Class XoopsFormRadioYN

extends XoopsFormRadio

Yes/No radio buttons.

A pair of radio buttons labelled _YES and _NO with values 1 and 0

Methods inherited from XoopsFormRadio
getValue(), setValue(), addOption(), addOptionArray(), getOptions(), getDelimeter(), render()
Methods inherited from XoopsFormElement
isContainer(), setName(), getName(), setAccessKey(), getAccessKey(), getAccessString(), setClass(), getClass(), setCaption(), getCaption(), getTitle(), setDescription(), getDescription(), setHidden(), isHidden(), isRequired(), setExtra(), getExtra(), setNocolspan(), getNocolspan(), getFormType(), setFormType(), renderValidationJS(),
Properties inherited from XoopsFormRadio
$_options, $_value, $columns, $_delimeter
Properties inherited from XoopsFormElement
$customValidationCode, $_name, $_caption, $_accesskey, $_class, $_hidden, $_extra, $_required, $_description, $_nocolspan, $_formtype