No namespace

ArtObject Art Object
ArtObjectHandler object handler class.
BaseStringHelper The Yii framework is free software. It is released under the terms of the following BSD License.
BloggerApi Class BloggerApi
Criteria A single criteria
CriteriaCompo Collection of multiple {@link CriteriaElement}s
CriteriaElement A criteria (grammar?) for a database query.
Database Only for backward compatibility
Db_manager database manager for XOOPS installer
ErrorHandler Error Handler class
FormDhtmlTextArea FormDhtmlTextArea
FormTextArea Class FormTextArea
HTMLPurifier Facade that coordinates HTML Purifier's subsystems in order to purify HTML.
HTMLPurifier_Arborize Converts a stream of HTMLPurifier_Token into an HTMLPurifier_Node, and back again.
HTMLPurifier_AttrCollections Defines common attribute collections that modules reference
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef Base class for all validating attribute definitions.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Clone Dummy AttrDef that mimics another AttrDef, BUT it generates clones with make.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS Validates the HTML attribute style, otherwise known as CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Background Validates shorthand CSS property background.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_BackgroundPosition Validates the value of background-position.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Border Validates the border property as defined by CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color Validates Color as defined by CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite Allows multiple validators to attempt to validate attribute.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_DenyElementDecorator Decorator which enables CSS properties to be disabled for specific elements.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Filter Microsoft's proprietary filter: CSS property
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Font Validates shorthand CSS property font.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_FontFamily Validates a font family list according to CSS spec
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Ident Validates based on {ident} CSS grammar production
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ImportantDecorator Decorator which enables !important to be used in CSS values.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length Represents a Length as defined by CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ListStyle Validates shorthand CSS property list-style.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple Framework class for strings that involve multiple values.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number Validates a number as defined by the CSS spec.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage Validates a Percentage as defined by the CSS spec.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_TextDecoration Validates the value for the CSS property text-decoration
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_URI Validates a URI in CSS syntax, which uses url('')
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum Validates a keyword against a list of valid values.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Bool Validates a boolean attribute
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Class Implements special behavior for class attribute (normally NMTOKENS)
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Color Validates a color according to the HTML spec.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_FrameTarget Special-case enum attribute definition that lazy loads allowed frame targets
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID Validates the HTML attribute ID.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Length Validates the HTML type length (not to be confused with CSS's length).
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_LinkTypes Validates a rel/rev link attribute against a directive of allowed values
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_MultiLength Validates a MultiLength as defined by the HTML spec.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Nmtokens Validates contents based on NMTOKENS attribute type.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels Validates an integer representation of pixels according to the HTML spec.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer Validates an integer.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Lang Validates the HTML attribute lang, effectively a language code.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Switch Decorator that, depending on a token, switches between two definitions.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text Validates arbitrary text according to the HTML spec.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI Validates a URI as defined by RFC 3986.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Email_SimpleCheck Primitive email validation class based on the regexp found at
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Host Validates a host according to the IPv4, IPv6 and DNS (future) specifications.
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv4 Validates an IPv4 address
HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv6 Validates an IPv6 address.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform Processes an entire attribute array for corrections needing multiple values.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background Pre-transform that changes proprietary background attribute to CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BdoDir Post-trasnform that ensures that bdo tags have the dir attribute set.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BgColor Pre-transform that changes deprecated bgcolor attribute to CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BoolToCSS Pre-transform that changes converts a boolean attribute to fixed CSS
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Border Pre-transform that changes deprecated border attribute to CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS Generic pre-transform that converts an attribute with a fixed number of values (enumerated) to CSS.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgRequired Transform that supplies default values for the src and alt attributes in img tags, as well as prevents the img tag from…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgSpace Pre-transform that changes deprecated hspace and vspace attributes to CSS
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Input Performs miscellaneous cross attribute validation and filtering for input elements. This is meant to be a post…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Lang Post-transform that copies lang's value to xml:lang (and vice-versa)
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length Class for handling width/height length attribute transformations to CSS
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Name Pre-transform that changes deprecated name attribute to ID if necessary
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_NameSync Post-transform that performs validation to the name attribute; if it is present with an equivalent id attribute, it is…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Nofollow Adds rel="nofollow" to all outbound links. This transform is only attached if Attr.Nofollow is TRUE.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeObject Writes default type for all objects. Currently only supports flash.
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeParam Validates name/value pairs in param tags to be used in safe objects. This will only allow name values it recognizes,…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ScriptRequired Implements required attribute stipulation for <script>
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetBlank Adds target="blank" to all outbound links. This transform is only attached if Attr.TargetBlank is TRUE. This works…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetNoopener Adds rel="noopener" to any links which target a different window than the current one. This is used to prevent…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetNoreferrer Adds rel="noreferrer" to any links which target a different window than the current one. This is used to prevent…
HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Textarea Sets height/width defaults for <textarea>
HTMLPurifier_AttrTypes Provides lookup array of attribute types to HTMLPurifier_AttrDef objects
HTMLPurifier_AttrValidator Validates the attributes of a token. Doesn't manage required attributes very well. The only reason we factored this out…
HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap Bootstrap class that contains meta-functionality for HTML Purifier such as the autoload function.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef Defines allowed child nodes and validates nodes against it.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Chameleon Definition that uses different definitions depending on context.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom Custom validation class, accepts DTD child definitions
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Empty Definition that disallows all elements.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_List Definition for list containers ul and ol.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional Definition that allows a set of elements, and allows no children.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required Definition that allows a set of elements, but disallows empty children.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_StrictBlockquote Takes the contents of blockquote when in strict and reformats for validation.
HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Table Definition for tables. The general idea is to extract out all of the essential bits, and then reconstruct it later.
HTMLPurifier_Config Configuration object that triggers customizable behavior.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Configuration definition, defines directives and their defaults.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_ConfigSchema Converts HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange to our runtime representation used to perform checks on user…
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_Xml Converts HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange to an XML format, which can be further processed to generate…
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange Generic schema interchange format that can be converted to a runtime representation (HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema) or HTML…
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive Interchange component class describing configuration directives.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id Represents a directive ID in the interchange format.
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Validator Performs validations on HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom Fluent interface for validating the contents of member variables. This should be immutable. See HTMLPurifier…
HTMLPurifier_Context Registry object that contains information about the current context.
HTMLPurifier_CSSDefinition Defines allowed CSS attributes and what their values are.
HTMLPurifier_Definition Super-class for definition datatype objects, implements serialization functions for the class.
HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache Abstract class representing Definition cache managers that implements useful common methods and is a factory.
HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator_Cleanup Definition cache decorator class that cleans up the cache whenever there is a cache miss.
HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator_Memory Definition cache decorator class that saves all cache retrievals to PHP's memory; good for unit tests or circumstances…
HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Null Null cache object to use when no caching is on.
HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory Responsible for creating definition caches.
HTMLPurifier_Doctype Represents a document type, contains information on which modules need to be loaded.
HTMLPurifier_ElementDef Structure that stores an HTML element definition. Used by HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition and HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule.
HTMLPurifier_Encoder A UTF-8 specific character encoder that handles cleaning and transforming.
HTMLPurifier_EntityLookup Object that provides entity lookup table from entity name to character
HTMLPurifier_EntityParser Handles referencing and derefencing character entities
HTMLPurifier_ErrorCollector Error collection class that enables HTML Purifier to report HTML problems back to the user
HTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct Records errors for particular segments of an HTML document such as tokens, attributes or CSS properties. They can…
HTMLPurifier_Filter Represents a pre or post processing filter on HTML Purifier's output
HTMLPurifier_Filter_ExtractStyleBlocks This filter extracts <style> blocks from input HTML, cleans them up using CSSTidy, and then places them in $purifier-…
HTMLPurifier_Generator Generates HTML from tokens.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition Definition of the purified HTML that describes allowed children, attributes, and many other things.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule Represents an XHTML 1.1 module, with information on elements, tags and attributes.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Bdo XHTML 1.1 Bi-directional Text Module, defines elements that declare directionality of content. Text Extension Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Edit XHTML 1.1 Edit Module, defines editing-related elements. Text Extension Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Forms XHTML 1.1 Forms module, defines all form-related elements found in HTML 4.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Hypertext XHTML 1.1 Hypertext Module, defines hypertext links. Core Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Iframe XHTML 1.1 Iframe Module provides inline frames.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Image XHTML 1.1 Image Module provides basic image embedding.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Legacy XHTML 1.1 Legacy module defines elements that were previously deprecated.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_List XHTML 1.1 List Module, defines list-oriented elements. Core Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Nofollow Module adds the nofollow attribute transformation to a tags. It is enabled by HTML.Nofollow
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Object XHTML 1.1 Object Module, defines elements for generic object inclusion
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Presentation XHTML 1.1 Presentation Module, defines simple presentation-related markup. Text Extension Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Proprietary Module defines proprietary tags and attributes in HTML.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Ruby XHTML 1.1 Ruby Annotation Module, defines elements that indicate short runs of text alongside base text for annotation…
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeEmbed A "safe" embed module. See SafeObject. This is a proprietary element.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeObject A "safe" object module. In theory, objects permitted by this module will be safe, and untrusted users can be allowed to…
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeScripting A "safe" script module. No inline JS is allowed, and pointed to JS files must match whitelist.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Scripting XHTML 1.1 Scripting module, defines elements that are used to contain information pertaining to executable scripts or…
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_StyleAttribute XHTML 1.1 Edit Module, defines editing-related elements. Text Extension Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tables XHTML 1.1 Tables Module, fully defines accessible table elements.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Target XHTML 1.1 Target Module, defines target attribute in link elements.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetBlank Module adds the target=blank attribute transformation to a tags. It is enabled by HTML.TargetBlank
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetNoopener Module adds the target-based noopener attribute transformation to a tags. It is enabled by HTML.TargetNoopener
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetNoreferrer Module adds the target-based noreferrer attribute transformation to a tags. It is enabled by HTML.TargetNoreferrer
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Text XHTML 1.1 Text Module, defines basic text containers. Core Module.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy Abstract class for a set of proprietary modules that clean up (tidy) poorly written HTML.
HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Name Name is deprecated, but allowed in strict doctypes, so onl
HTMLPurifier_IDAccumulator Component of HTMLPurifier_AttrContext that accumulates IDs to prevent dupes
HTMLPurifier_Injector Injects tokens into the document while parsing for well-formedness. This enables "formatter-like" functionality such as…
HTMLPurifier_Injector_AutoParagraph Injector that auto paragraphs text in the root node based on double-spacing.
HTMLPurifier_Injector_DisplayLinkURI Injector that displays the URL of an anchor instead of linking to it, in addition to showing the text of the link.
HTMLPurifier_Injector_Linkify Injector that converts http, https and ftp text URLs to actual links.
HTMLPurifier_Injector_PurifierLinkify Injector that converts configuration directive syntax %Namespace.Directive to links
HTMLPurifier_Injector_RemoveSpansWithoutAttributes Injector that removes spans with no attributes
HTMLPurifier_Injector_SafeObject Adds important param elements to inside of object in order to make things safe.
HTMLPurifier_Language Represents a language and defines localizable string formatting and other functions, as well as the localized messages…
HTMLPurifier_LanguageFactory Class responsible for generating HTMLPurifier_Language objects, managing caching and fallbacks.
HTMLPurifier_Length Represents a measurable length, with a string numeric magnitude and a unit. This object is immutable.
HTMLPurifier_Lexer Forgivingly lexes HTML (SGML-style) markup into tokens.
HTMLPurifier_Lexer_DirectLex Our in-house implementation of a parser.
HTMLPurifier_Lexer_DOMLex Parser that uses PHP 5's DOM extension (part of the core).
HTMLPurifier_Lexer_PH5P Experimental HTML5-based parser using Jeroen van der Meer's PH5P library. Occupies space in the HTML5 pseudo-namespace,…
HTMLPurifier_Node Abstract base node class that all others inherit from.
HTMLPurifier_Node_Comment Concrete comment node class.
HTMLPurifier_Node_Element Concrete element node class.
HTMLPurifier_Node_Text Concrete text token class.
HTMLPurifier_PercentEncoder Class that handles operations involving percent-encoding in URIs.
HTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm_bool Bool form field printer
HTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm_default Swiss-army knife configuration form field printer
HTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm_NullDecorator Printer decorator for directives that accept null
HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Generic property list implementation
HTMLPurifier_PropertyListIterator Property list iterator. Do not instantiate this class directly.
HTMLPurifier_Queue A simple array-backed queue, based off of the classic Okasaki persistent amortized queue. The basic idea is to…
HTMLPurifier_Strategy Supertype for classes that define a strategy for modifying/purifying tokens.
HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Composite Composite strategy that runs multiple strategies on tokens.
HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Core Core strategy composed of the big four strategies.
HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting Takes a well formed list of tokens and fixes their nesting.
HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed Takes tokens makes them well-formed (balance end tags, etc.)
HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements Removes all unrecognized tags from the list of tokens.
HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes Validate all attributes in the tokens.
HTMLPurifier_StringHash This is in almost every respect equivalent to an array except that it keeps track of which keys were accessed.
HTMLPurifier_StringHashParser Parses string hash files. File format is as such:
HTMLPurifier_TagTransform Defines a mutation of an obsolete tag into a valid tag.
HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Font Transforms FONT tags to the proper form (SPAN with CSS styling)
HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple Simple transformation, just change tag name to something else, and possibly add some styling. This will cover most of…
HTMLPurifier_Token Abstract base token class that all others inherit from.
HTMLPurifier_Token_Comment Concrete comment token class. Generally will be ignored.
HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty Concrete empty token class.
HTMLPurifier_Token_End Concrete end token class.
HTMLPurifier_Token_Start Concrete start token class.
HTMLPurifier_Token_Tag Abstract class of a tag token (start, end or empty), and its behavior.
HTMLPurifier_Token_Text Concrete text token class.
HTMLPurifier_TokenFactory Factory for token generation.
HTMLPurifier_UnitConverter Class for converting between different unit-lengths as specified by CSS.
HTMLPurifier_URI HTML Purifier's internal representation of a URI.
HTMLPurifier_URIFilter Chainable filters for custom URI processing.
HTMLPurifier_URIFilter_SafeIframe Implements safety checks for safe iframes.
HTMLPurifier_URIParser Parses a URI into the components and fragment identifier as specified by RFC 3986.
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme Validator for the components of a URI for a specific scheme
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_data Implements data: URI for base64 encoded images supported by GD.
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_file Validates file as defined by RFC 1630 and RFC 1738.
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_ftp Validates ftp (File Transfer Protocol) URIs as defined by generic RFC 1738.
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_http Validates http (HyperText Transfer Protocol) as defined by RFC 2616
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_https Validates https (Secure HTTP) according to http scheme.
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_mailto Validates mailto (for E-mail) according to RFC 2368
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_news Validates news (Usenet) as defined by generic RFC 1738
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_nntp Validates nntp (Network News Transfer Protocol) as defined by generic RFC 1738
HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_tel Validates tel (for phone numbers).
HTMLPurifier_URISchemeRegistry Registry for retrieving specific URI scheme validator objects.
HTMLPurifier_VarParser Parses string representations into their corresponding native PHP variable type. The base implementation does a simple…
HTMLPurifier_VarParser_Flexible Performs safe variable parsing based on types which can be used by users. This may not be able to represent all…
HTMLPurifier_VarParser_Native This variable parser uses PHP's internal code engine. Because it does this, it can represent all inputs; however, it is…
HTMLPurifier_Zipper A zipper is a purely-functional data structure which contains a focus that can be efficiently manipulated. It is known…
MetaWeblogApi Class MetaWeblogApi
ModuleAdmin Frameworks Module Admin
MovableTypeApi Class MovableTypeApi
MyTextSanitizer Class to "clean up" text for various uses
MyTextSanitizerExtended Class MyTextSanitizerExtended
MyTextSanitizerExtension Abstract class for extensions
MytsCensor Replaces banned words in a string with their replacements or terminate current request
MytsFlash Class MytsFlash
MytsIframe Class MytsIframe
MytsImage Class MytsImage
MytsLi Class MytsLi
MytsMms Class MytsMms
MytsMp3 Class MytsMp3
MytsRtsp Class MytsRtsp
MytsSoundcloud Class MytsSoundcloud
MytsSyntaxhighlight Class MytsSyntaxhighlight
MytsTextfilter Filter out possible malicious text kses project at SF could be a good solution to check
MytsUl Class MytsUl
MytsWiki Class MytsWiki
MytsWmp Class MytsWmp
MytsYoutube TextSanitizer extension
PathStuffController See the enclosed file license.txt for licensing information. If you did not receive this file, get it at https://www…
PHPMailer PHPMailer - PHP email creation and transport class.
PHPMailerOAuth PHPMailerOAuth - PHPMailer subclass adding OAuth support.
PHPMailerOAuthGoogle PHPMailerOAuthGoogle - Wrapper for League OAuth2 Google provider.
PmCorePreload PM core preloads
PmMessage {description}
PmMessageHandler Class PmMessageHandler
PmSystemPreload PM system preloads
POP3 PHPMailer POP-Before-SMTP Authentication Class. Specifically for PHPMailer to use for RFC1939 POP-before-SMTP…
ProfileCorePreload Profile core preloads
ProfileRegstep Class ProfileRegstep
ProfileRegstepHandler Class ProfileRegstepHandler
ProfileVisibility Class ProfileVisibility
ProfileVisibilityHandler Class ProfileVisibilityHandler
Protector Class Protector
Protector_bruteforce_overrun_message Class protector_bruteforce_overrun_message
Protector_crawler_overrun_message Class protector_crawler_overrun_message
Protector_f5attack_overrun_message Class protector_f5attack_overrun_message
Protector_postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl Class protector_postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl
Protector_postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl Class protector_postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl
Protector_postcommon_post_htmlpurify4everyone Class protector_postcommon_post_htmlpurify4everyone
Protector_postcommon_post_htmlpurify4guest Class protector_postcommon_post_htmlpurify4guest
Protector_postcommon_post_language_match Class protector_postcommon_post_language_match
Protector_postcommon_post_need_multibyte Class protector_postcommon_post_need_multibyte
Protector_postcommon_post_register_moratorium Class protector_postcommon_post_register_moratorium
Protector_postcommon_post_stopforumspam Check post attempts for "spaminess" on Please see before enabling…
Protector_postcommon_register_insert_js_check Class protector_postcommon_register_insert_js_check
Protector_postcommon_register_stopforumspam Check register attempt for "spaminess" on Please see before…
Protector_precommon_badip_errorlog Class protector_precommon_badip_errorlog
Protector_precommon_badip_message Class protector_precommon_badip_message
Protector_precommon_badip_redirection Class protector_precommon_badip_redirection
Protector_precommon_bwlimit_errorlog Class protector_precommon_bwlimit_errorlog
Protector_precommon_bwlimit_message Class protector_precommon_bwlimit_message
Protector_prepurge_exit_message Class protector_prepurge_exit_message
Protector_spamcheck_overrun_message Class protector_spamcheck_overrun_message
ProtectorCorePreload Protector core preloads
ProtectorFilterAbstract Class ProtectorFilterAbstract
ProtectorFilterHandler Class ProtectorFilterHandler
ProtectorMySQLDatabase Class ProtectorMySQLDatabase
ProtectorRegistry Class ProtectorRegistry
RpcArrayHandler Class RpcArrayHandler
RpcBase64Handler Class RpcBase64Handler
RpcBooleanHandler Class RpcBooleanHandler
RpcDateTimeHandler Class RpcDateTimeHandler
RpcDoubleHandler Class RpcDoubleHandler
RpcIntHandler Class RpcIntHandler
RpcMemberHandler Class RpcMemberHandler
RpcMethodNameHandler Class RpcMethodNameHandler
RpcNameHandler Class RpcNameHandler
RpcStringHandler Class RpcStringHandler
RpcStructHandler Class RpcStructHandler
RpcValueHandler Class RpcValueHandler
RssAuthorHandler Class RssAuthorHandler
RssCategoryHandler Class RssCategoryHandler
RssChannelHandler Class RssChannelHandler
RssCommentsHandler Class RssCommentsHandler
RssCopyrightHandler Class RssCopyrightHandler
RssDescriptionHandler Class RssDescriptionHandler
RssDocsHandler Class RssDocsHandler
RssGeneratorHandler Class RssGeneratorHandler
RssGuidHandler Class RssGuidHandler
RssHeightHandler Class RssHeightHandler
RssImageHandler Class RssImageHandler
RssItemHandler Class RssItemHandler
RssLanguageHandler Class RssLanguageHandler
RssLastBuildDateHandler Class RssLastBuildDateHandler
RssLinkHandler Class RssLinkHandler
RssManagingEditorHandler Class RssManagingEditorHandler
RssNameHandler Class RssNameHandler
RssPubDateHandler Class RssPubDateHandler
RssSourceHandler Class RssSourceHandler
RssTextInputHandler Class RssTextInputHandler
RssTitleHandler Class RssTitleHandler
RssTtlHandler Class RssTtlHandler
RssUrlHandler Class RssUrlHandler
RssWebMasterHandler Class RssWebMasterHandler
RssWidthHandler Class RssWidthHandler
Smarty This is the main Smarty class
Smarty_Autoloader Smarty Autoloader
Smarty_CacheResource Cache Handler API
Smarty_CacheResource_Apc APC CacheResource CacheResource Implementation based on the KeyValueStore API to use memcache as the storage resource…
Smarty_CacheResource_Custom Cache Handler API
Smarty_CacheResource_KeyValueStore Smarty Cache Handler Base for Key/Value Storage Implementations This class implements the functionality required to use…
Smarty_CacheResource_Memcache Memcache CacheResource CacheResource Implementation based on the KeyValueStore API to use memcache as the storage…
Smarty_CacheResource_Mysql MySQL CacheResource CacheResource Implementation based on the Custom API to use MySQL as the storage resource for…
Smarty_CacheResource_Pdo PDO Cache Handler Allows you to store Smarty Cache files into your db. Example table : CREATE TABLE `smarty_cache` ( …
Smarty_CacheResource_Pdo_Gzip PDO Cache Handler with GZIP support Example usage : $cnx = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb", …
Smarty_Data class for the Smarty data object The Smarty data object will hold Smarty variables in the current scope
Smarty_Internal_Block Smarty {block} tag class
Smarty_Internal_CacheResource_File This class does contain all necessary methods for the HTML cache on file system Implements the file system as resource…
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Append Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Append Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Assign Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Assign Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block_Child Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Child Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block_Parent Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Parent Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile BlockClose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Break Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Break Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Call Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Function_Call Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Capture Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Capture Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_CaptureClose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Captureclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Child Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Child Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Config_Load Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Config Load Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Continue Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Continue Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Debug Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Debug Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Else Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Else Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Elseif Smarty Internal Plugin Compile ElseIf Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Eval Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Eval Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Extends Smarty Internal Plugin Compile extend Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_For Smarty Internal Plugin Compile For Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Forclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Forclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreach Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreach Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreachclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Foreachelse Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Foreachelse Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Forelse Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Forelse Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Function Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Function Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Functionclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Functionclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_If Smarty Internal Plugin Compile If Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Ifclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Ifclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Include Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Include Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Include_Php Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Insert Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Ldelim Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Ldelim Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Make_Nocache Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Make_Nocache Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Nocache Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Nocache Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Nocacheclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Nocacheclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Parent Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Parent Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Block_Plugin Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Plugin Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_ForeachSection Smarty Internal Plugin Compile ForeachSection Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Function_Plugin Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Function Plugin Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Modifier Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Modifier Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Object_Block_Function Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Object Block Function Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Object_Function Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Object Function Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Php Smarty Internal Plugin Compile PHP Expression Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Print_Expression Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Print Expression Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Registered_Block Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Registered Block Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Registered_Function Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Registered Function Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Special_Variable Smarty Internal Plugin Compile special Smarty Variable Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Rdelim Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Rdelim Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Section Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Section Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Sectionclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Sectionclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Sectionelse Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Sectionelse Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Setfilter Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Setfilter Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Setfilterclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Setfilterclose Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Shared_Inheritance Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Shared Inheritance Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_While Smarty Internal Plugin Compile While Class
Smarty_Internal_Compile_Whileclose Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Whileclose Class
Smarty_Internal_CompileBase This class does extend all internal compile plugins
Smarty_Internal_Config_File_Compiler Main config file compiler class
Smarty_Internal_Configfilelexer Smarty_Internal_Configfilelexer
Smarty_Internal_Configfileparser Smarty Internal Plugin Configfileparse
Smarty_Internal_Data Base class with template and variable methods
Smarty_Internal_Debug Smarty Internal Plugin Debug Class
Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler Smarty error handler
Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler Smarty Extension handler
Smarty_Internal_Method_AddAutoloadFilters Smarty Method AddAutoloadFilters
Smarty_Internal_Method_AddDefaultModifiers Smarty Method AddDefaultModifiers
Smarty_Internal_Method_Append Smarty Method Append
Smarty_Internal_Method_AppendByRef Smarty Method AppendByRef
Smarty_Internal_Method_AssignByRef Smarty Method AssignByRef
Smarty_Internal_Method_AssignGlobal Smarty Method AssignGlobal
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearAllAssign Smarty Method ClearAllAssign
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearAllCache Smarty Method ClearAllCache
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearAssign Smarty Method ClearAssign
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearCache Smarty Method ClearCache
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearCompiledTemplate Smarty Method ClearCompiledTemplate
Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearConfig Smarty Method ClearConfig
Smarty_Internal_Method_CompileAllConfig Smarty Method CompileAllConfig
Smarty_Internal_Method_CompileAllTemplates Smarty Method CompileAllTemplates
Smarty_Internal_Method_ConfigLoad Smarty Method ConfigLoad
Smarty_Internal_Method_CreateData Smarty Method CreateData
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetAutoloadFilters Smarty Method GetAutoloadFilters
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetConfigVariable Smarty Method GetConfigVariable
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetConfigVars Smarty Method GetConfigVars
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetDebugTemplate Smarty Method GetDebugTemplate
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetDefaultModifiers Smarty Method GetDefaultModifiers
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetGlobal Smarty Method GetGlobal
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetRegisteredObject Smarty Method GetRegisteredObject
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetStreamVariable Smarty Method GetStreamVariable
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetTags Smarty Method GetTags
Smarty_Internal_Method_GetTemplateVars Smarty Method GetTemplateVars
Smarty_Internal_Method_Literals Smarty Method GetLiterals
Smarty_Internal_Method_LoadFilter Smarty Method LoadFilter
Smarty_Internal_Method_LoadPlugin Smarty Extension Loadplugin
Smarty_Internal_Method_MustCompile Smarty Method MustCompile
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterCacheResource Smarty Method RegisterCacheResource
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterClass Smarty Method RegisterClass
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterDefaultConfigHandler Smarty Method RegisterDefaultConfigHandler
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterDefaultPluginHandler Smarty Method RegisterDefaultPluginHandler
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterDefaultTemplateHandler Smarty Method RegisterDefaultTemplateHandler
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterFilter Smarty Method RegisterFilter
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterObject Smarty Method RegisterObject
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterPlugin Smarty Method RegisterPlugin
Smarty_Internal_Method_RegisterResource Smarty Method RegisterResource
Smarty_Internal_Method_SetAutoloadFilters Smarty Method SetAutoloadFilters
Smarty_Internal_Method_SetDebugTemplate Smarty Method SetDebugTemplate
Smarty_Internal_Method_SetDefaultModifiers Smarty Method SetDefaultModifiers
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnloadFilter Smarty Method UnloadFilter
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterCacheResource Smarty Method UnregisterCacheResource
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterFilter Smarty Method UnregisterFilter
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterObject Smarty Method UnregisterObject
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterPlugin Smarty Method UnregisterPlugin
Smarty_Internal_Method_UnregisterResource Smarty Method UnregisterResource
Smarty_Internal_Nocache_Insert Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Code Code fragment inside a tag .
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Dq Double quoted string inside a tag.
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_DqContent Raw chars as part of a double quoted string.
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Tag A complete smarty tag.
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Template Template element
Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Text Smarty Internal Plugin Templateparser Parse Tree These are classes to build parse tree in the template parser
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Eval Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Eval Implements the strings as resource for Smarty template {@internal unlike string…
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Extends Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Extends Implements the file system as resource for Smarty which {extend}s a chain of…
Smarty_Internal_Resource_File Smarty Internal Plugin Resource File Implements the file system as resource for Smarty templates
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Php Smarty Internal Plugin Resource PHP Implements the file system as resource for PHP templates
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Registered Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Registered Implements the registered resource for Smarty template
Smarty_Internal_Resource_Stream Smarty Internal Plugin Resource Stream Implements the streams as resource for Smarty template
Smarty_Internal_Resource_String Smarty Internal Plugin Resource String Implements the strings as resource for Smarty template {@internal unlike eval…
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_CacheModify Inline Runtime Methods render, setSourceByUid, setupSubTemplate
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_CacheResourceFile Smarty Internal Runtime Cache Resource File Class
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Capture Runtime Extension Capture
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_CodeFrame Class Smarty_Internal_Extension_CodeFrame Create code frame for compiled and cached templates
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_FilterHandler Class for filter processing
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Foreach Foreach Runtime Methods count(), init(), restore()
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_GetIncludePath Smarty Internal Read Include Path Class
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance Inheritance Runtime Methods processBlock, endChild, init
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Make_Nocache {make_nocache} Runtime Methods save(), store()
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_TplFunction TplFunction Runtime Methods callTemplateFunction
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateCache Inline Runtime Methods render, setSourceByUid, setupSubTemplate
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateScope Runtime Extension updateScope
Smarty_Internal_Runtime_WriteFile Smarty Internal Write File Class
Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler Class SmartyTemplateCompiler
Smarty_Internal_Template Main class with template data structures and methods
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase Class with shared smarty/template methods
Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase Main abstract compiler class
Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer This is the template file lexer. It is generated from the smarty_internal_templatelexer…
Smarty_Internal_Templateparser Smarty Template Parser Class
Smarty_Internal_TestInstall TestInstall class
Smarty_Internal_Undefined Smarty Internal Undefined
Smarty_Resource Smarty Resource Plugin Base implementation for resource plugins
Smarty_Resource_Custom Smarty Resource Plugin Wrapper Implementation for custom resource plugins
Smarty_Resource_Db Smarty plugin
Smarty_Resource_Extendsall Extends All Resource Resource Implementation modifying the extends-Resource to walk through the template_dirs and…
Smarty_Resource_Mysql MySQL Resource Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's…
Smarty_Resource_Mysqls MySQL Resource Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's…
Smarty_Resource_Recompiled Smarty Resource Plugin Base implementation for resource plugins that don't compile cache
Smarty_Resource_Uncompiled Smarty Resource Plugin Base implementation for resource plugins that don't use the compiler
Smarty_Security This class does contain the security settings
Smarty_Template_Cached Smarty Resource Data Object Cache Data Container for Template Files
Smarty_Template_Compiled Smarty Resource Data Object Meta Data Container for Template Files
Smarty_Template_Config Smarty Config Resource Data Object Meta Data Container for Template Files
Smarty_Template_Resource_Base Smarty Template Resource Base Object
Smarty_Template_Source Smarty Resource Data Object Meta Data Container for Template Files
Smarty_Undefined_Variable class for undefined variable object This class defines an object for undefined variable handling
Smarty_Variable class for the Smarty variable object This class defines the Smarty variable object
SmartyBC Smarty Backward Compatibility Wrapper Class
SMTP PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class. Implements RFC 821 SMTP commands and provides some utility methods for…
SqlUtility provide some utility methods for databases
SystemAvatar System Avatar
SystemAvatarHandler System avatar handler class. (Singelton)
SystemBanner System Banner
SystemBannerclient System Banner Client
SystemBannerclientHandler System banner client handler class. (Singelton)
SystemBannerFinish System Banner Finish
SystemBannerfinishHandler System banner finish handler class. (Singelton)
SystemBannerHandler System banner handler class. (Singelton)
SystemBlock System Block
SystemBlockHandler System block handler class.
SystemBlockLinkModule System Block
SystemBlockLinkModuleHandler System block handler class. (Singelton)
SystemBreadcrumb BreadCrumb Class
SystemCorePreload Class SystemCorePreload
SystemFineAvatarUploadHandler SystemFineImUploadHandler class to work with ajaxfineupload.php endpoint to facilitate uploads for the system image…
SystemFineImUploadHandler SystemFineImUploadHandler class to work with ajaxfineupload.php endpoint to facilitate uploads for the system image…
SystemFineUploadHandler Base SystemFineUploadHandler class to work with ajaxfineupload.php endpoint
SystemGroup System Group
SystemGroupHandler System group handler class. (Singelton)
SystemMaintenance System Maintenance
SystemMenuHandler Class SystemMenuHandler
SystemSmilies System Smilies
SystemsmiliesHandler System smilies handler class. (Singelton)
SystemUserrank System User ranks
SystemuserrankHandler System user ranks handler class. (Singelton)
SystemUsers System Users
SystemUsersHandler System users handler class. (Singelton)
Tar tar Class
ThemeSetAuthorHandler Class ThemeSetAuthorHandler
ThemeSetDateCreatedHandler Class ThemeSetDateCreatedHandler
ThemeSetDescriptionHandler Class ThemeSetDescriptionHandler
ThemeSetEmailHandler Class ThemeSetEmailHandler
ThemeSetFileTypeHandler Class ThemeSetFileTypeHandler
ThemeSetGeneratorHandler Class ThemeSetGeneratorHandler
ThemeSetImageHandler Class ThemeSetImageHandler
ThemeSetLinkHandler Class ThemeSetLinkHandler
ThemeSetModuleHandler Class ThemeSetModuleHandler
ThemeSetNameHandler Class ThemeSetNameHandler
ThemeSetTagHandler Class ThemeSetTagHandler
ThemeSetTemplateHandler Class ThemeSetTemplateHandler
TinyMCE TinyMCE adapter for XOOPS
XoopsApi Class XoopsApi
xoopsart Xoops Frameworks addon: art
XoopsAuthAds XoopsAuthAds
XoopsAuthLdap XoopsAuthLdap
XoopsAvatar A Avatar
XoopsAvatarHandler XOOPS avatar handler class. (Singelton)
XoopsBlockInstance Xoops Block Instance
XoopsBlockInstanceHandler XOOPS Block Instance Handler Class. (Singelton)
XoopsCache Caching for CakePHP.
XoopsCacheApc APC storage engine for cache
XoopsCacheEngine Abstract class for storage engine for caching
XoopsCacheFile File Storage engine for cache
XoopsCacheMemcache Memcache storage engine for cache
XoopsCacheModel Database Storage engine for cache
XoopsCacheModelHandler XoopsCacheModelHandler
XoopsCacheModelObject XoopsCacheModelObject
XoopsCaptcha Class XoopsCaptcha
XoopsCaptchaImage Class XoopsCaptchaImage
XoopsCaptchaImageHandler Class XoopsCaptchaImageHandler
XoopsCaptchaMethod Abstract class for CAPTCHA method
XoopsCaptchaRecaptcha2 Class XoopsCaptchaRecaptcha2
XoopsCaptchaText Class XoopsCaptchaText
XoopsComment A Comment
XoopsCommentHandler XOOPS comment handler class.
XoopsCommentRenderer Display comments
XoopsComments Xoops Comments Object Class
XoopsConfigCategory A category of configs
XoopsConfigCategoryHandler XOOPS configuration category handler class.
XoopsConfigHandler XOOPS configuration handling class. This class acts as an interface for handling general configurations of XOOPS and…
XoopsConfigItemHandler XOOPS configuration handler class.
XoopsConfigOption A Config-Option
XoopsConfigOptionHandler XOOPS configuration option handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data…
XoopsDatabase Abstract base class for Database access classes
XoopsDatabaseFactory XoopsDatabaseFactory
XoopsDownloader Sends non HTML files through a http socket
XoopsEditor Class XoopsEditor
XoopsEditorHandler Editor handler
XoopsErrorHandler Xoops ErrorHandler
XoopsFile XoopsFile
XoopsFileHandler Convenience class for reading, writing and appending to files.
XoopsFilterInput XoopsFilterInput is a class for filtering input from any data source
XoopsFolderHandler Folder structure browser, lists folders and files.
XoopsForm Abstract base class for forms
XoopsFormButton A button
XoopsFormButtonTray XoopsFormButtonTray
XoopsFormCaptcha Xoops Form Captcha
XoopsFormCheckBox Class XoopsFormCheckBox
XoopsFormColorPicker Color Selection Field
XoopsFormDateTime Date and time selection field
XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea A textarea with xoopsish formatting and smilie buttons
XoopsFormEditor XOOPS Form Editor
XoopsFormElement Abstract base class for form elements
XoopsFormElementTray A group of form elements
XoopsFormFile A file upload field
XoopsFormHidden A hidden field
XoopsFormHiddenToken A hidden token field
XoopsFormLabel A text label
XoopsFormPassword Password Field
XoopsFormRadio XOOPS form radio compo
XoopsFormRadioYN Yes/No radio buttons.
XoopsFormRenderer Factory to build handlers
XoopsFormRendererBootstrap3 Bootstrap3 style form renderer
XoopsFormRendererBootstrap4 Bootstrap4 style form renderer
XoopsFormRendererBootstrap5 Bootstrap5 style form renderer
XoopsFormRendererLegacy Legacy style form renderer
XoopsFormSelect A select field
XoopsFormSelectCheckGroup Xoops Form Select Check Groups
XoopsFormSelectCountry A select field with countries
XoopsFormSelectEditor XoopsFormSelectEditor
XoopsFormSelectGroup A select field with a choice of available groups
XoopsFormSelectLang A select field with available languages
XoopsFormSelectMatchOption A selection box with options for matching search terms.
XoopsFormSelectTheme A select box with available themes
XoopsFormSelectTimezone A select box with timezones
XoopsFormSelectUser User Select field
XoopsFormText A simple text field
XoopsFormTextArea A textarea
XoopsFormTextDateSelect A text field with calendar popup
XoopsFormTinymce Class XoopsFormTinymce
XoopsFormTinymce5 Class XoopsFormTinymce
XoopsGroup a group of users
XoopsGroupFormCheckBox Renders checkbox options for a group permission form
XoopsGroupHandler XOOPS group handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of XOOPS…
XoopsGroupPerm A group permission
XoopsGroupPermForm Renders a form for setting module specific group permissions
XoopsGroupPermHandler XOOPS group permission handler class.
XoopsGTicket Class XoopsGTicket
XoopsGuestUser Class that represents a guest user
XoopsGuiDark Class XoopsGuiDark
XoopsGuiDefault Class XoopsGuiDefault
XoopsGuiTransition Class XoopsGuiTransition
XoopsHandlerRegistry A registry for holding references to {@link XoopsObjectHandler} classes
XoopsHttpGet XoopsHttpGet - return response to a http get request
XoopsImage An Image
XoopsImagecategory XOOPS Image Category
XoopsImagecategoryHandler XOOPS image caetgory handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source…
XoopsImageHandler XOOPS image handler class.
XoopsImageSet XOOPS Image Sets
XoopsImageSetHandler XOOPS imageset handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of…
XoopsImagesetimg XOOPS Image Sets Image
XoopsImagesetimgHandler XOOPS imageset image handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source…
XoopsInstallWizard See the enclosed file license.txt for licensing information. If you did not receive this file, get it at https://www…
XoopsLists XoopsLists
XoopsLoad Class XoopsLoad
XoopsLocal A Xoops Local
XoopsLocalAbstract Class XoopsLocalAbstract
XoopsLocalWrapper XoopsLocalWrapper
XoopsLogger Collects information for a page request
XoopsMailer Class for sending mail.
XoopsMailerLocal Localize the mail functions
XoopsMediaUploader Upload Media files
XoopsMemberHandler XOOPS member handler class. This class provides simple interface (a facade class) for handling groups/users/ membership…
XoopsMembership membership of a user in a group
XoopsMembershipHandler XOOPS membership handler class. (Singleton)
XoopsModelAbstract abstract class object handler
XoopsModelFactory Factory for object handlers
XoopsModelJoint Usage of methods provided by XoopsModelJoint:
XoopsModelRead Object render handler class.
XoopsModelStats Object stats handler class.
XoopsModelSync Usage of methods provided by XoopsModelSync:
XoopsModelWrite Object write handler class.
XoopsModule A Module
XoopsModuleHandler XOOPS module handler class.
XoopsMultiMailer Mailer Class.
XoopsMySQLDatabase connection to a mysql database using MySQLi extension
XoopsMySQLDatabaseProxy Read-Only connection to a MySQL database.
XoopsMySQLDatabaseSafe Safe Connection to a MySQL database.
XoopsNotification A Notification
XoopsNotificationHandler XOOPS notification handler class.
XoopsObject Base class for all objects in the Xoops kernel (and beyond)
XoopsObjectHandler XOOPS object handler class. This class is an abstract class of handler classes that are responsible for providing data…
XoopsObjectTree A tree structures with {@link XoopsObject}s as nodes
XoopsOnlineHandler A handler for "Who is Online?" information
XoopsPageNav Class XoopsPageNav
XoopsPersistableObjectHandler Persistable Object Handler class.
XoopsPreload Class for handling events
XoopsPreloadItem XoopsPreloadItem
XoopsPrivmessage Private Messages
XoopsPrivmessageHandler XOOPS private message handler class.
XoopsRank Enter description here...
XoopsRankHandler Xoops Rank Handler
XoopsRequest Request Class
XoopsSecurity Class XoopsSecurity
XoopsSessionHandler Handler for a session
XoopsSimpleForm Form that will output as a simple HTML form with minimum formatting
XoopsStory Class XoopsStory
XoopsSystemCpanel Xoops Cpanel class
XoopsSystemGui Xoops Cpanel GUI abstract class
XoopsTableForm Form that will output formatted as an HTML table
XoopsTarDownloader Class XoopsTarDownloader
XoopsThemeForm Form that will output as a theme-enabled HTML table
XoopsThemeSetParser Class XoopsThemeSetParser
XoopsTopic Class XoopsTopic
XoopsTpl Template engine
XoopsTplfile A Template File
XoopsTplfileHandler XOOPS template file handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of…
XoopsTplset A Template Set File
XoopsTplsetHandler XOOPS tplset handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of XOOPS…
XoopsTree Abstract base class for forms
XoopsUser Class for users
XoopsUserHandler XOOPS user handler class. This class is responsible for providing data access mechanisms to the data source of XOOPS…
XoopsUserUtility XoopsUserUtility
XoopsUtility XoopsUtility
XoopsXmlRpcApi Class XoopsXmlRpcApi
XoopsXmlRpcArray Class XoopsXmlRpcArray
XoopsXmlRpcBase64 Class XoopsXmlRpcBase64
XoopsXmlRpcBoolean Class XoopsXmlRpcBoolean
XoopsXmlRpcDatetime Class XoopsXmlRpcDatetime
XoopsXmlRpcDocument Class XoopsXmlRpcDocument
XoopsXmlRpcDouble Class XoopsXmlRpcDouble
XoopsXmlRpcFault Class XoopsXmlRpcFault
XoopsXmlRpcInt Class XoopsXmlRpcInt
XoopsXmlRpcParser Class RSS Parser
XoopsXmlRpcRequest Class XoopsXmlRpcRequest
XoopsXmlRpcResponse Class XoopsXmlRpcResponse
XoopsXmlRpcString Class XoopsXmlRpcString
XoopsXmlRpcStruct Class XoopsXmlRpcStruct
XoopsXmlRpcTag Class XoopsXmlRpcTag
XoopsXmlRss2Parser Class XoopsXmlRss2Parser
XoopsZipDownloader Abstract base class for forms
xos_kernel_Xoops2 Class xos_kernel_Xoops2
xos_logos_PageBuilder xos_logos_PageBuilder main class
xos_opal_AdminThemeFactory xos_opal_AdminThemeFactory
xos_opal_Theme Class xos_opal_Theme
xos_opal_ThemeFactory xos_opal_ThemeFactory
XoUser Xoops Users Extend Class
XoUserHandler XoUser Handler
XoopsFormRendererInterface Define Renderer interface for forms
HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception Exceptions related to configuration schema
HTMLPurifier_Exception Global exception class for HTML Purifier; any exceptions we throw are from here.
HTMLPurifier_VarParserException Exception type for HTMLPurifier_VarParser
phpmailerException PHPMailer exception handler
SmartyCompilerException Smarty compiler exception class
SmartyException Smarty exception class
get_request_method This will retrieve the "intended" request method. Normally, this is the actual method of the request. Sometimes,…
clientlogin Function to let your client login to see the stats
bannerstats Function to display the banners stats for each client
emailStats Function to let clients email their banner's stats
change_banner_url_by_client Function to let clients change their banner's URL
money_format Formats a number as a currency string.
password_hash Hash the password using the specified algorithm
password_get_info Get information about the password hash. Returns an array of the information that was used to generate the password…
password_needs_rehash Determine if the password hash needs to be rehashed according to the options provided
password_verify Verify a password against a hash using a timing attack resistant approach
d Alias of Kint::dump().
s Alias of Kint::dump(), however the output is in plain text.
RandomCompat_strlen strlen() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload
RandomCompat_substr substr() implementation that isn't brittle to mbstring.func_overload
RandomCompat_intval Cast to an integer if we can, safely.
random_bytes We don't have any more options, so let's throw an exception right now and hope the developer won't let it fail silently.
random_int Fetch a random integer between $min and $max inclusive
smarty_block_textformat Smarty {textformat}{/textformat} block plugin Type: block function Name: textformat Purpose: format text a…
smarty_function_counter Smarty {counter} function plugin Type: function Name: counter Purpose: print out a counter value
smarty_function_cycle Smarty {cycle} function plugin Type: function Name: cycle Date: May 3, 2002 Purpose: cycle through given…
smarty_function_fetch Smarty {fetch} plugin Type: function Name: fetch Purpose: fetch file, web or ftp data and display results
smarty_function_html_checkboxes Smarty {html_checkboxes} function plugin File: function.html_checkboxes.php Type: function Name: html…
smarty_function_html_image Smarty {html_image} function plugin Type: function Name: html_image Date: Feb 24, 2003 Purpose: format…
smarty_function_html_options Smarty {html_options} function plugin Type: function Name: html_options Purpose: Prints the list of <option>…
smarty_function_html_radios Smarty {html_radios} function plugin File: function.html_radios.php Type: function Name: html_radios…
smarty_function_html_select_date Smarty {html_select_date} plugin Type: function Name: html_select_date Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for date…
smarty_function_html_select_time Smarty {html_select_time} function plugin Type: function Name: html_select_time Purpose: Prints the dropdowns…
smarty_function_html_table Smarty {html_table} function plugin Type: function Name: html_table Date: Feb 17, 2003 Purpose: make an…
smarty_function_mailto Smarty {mailto} function plugin Type: function Name: mailto Date: May 21, 2002 Purpose: automate mailto…
smarty_function_math Smarty {math} function plugin Type: function Name: math Purpose: handle math computations in template
smarty_modifier_capitalize Smarty capitalize modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: capitalize Purpose: capitalize words in the string {…
smarty_modifier_date_format Smarty date_format modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: date_format Purpose: format datestamps via strftime…
smarty_modifier_debug_print_var Smarty debug_print_var modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: debug_print_var Purpose: formats variable contents…
smarty_modifier_escape Smarty escape modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: escape Purpose: escape string for output
smarty_modifier_mb_wordwrap Smarty wordwrap modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: mb_wordwrap Purpose: Wrap a string to a given number of…
smarty_modifier_regex_replace Smarty regex_replace modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: regex_replace Purpose: regular expression search…
smarty_modifier_replace Smarty replace modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: replace Purpose: simple search/replace
smarty_modifier_spacify Smarty spacify modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: spacify Purpose: add spaces between characters in a string
smarty_modifier_truncate Smarty truncate modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: truncate Purpose: Truncate a string to a certain length…
smarty_modifiercompiler_cat Smarty cat modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: cat Date: Feb 24, 2003 Purpose: catenate a value to a…
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_characters Smarty count_characters modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: count_characters Purpose: count the number of…
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_paragraphs Smarty count_paragraphs modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: count_paragraphs Purpose: count the number of…
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_sentences Smarty count_sentences modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: count_sentences Purpose: count the number of…
smarty_modifiercompiler_count_words Smarty count_words modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: count_words Purpose: count the number of words in a…
smarty_modifiercompiler_default Smarty default modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: default Purpose: designate default value for empty…
smarty_modifiercompiler_escape Smarty escape modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: escape Purpose: escape string for output
smarty_modifiercompiler_from_charset Smarty from_charset modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: from_charset Purpose: convert character encoding from…
smarty_modifiercompiler_indent Smarty indent modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: indent Purpose: indent lines of text
smarty_modifiercompiler_lower Smarty lower modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: lower Purpose: convert string to lowercase
smarty_modifiercompiler_noprint Smarty noprint modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: noprint Purpose: return an empty string
smarty_modifiercompiler_string_format Smarty string_format modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: string_format Purpose: format strings via sprintf
smarty_modifiercompiler_strip Smarty strip modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: strip Purpose: Replace all repeated spaces, newlines, tabs …
smarty_modifiercompiler_strip_tags Smarty strip_tags modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: strip_tags Purpose: strip html tags from text
smarty_modifiercompiler_to_charset Smarty to_charset modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: to_charset Purpose: convert character encoding from…
smarty_modifiercompiler_unescape Smarty unescape modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: unescape Purpose: unescape html entities
smarty_modifiercompiler_upper Smarty upper modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: lower Purpose: convert string to uppercase
smarty_modifiercompiler_wordwrap Smarty wordwrap modifier plugin Type: modifier Name: wordwrap Purpose: wrap a string of text at a given length
smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace Smarty trimwhitespace outputfilter plugin Trim unnecessary whitespace from HTML markup.
smarty_function_escape_special_chars escape_special_chars common function Function: smarty_function_escape_special_chars Purpose: used by other smarty…
smarty_literal_compiler_param evaluate compiler parameter
smarty_make_timestamp Function: smarty_make_timestamp Purpose: used by other smarty functions to make a timestamp from a string.
smarty_mb_str_replace Multibyte string replace
smarty_mb_to_unicode convert characters to their decimal unicode equivalents
smarty_mb_from_unicode convert unicodes to the character of given encoding
smarty_variablefilter_htmlspecialchars Smarty htmlspecialchars variablefilter plugin
PHPMailerAutoload PHPMailer SPL autoloader.
smarty_compiler_xoAdminIcons xoAdminIcons Smarty compiler plug-in
smarty_compiler_xoAdminNav xoAdminNav Smarty compiler plug-in
smarty_compiler_xoAppUrl Build application relative URL
smarty_compiler_xoImgUrl Inserts the URL of a file resource customizable by themes
smarty_compiler_xoModuleIcons16 xoModuleIcons16 Smarty compiler plug-in
smarty_compiler_xoModuleIcons32 xoModuleIcons32 Smarty compiler plug-in
smarty_compiler_xoModuleIconsBookmarks xoModuleIcons16 Smarty compiler plug-in
smarty_function_securityToken Inserts a XOOPS security token
smarty_function_xoInboxCount xoInboxCount lets templates access private message inbox statistics for the current user
smarty_function_year Insert the current year
smarty_modifier_truncateHtml Smarty truncateHtml modifier plugin
xoops_template_touch function to update compiled template file in templates_c folder
xoops_template_clear_module_cache Clear the module cache
mod_loadConfig Load configs of a module
mod_fetchConfig Fetch configs of a module from database
mod_clearConfig clear config cache of a module
load_objectHandler Load declaration of an object handler
load_functions Load a collective functions of Frameworks
mod_loadFunctions Load a collective functions of a module
mod_loadRenderer Load renderer for a class
mod_getDirname Get dirname of a module according to current path
mod_isModuleAction Is a module being installed, updated or uninstalled Used for setting module configuration default values or options
mod_getMysqlVersion get MySQL server version
imageCreateCorners ref:
exit404BadReq issue an error for bad request
imageFilenameCheck check local image url for possible issues
xoops_cp_header CP Header
xoops_cp_footer CP Footer
openTable Open Table: DO NOT USE
closeTable Cloe Table : NO NOT USE
themecenterposts Enclose Items in a table : DO NOT USE
myTextForm Text Form : DO NOT USE
xoopsfwrite Enter description here...
xoops_module_get_admin_menu Xoops Module Menu
xoops_module_write_admin_menu Xoops Module Write Admin Menu
xoops_write_index_file Xoops Write Index File
xoops_hex2bin xoops_hex2bin()
xoops_bin2hex xoops_bin2hex()
xoops_ishexstr xoops_ishexstr()
xoops_convert_encode xoops_convert_encode()
xoops_convert_decode xoops_convert_decode()
xoops_aw_encode xoops_aw_encode()
xoops_aw_decode xoops_aw_decode()
xoops_load_lang_file Deprecated functions
xoops_getHandler xoops_getHandler()
xoops_getModuleHandler xoops_getModuleHandler()
xoops_load XOOPS class loader wrapper
xoops_loadLanguage XOOPS language loader wrapper
xoops_getActiveModules xoops_getActiveModules()
xoops_setActiveModules xoops_setActiveModules()
xoops_isActiveModule xoops_isActiveModule()
xoops_header xoops_header()
xoops_footer xoops_footer
xoops_error xoops_error
xoops_warning xoops_warning
xoops_result xoops_result
xoops_confirm xoops_confirm()
xoops_getUserTimestamp xoops_getUserTimestamp()
formatTimestamp Function to display formatted times in user timezone
userTimeToServerTime Function to calculate server timestamp from user entered time (timestamp)
xoops_makepass xoops_makepass()
checkEmail checkEmail()
formatURL formatURL()
xoops_getbanner Function to get banner html tags for use in templates
redirect_header Function to redirect a user to certain pages
xoops_getenv xoops_getenv()
xoops_getcss Function to get css file for a certain themeset
xoops_getMailer xoops_getMailer()
xoops_getrank xoops_getrank()
xoops_substr Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters. If $trimmarker is supplied, it is appended…
xoops_notification_deletebyuser xoops_notification_deletebyuser()
xoops_notification_deletebyitem xoops_notification_deletebyitem()
xoops_comment_count xoops_comment_count()
xoops_comment_delete xoops_comment_delete()
xoops_groupperm_deletebymoditem xoops_groupperm_deletebymoditem()
xoops_utf8_encode xoops_utf8_encode()
xoops_utf8_decode xoops_utf8_decode()
xoops_convert_encoding xoops_convert_encoding()
xoops_trim xoops_trim()
xoops_setConfigOption xoops_setConfigOption()
xoops_getModuleOption xoops_getModuleOption
xoops_getBaseDomain Determine the base domain name for a URL. The primary use for this is to set the domain used for cookies to represent…
xoops_getUrlDomain Function to get the domain from a URL.
makeSet Check that the variable passed as $name is set, and if not, set with the specified $default.
notificationEnabled Determine if notification is enabled for the selected module.
notificationCommentCategoryInfo Get associative array of info for the category to which comment events belong.
notificationEvents Get an array of info for all events (each event has associative array) in the selected category of the selected module.
notificationEventEnabled Determine whether a particular notification event is enabled. Depends on module config options.
notificationEventInfo Get associative array of info for the selected event in the selected category (for the selected module).
notificationSubscribableCategoryInfo Get an array of associative info arrays for subscribable categories for the selected module.
notificationGenerateConfig Generate module config info for a particular category, event pair. The selectable config options are given names…
openThread Enter description here...
showThread showThread :: DO NOT USE
closeThread Enter description here...
xoopsCodeTarea Displayes xoopsCode buttons and target textarea to which xoopscodes are inserted
xoopsSmilies Displays smilie image buttons used to insert smilie codes to a target textarea in a form
xoops_local Enter description here...
xoops_setcookie Near drop-in replacement for PHP's setcookie()
installerHtmlSpecialChars call htmlspecialchars with standard arguments
xoDiagIfWritable seems to only be used for license file?
xoPutLicenseKey *#@+ Xoops Write Licence System Key
xoBuildLicenceKey *#@+ Xoops Build Licence System Key
xoStripeKey *#@+ Xoops Stripe Licence System Key
make_groups Installer data generation file
writeConfigurationFile Copy a configuration file from template, then rewrite with actual configuration values
getStats Get file stats
getTmpStats Get file stats on a created temp file
prepStats Get stat() info in a more usable form
checkFileWriteablity Attempt to check if a set of files can be written
copyConfigDistFiles Install working versions of various *.dist.php files to xoops_data/configs/
xoops_misc_popup_body xoops_misc_popup_body()
xoops_module_install_pm Private Message
profile_getFieldForm Get {@link XoopsThemeForm} for adding/editing fields
profile_getUserForm Get {@link XoopsThemeForm} for editing a user
profile_getStepForm Get {@link XoopsThemeForm} for editing a step
xoops_module_install_profile Extended User Profile
xoops_module_delayed_clean_cache Clean cache 'xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache'
system_CleanVars Get variables passed by GET or POST method
system_loadLanguage System language loader wrapper
protector_ip_cmp Callback used by uksort and usort for ip sorting
protector_normalize_ipv4 pad all octets in an ipv4 address to 3 digits for sorting
protector_phar_check Callback for array_walk_recursive to check for phar wrapper
HTMLPurifier Purify HTML.