XOOPS 2.5.6  Final
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XoopsMultiMailer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for XoopsMultiMailer:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 AddrFormat ($addr)
 XoopsMultiMailer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PHPMailer
 __construct ($exceptions=false)
 AddAddress ($address, $name= '')
 AddAttachment ($path, $name= '', $encoding= 'base64', $type= 'application/octet-stream')
 AddBCC ($address, $name= '')
 AddCC ($address, $name= '')
 AddCustomHeader ($custom_header)
 AddEmbeddedImage ($path, $cid, $name= '', $encoding= 'base64', $type= 'application/octet-stream')
 AddrAppend ($type, $addr)
 AddReplyTo ($address, $name= '')
 AddrFormat ($addr)
 AddStringAttachment ($string, $filename, $encoding= 'base64', $type= 'application/octet-stream')
 AddStringEmbeddedImage ($string, $cid, $filename= '', $encoding= 'base64', $type= 'application/octet-stream')
 AlternativeExists ()
 AttachmentExists ()
 Base64EncodeWrapMB ($str)
 ClearAddresses ()
 ClearAllRecipients ()
 ClearAttachments ()
 ClearBCCs ()
 ClearCCs ()
 ClearCustomHeaders ()
 ClearReplyTos ()
 CreateBody ()
 CreateHeader ()
 DKIM_Add ($headers_line, $subject, $body)
 DKIM_BodyC ($body)
 DKIM_HeaderC ($s)
 DKIM_QP ($txt)
 DKIM_Sign ($s)
 EncodeHeader ($str, $position= 'text')
 EncodeQ ($str, $position= 'text')
 EncodeQP ($string, $line_max=76, $space_conv=false)
 EncodeQPphp ($input= '', $line_max=76, $space_conv=false)
 EncodeString ($str, $encoding= 'base64')
 FixEOL ($str)
 GetAttachments ()
 GetMailMIME ()
 GetSentMIMEMessage ()
 GetTranslations ()
 HasMultiBytes ($str)
 HeaderLine ($name, $value)
 InlineImageExists ()
 IsError ()
 IsHTML ($ishtml=true)
 IsMail ()
 IsQmail ()
 IsSendmail ()
 IsSMTP ()
 MsgHTML ($message, $basedir= '')
 SecureHeader ($str)
 Send ()
 set ($name, $value= '')
 SetFrom ($address, $name= '', $auto=1)
 SetLanguage ($langcode= 'en', $lang_path= 'language/')
 SetWordWrap ()
 Sign ($cert_filename, $key_filename, $key_pass)
 SmtpClose ()
 SmtpConnect ()
 TextLine ($value)
 UTF8CharBoundary ($encodedText, $maxLength)
 WrapText ($message, $length, $qp_mode=false)

Public Attributes

 $From = ''
 $FromName = ''
 $Host = ''
 $Mailer = 'mail'
 $Password = ''
 $Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
 $SMTPAuth = false
 $Username = ''
- Public Attributes inherited from PHPMailer
 $action_function = ''
 $AltBody = ''
 $Body = ''
 $CharSet = 'iso-8859-1'
 $ConfirmReadingTo = ''
 $ContentType = 'text/plain'
 $DKIM_domain = ''
 $DKIM_identity = ''
 $DKIM_passphrase = ''
 $DKIM_private = ''
 $DKIM_selector = 'phpmailer'
 $Encoding = '8bit'
 $ErrorInfo = ''
 $From = 'root@localhost'
 $FromName = 'Root User'
 $Helo = ''
 $Host = 'localhost'
 $Hostname = ''
 $LE = "\n"
 $Mailer = 'mail'
 $MessageID = ''
 $Password = ''
 $PluginDir = ''
 $Port = 25
 $Priority = 3
 $Sender = ''
 $Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
 $SingleTo = false
 $SingleToArray = array()
 $SMTPAuth = false
 $SMTPDebug = false
 $SMTPKeepAlive = false
 $SMTPSecure = ''
 $Subject = ''
 $Timeout = 10
 $Username = ''
 $Version = '5.2.1'
 $WordWrap = 0
 $XMailer = ''
const STOP_MESSAGE = 0

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PHPMailer
static _mime_types ($ext= '')
static RFCDate ()
static ValidateAddress ($address)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PHPMailer
 AddAnAddress ($kind, $address, $name= '')
 AttachAll ($disposition_type, $boundary)
 doCallback ($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body)
 EncodeFile ($path, $encoding= 'base64')
 EndBoundary ($boundary)
 GetBoundary ($boundary, $charSet, $contentType, $encoding)
 Lang ($key)
 MailSend ($header, $body)
 PostSend ()
 PreSend ()
 SendmailSend ($header, $body)
 ServerHostname ()
 SetError ($msg)
 SetMessageType ()
 SmtpSend ($header, $body)
- Protected Attributes inherited from PHPMailer
 $all_recipients = array()
 $attachment = array()
 $bcc = array()
 $boundary = array()
 $cc = array()
 $CustomHeader = array()
 $error_count = 0
 $exceptions = false
 $language = array()
 $message_type = ''
 $MIMEBody = ''
 $MIMEHeader = ''
 $ReplyTo = array()
 $SentMIMEMessage = ''
 $sign_cert_file = ''
 $sign_key_file = ''
 $sign_key_pass = ''
 $smtp = NULL
 $to = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

Member Function Documentation

XoopsMultiMailer::AddrFormat (   $addr)

Formats an address correctly. This overrides the default addr_format method which does not seem to encode $FromName correctly



Definition at line 182 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::XoopsMultiMailer ( )




Definition at line 143 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

References $config_handler, $From, $GLOBALS, $PHPMAILER_LANG, _CHARSET, PHPMailer\SetLanguage(), XOOPS_CONF_MAILER, and xoops_gethandler().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

XoopsMultiMailer::$From = ''

Definition at line 61 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

Referenced by XoopsMultiMailer().

XoopsMultiMailer::$FromName = ''

Definition at line 69 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::$Host = ''

Definition at line 107 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::$Mailer = 'mail'

Definition at line 86 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::$Password = ''

Definition at line 135 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::$Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'

Definition at line 97 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::$SMTPAuth = false

Definition at line 115 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

XoopsMultiMailer::$Username = ''

Definition at line 125 of file xoopsmultimailer.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: