Class HTMLPurifier_Lexer

Forgivingly lexes HTML (SGML-style) markup into tokens.

A lexer parses a string of SGML-style markup and converts them into corresponding tokens. It doesn't check for well-formedness, although its internal mechanism may make this automatic (such as the case of HTMLPurifier_Lexer_DOMLex). There are several implementations to choose from.

A lexer is HTML-oriented: it might work with XML, but it's not recommended, as we adhere to a subset of the specification for optimization reasons. This might change in the future. Also, most tokenizers are not expected to handle DTDs or PIs.

This class should not be directly instantiated, but you may use create() to retrieve a default copy of the lexer. Being a supertype, this class does not actually define any implementation, but offers commonly used convenience functions for subclasses.
