1: <?php
3: /**
4: * Frameworks Module Admin
5: *
6: * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
7: * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
8: * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
9: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12: *
13: * @copyright Grégory Mage (Aka Mage)
14: * @copyright (c) 2000-2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
15: * @license GNU GPL 2 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
16: * @author Grégory Mage (Aka Mage)
17: */
18: class ModuleAdmin
19: {
20: private $_itemButton = array();
21: private $_itemInfoBox = array();
22: private $_itemInfoBoxLine = array();
23: private $_itemConfigBoxLine = array();
25: /**
26: * @var XoopsModule
27: */
28: private $_obj;
30: /**
31: * Constructor
32: */
33: public function __construct()
34: {
35: global $xoopsModule;
36: $this->_obj =& $xoopsModule;
37: $this->loadLanguage();
38: }
40: /**
41: * addAssets - add assets to theme, if it is established
42: *
43: * @return void
44: */
45: private function addAssets()
46: {
47: static $added;
49: if (empty($added) && !empty($GLOBALS['xoTheme'])) {
50: $added = true;
51: $GLOBALS['xoTheme']->addStylesheet("Frameworks/moduleclasses/moduleadmin/css/admin.css");
52: }
53: }
55: /**
56: * @return array
57: */
58: public function getInfo()
59: {
60: $infoArray = array();
61: if (!isset($infoArray) || empty($infoArray)) {
62: $infoArray = array();
63: $infoArray['version'] = $this->getVersion();
64: $infoArray['releasedate'] = $this->getReleaseDate();
65: $infoArray['methods'] = $this->getClassMethods();
66: }
68: return $infoArray;
69: }
71: /**
72: * Return the Module Admin class version number
73: * return string version
74: **/
75: public function getVersion()
76: {
77: /**
78: * version is rev of this class
79: */
80: include_once __DIR__ . '/xoops_version.php';
83: return $version;
84: }
86: /**
87: * Return the Module Admin class release date
88: * return string version
89: **/
90: public function getReleaseDate()
91: {
92: /**
93: * version is rev of this class
94: */
95: include_once __DIR__ . '/xoops_version.php';
98: return $releasedate;
99: }
101: /**
102: * Return the available methods for the class
103: *
104: * @return array methods supported by this class
105: */
106: public function getClassMethods()
107: {
108: $myMethods = get_class_methods(__CLASS__);
110: return $myMethods;
111: }
113: //******************************************************************************************************************
114: // loadLanguage
115: //******************************************************************************************************************
116: // Loaf the language file.
117: //******************************************************************************************************************
118: /**
119: * @return bool|mixed
120: */
121: public function loadLanguage()
122: {
123: $language = $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'];
124: if (!file_exists($fileinc = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/Frameworks/moduleclasses/moduleadmin/language/{$language}/main.php")) {
125: if (!file_exists($fileinc = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/moduleadmin/language/english/main.php')) {
126: return false;
127: }
128: }
129: $ret = include_once $fileinc;
131: return $ret;
132: }
133: //******************************************************************************************************************
134: // renderMenuIndex
135: //******************************************************************************************************************
136: // Creating a menu icon in the index
137: //******************************************************************************************************************
138: /**
139: * @return string
140: */
141: public function renderMenuIndex()
142: {
143: $this->addAssets();
144: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->_obj->getVar('dirname') . '/';
145: $pathsystem = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/system/';
146: $this->_obj->loadAdminMenu();
147: $ret = "<div class=\"rmmenuicon\">\n";
148: foreach (array_keys($this->_obj->adminmenu) as $i) {
149: if ($this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['link'] !== 'admin/index.php') {
150: $ret .= "<a href=\"../" . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['link'] . "\" title=\"" . (isset($this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['desc']) ? $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['desc'] : '') . "\">";
151: //$ret .= "<img src=\"" . $path . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['icon']. "\" alt=\"" . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['title'] . "\" />";
152: //mb for direct URL access to icons in modules Admin
153: $ret .= "<img src=\"" . (filter_var($this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['icon'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ? $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['icon'] : $path . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['icon']) . "\" alt=\"" . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['title'] . "\" />";
155: $ret .= '<span>' . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['title'] . '</span>';
156: $ret .= '</a>';
157: }
158: }
159: if ($this->_obj->getInfo('help')) {
160: if (substr(XOOPS_VERSION, 0, 9) >= 'XOOPS 2.5') {
161: $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $pathsystem . 'help.php?mid=' . $this->_obj->getVar('mid', 's') . '&amp;' . $this->_obj->getInfo('help') . "\" title=\"" . _AM_SYSTEM_HELP . "\">";
162: $ret .= "<img width=\"32px\" src=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/32/help.png\" alt=\"" . _AM_SYSTEM_HELP . "\" /> ";
163: $ret .= '<span>' . _AM_SYSTEM_HELP . '</span>';
164: $ret .= '</a>';
165: }
166: }
167: $ret .= "</div>\n<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\n";
169: return $ret;
170: }
171: //******************************************************************************************************************
172: // renderButton
173: //******************************************************************************************************************
174: // Creating button
175: //******************************************************************************************************************
176: /**
177: * @param string $position
178: * @param string $delimeter
179: *
180: * @return string
181: */
182: public function renderButton($position = 'right', $delimeter = '&nbsp;')
183: {
184: $this->addAssets();
185: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/32/';
186: switch ($position) {
187: default:
188: case 'right':
189: $ret = "<div class=\"floatright\">\n";
190: break;
192: case 'left':
193: $ret = "<div class=\"floatleft\">\n";
194: break;
196: case 'center':
197: $ret = "<div class=\"aligncenter\">\n";
198: }
199: $ret .= "<div class=\"xo-buttons\">\n";
200: foreach (array_keys($this->_itemButton) as $i) {
201: $ret .= "<a class='ui-corner-all tooltip' href='" . $this->_itemButton[$i]['link'] . "' title='" . $this->_itemButton[$i]['title'] . "' " . $this->_itemButton[$i]['extra'] . '>';
202: $ret .= "<img src='"
203: //. $path . $this -> _itemButton[$i]['icon']
204: //mb for direct URL access to icons in modules Admin
205: . (filter_var($this->_itemButton[$i]['icon'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ? $this->_itemButton[$i]['icon'] : $path . $this->_itemButton[$i]['icon']) . "' title='" . $this->_itemButton[$i]['title'] . "' alt='" . $this->_itemButton[$i]['title'] . "' />" . $this->_itemButton[$i]['title'];
206: $ret .= "</a>\n";
207: $ret .= $delimeter;
208: }
209: $ret .= "</div>\n</div>\n";
210: $ret .= '<br>&nbsp;<br><br>';
212: return $ret;
213: }
215: /**
216: * @param $title
217: * @param $link
218: * @param string $icon
219: * @param string $extra
220: *
221: * @return bool
222: */
223: public function addItemButton($title, $link, $icon = 'add', $extra = '')
224: {
225: $ret = array();
226: $ret['title'] = $title;
227: $ret['link'] = $link;
228: $ret['icon'] = $icon . '.png';
229: $ret['extra'] = $extra;
230: $this->_itemButton[] = $ret;
232: return true;
233: }
234: //******************************************************************************************************************
235: // addConfigBoxLine
236: //******************************************************************************************************************
237: // $value: value
238: // $type: type of config: 1- "default": Just a line with value.
239: // 2- "folder": check if this is an folder.
240: // 3- "chmod": check if this is the good chmod.
241: // For this type ("chmod"), the value is an array: array(path, chmod)
242: //******************************************************************************************************************
243: /**
244: * @param string $value
245: * @param string $type
246: *
247: * @return bool
248: */
249: public function addConfigBoxLine($value = '', $type = 'default')
250: {
251: $line = '';
252: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16/';
253: switch ($type) {
254: default:
255: case 'default':
256: $line .= '<span>' . $value . '</span>';
257: break;
259: case 'folder':
260: if (!is_dir($value)) {
261: $line .= "<span style='color : red; font-weight : bold;'>";
262: $line .= "<img src='" . $path . "0.png' >";
263: $line .= sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_FOLDERKO, $value);
264: $line .= "</span>\n";
265: } else {
266: $line .= "<span style='color : green;'>";
267: $line .= "<img src='" . $path . "1.png' >";
268: $line .= sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_FOLDEROK, $value);
269: $line .= "</span>\n";
270: }
271: break;
273: case 'chmod':
274: if (is_dir($value[0])) {
275: if (substr(decoct(fileperms($value[0])), 2) != $value[1]) {
276: $line .= "<span style='color : red; font-weight : bold;'>";
277: $line .= "<img src='" . $path . "0.png' >";
278: $line .= sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_CHMOD, $value[0], $value[1], substr(decoct(fileperms($value[0])), 2));
279: $line .= "</span>\n";
280: } else {
281: $line .= "<span style='color : green;'>";
282: $line .= "<img src='" . $path . "1.png' >";
283: $line .= sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_CHMOD, $value[0], $value[1], substr(decoct(fileperms($value[0])), 2));
284: $line .= "</span>\n";
285: }
286: }
287: break;
288: }
289: $this->_itemConfigBoxLine[] = $line;
291: return true;
292: }
293: //******************************************************************************************************************
294: // renderIndex
295: //******************************************************************************************************************
296: // Creating an index
297: //******************************************************************************************************************
298: /**
299: * @return string
300: */
301: public function renderIndex()
302: {
303: $this->addAssets();
304: $ret = "<table id='xo-modadmin-index'>\n<tr>\n";
305: $ret .= "<td width=\"40%\">\n";
306: $ret .= $this->renderMenuIndex();
307: $ret .= "</td>\n";
308: $ret .= "<td width=\"60%\">\n";
309: $ret .= $this->renderInfoBox();
310: $ret .= "</td>\n";
311: $ret .= "</tr>\n";
312: // If you use a config label
313: if ($this->_obj->getInfo('min_php') || $this->_obj->getInfo('min_xoops') || !empty($this->_itemConfigBoxLine)) {
314: $ret .= "<tr>\n";
315: $ret .= "<td colspan=\"2\">\n";
316: $ret .= "<fieldset><legend class=\"label\">";
318: $ret .= "</legend>\n";
320: // php version
321: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16/';
322: if ($this->_obj->getInfo('min_php')) {
323: if (version_compare(phpversion(), strtolower($this->_obj->getInfo('min_php')), '<')) {
324: $ret .= "<span style='color : red; font-weight : bold;'><img src='" . $path . "0.png' >" . sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_PHP, $this->_obj->getInfo('min_php'), phpversion()) . "</span>\n";
325: } else {
326: $ret .= "<span style='color : green;'><img src='" . $path . "1.png' >" . sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_PHP, $this->_obj->getInfo('min_php'), phpversion()) . "</span>\n";
327: }
328: $ret .= '<br>';
329: }
331: // Database version
332: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/16/';
333: $dbarray = $this->_obj->getInfo('min_db');
334: if ($dbarray!=false) {
335: // changes from redheadedrod to use connector specific version info
336: switch (XOOPS_DB_TYPE) {
337: // server should be the same in both cases
338: case 'mysql':
339: case 'mysqli':
340: global $xoopsDB;
341: $dbCurrentVersion = $xoopsDB->getServerVersion();
342: break;
343: //case "pdo":
344: // global $xoopsDB;
345: // $dbCurrentVersion = $xoopsDB->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION);
346: // break;
347: default: // don't really support anything other than mysql
348: $dbCurrentVersion = '0';
349: break;
350: }
351: $currentVerParts = explode('.', (string)$dbCurrentVersion);
352: $iCurrentVerParts = array_map('intval', $currentVerParts);
353: $dbRequiredVersion = $dbarray[XOOPS_DB_TYPE];
354: $reqVerParts = explode('.', (string)$dbRequiredVersion);
355: $iReqVerParts = array_map('intval', $reqVerParts);
356: $icount = $j = count($iReqVerParts);
357: $reqVer = $curVer = 0;
358: for ($i = 0; $i < $icount; ++$i) {
359: $j--;
360: $reqVer += $iReqVerParts[$i] * pow(10, $j);
361: if (isset($iCurrentVerParts[$i])) {
362: $curVer += $iCurrentVerParts[$i] * pow(10, $j);
363: } else {
364: $curVer *= pow(10, $j);
365: }
366: }
367: if ($reqVer > $curVer) {
368: $ret .= "<span style='color : red; font-weight : bold;'><img src='" . $path . "0.png' >" . sprintf(XOOPS_DB_TYPE . ' ' . _AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_DB, $dbRequiredVersion, $dbCurrentVersion) . "</span><br>\n";
369: } else {
370: $ret .= "<span style='color : green;'><img src='" . $path . "1.png' >" . sprintf(strtoupper(XOOPS_DB_TYPE) . ' ' . _AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_DB, $dbRequiredVersion, $dbCurrentVersion) . "</span><br>\n";
371: }
372: }
374: // xoops version
375: if ($this->_obj->getInfo('min_xoops')) {
376: $currentXoopsVersion = strtolower(str_replace('XOOPS ', '', XOOPS_VERSION));
377: if (version_compare($currentXoopsVersion, strtolower($this->_obj->getInfo('min_xoops')), '<')) {
378: $ret .= "<span style='color : red; font-weight : bold;'><img src='" . $path . "0.png' >" . sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_XOOPS, $this->_obj->getInfo('min_xoops'), substr(XOOPS_VERSION, 6, strlen(XOOPS_VERSION) - 6)) . "</span>\n";
379: } else {
380: $ret .= "<span style='color : green;'><img src='" . $path . "1.png' >" . sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_XOOPS, $this->_obj->getInfo('min_xoops'), substr(XOOPS_VERSION, 6)) . "</span>\n";
381: }
382: $ret .= '<br>';
383: }
385: // ModuleAdmin version
386: if ($this->_obj->getInfo('min_admin')) {
387: if ($this->getVersion() < $this->_obj->getInfo('min_admin')) {
388: $ret .= "<span style='color : red; font-weight : bold;'><img src='" . $path . "0.png' >" . sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_ADMIN, $this->_obj->getInfo('min_admin'), $this->getVersion()) . "</span>\n";
389: } else {
390: $ret .= "<span style='color : green;'><img src='" . $path . "1.png' >" . sprintf(_AM_MODULEADMIN_CONFIG_ADMIN, $this->_obj->getInfo('min_admin'), $this->getVersion()) . "</span>\n";
391: }
392: $ret .= '<br>';
393: }
394: if (!empty($this->_itemConfigBoxLine)) {
395: foreach (array_keys($this->_itemConfigBoxLine) as $i) {
396: $ret .= $this->_itemConfigBoxLine[$i];
397: $ret .= '<br>';
398: }
399: }
400: $ret .= "</fieldset>\n";
401: $ret .= "</td>\n";
402: $ret .= "</tr>\n";
403: }
404: $ret .= "</table>\n";
406: return $ret;
407: }
408: //******************************************************************************************************************
409: // addInfoBox
410: //******************************************************************************************************************
411: // $title: title of an InfoBox
412: //******************************************************************************************************************
413: /**
414: * @param $title
415: *
416: * @return bool
417: */
418: public function addInfoBox($title)
419: {
420: $ret = array();
421: $ret['title'] = $title;
422: $this->_itemInfoBox[] = $ret;
424: return true;
425: }
426: //******************************************************************************************************************
427: // addInfoBoxLine
428: //******************************************************************************************************************
429: // $label: title of InfoBox Line
430: // $text:
431: // $type: type of config: 1- "default": Just a line with value.
432: // 2- "information": check if this is an folder.
433: // 3- "chmod": check if this is the good chmod.
434: // For this type ("chmod"), the value is an array: array(path, chmod)
435: //******************************************************************************************************************
436: /**
437: * @param $label
438: * @param $text
439: * @param string $value
440: * @param string $color
441: * @param string $type
442: *
443: * @return bool
444: */
445: public function addInfoBoxLine($label, $text, $value = '', $color = 'inherit', $type = 'default')
446: {
447: $ret = array();
448: $ret['label'] = $label;
449: $line = '';
450: switch ($type) {
451: default:
452: case 'default':
453: $line .= sprintf($text, "<span style='color : " . $color . "; font-weight : bold;'>" . $value . '</span>');
454: break;
456: case 'information':
457: $line .= $text;
458: break;
459: }
460: $ret['line'] = $line;
461: $this->_itemInfoBoxLine[] = $ret;
463: return true;
464: }
466: /**
467: * @return string
468: */
469: public function renderInfoBox()
470: {
471: $this->addAssets();
472: $ret = '';
473: foreach (array_keys($this->_itemInfoBox) as $i) {
474: $ret .= "<fieldset><legend class=\"label\">";
475: $ret .= $this->_itemInfoBox[$i]['title'];
476: $ret .= "</legend>\n";
477: foreach (array_keys($this->_itemInfoBoxLine) as $k) {
478: if ($this->_itemInfoBoxLine[$k]['label'] == $this->_itemInfoBox[$i]['title']) {
479: $ret .= $this->_itemInfoBoxLine[$k]['line'];
480: $ret .= '<br>';
481: }
482: }
483: $ret .= "</fieldset>\n";
484: $ret .= "<br>\n";
485: }
487: return $ret;
488: }
490: /**
491: * Create HTML text to display on Admin About page
492: *
493: * @param string $business the PAYPAL business email or Merchant Account ID
494: * @param bool $logo_xoops true to display XOOPS logo and link on page
495: *
496: * @return string HTML to display
497: */
498: public function renderAbout($business = '', $logo_xoops = true)
499: {
500: $this->addAssets();
501: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/Frameworks/moduleclasses/icons/32/';
502: $date = preg_replace('/-\\\/', '/', $this->_obj->getInfo('release_date')); // make format a little more forgiving
503: $date = explode('/', $date);
504: $author = explode(',', $this->_obj->getInfo('author'));
505: $nickname = explode(',', $this->_obj->getInfo('nickname'));
506: $release_date = formatTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]), 's');
507: $module_dir = $this->_obj->getVar('dirname');
508: $module_info = "<div id=\"about\"><label class=\"label_after\">" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION . "</label>\n"
509: . "<text>" . $this->_obj->getInfo('description') . "</text><br>\n"
510: . "<label class=\"label_after\">" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_UPDATEDATE . "</label>\n"
511: . "<text class=\"bold\">" . formatTimestamp($this->_obj->getVar('last_update'), 'm') . "</text><br>\n"
512: . "<label class=\"label_after\">" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_MODULESTATUS . "</label>\n"
513: . "<text>" . $this->_obj->getStatus() . "</text><br>\n"
514: . "<label class=\"label_after\">" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_WEBSITE . "</label>\n"
515: . "<text><a class=\"tooltip\" href=\"http://" . $this->_obj->getInfo('module_website_url') . "\" rel=\"external\" title=\""
516: . $this->_obj->getInfo('module_website_name') . " - " . $this->_obj->getInfo('module_website_url') . "\">"
517: . $this->_obj->getInfo('module_website_name') . "</a></text>\n"
518: . "</div>\n";
519: $authorArray = array();
520: foreach ( $author as $k => $aName ) {
521: $authorArray[$k] = ( isset( $nickname[$k] ) && ( '' != $nickname[$k] ) ) ? "{$aName} ({$nickname[$k]})" : "{$aName}";
522: }
523: $license_url = $this->_obj->getInfo('license_url');
524: $license_url = preg_match('%^(https?:)?//%', $license_url) ? $license_url : 'http://' . $license_url;
525: $website = $this->_obj->getInfo('website');
526: $website = preg_match('%^(https?:)?//%', $website) ? $website : 'http://' . $website;
528: $ret = "<table>\n<tr>\n"
529: . "<td width=\"50%\">\n"
530: . "<table>\n<tr>\n<td style=\"width: 100px;\">\n"
531: . "<img src=\"" . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $module_dir . '/' . $this->_obj->getInfo('image') . "\" alt=\"" . $module_dir . "\" style=\"float: left; margin-right: 10px;\">\n"
532: . "</td><td>\n"
533: . "<div style=\"margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 4px; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px; color: #2F5376; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
534: . $this->_obj->getInfo('name') . ' ' . $this->_obj->getVar('version') . ' ' . " ({$release_date})\n"
535: . "<br>\n"
536: . "</div>\n"
537: . "<div style=\"line-height: 16px; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
538: . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_BY . implode(', ', $authorArray) . "\n"
539: . "</div>\n"
540: . "<div style=\"line-height: 16px;\">\n"
541: . "<a href=\"$license_url\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external\">" . $this->_obj->getInfo('license') . "</a>\n"
542: . "<br>\n"
543: . "<a href=\"$website\" target=\"_blank\">" . $this->_obj->getInfo('website') . "</a>\n"
544: . "<br>\n"
545: . "<br>\n"
546: . "</div>\n"
547: . "</td></tr>\n";
548: if ((1 !== preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', $business)) || (false !== checkEmail($business))) {
549: $ret .= "<td colspan=\"2\">"
550: . "<div id=\"about_donate\"><fieldset><legend class=\"label\">Donation</legend><br>\n"
551: . "<div style=\"clear: both; height: 1em;\"></div>\n"
552: . "<form action=\"https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr\" method=\"post\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\external\">\n"
553: . "<input name=\"cmd\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"_donations\">\n"
554: . "<input name=\"business\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$business}\">\n"
555: . "<input name=\"currency_code\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_AMOUNT_CURRENCY . "\">\n"
556: . "<label class=\"label_after\" for=\"amount\">" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_AMOUNT . "</label><text><input class=\"donate_amount\" type=\"text\" name=\"amount\" value=\"" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_AMOUNT_SUGGESTED . "\" title=\"" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_AMOUNT_TTL . "\" pattern=\"" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_AMOUNT_PATTERN . "\"></text>\n"
557: . "<br>\n"
558: . "<text><input type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" class=\"donate_button\" src=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/images/btn_donate_LG.png\" alt=\"" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_DONATE_IMG_ALT . "\"></text>\n"
559: . "</form>\n"
560: . "<br>\n"
561: . "</fieldset>\n"
562: . "</div>\n"
563: . "</td>\n</tr>\n";
564: }
565: $ret .= "</table>\n";
567: $this->addInfoBoxLine( _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_MODULEINFO, $module_info, '', '', 'information' );
568: $ret .= $this->renderInfoBox()
569: . "</td>\n"
570: . "<td width=\"50%\">\n"
571: . "<fieldset><legend class=\"label\">" . _AM_MODULEADMIN_ABOUT_CHANGELOG . "</legend><br>\n"
572: . "<div class=\"txtchangelog\">\n";
573: $language = empty( $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'] ) ? 'english' : $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'];
574: $file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/{$module_dir}/language/{$language}/changelog.txt";
575: if ( !is_file( $file ) && ( 'english' !== $language ) ) {
576: $file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/{$module_dir}/language/english/changelog.txt";
577: }
578: if ( is_readable( $file ) ) {
579: $ret .= ( implode( '<br>', file( $file ) ) ) . "\n";
580: } else {
581: $file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/{$module_dir}/docs/changelog.txt";
582: if ( is_readable( $file ) ) {
583: $ret .= implode( '<br>', file( $file ) ) . "\n";
584: }
585: }
586: $ret .= "</div>\n"
587: . "</fieldset>\n"
588: . "</td>\n"
589: . "</tr>\n"
590: . "</table>\n";
591: if ( true === $logo_xoops ) {
592: $ret .= "<div class=\"center\">"
593: . "<a href=\"https://xoops.org\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$path}xoopsmicrobutton.gif\" alt=\"XOOPS\" title=\"XOOPS\"></a>"
594: . "</div>";
595: }
596: return $ret;
597: }
599: /**
600: * @param string $menu
601: *
602: * @return string
603: */
604: public function addNavigation($menu = '')
605: {
606: $this->addAssets();
607: $ret = '';
608: $navigation = '';
609: $path = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->_obj->getVar('dirname') . '/';
610: $this->_obj->loadAdminMenu();
611: foreach (array_keys((array) $this->_obj->adminmenu) as $i) {
612: if ($this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['link'] == 'admin/' . $menu) {
613: $navigation .= $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['title'] . ' | ';
614: $ret = "<div class=\"CPbigTitle\" style=\"background-image: url(" . $path . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['icon'] . "); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding-left: 50px;\">
615: <strong>" . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['title'] . '</strong></div><br>';
616: } else {
617: $navigation .= "<a href = '../" . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['link'] . "'>" . $this->_obj->adminmenu[$i]['title'] . '</a> | ';
618: }
619: }
620: if (substr(XOOPS_VERSION, 0, 9) < 'XOOPS 2.5') {
621: $navigation .= "<a href = '../../system/admin.php?fct=preferences&op=showmod&mod=" . $this->_obj->getVar('mid') . "'>" . _MI_SYSTEM_ADMENU6 . '</a>';
622: $ret = $navigation . '<br><br>' . $ret;
623: }
625: return $ret;
626: }
627: }