Class SystemFineImUploadHandler

extends SystemFineUploadHandler

SystemFineImUploadHandler class to work with ajaxfineupload.php endpoint to facilitate uploads for the system image manager

Do not use or reference this directly from your client-side code. Instead, this should be required via the endpoint.php or endpoint-cors.php file(s).

Methods inherited from SystemFineUploadHandler
getName(), getUploadName(), combineChunks(), handleUpload(), handleDelete(), getUniqueTargetPath(), cleanupChunks(), removeDir(), toBytes(), isInaccessible(), isWindows()
Properties inherited from SystemFineUploadHandler
$allowedExtensions, $allowedMimeTypes, $sizeLimit, $inputName, $chunksFolder, $chunksCleanupProbability, $chunksExpireIn, $uploadName, $claims