1: | <?php
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26: | function xoops_module_update_system(XoopsModule $module, $prev_version = null)
27: | {
28: |
29: | $ret = null;
30: | if ($prev_version < '2.1.1') {
31: | $ret = update_system_v211($module);
32: | }
33: | $errors = $module->getErrors();
34: | if (!empty($errors)) {
35: | print_r($errors);
36: | } else {
37: | $ret = true;
38: | }
39: |
40: | return $ret;
41: |
42: | }
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50: | function update_system_v211($module)
51: | {
52: | global $xoopsDB;
53: | $sql = 'SELECT t1.tpl_id FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('tplfile') . ' t1, ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('tplfile') . ' t2 WHERE t1.tpl_refid = t2.tpl_refid AND t1.tpl_module = t2.tpl_module AND t1.tpl_tplset=t2.tpl_tplset AND t1.tpl_file = t2.tpl_file AND t1.tpl_type = t2.tpl_type AND t1.tpl_id > t2.tpl_id';
54: | $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
55: | if (!$xoopsDB->isResultSet($result)) {
56: | throw new \RuntimeException(
57: | \sprintf(_DB_QUERY_ERROR, $sql) . $xoopsDB->error(), E_USER_ERROR
58: | );
59: | }
60: | $tplids = array();
61: | while (false !== (list($tplid) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result))) {
62: | $tplids[] = $tplid;
63: | }
64: | if (count($tplids) > 0) {
65: | $tplfile_handler = xoops_getHandler('tplfile');
66: | $duplicate_files = $tplfile_handler->getObjects(new Criteria('tpl_id', '(' . implode(',', $tplids) . ')', 'IN'));
67: |
68: | if (count($duplicate_files) > 0) {
69: | foreach (array_keys($duplicate_files) as $i) {
70: | $tplfile_handler->delete($duplicate_files[$i]);
71: | }
72: | }
73: | }
74: | $sql = 'SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('tplfile') . " WHERE KEY_NAME = 'tpl_refid_module_set_file_type'";
75: | if (!$result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql)) {
76: | xoops_error($xoopsDB->error() . '<br>' . $sql);
77: |
78: | return false;
79: | }
80: | $ret = array();
81: | while (false !== ($myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))) {
82: | $ret[] = $myrow;
83: | }
84: | if (!empty($ret)) {
85: | $module->setErrors("'tpl_refid_module_set_file_type' unique index is exist. Note: check 'tplfile' table to be sure this index is UNIQUE because XOOPS CORE need it.");
86: |
87: | return true;
88: | }
89: | $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('tplfile') . ' ADD UNIQUE tpl_refid_module_set_file_type ( tpl_refid, tpl_module, tpl_tplset, tpl_file, tpl_type )';
90: | if (!$result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql)) {
91: | xoops_error($xoopsDB->error() . '<br>' . $sql);
92: | $module->setErrors("'tpl_refid_module_set_file_type' unique index is not added to 'tplfile' table. Warning: do not use XOOPS until you add this unique index.");
93: |
94: | return false;
95: | }
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97: | return true;
98: | }
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