1: <?php
2: /*
3: You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
4: of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
5: which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
7: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10: */
12: namespace Xoops;
14: /**
15: * Utils
16: *
17: * @category Xoops\Utils
18: * @package Xoops
19: * @author trabis <lusopoemas@gmail.com>
20: * @copyright 2011-2015 XOOPS Project (http://xoops.org)
21: * @license GNU GPL 2 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
22: * @link http://xoops.org
23: */
24: class Utils
25: {
26: /**
27: * Output a dump of a variable
28: *
29: * @param mixed $var variable to dump
30: * @param bool $echo true to echo dump, false to return dump as string
31: *
32: * @return string
33: */
34: public static function dumpVar($var, $echo = true)
35: {
36: $myts = \Xoops\Core\Text\Sanitizer::getInstance();
37: $msg = $myts->displayTarea(var_export($var, true));
38: $msg = "<div style='padding: 5px; font-weight: bold'>{$msg}</div>";
39: if ($echo) {
40: echo $msg;
41: }
42: return $msg;
43: }
45: /**
46: * Output a dump of a file
47: *
48: * @param mixed $file file to dump
49: * @param bool $echo true to echo dump, false to return dump as string
50: *
51: * @return string
52: */
53: public static function dumpFile($file, $echo = true)
54: {
55: $msg = highlight_file($file, true);
56: $msg = "<div style='padding: 5px; font-weight: bold'>{$msg}</div>";
57: if ($echo) {
58: echo $msg;
59: }
60: return $msg;
61: }
63: /**
64: * Support for recursive array_diff
65: *
66: * Compares first array against the second and returns the difference - that is
67: * the values in the first, but not in the second array
68: *
69: * @param array $aArray1 first array
70: * @param mixed $aArray2 second array
71: *
72: * @return array
73: */
74: public static function arrayRecursiveDiff(array $aArray1, array $aArray2)
75: {
76: $aReturn = array();
78: foreach ($aArray1 as $mKey => $mValue) {
79: if (array_key_exists($mKey, $aArray2)) {
80: if (is_array($mValue) && is_array($aArray2[$mKey])) {
81: $aRecursiveDiff = self::arrayRecursiveDiff($mValue, $aArray2[$mKey]);
82: if (count($aRecursiveDiff)) {
83: $aReturn[$mKey] = $aRecursiveDiff;
84: }
85: } else {
86: if ($mValue != $aArray2[$mKey]) {
87: $aReturn[$mKey] = $mValue;
88: }
89: }
90: } else {
91: $aReturn[$mKey] = $mValue;
92: }
93: }
94: return $aReturn;
95: }
97: /**
98: * This function can be thought of as a hybrid between PHP's `array_merge` and `array_merge_recursive`.
99: * The difference between this method and the built-in ones, is that if an array key contains another array, then
100: * Utils::arrayRecursiveMerge() will behave in a recursive fashion (unlike `array_merge`). But it
101: * will not act recursively for keys that contain scalar values (unlike `array_merge_recursive`).
102: *
103: * Note: This function will work with an unlimited amount of arguments and typecasts non-array parameters
104: * into arrays.
105: *
106: * @param array $data Array to be merged
107: * @param mixed $merge Array to merge with. The argument and all trailing arguments will be array cast when merged
108: *
109: * @return array Merged array
110: * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-utility-libraries/hash.html#Hash::merge
111: */
112: public static function arrayRecursiveMerge(array $data, $merge)
113: {
114: $args = func_get_args();
115: $return = current($args);
117: while (($arg = next($args)) !== false) {
118: foreach ((array)$arg as $key => $val) {
119: if (!empty($return[$key]) && is_array($return[$key]) && is_array($val)) {
120: $return[$key] = self::arrayRecursiveMerge($return[$key], $val);
121: } elseif (is_int($key)) {
122: if (!in_array($val, $return)) {
123: $return[] = $val;
124: } // merge only once $val
125: } else {
126: $return[$key] = $val;
127: }
128: }
129: }
130: return $return;
131: }
132: }