start', 'Entering GET management');
725  if (session_id() == '') {
726  session_start();
727  }
728  if (isset($_GET['afterupload'])) {
729  $this->logDebug('page_start', 'afterupload is set');
730  if (!isset($_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'])) {
731  $this->abort('Invalid session (in afterupload, GET, check of $_SESSION["RF"]): files array is not set');
732  }
733  $this->files = $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'];
734  if (!is_array($this->files)) {
735  $this->abort('Invalid session (in afterupload, GET, check of is_array(files)): files is not an array');
736  }
737  // clear session data ready for new upload
738  $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'] = array();
740  // start intercepting the content of the calling page, to display the upload result.
741  ob_start(array(& $this, 'interceptAfterUpload'));
743  } else {
744  $this->logDebug('page_start', 'afterupload is not set');
745  if ($this->classparams['session_regenerate']) {
746  session_regenerate_id(true);
747  }
748  $this->files = array();
749  $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'size'] = 0;
750  $_SESSION['RF'][$this->classparams['var_prefix'].'files'] = $this->files;
751  // start intercepting the content of the calling page, to display the applet tag.
752  ob_start(array(& $this, 'interceptBeforeUpload'));
753  }
755  } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
756  // If we got a POST request, this is the real work.
757  if (isset($_GET['errormail'])) {
758  //Hum, an error occurs on server side. Let's manage the debug log, that we just received.
759  $this->receive_debug_log();
760  } else {
761  $this->receive_uploaded_files();
762  }
763  }
764 }
765 }
767 // PHP end tag omitted intentionally!!
Definition: execute.php:31
Definition: jupload.php:221
Definition: dialog.php:4
JUpload($appletparams=array(), $classparams=array())
Definition: jupload.php:61
Definition: jupload.php:263
Definition: browse.php:104
Definition: jupload.php:58
Definition: jupload.php:282
dstfinal(&$name, &$subdir)
Definition: jupload.php:364
Definition: utils.php:203
abort($msg= '')
Definition: jupload.php:310
Definition: jupload.php:483
Definition: jupload.php:461
warning($msg= '')
Definition: jupload.php:317
Definition: browse.php:87
Definition: jupload.php:524
logDebug($function, $msg, $htmlComment=true)
Definition: jupload.php:201
Definition: jupload.php:325
Definition: jupload.php:502
Definition: utils.php:191
if(!is_object($module)||!$module->getVar('isactive')) $msg
Definition: groupperm.php:38
Definition: jupload.php:713
Definition: jupload.php:339
else $subdir
Definition: dialog.php:20
Definition: jupload.php:57
Definition: browse.php:56
Definition: jupload.php:194
Definition: jupload.php:238
Definition: jupload.php:473
Definition: jupload.php:419
logPHPDebug($function, $msg)
Definition: jupload.php:214