1: <?php
3: class HTMLPurifier_DoctypeRegistry
4: {
6: /**
7: * Hash of doctype names to doctype objects.
8: * @type array
9: */
10: protected $doctypes;
12: /**
13: * Lookup table of aliases to real doctype names.
14: * @type array
15: */
16: protected $aliases;
18: /**
19: * Registers a doctype to the registry
20: * @note Accepts a fully-formed doctype object, or the
21: * parameters for constructing a doctype object
22: * @param string $doctype Name of doctype or literal doctype object
23: * @param bool $xml
24: * @param array $modules Modules doctype will load
25: * @param array $tidy_modules Modules doctype will load for certain modes
26: * @param array $aliases Alias names for doctype
27: * @param string $dtd_public
28: * @param string $dtd_system
29: * @return HTMLPurifier_Doctype Editable registered doctype
30: */
31: public function register(
32: $doctype,
33: $xml = true,
34: $modules = array(),
35: $tidy_modules = array(),
36: $aliases = array(),
37: $dtd_public = null,
38: $dtd_system = null
39: ) {
40: if (!is_array($modules)) {
41: $modules = array($modules);
42: }
43: if (!is_array($tidy_modules)) {
44: $tidy_modules = array($tidy_modules);
45: }
46: if (!is_array($aliases)) {
47: $aliases = array($aliases);
48: }
49: if (!is_object($doctype)) {
50: $doctype = new HTMLPurifier_Doctype(
51: $doctype,
52: $xml,
53: $modules,
54: $tidy_modules,
55: $aliases,
56: $dtd_public,
57: $dtd_system
58: );
59: }
60: $this->doctypes[$doctype->name] = $doctype;
61: $name = $doctype->name;
62: // hookup aliases
63: foreach ($doctype->aliases as $alias) {
64: if (isset($this->doctypes[$alias])) {
65: continue;
66: }
67: $this->aliases[$alias] = $name;
68: }
69: // remove old aliases
70: if (isset($this->aliases[$name])) {
71: unset($this->aliases[$name]);
72: }
73: return $doctype;
74: }
76: /**
77: * Retrieves reference to a doctype of a certain name
78: * @note This function resolves aliases
79: * @note When possible, use the more fully-featured make()
80: * @param string $doctype Name of doctype
81: * @return HTMLPurifier_Doctype Editable doctype object
82: */
83: public function get($doctype)
84: {
85: if (isset($this->aliases[$doctype])) {
86: $doctype = $this->aliases[$doctype];
87: }
88: if (!isset($this->doctypes[$doctype])) {
89: trigger_error('Doctype ' . htmlspecialchars($doctype) . ' does not exist', E_USER_ERROR);
90: $anon = new HTMLPurifier_Doctype($doctype);
91: return $anon;
92: }
93: return $this->doctypes[$doctype];
94: }
96: /**
97: * Creates a doctype based on a configuration object,
98: * will perform initialization on the doctype
99: * @note Use this function to get a copy of doctype that config
100: * can hold on to (this is necessary in order to tell
101: * Generator whether or not the current document is XML
102: * based or not).
103: * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
104: * @return HTMLPurifier_Doctype
105: */
106: public function make($config)
107: {
108: return clone $this->get($this->getDoctypeFromConfig($config));
109: }
111: /**
112: * Retrieves the doctype from the configuration object
113: * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
114: * @return string
115: */
116: public function getDoctypeFromConfig($config)
117: {
118: // recommended test
119: $doctype = $config->get('HTML.Doctype');
120: if (!empty($doctype)) {
121: return $doctype;
122: }
123: $doctype = $config->get('HTML.CustomDoctype');
124: if (!empty($doctype)) {
125: return $doctype;
126: }
127: // backwards-compatibility
128: if ($config->get('HTML.XHTML')) {
129: $doctype = 'XHTML 1.0';
130: } else {
131: $doctype = 'HTML 4.01';
132: }
133: if ($config->get('HTML.Strict')) {
134: $doctype .= ' Strict';
135: } else {
136: $doctype .= ' Transitional';
137: }
138: return $doctype;
139: }
140: }
142: // vim: et sw=4 sts=4