1: <?php
3: // It's not clear to me whether or not Punycode means that hostnames
4: // do not have canonical forms anymore. As far as I can tell, it's
5: // not a problem (punycoding should be identity when no Unicode
6: // points are involved), but I'm not 100% sure
7: class HTMLPurifier_URIFilter_HostBlacklist extends HTMLPurifier_URIFilter
8: {
9: /**
10: * @type string
11: */
12: public $name = 'HostBlacklist';
14: /**
15: * @type array
16: */
17: protected $blacklist = array();
19: /**
20: * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
21: * @return bool
22: */
23: public function prepare($config)
24: {
25: $this->blacklist = $config->get('URI.HostBlacklist');
26: return true;
27: }
29: /**
30: * @param HTMLPurifier_URI $uri
31: * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
32: * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context
33: * @return bool
34: */
35: public function filter(&$uri, $config, $context)
36: {
37: foreach ($this->blacklist as $blacklisted_host_fragment) {
38: if ($uri->host !== null && strpos($uri->host, $blacklisted_host_fragment) !== false) {
39: return false;
40: }
41: }
42: return true;
43: }
44: }
46: // vim: et sw=4 sts=4