1: <?php
3: /*
4: * This file is part of the Symfony package.
5: *
6: * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
7: *
8: * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
9: * file that was distributed with this source code.
10: */
12: namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml;
14: use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException;
16: /**
17: * Yaml offers convenience methods to load and dump YAML.
18: *
19: * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
20: */
21: class Yaml
22: {
23: /**
24: * Parses YAML into a PHP value.
25: *
26: * Usage:
27: *
28: * $array = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents('config.yml'));
29: * print_r($array);
30: *
31: * As this method accepts both plain strings and file names as an input,
32: * you must validate the input before calling this method. Passing a file
33: * as an input is a deprecated feature and will be removed in 3.0.
34: *
35: * Note: the ability to pass file names to the Yaml::parse method is deprecated since Symfony 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Pass the YAML contents of the file instead.
36: *
37: * @param string $input Path to a YAML file or a string containing YAML
38: * @param bool $exceptionOnInvalidType True if an exception must be thrown on invalid types false otherwise
39: * @param bool $objectSupport True if object support is enabled, false otherwise
40: * @param bool $objectForMap True if maps should return a stdClass instead of array()
41: *
42: * @return mixed The YAML converted to a PHP value
43: *
44: * @throws ParseException If the YAML is not valid
45: */
46: public static function parse($input, $exceptionOnInvalidType = false, $objectSupport = false, $objectForMap = false)
47: {
48: // if input is a file, process it
49: $file = '';
50: if (false === strpos($input, "\n") && is_file($input)) {
51: @trigger_error('The ability to pass file names to the '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since Symfony 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Pass the YAML contents of the file instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
53: if (false === is_readable($input)) {
54: throw new ParseException(sprintf('Unable to parse "%s" as the file is not readable.', $input));
55: }
57: $file = $input;
58: $input = file_get_contents($file);
59: }
61: $yaml = new Parser();
63: try {
64: return $yaml->parse($input, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap);
65: } catch (ParseException $e) {
66: if ($file) {
67: $e->setParsedFile($file);
68: }
70: throw $e;
71: }
72: }
74: /**
75: * Dumps a PHP value to a YAML string.
76: *
77: * The dump method, when supplied with an array, will do its best
78: * to convert the array into friendly YAML.
79: *
80: * @param mixed $input The PHP value
81: * @param int $inline The level where you switch to inline YAML
82: * @param int $indent The amount of spaces to use for indentation of nested nodes
83: * @param bool $exceptionOnInvalidType True if an exception must be thrown on invalid types (a PHP resource or object), false otherwise
84: * @param bool $objectSupport True if object support is enabled, false otherwise
85: *
86: * @return string A YAML string representing the original PHP value
87: */
88: public static function dump($input, $inline = 2, $indent = 4, $exceptionOnInvalidType = false, $objectSupport = false)
89: {
90: if ($indent < 1) {
91: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The indentation must be greater than zero.');
92: }
94: $yaml = new Dumper();
95: $yaml->setIndentation($indent);
97: return $yaml->dump($input, $inline, 0, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport);
98: }
99: }