No namespace
ArtObject | Art Object |
ArtObjectHandler | object handler class. |
Avatars | |
AvatarsAvatar | A Avatar |
AvatarsAvatar_userForm | AvatarsAvatar_userForm -- is this used anywhere? |
AvatarsAvatarForm | avatars module |
AvatarsAvatarHandler | |
AvatarsLocale | |
AvatarsLocaleEn_US | |
AvatarsPreload | Avatars module preloads |
AvatarsProvider | Avatars provider for service manager |
AvatarsUserlink | |
AvatarsUserlinkHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
AwesomeButton | Button - button form element |
BannerRender | banners module |
Banners | |
BannersBanner | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
BannersBannerclient | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
BannersBannerclientForm | banners module |
BannersBannerclientHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
BannersBannerForm | banners module |
BannersBannerHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
BannersPreload | banners module preloads |
BloggerApi | |
CodexMenusPlugin | |
CodexSearchPlugin | |
CodexSystemPlugin | Codex module |
CodexUserconfigsPlugin | |
Comments | |
CommentsComment | A Comment |
CommentsCommentForm | |
CommentsCommentHandler | Comment handler class. |
CommentsCommentRenderer | Display comments |
CommentsPreload | Comments core preloads |
CommentsSystemPlugin | Comments module |
CommentsUserconfigsPlugin | |
Cookie | Cookie class |
CountryFlagProvider | Qrcode provider for service manager |
Criteria | Legacy compatibility for Criteria |
CriteriaCompo | Legacy compatibility for CriteriaCompo |
CriteriaElement | Legacy compatibility for CriteriaElement |
DebugbarLogger | Collects log information and present to PHPDebugBar for display. Records information about database queries, blocks, and execution time and various logs. |
DebugbarPreload | Debugbar module preloads |
DebugbarUserconfigsPlugin | Debugbar core preloads |
DefaultThemeLocale | |
DefaultThemeLocaleEn_US | |
FormDhtmlTextArea | XOOPS dhtmltextarea class |
FormTextArea | XOOPS textarea class |
GravatarsPreload | Gravatars preloads |
GravatarsProvider | Gravatars provider for service manager |
htmLawed | |
HtmlToPdfProvider | HtmlToPdf provider for service manager |
imageLib | |
Images | |
ImagesCategory | |
ImagesCategory_imagemanagerForm | images module |
ImagesCategoryForm | images module |
ImagesCategoryHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
ImagesCategoryselectForm | images module |
ImagesImage | |
ImagesImage_Body | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
ImagesImage_imagemanagerForm | images module |
ImagesImagebody | |
ImagesImagebodyHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
ImagesImageForm | images module |
ImagesImageHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
ImagesPreload | Images core preloads |
JUpload | This class manage upload, with use of the JUpload applet. It's both a sample to show how to use the applet, and a class you can use directly into your own application. |
LegacyLogger | Collects information for a page request Records information about database queries, blocks, and execution time and can display it as HTML. It also catches php runtime errors. |
LoggerPreload | LegacyLogger core preloads |
LoggerUserconfigsPlugin | Logger core preloads |
Maintenance | System Maintenance |
MaintenanceMaintenanceForm | maintenance extensions |
Menus | |
MenusBuilder | |
MenusConstantDecorator | |
MenusDecorator | |
MenusDecoratorAbstract | |
MenusDefaultDecorator | |
MenusDynamicDecorator | |
MenusMenu | |
MenusMenuHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
MenusMenus | |
MenusMenus_menuForm | page module |
MenusMenus_menusForm | page module |
MenusMenusHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
MenusPreload | Menus preloads |
MenusSmartyDecorator | |
MetaWeblogApi | |
MonologLogger | Collects log information and present to PHPDebugBar for display. Records information about database queries, blocks, and execution time and various logs. |
MonologPreload | MonologLogger core preloads |
MonologUserconfigsPlugin | MonologLogger core preloads |
MovableTypeApi | |
MyTextSanitizer | Class to "clean up" text for various uses |
MyTextSanitizerExtended | Class to "clean up" text for various uses |
Notifications | |
NotificationsNotification | A Notification |
NotificationsNotificationHandler | XOOPS notification handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of XOOPS notification class objects. |
NotificationsPreload | Notifications core preloads |
NotificationsSystemPlugin | |
Page | page module |
PageCommentsPlugin | page module |
PageGroupPermHandler | page module |
PageLocale | |
PageLocaleEn_US | page module |
PageNotificationsPlugin | page module |
PagePage_content | page module |
PagePage_contentForm | page module |
PagePage_contentHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PagePage_rating | page module |
PagePage_ratingHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PagePage_related | page module |
PagePage_related_link | page module |
PagePage_related_linkHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PagePage_relatedForm | page module |
PagePage_relatedHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PagePreload | Page core preloads |
PageSearchPlugin | page module |
PageSystemPlugin | |
PdfPreload | Pdf module preloads |
PmMessage | |
PmMessageHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PmPreload | Private Messages preloads |
ProfileCategory | Extended User Profile |
ProfileCategoryForm | |
ProfileCategoryHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
ProfileCorePreload | Profile core preloads |
ProfileField | |
ProfileFieldForm | |
ProfileFieldHandler | |
ProfileMenusPlugin | Publisher class |
ProfileProfile | Extended User Profile |
ProfileProfileHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
ProfileRegstep | Extended User Profile |
ProfileRegstepForm | |
ProfileRegstepHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
ProfileVisibility | Extended User Profile |
ProfileVisibilityHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
Protector | Protector |
protector_bruteforce_overrun_message | Protector |
protector_crawler_overrun_message | Protector |
protector_f5attack_overrun_message | Protector |
protector_postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl | |
protector_postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl | Protector |
protector_postcommon_post_htmlpurify4everyone | Protector |
protector_postcommon_post_htmlpurify4guest | Protector |
protector_postcommon_post_need_multibyte | |
protector_postcommon_post_register_moratorium | |
protector_postcommon_register_insert_js_check | Protector |
protector_precommon_badip_errorlog | Protector |
protector_precommon_badip_message | Protector |
protector_precommon_badip_redirection | |
protector_precommon_bwlimit_errorlog | Protector |
protector_precommon_bwlimit_message | Protector |
protector_prepurge_exit_message | Protector |
protector_spamcheck_overrun_message | Protector |
ProtectorCenterForm | Center Form Class |
ProtectorCorePreload | Protector core preloads |
ProtectorFilterAbstract | |
ProtectorFilterHandler | |
ProtectorMySQLDatabase | Read-Only connection to a MySQL database. |
Publisher | Publisher class |
PublisherBlockForm | Form that will output formatted as a HTML table |
PublisherCategory | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
PublisherCategoryForm | ThemeForm - Form that will output as a theme-enabled HTML table |
PublisherCategoryHandler | Categories handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of Category class objects. |
PublisherCommentsPlugin | Publisher class |
PublisherFile | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
PublisherFileForm | ThemeForm - Form that will output as a theme-enabled HTML table |
PublisherFileHandler | Files handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of File class objects. |
PublisherFormDateTime | ElementTray - a group of form elements |
PublisherGroupPermHandler | XOOPS group permission handler class. |
PublisherItem | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
PublisherItemForm | Publisher form class |
PublisherItemHandler | Items handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of Q&A class objects. |
PublisherMenusPlugin | Publisher class |
PublisherMetagen | |
PublisherMimetype | PublisherMimetype class |
PublisherMimetypeHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PublisherNotificationsPlugin | |
PublisherPermissionHandler | XOOPS Kernel Object Handler |
PublisherPreload | Publisher core preloads |
PublisherRating | Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond) |
PublisherRatingHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
PublisherSearchPlugin | Publisher class |
PublisherSystemPlugin | |
PublisherUtils | |
QrcodePreload | Qrcode module preloads |
QrcodeProvider | Qrcode provider for service manager |
ReCaptchaResponse | A ReCaptchaResponse is returned from recaptcha_check_answer() |
RpcArrayHandler | |
RpcBase64Handler | |
RpcBooleanHandler | |
RpcDateTimeHandler | |
RpcDoubleHandler | |
RpcIntHandler | |
RpcMemberHandler | |
RpcMethodNameHandler | |
RpcNameHandler | |
RpcStringHandler | |
RpcStructHandler | |
RpcValueHandler | |
RssAuthorHandler | |
RssCategoryHandler | |
RssChannelHandler | |
RssCommentsHandler | |
RssCopyrightHandler | |
RssDescriptionHandler | |
RssDocsHandler | |
RssGeneratorHandler | |
RssGuidHandler | |
RssHeightHandler | |
RssImageHandler | |
RssItemHandler | |
RssLanguageHandler | |
RssLastBuildDateHandler | |
RssLinkHandler | |
RssManagingEditorHandler | |
RssNameHandler | |
RssPubDateHandler | |
RssSourceHandler | |
RssTextInputHandler | |
RssTitleHandler | |
RssTtlHandler | |
RssUrlHandler | |
RssWebMasterHandler | |
RssWidthHandler | |
SaxParser | |
Search | |
SearchPreload | Search core preloads |
SearchSearchForm | |
Smarty_Resource_Admin | |
Smarty_Resource_Block | |
Smarty_Resource_Db | Smarty plugin |
Smarty_Resource_Module | |
Smilies | |
SmiliesPreload | Smilies preloads |
SmiliesProvider | Smilies provider for service manager |
SmiliesSmiley | SmiliesSmiley object |
SmiliesSmileyHandler | SmiliesSmileyHandler |
SmiliesSmiliesForm | smilies module |
Snoopy | |
SqlUtility | provide some utility methods for databases |
System | System module |
SystemBlockForm | Blocks Form Class |
SystemBreadcrumb | BreadCrumb Class |
SystemExtension | SystemExtension |
SystemGroupForm | Group Form Class |
SystemLocale | |
SystemLocaleEn_US | |
SystemMenuHandler | Class for tab navigation |
SystemModule | System Module |
SystemPreferencesForm | Preference Form Class |
SystemPreload | PreloadItem used by modules to define preload event listeners |
SystemUserForm | SystemUserForm |
tar | tar Class |
ThemeSetAuthorHandler | |
ThemeSetDateCreatedHandler | |
ThemeSetDescriptionHandler | |
ThemeSetEmailHandler | |
ThemeSetFileTypeHandler | |
ThemeSetGeneratorHandler | |
ThemeSetImageHandler | |
ThemeSetLinkHandler | |
ThemeSetModuleHandler | |
ThemeSetNameHandler | |
ThemeSetTagHandler | |
ThemeSetTemplateHandler | |
Thumbs | Module helper for thumbs modue |
ThumbsPreload | Thumbs module preloads |
ThumbsProvider | Thumbnail provider for service manager |
TinyMCE | |
Userconfigs | Userconfigs |
UserconfigsConfigHandler | Userconfigs |
UserconfigsConfigsForm | |
UserconfigsItem | |
UserconfigsItemHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
UserconfigsMenusPlugin | |
UserconfigsModulesForm | |
UserconfigsOption | A Config-Option |
UserconfigsOptionHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
UserconfigsPreload | Userconfigs |
UserconfigsSystemPlugin | |
UserrankPreload | Userrank preloads |
UserRankProvider | UserRank provider for service manager |
UserrankRank | UserrankRank and handler |
UserrankRankHandler | XOOPS Kernel Persistable Object Handler class. |
UserrankRanksForm | Ranks Form Class |
Xcaptcha | Xcaptcha extension module You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
XcaptchaCaptchaForm | Xcaptcha module |
XcaptchaImage | Xcaptcha extension module You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
XcaptchaImageForm | Xcaptcha module |
XcaptchaRecaptcha | Xcaptcha extension module You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
XcaptchaRecaptchaForm | Xcaptcha module |
XcaptchaText | Xcaptcha extension module You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
XcaptchaTextForm | Xcaptcha module |
Xlanguage | |
XlanguageLanguage | Class XlanguageLanguage |
XlanguageLanguageForm | Xlanguage module You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. |
XlanguagePreload | Xlanguage core preloads |
XlanguageTinymceForm | Class XlanguageTinymceForm |
XlanguageXlanguageHandler | Class XlanguageXlanguageHandler |
XmfPreload | XMF module preloads |
XmlTagHandler | |
Xoops | XOOPS |
Xoops_Locale_Mailer_Abstract | Class for sending mail. |
XoopsAdminThemeFactory | XoopsAdminThemeFactory |
XoopsApi | |
XoopsArt | Xoops Frameworks addon: art |
XoopsBaseConfig | XoopsBaseConfig holds the base XOOPS configs needed to locate key paths and enable database access |
XoopsBlock | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsBlockHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsBlockmodulelink | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsBlockmodulelinkHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsCache | Legacy cache stub |
XoopsCaptcha | CAPTCHA configurations for Image mode |
XoopsCaptchaImage | CAPTCHA for Image mode |
XoopsCaptchaImageHandler | CAPTCHA class For XOOPS |
XoopsCaptchaMethod | Abstract class for CAPTCHA method |
XoopsCaptchaRecaptcha | CAPTCHA for Recaptcha mode |
XoopsCaptchaText | CAPTCHA for text mode |
XoopsConfigHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsConfigItem | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsConfigItemHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsConfigOption | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsConfigOptionHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsDatabase | Abstract base class for Database access classes |
XoopsDatabaseFactory | XoopsDatabaseFactory class |
XoopsDatabaseManager | Database manager for XOOPS |
XoopsDownloader | Sends non HTML files through a http socket |
XoopsEditor | XOOPS Editor Abstract class |
XoopsEditorHandler | Editor handler |
XoopsFile | XoopsFile |
XoopsFileHandler | File engine For XOOPS Convenience class for reading, writing and appending to files. PHP 5.3 |
XoopsFilterInput | XoopsFilterInput is a class for filtering input from any data source |
XoopsFolderHandler | Folder engine For XOOPS |
XoopsForm | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormButton | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormButtonTray | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormCaptcha | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormCheckBox | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormColorPicker | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormDateTime | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormEditor | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormElement | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormElementTray | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormFile | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormHidden | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormHiddenToken | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormLabel | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormPassword | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormRadio | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormRadioYN | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelect | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectCheckGroup | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectCountry | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectEditor | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectGroup | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectLang | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectMatchOption | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectTheme | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectTimezone | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormSelectUser | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormText | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormTextArea | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormTextDateSelect | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsFormTinymce | XOOPS Editor Abstract class |
XoopsFormTinymce4 | XOOPS Editor Abstract class |
XoopsGroup | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsGroupHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsGroupPerm | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsGroupPermForm | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsGroupPermHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsGTicket | |
XoopsGuiDefault | |
XoopsInstallWizard | |
XoopsLists | XoopsLists |
XoopsLoad | Xoops Autoload class |
XoopsLocal | A Xoops Local |
XoopsLocale | |
XoopsLocaleEn_US | Naming conventions - All translations must be enclosed with "" - All translations must be Uppercase first, do not use CamelCase Good ex: "User groups" Bad ex: "user groups" or "User Groups" - All keys must be as descriptive as possible. - All keys must use complete words between each '', - Keys should be prepended with identifiers in following cases: F Formatted, use this when strings are parsed with sprintf() A_ Action, use this when using a single word which is a verb S_ Success, use this for success messages and exclamations E_ Error, use this for error messages C_ Colon, use this when string ends with a colon ":" Q_ Question, use this when string is a question L_ List, use this for lists of strings, ex: months, countries, languages, etc Use L_NAME_ to group list items by name, ex: L_COUNTRY_ - Chain keys alphabetically with the exception of F, F always comes in last ex: SF_ (formatted success message), EF_ (formatted error message) - Special cases: CONF_ Configs, prepend this for your module configs. Config keys are stored in database, try to make them as short as possible! _DESC Description, append this for configs description |
XoopsLogger | Xoops Logger handlers - component main class file |
XoopsMailer | Class for sending mail. |
XoopsMailerLocal | Class for sending mail. |
XoopsMailerLocale | Class for sending mail. |
XoopsMediaUploader | XOOPS file uploader |
XoopsMemberHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsMembership | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsMembershipHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsModule | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsModuleHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsMultiMailer | Xoops MultiMailer Base Class |
XoopsMySQLDatabase | connection to a mysql database - legacy support only |
XoopsMySQLDatabaseProxy | Read-Only connection to a MySQL database. |
XoopsMySQLDatabaseSafe | Safe Connection to a MySQL database. |
XoopsObject | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsObjectHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsObjectTree | A tree structures with XoopsObject s as nodes |
XoopsOnline | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsOnlineHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsPageNav | XOOPS page navigation |
XoopsPathController | |
XoopsPersistableObjectHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsPreload | Compatibility layer - Xoops Event processing, including preload mechanism |
XoopsPreloadItem | Compatibility layer - PreloadItem used by modules to define preload event listeners |
XoopsPrivmessage | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsPrivmessageHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsRequest | XoopsRequest is a backward compatibility stub for Xoops\Core\Request |
XoopsSecurity | XOOPS security handler |
XoopsSimpleForm | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsTableForm | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsTarDownloader | Send tar files through a http socket |
XoopsTheme | XoopsTheme component class file |
XoopsThemeBlocksPlugin | XoopsThemeBlocksPlugin main class |
XoopsThemeFactory | XoopsThemeFactory |
XoopsThemeForm | Backward compatibility stub - use real class, as shown below for all new development. |
XoopsThemePlugin | XoopsTheme component class file |
XoopsThemeSetParser | |
XoopsTpl | XOOPS template engine class |
XoopsTplfile | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsTplfileHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsTplset | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsTplsetHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsUser | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsUserHandler | This class is for compatibility with pre 2.6.0 code |
XoopsUserUtility | Xoops Form Class Elements |
XoopsUtility | XOOPS Utilities |
XoopsXmlRpcApi | |
XoopsXmlRpcArray | |
XoopsXmlRpcBase64 | |
XoopsXmlRpcBoolean | |
XoopsXmlRpcDatetime | |
XoopsXmlRpcDocument | |
XoopsXmlRpcDouble | |
XoopsXmlRpcFault | |
XoopsXmlRpcInt | |
XoopsXmlRpcParser | Class RSS Parser |
XoopsXmlRpcRequest | |
XoopsXmlRpcResponse | |
XoopsXmlRpcString | |
XoopsXmlRpcStruct | |
XoopsXmlRpcTag | |
XoopsXmlRss2Parser | |
XoopsZipDownloader | Abstract base class for forms |
zipfile | |
CommentsPluginInterface | |
MenusDecoratorInterface | |
MenusPluginInterface | |
NotificationsPluginInterface | |
SearchPluginInterface | |
SystemPluginInterface | |
UserconfigsPluginInterface |